LOT 68 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13143 ZAPWFD 18-Hen -Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. Sister “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810” and dtr of “INSOMNIA” foundation breeder. Terrie ,gson INSOMNIA 4th Final 2nd ACE Dinokeng——SIRE:7186 ZAGRPA 10 “SMALL CRACK”.AELBRECHT. Sire Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd.Sire ‘Jessie’ won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season.———DAM:15404 ZA 11 BAK 17 ‘404’ BB Aelbrecht/ Sierens/ Oscar Dam Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd.Dam ‘Jessie’ won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500
Item condition: New
Auction History
Auction has finished
Highest bidder was: lexi77@1979
Date | Bid | User | Auto |
30th March 2025 16:16 | R5,500 | lexi77@1979 | |
30th March 2025 16:15 | R5,000 | Max | |
30th March 2025 16:09 | R4,500 | lexi77@1979 | |
30th March 2025 16:08 | R4,000 | PieterS | |
30th March 2025 16:07 | R3,500 | lexi77@1979 | |
30th March 2025 16:06 | R3,000 | PieterS | |
30th March 2025 15:28 | R2,500 | lexi77@1979 | |
30th March 2025 13:16 | R2,000 | JL | |
29th March 2025 15:47 | R1,500 | JPcilliers | |
26th March 2025 21:39 | R1,000 | Mainlangana | |
26th March 2025 16:59 | Auction started |
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LOT 30 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2645 ZAPWFD 17-Cock -This cock won 1st club, 7th Fed from Bloem. He won 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th etc. His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta Fed.————–SIRE:15467 ZA 11 “3 X WINNER BLUE OAK”.3X Winner Son of ‘Blue Oak’ and ‘Sunny Gold’ as yearling. Foundation breeder with 2 ACE pigeon grandchildren – 7111 Carnival, 466 PWF. Bred 17 wins and 57 TOP 200 combine positions 2014 to 2018, also top breeder of one loft race results Kaye – 2nd Carnival HS.———DAM:14299 ZATRPF 09 KING ROXANNE BB SCHROYENS Bred by Gys Louw. Foundation breeder. Direct Daughter of Click Pair”KING” X “ROXANNE”. Offspring from this pair Bred Gold and Silver SANPO Medal Winners for Dean Jooste. Both she and her full brother breeds Winners for Boshoffs. Dam of 6 Wins.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 86 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -5103 ZAPWF 23 – COCK -SIRE:3238 ZAPWF 15 “BLES” . KOOPMAN.Sire of 1123/15 who raced at Carnival Club 2016 49 members ~1000p/ race. Race 20 consecutive races. Won 6 top 50 positions, 3 top 10 positions, 38th race 2, 8th race 3, 4th race 6, 46th race 8, 6th race 13.———-DAM:16551 ZAPWF 22 BB Schute Horster Roodhooft Super hen bred from ‘Thomas 6’ and ‘Sun City’ ‘Rubellos’ bloodlines.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 16 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9104 ZAPWF 21-Cock —–Sire is direct son of Golden Carelly. Dam is Ganus Package who bred: 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win78th Hotspot 2 1154 mpm 336p 7 min from win140th Hotspot 1 986 mpm 371p 30 mi——-SIRE:6421 ZAGRPA 10 “COUSIN ASDUIF”. AELBRECHT.Proven Breeder- His dtr “0145” won 26th HS1 VerkVlei, 80th HS2 Bloemf, 26th HS3 Trompsb, 3rd HS4 Colesb, 9th Final Richm SAPIR’13, 3X First drop. G/sire 4373754, SON of BAK 17 Sold for R1.3M on PIPA. In this pedigree BAK17, “MISS JOICE”, “SUPER.———-DAM:50 ZASOTD 19 GANUS PACKAGE BB Ganus In his pedigree you find to name a few super one loft performers: Said in Spun Silver, Soraia, Sylt Orpheus, Strain Maker, Sire and Dam of Halover, Sun City, Margo’s Treasure, Di Caprio.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 45 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 47 ZABPL 23-Cock -Sire is bred from Superbreeder De Rauw Sablon Cock 817 of Andre Carelson. He is a top breerder and sire of Pretoria Cock, foundation Cock for Ruan Fouche. From same sire 1109 was bred who won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg, 24th Kroonstad, 1st Trompsburg, 29th Ventersburg, 4th Noupoort, 14th Middelb———-SIRE:17324 ZA 13. DE RAUW SABLON.Sire of 1109 entered at Carnival One Loft. This hen won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg 1191mpm, 24th Kroonstad 1187mpm, 1st Trompsburg 1562mpm, 29th Ventersburg 1277mpm, 4th Noupoort 1294mpm, 14th Middelburg 1252mpm.———–DAM:1146 ZAPWF 16 BB/WF De Rauw Sablon.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 96 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -ZA 23 BPL 14 – HEN -SIRE:9149 ZAPWF 21.810 Superbreeder Bak 17/ Something Splen Sire is Koning Direct Son of 810 Superbreeder and brreder of many winners. Bak 17. Dam is dtr of Something Splendid 1st Ace SAPIR.———-DAM:16389 ZAPWF 22 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 x GDtr of Dream Couple. Sire Koning is a Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and is a Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Here she was mated to daughter of Foundationpair Estee x Insomnia, who is a gdtr of 810.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 92 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -ZA 23 BPL 15 – HEN -SIRE:9149 ZAPWF 21.810 Superbreeder Bak 17/ Something Splen Sire is Koning Direct Son of 810 Superbreeder and brreder of many winners. Bak 17. Dam is dtr of Something Splendid 1st Ace SAPIR.———-DAM:16389 ZAPWF 22 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 x GDtr of Dream Couple. Sire Koning is a Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and is a Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Here she was mated to daughter of Foundationpair Estee x Insomnia, who is a gdtr of 810.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 48 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 97 ZABPL 23-Cock -Sire is bred from Click Pair. He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,10th etc.His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta FedDam is bred from inbred Sunny Gold mated to inbred King Roxanne. Her gsire was Silver Medal SANPO SD————SIRE:2646 ZAPWFD 17. CLAUSING/SCROYENS/SUNNY GOLD.He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,10th etc.His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta Fed who won: • 8X Club Winner (*4) • 1st Ace Pigeon PWF Open Series 2017.————DAM:6972 ZAPWF 17 BB Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold’/ Schroyens Bred from inbred Sunny Gold mated to inbred King Roxanne.