Active Auction-Silvertstar Lofts Thursday 7 April to Wednesday 13 April 2022(20:00)

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.Lot 1
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.Lot 1 Silvertstar Lofts Grizzle Hen ZA 21 19025 “FLASH TORNADO” The 2020 Carnival Summer Final was flown in heat >30 degrees C and head winds gusting >30km/h. At around 15h15 one bird arrived according to loft management as if from a routine training flight – 1h43 minutes ahead of 2nd for only two birds home on the day. The grizzle hen ‘SILVER FLASH’ bred from the SS Flash Pair has gone down as possibly the most astonishing OLR Winner in SA of the past 25 years setting the tone for the Dieplaagte-Sterkfontein-Silver Star Syndicate that has since gone on to achieving top Summer Season scores with small team relatives of ‘SILVER FLASH’. ZA 19 19025 is a full sister of ‘SILVER FLASH’ 1st Carnival Summer 2020 Final >1.5 hours (2 DAY BIRDS) 1st Ace Bird x200m/m and the only grizzle hen from the pair released apart from ‘SILVER STAR’ herself now owned by Samuel Lofts ZA. She is a niece of amongst others: ’20/2113′ 5th Ace 8th Final (2x =1st HS) Carnival 2021, ’20/2112′ 3x top 10 Hots Spots Carnival 2021, ‘DPL 21/31’ 11th Ace CTI 2022, ‘DPL 21/41’ 8x top 30 up to 165KM CTI 2022 (with 1st 130km, 3rd 70km, 5th 88km, 11th 32km, 12th 22km, 18th 55km, 23rd 165km, 26th 26km), TRPF 21/2290 (Samuel Lofts) 22nd Final 23rd Ace CTI 2022. Descendants of super OLR pair ‘Leonardo & Tinkelbel’ (Dijkstra) and many international supreme champions as listed in their pedigrees. This hen is released because we have another grizzle hen in reserve but space for only one of them in our stock program. LOT 6 ‘SILVER ARROW’ will be an ideal match for her
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 2 Silverstar Lofts Grizzle Hen ZA 21 19029 ‘SILVER QUEEN’ NIECE ‘SILVER FLASH’ 1st Carnival Summer 2020. Her prepotent SIRE ‘PHANTOM KING’ also sire of ‘DPL 21/41′ one of top birds CTI OLR 2022 with 8x top 30 up to 165KM (1st 130km, 3rd 70km, 5th 88km, 11th 32km, 12th 22km, 18th 55km, 23rd 165km, 26th 26km). Her NIECE ’21/DPL 31’ ended season as 11th Ace CTI OLR bought back Dieplaagte. DAM from same Van Loon lines as mother of ‘White Beaut’ 6th Final, 3rd Ace Carnival Summer 2022 and bought back by Pennington Lofts for R38,000. Very high potential future breeder. Will also be a genetic match for ‘Silver Arrow’ Lot 6 in this auction.
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 3 Silverstar Lofts Blue Bar W/F Hen ZA 20 6640 ‘Wonder 640 of 2021’ Koopman-Eurostar line that produced ‘ORNAT’ 1st Ace Milllion Dollar 2013 now one of the top OLR breeders in the world. For Silver Star the sire of ’19/2112′ 5x top 20 last 6 races Carnival Summer 21. Origins: Koopman ‘Wonder van den Haacht’ super breeder son ‘Kleine Dirk’~Gaby ‘Wittenbuik’~Van Koppen ‘Eurostar’~Heremans ‘Olympiade 03’~Roeper ‘Olympiade 44’~ Ludo ‘Super Crack’~Wouters ‘Blue Dream’ 1st Nat Ace (LINK ~Roodhooft ‘Speedy’ 6x1st~Meier ‘BonnyxClyde’ parents 4x Nat 1st.
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.Lot 4 Silverstar Lofts Blue Check Hen ZA OERF 19 4866 ‘GOLDEN SPIDER’ The Laureaat-Witbuik line of Hugo Batenburg who operates in association with PIPA has delivered exceptional results in both OLR and Domestic race formats. For example, in the recent March 2022 he achieved an =1st in the Derby Arona deemed one of the toughest OLR’s in the world. Well-connected, high-flying Dominique Velghe sourced his International Aces breeders from top European lofts thereby featuring prominently in SA Million Dollar Finals 2012 – 2020 and selling at a premium on exit auctions. ‘GOLDEN SPIDER’ SIRE is a grandson of ‘Gerardo’ from Batenburg lines was 1st Euro International Agen 800km 2015 x a Gggd ‘Golden Eggs’ daughter of IT National Ace 2010 ‘IL RAGNO’ 1st 800km Int Prv 1043m/m with a significant lead and rated by PIPA as the top modern day Sablon. DAM is our own Three Sisters 800km winner by 43 minutes herself from top Sablon-Aelbrecht lines also a Gggd of Velghe’s famous ‘Golden Eggs’. In this pedigree the element of endurance is accentuated.
