Showing all 14 results
.LOT 1 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 22017 ZA 18 TRPF HEN – Father – 6245807 BE 14 Mother – Lady Nix Double winner Sister 4177 Super racer Winner 5030 Super Racer Best of Kaasboer / Mortimer Father bred out of Dominator super racer and breeder out of famous 481 Kaasboer Fastest pigeon 11,000 and fastest 8,000 pigeons when mated to daughter Chateuroux, Click pair for Guy van de Wouwer on father’s. Mother Gaston Princess out of famous Rony mated to 169 Bart Geerinckx. 22017 mother Mortimer granddaughter double TRPF winner. 22017 2019 Dewetsdorp – 7th Club, 18th Division, 37th Union 2020 Winburg – 1st Club, 2nd Division, 13th Union Hanover – 10th Club, 26th Division, 48th Union Raced sparingly was supposed to go to stock. Super handler. SIRE: Strain: KAASBOER Color: CheckAlias DAM: Alias “LADY NIX”Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFTColor: Blue Bar 2 x FED WINNER – BILLY KITCHENBRAND
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 1209643 NL 14 HEN – Granddaughter HARRY I Inbred Kanibaal Tieneke Wai Soontjies THE BEST OF THE BEST Mother to Blue Bar Cock GPU 19 9221 Bloemfontein 1 YB 1st Club, 1st Division, 1st Union, 1st Combine Verkeerdevlei YB 8th Club, 18th Division, 48th Union, 234th Combine Winburg Sprint 1 5th Club, 5th Division, 9th Union Mother to Blue Bar Cock GPU 19 9222 Verkeerdevlei Sprint 15th Club, 24th Division, 45th Union 1784543 NL 12 SON TINEKE / INBRED KANNIBAAL Father to Portland 1/1228 Yeovil 8/1234 Margotsfield 9/906 Worscester 9/1090 Hullagingto 15/1344 Father to 1962094 NL 13 ALIAS GRANDDAUGHTER ELFJE Jan Hooymans ELFJE mother of 6th Bourges 7299 birds 14th Blois 4829 birds 66 Salbris 5008 birds, 66 Orleans 3999 birds, 83 Orleans 4514 birds 1209643 Granddaughter world famous HARRY – HARRY won Le Blois 37728 pigeons SIRE: SIREAlias “”SON TINEKE””Strain: J. HOOYMANSColor: Check= Father to:Portland 1/ 1228Yeovil 8/ 1234Mangotsfield 9/ 906Worcester 9/ 1090Hullavingto 15/ 1344″Tineke” is mother o.a: 4e Blois 7415 DAM: Alias “”DAUGHTER hARRY””Strain: J. HOOYMANSDNA CERTIFIED= MOTHER TO:PORTLAND 1/ 1228YEOVIL 8/ 1234MANGOTSFIELD 9/ 906WORCESTER 9/ 1090HULLAVINGTO 15/ 1344BATH 27/ 1319″HARRY” WHICH WON:LE BLOIS 37728
Winning Bid: R11,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 02696 ZA 16 GPU COCK – PERFORMANCE: Hoymans cross Van Beers Super Cock 10th Best Bird Long Distance Combine Verkeerdevlein Sprint 9 12th Club, 23rd Division, 32nd Union Winburg Sprint 2 6th Club, 7th Division, 34th Union Bloemfontein Sprint 4 20th Club, 30th Division, 74th Union Smithfield YB 20TH Club, 30th Division, 72nd Union Victoria West 19th Club Beaufort West 9th Club, 14th Division, 27th Union Bloemfontein Open 17th Club, 21st Division, 61st Union 2018 Cradock 18th Club, 24th Division, 48th Union Aliwal North 21st Club, 32nd Division, 75th Union Richmond Old Bird National 21st Club, 32nd Division, 90th Union SIRE: Strain: SUDHOFF-VAN BEERSColor: Blue BarUNGEREISTE SOMMERJUNGE2009 13/8 PREISE2010 14/13 PREISE DAM: Alias “”SINGLE DIGIT””Strain: J. HOOYMANSColor: BlueSAMDPR 2015.