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 75 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -9126 ZAPWF 21 – COCK -Sire is linebred to legendary Luke Donald and the dam is Ganus Package who is dam of 79 ZABPL 23 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. BEST OF GANUS8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win————SIRE:1169 ZAVPU 20.Luke Donald Mix Line Linebred to Legendary Luke Donald 3rd SCMDPR Final. Cream of George Oswald Africa Koppel Fame. Sire to Amerios 1, Gsire to Mix. GGSire to Joan Osboarne 1st Ace SAMDPR Grand Avreage 2020, GGSire to ZA JJJ 989/19 3rd Ace & 5h Final Carnival.————-DAM:50 ZASOTD 19 GANUS PACKAGE BB Ganus In his pedigree you find to name a few super one loft performers: Said in Spun Silver, Soraia, Sylt Orpheus, Strain Maker, Sire and Dam of Halover, Sun City, Margo’s Treasure, Di Caprio.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 63 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 16355 ZAPWF 22-Hen -SIRE:15335 ZAPRPC 19.Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Insomnia 810′ Sire Bred from Inbred son of Sunny Gold mated to 3 X Winner son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold Dam is dtr of Ínsomnia’ mated to son of 810 and she bred Alexis who won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 and ‘Jessie’ who won 8X Top 10.—————DAM:2181 ZASVPV 16 BLUE GOLD BB De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4871, 4881, 4861.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 41 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13142 ZAPWFD 18-Cock -Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. Sister “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810” and dtr of “INSOMNIA” foundation breeder. Terrie ,gson INSOMNIA 4th Final 2nd ACE Dinokeng————SIRE:7186 ZAGRPA 10 “SMALL CRACK”.AELBRECHT. Sire Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd.Sire ‘Jessie’ won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 1 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 6895 ZAPWF 17-Cock -Sire is inbred son of foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’ He is sire of 4408 5X Club Winner 4409 2X Club Winner. The dam is Johan 1 Ace SAPIR and dam of 2 Ace pigeons. In this pedigree you find ‘Blue Oak’, ‘Sunny Gold’, ‘Mortimer’, ‘Zander’, ‘Birdy’, ‘Konstantin’, ‘Azurit’, ‘Ryan’s Action’—————SIRE:3232 ZAPWF 15.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Inbred Son of Foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’. This Cock is already a proven breeder when mated to ‘Insomnia 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ line. His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE.———-DAM:1585 ZAPWF 16 BB Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Zander/Birdy’ Half sister of foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’ Direct Dtr of Johan 1 ACE SAPIR and dam of Ace Carnival Winter and Ace Pta Fed 2017 Series ▪ 1st Ace Pigeon PWF Open Series ▪ 1st Ace Pigeon PWF Middle.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2644 ZAPWF 17-Cock -2644 2X Winner. Bred from click pair linebred to foundation hens Sunny Gold & Insomnia. Dam won 2nd Final and nestmate 10th Final Winners Flight Loft, Same bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break———–SIRE:3232 ZAPWF 15.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Inbred Son of Foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’. This Cock is already a proven breeder when mated to ‘Insomnia 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ line. His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE.———-DAM:39828 ZA 13 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Gson mated to Gdtr of ‘Insomnia’. 2nd Final and nestmate 10th Final Winners Flight Loft, Sire is 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng, Dam won 2x 1st, 1x 3rd Dinokeng. Bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R9,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 13 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13126 ZAPWF 18-Cock -Bred from top breeders. Sire is ‘Something Splendid’who was 1st SAPIR ACE and dam is proven breeder dtr of ‘Carcinoma’ Gson of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and foundation breeder for Andre Reynders.———–SIRE:1107 SAVNRF 10 “SOMETHING SPLENDID”.Ace Pigeon SA Invitation Pigeon Race. Completed all races to end 30.2 min’s better than 2nd best pigeon. 1st Hotspot 496km 13th Final Race 720km Full sisters of Father won 2X Bakkie Races for Bartlo Oerlemans.———–DAM:02590 ZAGPU 12 DREAM GIRL BB De Rauw Sablon/Vaneeno She is daughter of ‘Carinoma’ and linebred back to the super cock ‘810’ of Out of Africa. These birds excell in OL Races and more so when the going gets tough. She bred winner for Andre Reynders ZAOERF 13 00503. She flew 2nd,3rd and the winner of Bloemfontein.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 78 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -9149 ZAPWF 21 – COCK -SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———4534 ZAPWF 20 BB/WF Blou Bul/ Kaasboer Sire is Something Splendid. Ace Pigeon SA Invitation Pigeon Race. Completed all races to end 30.2 min’s better than 2nd best pigeon. 1st Hotspot 496km, 13th Final Race 720km Full sisters of Father won 2X Bakkie Races for Bartlo.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 37 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13904 ZAPWFD 22-Cock -Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013————-SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 53 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11984 ZAPWF 21-Hen -Sire is bred from foundation pair 467 x Sunny Gold. Dam is linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 170467 bred: 23 Club Wins, 7 Fed Wins, 2 Combine Wins and 80 TOP 200 combine positions for Boshoffs. His h/brother 15467 bred 17 wins———-SIRE:0606 ZAPWFD 14.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold.———–DAM:103 ZAOOA 17 BEST OF SUPERBREEDER 810 BB De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER She is a sister of various performers. On sire side ZAGPU 11461/15 2nd Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAGPU 11460/15 68th Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAOERF 10463/16 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017. On dam’s side.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 59 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 16504 ZAPWF 22-Hen -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17. Sire is son of 810 and Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Dam is Five times inbred great grand daughter of Carelly bred for stock. 