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.Lot 5 Silverstar Lofts Dark Check Cock ZA 19 19027 ‘Ace Ventura’ Speed, rapid directional orientation, and endurance from a young age play a crucial role in One Loft Races. These qualities are accentuated in this pigeon. In pedigree best of Koopman (5 Olympic Pigeons), Van Loon (‘Silver Shadow’), Veenstra (related to SA Million Dollar Ace ‘Return Flojo’), Marcel Sangers (‘Golden Dream’), Bakker & Zn (‘Panamera’), Cooreman (‘Lucky Countess’), Florizoone (‘Witneus’ sire 1st Barcelona Int. 1999), Silvere Toye (via Florea Sorin, RO), Van-Hove Uyterhoven (‘Golden Boy’), Andrea Drapa (‘Ronaldo’) and the high impact OLR breeder ‘COCA COLA’ grand dam to at least 40 TOP 50 OLR Aces including Final 1st’s by 2016 (Results available).
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.Lot 7 Silverstar Lofts Blue Bar Hen ZA 21 GPU 11172 ‘Dragon Queen 21/72′ Cousin of ‘SILVER FLASH’ [mothers are full sisters] sensational Winner/1st Ace Bird victorious in grueling 2020 CARNIVAL SUMMER Final. 1/2 Sister (same mother) DPL 21/31 11th Ace Cape Town International 2022, niece ‘2113’ 7th Final 2x= 1st HS, 5th Ace Carnival 2021 bought back R34,000 Dieplaagte, cousin DPL 21/41 (sires are brothers) 8x TOP 30 up to 165km CTI 2022. Line bred ‘Leonardo x Tinkelbel’ highest impact OLR pair in history progenitors SAMDPR champions ‘Maggie Maiden’ 2nd Ace 2012, ‘Purdey’ 1st Ace 2013, ‘Typhoon’ Car Winner Merc SLK 2014, ‘Gold Star Legend’ 2017, etc
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.Lot 8 Silverstar Lofts Pencil Cock ZA TRPF 18 7303 ‘Wonder 303’ From one of the highest hit rate SILVER STAR pairs. Koopman-Eurostar line that also produced dam of our ‘2112’ 5x TOP 20 last 6 races Carnival Summer 2021. SIRE line: Koopman ‘Woner van den Haacht’ son ‘Kleine Dirk’ brother am of Harry of Hooymans~Gaby Vanenabeele Founation ‘Wittenbuik’~Van Koppen’s ‘Eurostar’ from absolute top NL pair at the turn of the century~Ludo Claessens ‘Super Crack’~August Wouters ‘Blue Dream’ 1st Nat Ace (LINK currently highest hit rate pair in Netherlands~Roodhooft ‘Speedy’ 6x1st~Heinz Meier/Clement ‘BonnyxClyde’ parents of 4x different 1st Nationals KBDB Belgium. DAM line bred to famous ‘Olympiade 03’ rate top breeder of Leo Heremans and ‘Olympiade 44’ Roeper. Highly recommended as a match for Lot 3.
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.Lot 9 Silverstar Lofts ZA 21 19019 ‘Phantom Flash 19 of 21’ Believed to be a hen but not absolutely confirmed. One of two sisters bred for from this 5-Star rated pair – the other sister reserved for SILVER STAR’s own breeding program. Closely related to most DieplaagteSterkfontein-Silver Star top performers at Carnival Allflight and Cape Town International OLR’s over the past three summer series: 1st Carnival Final 1st Ace 2020, 7th Final 5th Ace Carnival 2021, 5x Top 20 last 6 races Carnival 2021, 31st Final 11th Ace CTI 2022, 8x Top 30 up to 165km CTI 2022. G-dam our #1 Koopman-Tournier foundation hen line bred to same lines that produced ‘ORNAT’ 1st Ace SA Million Dollar 2013 now a global OLR super breeder.
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Lot 10 Silverstar Lofts Blue Bar Hen ZA 19 206287 ‘Freddy’s Spider’ From the supreme BAK17 lines that bred ‘IL RAGNO’ rated by PIPA as the best modern De Raauw Sablon with strong influences of De Vos, Vandenheede ‘Freddy’/’Den Dromer’ lines that appear in the PIPA entry 4th SAMDPR 2019 sold for ZAR1.3m, Aelbrecht ‘Jonge Marseille x Dtr Gustaaf’ pair that appears in many top OLR results, and ‘De Vital’ that was also grand sire of ‘Bliksem’ of Vandenabeele. Top modern day De Raauw Sablon genetics.
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