Winning Bid: R2,600 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 7692 ZA 18 GPU COCK – Father Golden Gaston out of son Kaasboer when mated to sister Kim. Look at Gaston Kaasboer auction to see top hen. This is class. Mother inbred granddaughter of Kaasboer. Mr Van der Wouwer offered to purchase Kiran from us. No. 1 hen. This is gold bred for stock. 100% Kaasboer. Lot 61 – 14512 brother of 7692 sold for 40,500.00 SIRE: Alias “GRANDSON “KAASBOER””Strain: KAASBOER DAM: Alias “”Kiran P 1600177″”Strain: Kaasboer KiranColor: Blue BarNunber 1 Kaasboer hen in South Africa. NO money can buy me!!!!!!Mother to 7 time winner in 3 seasonsMother to Sapir 3rd 2014Mother to 3 other winners for GJT 5 direct children already in stockThis hen bred well with all the cocks it being paired to.Imported via PIPA, and bought from Billy Kitchenbrand for an undisclosed amount.
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9227 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father 2110 All the blood lines great grandfather Said in Spun Silver, Ornat, Shirocco, Great Grandmother Halover, Soria, Blue Diamond, this young cock is a super star. His baby is at the moment at Cape Town International Butcher and Buthcers Wife showing promise. Mother 14578 daughter of brother Mix. Joe Gomes loves this hen and half-sister bred Best Bird for their partner in Cape. SIRE: Color: Blue BarAlias DAM: Strain: BENCHMARK LOFTS Color: Blue Bar
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 6816 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Joe Gomes said that the hen handles and looks like Dr Briemers Golden Eggs that Brad Wepener bought. She is bred out of the famous 1009 Benchmark, 17 times Top 10, 3 times Union winner and 22569 the Geert Munnick hen, sister to 10296, 10297, 9720. This is a champ. SIRE: Strain: Kaasboer X ChipoColor: BB2nd Club Ventersburg, 2nd Club Excelsior beaten by loft mate.1st club Winburg, Ace pigeon Babies 1016, 3x Union winner 2016Best YO club and union 2016Sire to TRPF 17 3691Bloemfontein Combine 1st Club, 2nd UnionWinburg 19th Club, Cradock 16th Club, 52nd FedRichmond 10th Club, 48th Fed, Jamestown 11th Club, 22nd Fed DAM: train: MUNNIK/KITCHENBRANDColor: Kras.Dam to TRPF 17 3691:Bloemfontein Combine 1st Club, 2nd UnionWinburg 19th ClubCradock 16th Club, 52nd FedRichmond 10th Club, 48th FedJamestown 11th Club, 22 FedTrompsburg 15th Club, 47th FedClick hen to 1009 (Benchmark).
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 5069 ZA 19 CYRL COCK – Father OOA 159 Double 810 this cock is bred out of son 810 to daughter 810 the best of Sablon. Mother 2197 super hen Clausing / Chipo sister to 222 top breeder of multiple winners. Bred for stock. SIRE: Alias “DOUBLE 810″Strain: SUPER BREEDER “810” X 1STColor: Blue BarLinebred BELG 4253810/07 “810 – SUPERBREEDER BAK 17″One of the Best Breeding Grandsons of the Famous BAK 17 Couple in the World. Sire to 10 Club Winners, 4 Colmbine Winners & Ace Bird Long Distance PRPU 2010 in 2 seasons.Sire to ZA 11583/07 – 1st Middelburg, 1707 d., 322km. Hen., ZA 06953/08 – 1st Ladybrand 2, 394km, vel 1368,ZA 06953/08 – 1st Dewetsdorp 2, 455 km, vel DAM: Alias “Chipo “2197””Strain: Houben/ChipoColor: BB Alias
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 13044 ZA 19 GPU HEN – 100% Kaasboer. My Union Sale Bird out of famous Golden Gaston grandson Kaasboer cock mated to sister Kim. Just look at Kaasboer auction to know what this bird carries. Mother super breeder 6245743 Kaasboer hen. Raced sparingly for next year. SIRE: Alias “GRANDSON “KAASBOER””Strain: KAASBOER DAM: Strain: KAASBOER Color: Blue