3 Grandparents of this hen is bred from super pair for Out of Africa ‘Golden Carelly’ x ‘08816’.———-SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———DAM:155 ZAOOA 18 BB De Rauw Sablon/ Tom Lock Five times inbred great grand daughter of Carelly bred for stock. 3 Grandparents of this hen is bred from super pair for Out of Africa ‘Golden Carelly’ x ‘08816’. This pair has bred more than 20 winners on short, middle and long distance.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 67 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13109 ZAPWFD 18-Hen -Dtr of foundation breeder 467 Son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. Dam is proven breeder dtr of ‘Koopman 170’x Afvlerk hen AKA Aunt of Sunny Gold. 0467 bred: 23 Club Wins, 7 Fed Wins, 2 Combine Wins and 80 TOP 200 combine positions for Boshoffs————SIRE:0467 ZAPWF 12 “SUPERBREEDER SON BLUE OAK”.Super Breeder Son of DIAMOND Breeder BLUE OAK. 0467 bred: 23 Club Wins, 7 Fed Wins, 2 Combine Wins and 80 TOP 200 combine positions for Boshoffs. His h/brother 15467 bred 17 wins and 57 TOP 200 combine positions 2014 to 2018.———–DAM:0 NO RING 11 SISTER CO CAR WINNER BB Sun City Genes/ Tom Lock The Sire crossed with dtr of Mortimer Cock bred 2 Winners (3X and 2X Winners) for R Huebsch, Co Car Winner for Out of Africa, Club Winner (5th Fed) for Boshoffs and 27th and 32th Hotspot for Boshoffs at Dinokeng 2012. The Sire crossed with Koopman Hen.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 49 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13108 ZAPWFD 18-Hen -‘Sunny Gold’ mated to her son mated to double ggdtr of ‘Insomnia’ Same bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th5 X Top 100,————SIRE:3232 ZAPWF 15.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Inbred Son of Foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’. This Cock is already a proven breeder when mated to ‘Insomnia 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ line. His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE.———-DAM:39828 ZA 13 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Gson mated to Gdtr of ‘Insomnia’. 2nd Final and nestmate 10th Final Winners Flight Loft, Sire is 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng, Dam won 2x 1st, 1x 3rd Dinokeng. Bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R9,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 26 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9106 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Sire is bred from Click Pair ‘170 Koopman x Bessie’ Bessie is a gdtr of ‘Kleine Dirk’ Dam is linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17.——–SIRE:3238 ZAPWF 15 “BLES” . KOOPMAN.Sire of 1123/15 who raced at Carnival Club 2016 49 members ~1000p/ race. Race 20 consecutive races. Won 6 top 50 positions, 3 top 10 positions, 38th race 2, 8th race 3, 4th race 6, 46th race 8, 6th race 13.———-DAM:4526 ZAPWF 20 BB Aelbrecht/ De Rauw Sablon Sire is bred from direct child of 810 Superbreeder BAK17 and full sister of Sire of ‘Insomnia’ and ‘Carcinoma’. Dam is direct dtr of Carcinoma.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 17297 ZAPWF 18-Cock -SIRE:38747 ZA 10 “BOEING INSOMNIA SON”.2x Winner. Brother of multiple winners/ ACE LD Pta Fed. His dtr won Leeu Gamka 988Km 2016 and 2017. Gson ‘Terrie’ 4th Final 2nd ACE Pigeon Dinokeng 2013, only 20 day birds, Gariep 623Km 1020mpm. Dam “KERRY”, 7th Best Pigeon G/Avg Dinokeng.————DAM:0219 ZAURP 10 VAN DEVENTER HEN BBPD Sierens/ Oscar/ De Rauw Sablon Gdtr of Super Inbred Grandson of DE LIMOGES “4253817”. In This Pedigree SUPER BREEDERS “50151” X “72512”. Dtr “KERRY” won 7th Best Grand Average Pigeon Dinokeng 2012, She won 9 X Top 100 positions. Her Sister 7316/11 won 1st Club 2nd Fed.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 19 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2652 ZAPWF 17-Cock -Bred from top bloodlines Son of ‘170 Koopman x Bessie’ mated to ‘Honey-Honey’ Club Series Winner Dinokeng. Her sisters 773, 774 were multiple winners and are now breeding in Belgium———–SIRE:3217 ZAPWF 15. KOOPMAN. BRED DIRECTLY FROM THE FAMOUS KOOPMAN COCK.———–DAM:1181 ZAPWF 16 HONEY-HONEY BB Dinokeng Club Race Winner Final 2016. Already top breeder of top results at CLRPC and for Boshoffs. 2652 won 4-8 Club, 21-41 Fed,51-80 Combine and 2651 won 1-13-16 Club, 4-58-100 Fed and 8-113-193 Combine. 7033 won at Carnival.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 60 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11991 ZAPWF 21-Hen -Sire is bred from Unclue x Dam of Terry who was 2nd ACE Dinokeng. Dam is direct dtr of click pair 467 Son of Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. This pair has produced more than 30 Top 3 Club Winners,and more than 50 TOP 50 (top 5%) Fed Winners. Dam is a double club winner, 2nd and 4th fed and 2 x 4th combine———-SIRE:9102 ZAPWF 21.Sire is full brother of father of ‘Terrie’ and dam is mother of ‘Terrie’. Super linebred to Insomnia 810. ‘Terrie’ was 2nd ACE, 4th Final Dinokeng and has bred various winners. Linebred ‘Kerry’ AKA Dam of ‘Terrie’. She was 9x top 100 Dinokeng and 7th Grand.————DAM:0643 ZAPWFD 14 BB Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Dtr tr of click pair 467 Son of Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. This pair has produced more than 30 Top 3 Club Winners,and more than 50 TOP 50 (top 5%) Fed Winners. 643 is a double club winner, 2nd and 4th fed and 2 x 4th combine. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 94 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -4545 ZAPWF 23 – HEN -SIRE:17324 ZA 13. DE RAUW SABLON.Sire of 1109 entered at Carnival One Loft. This hen won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg 1191mpm, 24th Kroonstad 1187mpm, 1st Trompsburg 1562mpm, 29th Ventersburg 1277mpm, 4th Noupoort 1294mpm, 14th Middelburg 1252mpm.———-DAM:6888 ZAPWF 17 BB De Rauw Sablon/ Sierens/ Oscar Sire is direct son of super breeder ‘CARELLY’ mated to foundation breeder ‘INSOMNIA GDTR 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 69 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11986 ZAPWF 21-Hen -SIRE:0642 ZAPWFD 14 “WINNER SON SUPER PAIR”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Direct son of super pair. Many winners from this pair’2258′ 4X Club Winner, 1X Fed Winner, SANPO Short Distance Silver medal ‘2259’ 6 X Club Winner, 4X Fed Winner, 2X Combine Winner,’4428′ 4X Club Winner, ‘606’ 1X Club Winner.———–DAM:103 ZAOOA 17 BEST OF SUPERBREEDER 810 BB De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER She is a sister of various performers. On sire side ZAGPU 11461/15 2nd Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAGPU 11460/15 68th Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAOERF 10463/16 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017. On dam’s side.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 51 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4512 ZAPWF 20-Hen -Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013—————SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 34 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4520 ZAPWF 23-Cock -Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013————SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 28 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 16423 ZAPWF 22-Cock -Linebred 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 x GDtr of Dream Couple. Sire Koning is a Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and is a Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Here she was mated to daughter of Foundationpair Estee x Insomnia, who is a gdtr of 810———–SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———DAM:3734 ZAPWF 16 BB Clausing/Sierens/Oscar/Aelbre cht Super racer daughter from foundation pair Estee x Insomnia. She won 1st Club, 5th Fed from Cradock 760 Km, also 2nd Club (beaten by loftmate) 3rd Fed, 6th Combine from Leeu Gamka 988 Km and 4th Club, 27th Fed from Jamestown 616 Km. Sister 865 won 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 33 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 71 ZABPL 23-Cock -Sire is bred from Click Pair. He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,10th etc.His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta FedDam is bred from inbred Sunny Gold mated to inbred King Roxanne. Her gsire was Silver Medal SANPO SD————-SIRE:2646 ZAPWFD 17 . CLAUSING/SCROYENS/SUNNY GOLD.He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,10th etc.His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta Fed.———DAM:6972 ZAPWF 17 BB Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold’/ Schroyens Bred from inbred Sunny Gold mated to inbred King Roxanne.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 24 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 6987 ZAPWF 17-Cock -Direct child of foundation breeder ‘Blue Oak’ mated to full brother and siter King. We bought them from Gys Louw and they were super breeders when mated to the Blue Oak and Sunny Gold pigeons———SIRE:0333 ZAGRPA 10 “BLUE OAK”.Foundation Breeder. Children from this cock are super breeders and racers. Son of ‘White Oak’, G/Son of ’18’ a full brother of ‘217’ mother of Winner & 3rd & 36th SCMDPR, G/Son of ’22’, Full brother to ‘Heidi’ 4th SCMDPR, G/G/Son of ‘Dana’, ’38’, ‘410’.———-DAM:01002 ZAPWF 14 BB SCHROYENS. BRED FROM A BROTHER AND SISTER MATING.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 21 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 15224 ZAPRPC 19-Cock -Sire is bred from Click Pair 3x Winner Son of Sunny Gold mated to King Roxanne Hen. Brother produced 2 ACE Pigeons. Dam is superbreeder. Exported her to Belgium. She bred Dinokeng Club Winner Final Honey-Honey and other winners—————-SIRE:0406 ZAPWFD 15 GSON SUNNY GOLD.What a beauty – full brother of 1088/14 – Sire of 2x Ace Pigeons and other winners at local and OLR He has also proven himselve as a good consistant racer.——–DAM:04425 ZAGPU 14 DAM HONEY-HONEY BB Aelbrecht/ De Rauw Sablon Dam to Honey-Honey that was entered as latebred at Dinokeng for Club Magalies winning the Club Race Final Dinokeng 2016. Same bred ZAPWFD 0773/4 won 2017 season for Boshoffs.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 32 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9118 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Inbred Sunny Gold mated to Twilight/ Turbo TomGdam was good racer 2nd expensive rings winning nearly R50 000. Bred 5X winner raced by C Janse van Rensburg. Gsire is brother to 3232 who bred 4408 5X Club, 4409 2X Club Winner, 6952 Winner and 4x Top 10 OLR Carnival————–SIRE:17280 ZAPWF 18 “SUNNY GOLD X TWILIGHT”. Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold’ x Twilight Brother ‘3232’ mated to our best ‘Twilight hen’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. The dam ‘09984’ bred already several top racers incl. a 5x Winner raced by C Janse van Rensburg.———-DAM:15023 ZA 15 James Tom Twilight BB Tom Lock/ Twilight-Turbo Tom..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 29 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11980 ZAPWFD 21-Cock -Grandparents are all proven breeders. 33521 bred winners with different hens and was exported to Belgium. His sire is direct son of 410 x Never Say Die of David Clausing. Jessie was a top racer at Dinokeng and has bred several winners with differnt cocks. 09984 bred a 5x Winner for Dieselpowerlofts.———–SIRE:13141 ZAPWFD 18.Direct son of ‘Five’ bred from ‘410’ x ‘Never Say Die’ mated to ‘Jessie’ gdtr of ‘Insomnia’ “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season. ———DAM:2650 ZAPWFD 17 BB Clausing/Twilight Best of Clausing x top breeding ‘Twilight hen’ Sire is gson of ‘410’ His dam is full sister of ‘Hedi’that won 4th Final SCMDPR for Clausing. The dam is our best ‘Twilight Hen’ who bred several top racers, incl. 5x Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 15230 ZAPRPC 19-Cock -‘Sunny Gold’ mated to her son mated to double ggdtr of ‘Insomnia’. One of our best click pairs. Same bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th———–SIRE:SIRE:3232 ZAPWF 15.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Inbred Son of Foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’. This Cock is already a proven breeder when mated to ‘Insomnia 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ line. His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE.———-DAM:39828 ZA 13 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Gson mated to Gdtr of ‘Insomnia’. 