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 13047 ZA 19 GPU HEN – 100% Kaasboer. Father 58778 son of famous No, 1 pair 078 and Kiran 3rd SAPIR final. Mother 6135913 Kaasboer hen. This is also one of my Union Sale rings raced sparingly for next year. She carries all the best Kaasboer blood. SIRE: Strain: KAASBOERColor: Blue Bar3rd final SAPIR one day loft 2014Won R80 000Bred from the No. 1 pair of Kaasboere in South AfricaBrother to 7x winner at GJT Lofts3x Full brothers and sisters already in stock after winningDam grandchild to famous Kaasboer DAM: Alias “Paulin”Strain: KAASBOERColor: BBBought at SC Million Dollar auction. This hen is super handler and will fix any faults a coc might have.G/Granddaughter of the KAASBOER himself. Broekx/van Hee always are proven crossings with Kaasboer pigeons.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 1012 ZA 17 GPU HEN – Father 160-DV-14-1654 father to Fed winner for Mark and excellent breeder 27 final at SCMDPR Mother 37064-ZA-12 1012 ZA 17 GPU 2019 PERFORMANCE: Theunissen Sprint – 7th Club, 14th Division, 31st Union Ventersburg Sprint 24th Club, 31st Division, 49th Union Verkeerdevlei Sprint – 10th Club, 10th Division, 20th Union Theunissen – 5th Club, 9th Division, 14th Union 2018 Verkeerdevlei Sprint – 1st Club, 7th Division, 19th Union – 50 members, 724 pigeons 2020 Hanover they flew from start to end – 15th Club, SIRE: Alias “Angola”Strain: KLAUS STIENEKER Color: CheckSAMDPR 2015 DAM: Color: Blue Bar
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 1438 ZA 19 PU HEN – This is going to produce. Super handler young hen. Late bred. Father – Magalies 005 son out of the famous 078 and Kiran. Super breeding pair. Mother is 26031 Mortimer hen I can say she will be a top breeding hen. SIRE: Strain: KAASBOER Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 12 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 5969 ZA 18 GPU COCK – Father 4335 federation winner. Bred out of 1035 great grandson Mortimer cock foundation cock to 18063 pure Mortimer hen. Mother “855” My wonder breeder. Mother to 1557 double winner, Union winner 19318 1st Club, 2nd Union 2nd Club, 2nd Union 3525 1st Club, 3rd Union 3886 1st Club, 2nd Union 1002 2o times Top 100 Union Best Bird club, 2nd Best Long Distance Combine. 1048, 1125, 5405,1111 all scoring Top 10, this is the best of my genetics. 59 / 69 flies 2019 Middelburg 1 YB – 11th Club, 19th Division, 41st Union – 106 members, 1331 birds Cradock OB – 21st Club, 25th Division, 68th Union – 119 members, 1389 birds Middelburg 4 OB – 7th Club, 10th Division, 16th Union – 97 members, 1133 birds 2020 Winburg Sprint – 18th Club, 37th Division, 63rd Union Springfontein – 30th Club, 59th Division, 97th Union – 103 members,1342 birds Hanover Open – 4th Club, 7th Division, 15th Union – 93 members, 1246 birds As good as gold. SIRE: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar FEDERATION WINNER FOR MARK KITCHENBRAND DAM: Strain: KAASBOER Color: BlueMother to1557 – 2 x winner, Union winner3525 – 1 x winner, 3rd Union19318 – 1 x winner, 2nd Union1002 – 20 x Top 100 Union Best Bird Club 2019, 3rd Best Bird 2018,3886 – 1 x winner, 2nd Union, 4th Best Bird Union Averages 10207 sold for 20,000, 5991 – 2nd Club, 6th Union
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 13 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 5439 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father 1125 out of famous 1035 Great Grandson Mortimer cock. Father to multiple winners. Mother “855” Kaasboer hen. Mother 5020 Mortimer / Kaasboer winner. Father 16868 grandson of the famous 03 cock. Excellent young cock. SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 14 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 1209742 NL 14 COCK – Super “Hooymans” Top Pigeon Father to 5086 flew Winburg Sprint – 17th Club, 45th Division, 97th Union Ventersburg Sprint – 15th Club, 22nd Division, 38th Union Theunissen – 7th Club, 11th Division, 18th Union Victoria West – 9th Club, 16h Division, 30th Union Father to 5059 – Super racer 2018 Winburg 1 – 10th Club, 13th Division, 37th Union – 89 members, 1282 pigeons Winburg 3 – 35th Club, 48th Division, 81st Union – 99 members, 1434 pigeons Bloemfontein – 5th Club, 7th Division, 15th Union – 101 members, 1460 pigeons Dewetsdorp – 27th Club, 41st Division, 73rd Union – 100 members,1465 pigeons As a baby tops 2019 Winburg – 13th Club, 36th Division, 66th Union – 136 members, 1939 pigeons Trompsburg – 14th Club, 26th Division, 73rd Union – 133 members, 1871 pigeons SIRE: Alias “SON JORIS” Strain: J. HOOYMANS Color: Blue DAM: Alias “GRANDDAUGHTER ELFJE” Strain: J. HOOYMANS Color: Blue ELFJE IS MOTHER OF: 1e BERGERAC AFD 7! 6e BOURGES 729914e BLOIS 482940e BLOIS 482966e SALBRIS 500866e ORLEANS 339983e ORLEANS 4514 SISTER OF HARRY
Winning Bid: R10,500 Auction finishedAuction finished