2nd Final and nestmate 10th Final Winners Flight Loft, Sire is 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng, Dam won 2x 1st, 1x 3rd Dinokeng. Bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 20 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 17318 ZAPWF 18-Cock -Super linebred to foundation hen ‘Sunny Gold’. The brother of Sunny Gold mated to inbred daughter of Sunny Gold. The parents and grandparents in this pedigree have all bred numeruous winners.———-SIRE:05003 ZAPWF 14. FULL BROTHER TO FAMOUS SUNNY GOLD.———–DAM:3224 ZAPWF 15 BB Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Dtr 1121/2016 won at Carnival Winterrace 2016 WR1 1st 402.406 Km 1356 mpm, also 1st Combine 893p 2 min ahead of next pigeon, 5 min ahead on 3rd pigeon. HS2 60th 332.495 Km 1399 mpm. HS1 16th 322.254 Km 1133 mpm.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 65 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13110 ZAPWFD 18-Hen -Bred from 2 super racers at Carnival. Sire was 7X Top 100, ACE Pigeon SD, 2nd ACE Pigeon ALL Distances. Dam was 5X Top 100 and won with a 7 min break. Linebred to Sunny Gold and Insomnia. Son of Terrie mated to gdtr of Terrie. He was 2nd Ace 4th Final Dinokeng. Gdam 39828 was 2nd Final Winnersflight————–SIRE:6940 ZAPWF 17 . INSOMNIA SUNNY GOLD.Results at CLRPC at very strong 50 plus members club. 7X Top 100, ACE Pigeon SD, 2nd ACE Pigeon ALL Distances R1-1st, R2- 5th, R3-11th, R4-47th, R6- 21st, R7-82nd, R9-44th. Sire is son of ‘Insomnia’ mated to gdtr of ‘Insomnia.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 97 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -9135 ZAPWF 21 – HEN -SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———4534 ZAPWF 20 BB/WF Blou Bul/ Kaasboer Sire is Something Splendid. Ace Pigeon SA Invitation Pigeon Race. Completed all races to end 30.2 min’s better than 2nd best pigeon. 1st Hotspot 496km, 13th Final Race 720km Full sisters of Father won 2X Bakkie Races for Bartlo.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 91 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -4511 ZAPWF 23 – HEN -SIRE:0642 ZAPWFD 14 “WINNER SON SUPER PAIR”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Direct son of super pair. Many winners from this pair’2258′ 4X Club Winner, 1X Fed Winner, SANPO Short Distance Silver medal ‘2259’ 6 X Club Winner, 4X Fed Winner, 2X Combine Winner,’4428′ 4X Club Winner, ‘606’ 1X Club Winner.———–DAM:9103 ZAPWF 21 De Rauw Sablon/ Ganus Sire is direct son of Golden Carelly. Dam is Ganus Package who bred 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win 5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 14 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 08351 ZAGPU 17-Cock -SIRE: ZA GPU 11077/14 -BUFFALO 5-1st Ace Pigeon Speed – 2nd Ace Pigeon Points Winners Flight Lofts 2015 His dam is ZA GPU 11482115 -5th Ace Pigeon Carnival Winter race 2016. ACE PIGEONS BREEDS ACE PIGEONS.———–DAM:ZA 14 GPU 06192. THIS IS A DIRECT DAUGHTER TO “GOLDEN CARELLY” AND “MOTHER OF THE LOFT”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 80 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -28 ZABPL 23 – COCK -SIRE:9149 ZAPWF 21.810 Superbreeder Bak 17/ Something Splen Sire is Koning Direct Son of 810 Superbreeder and brreder of many winners. Bak 17. Dam is dtr of Something Splendid 1st Ace SAPIR.———-DAM:16389 ZAPWF 22 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 x GDtr of Dream Couple. Sire Koning is a Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and is a Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Here she was mated to daughter of Foundationpair Estee x Insomnia, who is a gdtr of 810.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 88 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -5134 ZAPWF 23 – COCK -SIRE:9129 ZAPWF 21.Top bred Van Rhyn Kloeck Cock. Sire is Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog.Linebred to top foundation of Egbert ‘O Kelly’s Van Rhyn Kloeck.——-DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 84 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -16357 ZAPWF 22 – COCK -SIRE:3238 ZAPWF 15 “BLES” . KOOPMAN.Sire of 1123/15 who raced at Carnival Club 2016 49 members ~1000p/ race. Race 20 consecutive races. Won 6 top 50 positions, 3 top 10 positions, 38th race 2, 8th race 3, 4th race 6, 46th race 8, 6th race 13.———-DAM:9103 ZAPWF 21 De Rauw Sablon/ Ganus Sire is direct son of Golden Carelly. Dam is Ganus Package who bred 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win 5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 36 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 17280 ZAPWF 18-Cock -Brother ‘3232’ mated to our best ‘Twilight hen’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. The dam ‘09984’ bred already several top racers incl. a 5x Winner raced by C Janse van Rensburg. ‘3232’ bred 4408 5X Club, 4409 2X Club Winner, 6952 Winner and 4x Top 10 OLR.————SIRE:3725 ZAPWF 16 “INBRED SUNNY GOLD”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Brother ‘3232’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th.———–DAM:09984 ZA 13 BC Twilight/ Turbo Tom Good racer 2nd expensive rings winning nearly R50 000. Bred 5X winner raced by C Janse van Rensburg.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 82 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -16507 ZAPWF 22 – COCK -SIRE:Sire is Linebred to Legendary Luke Donald 3rd SCMDPR Final. Cream of George Oswald Africa Koppel Fame. ———-DAM:0567 DV 8406 16 Full brother and Sister to “Halover” 1st place Final mating.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R16,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 52 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11989 ZAPWF 21-Hen -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and Synny Gold. Grandparents 3726 is inbred son of Sunny Gold and full brother to top breeder 3232; 15404 bred from son mated to gdtr 810 and bred Alexis and Jessie, top racers Dinokeng; 2181 is bred from foundation pair Boytjie x JBM’s girl———-SIRE:15335 ZAPRPC 19.Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Insomnia 810′ Sire Bred from Inbred son of Sunny Gold mated to 3 X Winner son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold Dam is dtr of Ínsomnia’ mated to son of 810 and she bred Alexis who won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 and ‘Jessie’ who won 8X Top 10.—————DAM:2181 ZASVPV 16 BLUE GOLD BB De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4871, 4881, 4861.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 70 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11985 ZAPWF 21-Hen -SIRE:0642 ZAPWFD 14 “WINNER SON SUPER PAIR”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Direct son of super pair. Many winners from this pair’2258′ 4X Club Winner, 1X Fed Winner, SANPO Short Distance Silver medal ‘2259’ 6 X Club Winner, 4X Fed Winner, 2X Combine Winner,’4428′ 4X Club Winner, ‘606’ 1X Club Winner.———–DAM:103 ZAOOA 17 BEST OF SUPERBREEDER 810 BB De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER She is a sister of various performers. On sire side ZAGPU 11461/15 2nd Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAGPU 11460/15 68th Final Klapmuts 2 Sisters 500 Km; ZAOERF 10463/16 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017. On dam’s side.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 17 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2611 ZAPWFD 17-Cock -Star Breeder Koopman ‘170 line. Sire is top breeder son of “koopman 170’ and bred 26 top 200 Combine positions. Dam is from foundation pair Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. 2611/17 won Winburg 5th Club, 21st Fed, 46th Combine 329Km 1351mpm.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 90 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -81 ZAPBL 23 – COCK -SIRE:9149 ZAPWF 21.810 Superbreeder Bak 17/ Something Splen Sire is Koning Direct Son of 810 Superbreeder and brreder of many winners. Bak 17. Dam is dtr of Something Splendid 1st Ace SAPIR.———-DAM:0567 DV 8406 16.Full brother and Sister to “Halover” 1st place Final mating.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 56 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 3337 ZAVIL 22-Hen –Full brother and sister mating from Click Pair that produced several top racers and breeders like Alexis, Jessie. Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012. Jessie won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is bred from son x gdtr of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17.————-SIRE:7007 ZAPWF 17. AELBRECHT/SIERENS/OSCAR.Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season.———–DAM:13143 ZAPWF 18 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. Sister “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810” and dtr of “INSOMNIA” foundation breeder. Terrie ,gson INSOMNIA.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2616 ZAPWFD 17-Cock -Sire is halfbrother of proven breeder ‘Estee’. Dam is gdtr of GSON DE LIMOGES ‘4253817’. Dam is mother of ‘Kerry’ She won 7th Best Grand Average Pigeon Dinokeng 2012, She won 9 X Top 100 positions. She is dam of ‘Terrie 4th Final 2nd Ace Dinokeng’. Her sister won 1st Club 2nd Fed 2012.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 40 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4502 ZAPWF 23-Cock -Sire is bred from Superbreeder De Rauw Sablon Cock 817 of Andre Carelson. He is a top breerder and sire of Pretoria Cock, foundation Cock for Ruan Fouche. From same sire 1109 was bred who won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg, 24th Kroonstad, 1st Trompsburg, 29th Ventersburg, 4th Noupoort, 14th Middelb———-SIRE:17324 ZA 13. DE RAUW SABLON.Sire of 1109 entered at Carnival One Loft. This hen won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg 1191mpm, 24th Kroonstad 1187mpm, 1st Trompsburg 1562mpm, 29th Ventersburg 1277mpm, 4th Noupoort 1294mpm, 14th Middelburg 1252mpm.———-DAM:6888 ZAPWF 17 BB De Rauw Sablon/ Sierens/ Oscar Sire is direct son of super breeder ‘CARELLY’ mated to foundation breeder ‘INSOMNIA GDTR 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 15 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 1490 ZAPWFD 20-Cock -Linebred Sunny Gold. Sire is bred from brother to inbred dtr of Sunny Gold. Dam is Honey-Hioney who won Final Club Series at Dinokeng and she is also breeder of winners. Her dtr 7033 won at Carnival. She is also bred from an inbred son of Sunny Gold. Her grandsire 2258 won Silver Medal SANPO.————SIRE:17318 ZAPWF 18.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’.Super linebred to foundation hen ‘Sunny Gold’. The brother of Sunny Gold mated to inbred daughter of Sunny Gold. The parents and grandparents in this pedigree have all bred numeruous winners..———-DAM:1181 ZAPWF 16 HONEY-HONEY BB Dinokeng Club Race Winner Final 2016. Already top breeder of top results at CLRPC and for Boshoffs. 2652 won 4-8 Club, 21-41 Fed,51-80 Combine and 2651 won 1-13-16 Club, 4-58-100 Fed and 8-113-193 Combine. 7033 won at Carnival.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 71 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11997 ZAPWFD 21-Hen -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17. Sire is bred from Son of Carelly mated to Ganus Package. Dam is bred from direct son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 mated to dtr of Foundation breeder Carcinoma. Ganus Package is dam of 1st Carnival Hotspot and grandaverage Ace and 8th Final and 5th Hotspot 3————–SIRE:9115 ZAPWF 21.De Rauw Sablon/ Ganus Sire is son of famous ‘Carelly’ Dam is bred of the best One Loft genes of Mike Ganus.————DAM:4526 ZAPWF 20 BB Aelbrecht/ De Rauw Sablon Sire is bred from direct child of 810 Superbreeder BAK17 and full sister of Sire of ‘Insomnia’ and ‘Carcinoma’. Dam is direct dtr of Carcinoma.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 23 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 6876 ZAPWF 17-Cock -Top bred from our foundation breeders. Sire is 3X Winner Son of ‘Sunny Gold’ and dam is vred from Sire of ‘Sunny Gold’ mated to ‘Johan 1’ ACE Pigeon SAPIR and Dam of 2 ACE Pigeons at Carnival Winter and Pta. Fed.———SIRE:15467 ZA 11 “3 X WINNER BLUE OAK”.3X Winner Son of ‘Blue Oak’ and ‘Sunny Gold’ as yearling. Foundation breeder with 2 ACE pigeon grandchildren – 7111 Carnival, 466 PWF. Bred 17 wins and 57 TOP 200 combine positions 2014 to 2018, also top breeder of one loft race results Kaye – 2nd Carnival HS.————DAM:3708 ZAPWF 16 BB Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Zander/Birdy’ Top bred from our foundation breeders. Sire of ‘Sunny Gold’ mated to ‘Johan 1’ CE Pigeon SAPIR and Dam of 2 ACE Pigeons at Carnival Winter and Pta. Fed.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 27 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9192 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Dam is purebred VRC Sire is bred from Direct son of 810 and dam is bred from top breeder 05525. His gdtr won1st Final SAPIR for JBM Hertzog, who then bred 1st Gauteng Ace for McDermot————SIRE:6909 ZAPWF 17 .SUPERBREEDER 810 LINEBRED.Sire is son direct son of ‘810 Superbreeder’ Nest brother to MAMA, top breeding hen for Hentu Huymans.1st Best Pigeon LD PRPU 2010, 3rd Best Pigeon LD PRPU 2010, 5th Best Pigeon PRPC 2008, 1st Jamestown Pretoria Combine.——–DAM:4512 ZAPWF 20 BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 54 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4537 ZAPWF 23-Hen -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17. Sire is son of 810 and Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Dam is Aunt of Terry 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng. Terrie is top breeder with different hens and bred winners 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min———-SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———DAM:01098 ZAPWF 14 Terrie’s Aunt BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred ‘810-SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ Full sister of Sire of ‘Terrie’ who won 4th Final 2nd ACE Pigeon Dinokeng 2013, only 20 day birds, Gariep 623Km 1020mpm. Sire is direct son of “810” Dam is “INSOMNIA” gdtr of “810”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 58 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4538 ZAPWF 23-Hen -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17. Sire is son of 810 and Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Dam is Aunt of Terry 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng. Terrie is top breeder with different hens and bred winners 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min———SIRE:11316 ZA 09 “KONING”.De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER SON 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK Provenbreeder of Many Winners Father and gfather of 5 fed winners and 12 Top 3 Fed positions and 9x Top 10 Ace Pigeons. His dam is a super hen.———DAM:01098 ZAPWF 14 Terrie’s Aunt BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred ‘810-SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ Full sister of Sire of ‘Terrie’ who won 4th Final 2nd ACE Pigeon Dinokeng 2013, only 20 day birds, Gariep 623Km 1020mpm. Sire is direct son of “810” Dam is “INSOMNIA” gdtr of “810”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
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LOT 22 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4503 ZAPWF 20-Cock -Bred from SAPIR Ace Something Splendid mated to top line bred Insomnia and Sunny Gold. in this pedigree 1107, 6940, 6952, 3987, 39828 were all super racers at One Loft Races——–SIRE:1107 SAVNRF 10 “SOMETHING SPLENDID”.Ace Pigeon SA Invitation Pigeon Race. Completed all races to end 30.2 min’s better than 2nd best pigeon. 1st Hotspot 496km 13th Final Race 720km Full sisters of Father won 2X Bakkie Races for Bartlo Oerlemans.———–DAM:13103 ZAPWF 18 BB Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Insomnia 810’ Bred from 2 super racers at Carnival. Sire was 7X Top 100, ACE Pigeon SD, 2nd ACE Pigeon ALL Distances. Dam was 5X Top 100 and won with a 7 min break. Linebred to Sunny Gold and Insomnia. Son of Terrie mated to gdtr of Terrie. He was 2nd Ace 4th Final.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 57 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4539 ZAPWF 23-Hen -Sire is bred from foundation pair 467 x Sunny Gold. Super Breeder Son of DIAMOND Breeder BLUE OAK. 0467 bred: 23 Club Wins, 7 Fed Wins, 2 Combine Wins and 80 TOP 200 GDam is Ganus Package who bred 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024.8th Final, 5th Hotspot 3———-SIRE:0642 ZAPWFD 14 “WINNER SON SUPER PAIR”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Direct son of super pair. Many winners from this pair’2258′ 4X Club Winner, 1X Fed Winner, SANPO Short Distance Silver medal ‘2259’ 6 X Club Winner, 4X Fed Winner, 2X Combine Winner,’4428′ 4X Club Winner, ‘606’ 1X Club Winner.———–DAM:9103 ZAPWF 21 De Rauw Sablon/ Ganus Sire is direct son of Golden Carelly. Dam is Ganus Package who bred 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win 5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 18 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4507 ZAPWF 20-Cock -SIRE:3725 ZAPWF 16. INBRED SUNNY GOLD.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Brother ‘3232’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th.———-DAM:15404 ZA 11 BAK 17 ‘404’ BB Aelbrecht/ Sierens/ Oscar Dam Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd.Dam ‘Jessie’ won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
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LOT 64 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2635 ZAPWFD 17-Hen -Regina proven breeder son of ‘Mugabe’ mated to top breeder Clausing Ziko Hen. Same bred from this click pair won mutiple races for Boshoff’s———-SIRE:37403 ZA 10 “REGINA”.SCHROYENS Sire is Superbreeder “Mugabe” who bred more than 20 winners. REGINA is full brother to “23301”, 4X winner for Kobus Reynders. Full brother to 13189-09, Sire of JNR MUGABE who won 10th CARNIVAL CITY 2010 Final .——-DAM:32247 ZA 09 DAUGHTER BB CLAUSING/HOUBEN Best breeding daughter of Ziko 7658. Top class hen breeding multiple winners.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 15231 ZAPRPC 19-Cock -‘Sunny Gold’ mated to her son mated to double ggdtr of ‘Insomnia’. One of our best click pairs. Same bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th———–SIRE:SIRE:3232 ZAPWF 15.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Inbred Son of Foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’. This Cock is already a proven breeder when mated to ‘Insomnia 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17’ line. His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE.———-DAM:39828 ZA 13 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Gson mated to Gdtr of ‘Insomnia’. 2nd Final and nestmate 10th Final Winners Flight Loft, Sire is 2nd ACE 4th Final Dinokeng, Dam won 2x 1st, 1x 3rd Dinokeng. Bred 4408 5X Winner, 4409 2X Winner, 2643 Fed Winner, 2644 2X Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 12 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9175 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Linebred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17. Sire is bred from Son of Carelly mated to Ganus Package. Dam is bred from direct son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 mated to dtr of Foundation breeder Carcinoma. Ganus Package is dam of 1st Carnival Hotspot and grandaverage Ace and 8th Final and 5th Hotspot 3————SIRE:9115 ZAPWF 21. SABLON/GANUS.Sire is son of famous ‘Carelly’ Dam is bred of the best One Loft genes of Mike Ganus.———-DAM:4526 ZAPWF 20 BB Aelbrecht/ De Rauw Sablon Sire is bred from direct child of 810 Superbreeder BAK17 and full sister of Sire of ‘Insomnia’ and ‘Carcinoma’. Dam is direct dtr of Carcinoma.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 79 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -13 ZABPL 23 – COCK -Sire: Full brother to sire of Terrie who was 2nd Ace 4th Final Dinokeng. Linebred ‘810 Superbreeder BAK 17’ Linebred ‘Insomnia’ gdtr ‘810’ .————-Dam is bred from Koning Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 mated to dtr of Insomnia and gdtr 810 Superbreeder Bak 17.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 93 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -4540 ZAPWF 23 – HEN -SIRE:0642 ZAPWFD 14 “WINNER SON SUPER PAIR”.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Direct son of super pair. Many winners from this pair’2258′ 4X Club Winner, 1X Fed Winner, SANPO Short Distance Silver medal ‘2259’ 6 X Club Winner, 4X Fed Winner, 2X Combine Winner,’4428′ 4X Club Winner, ‘606’ 1X Club Winner.———–DAM:9103 ZAPWF 21 De Rauw Sablon/ Ganus Sire is direct son of Golden Carelly. Dam is Ganus Package who bred 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win 5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 72 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -15312 ZAPRPC 19 – COCK -Sire is Brother ‘3232’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, Dam is top Kaasboer hen————SIRE:3725 ZAPWF 16.INBRED SUNNY GOLD.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Brother ‘3232’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th.———–DAM:2707 ZAWRRPA 16 BCPD Kaasboer Bred for stock by GJT Lofts Breeder of winners for Willem Muller and Fritz Wolmarans She breeds winners with 2902 Clausing Cock Nestmate super racer and winner for GJT Lofts 2017.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 77 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -2723 ZAPWF 24 – COCK -Sire is purebred Halover mated to Ganus Package who is dam of 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. BEST OF GANUS 8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win78th Hotspot 2 1154 mpm 336p 7 min from win————-SIRE:26 ZABPL 23.INBRED TO HALOVER 1st place Final SAMDPR.————DAM:50 ZASOTD 19 GANUS PACKAGE BB Ganus In his pedigree you find to name a few super one loft performers: Said in Spun Silver, Soraia, Sylt Orpheus, Strain Maker, Sire and Dam of Halover, Sun City, Margo’s Treasure, Di Caprio.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 47 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 2646 ZAPWFD 17-Cock -He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,10th etc.His nestmate also won. He is also Full brother of Ace Breeder 88 who bred 2x Ace pigeons 7111 at Carnival and 466 at Pta Fed who won: • 8X Club Winner (*4) • 1st Ace Pigeon PWF Open Series 2017• 1st Ace Pigeon PWF MD Series 2017———–SIRE:15467 ZA 11 “3 X WINNER BLUE OAK”.3X Winner Son of ‘Blue Oak’ and ‘Sunny Gold’ as yearling. Foundation breeder with 2 ACE pigeon grandchildren – 7111 Carnival, 466 PWF. Bred 17 wins and 57 TOP 200 combine positions 2014 to 2018, also top breeder of one loft race results Kaye – 2nd Carnival HS.———DAM:14299 ZATRPF 09 KING ROXANNE BB SCHROYENS Bred by Gys Louw. Foundation breeder. Direct Daughter of Click Pair”KING” X “ROXANNE”. Offspring from this pair Bred Gold and Silver SANPO Medal Winners for Dean Jooste. Both she and her full brother breeds Winners for Boshoffs. Dam of 6 Wins.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 83 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 12 ZABPL 23 – COCK -SIRE:01075 ZAPWF 14.Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Full brother to sire of Terrie Terrie was 2nd Ace 4th Final Dinokeng Linebred ‘810 Superbreeder BAK 17’ Linebred ‘Insomnia’ gdtr ‘810.———-DAM:16469 ZAPWF 22 DOUBLE 810 DTR KONING BB De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER Sire is direct Son of “810 Superbreeder Bak 17” and Dam is gdtr and ggdtr of “810 Superbreeder Bak 17” The sire “Koning” is a full brother of ‘24792’ who is the sire of foundation breeder hen “Insomnia” & foundation breeder cock “Carcinoma.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 17118 ZAPWF 18-Cock -Very well bred Koopman, The sire is bred from super breeder ‘170’ mated to top breeder ‘Bessie’. The dam is a granddaughter of the world famous ‘Kleine Dirk———-SIRE:3228 ZAPWF 15. KOOPMAN.———–DAM:2044501 BELG 13 BC KOOPMAN Bred for stock by Koen Van Roy Dirks Princess is a double inbred grand daughter of Kleine Dirk.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11990 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Sire is bred from Unclue x Dam of Terry who was 2nd ACE Dinokeng. Dam is direct dtr of click pair 467 Son of Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. This pair has produced more than 30 Top 3 Club Winners,and more than 50 TOP 50 (top 5%) Fed Winners. Dam is a double club winner, 2nd and 4th fed and 2 x 4th combine.———–SIRE:9102 ZAPWF 21.Sire is full brother of father of ‘Terrie’ and dam is mother of ‘Terrie’. Super linebred to Insomnia 810. ‘Terrie’ was 2nd ACE, 4th Final Dinokeng and has bred various winners. Linebred ‘Kerry’ AKA Dam of ‘Terrie’. She was 9x top 100 Dinokeng and 7th Grand.————DAM:0643 ZAPWFD 14 BB Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Dtr tr of click pair 467 Son of Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. This pair has produced more than 30 Top 3 Club Winners,and more than 50 TOP 50 (top 5%) Fed Winners. 643 is a double club winner, 2nd and 4th fed and 2 x 4th combine. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 25 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4528 ZAPWF 20-Cock -SIRE:6421 ZAGRPA 10 “COUSIN ASDUIF”. AELBRECHT.Proven Breeder- His dtr “0145” won 26th HS1 VerkVlei, 80th HS2 Bloemf, 26th HS3 Trompsb, 3rd HS4 Colesb, 9th Final Richm SAPIR’13, 3X First drop. G/sire 4373754, SON of BAK 17 Sold for R1.3M on PIPA. In this pedigree BAK17, “MISS JOICE”, “SUPER.———-DAM:155 ZAOOA 18 BB De Rauw Sablon/ Tom Lock Five times inbred great grand daughter of Carelly bred for stock. 3 Grandparents of this hen is bred from super pair for Out of Africa ‘Golden Carelly’ x ‘08816’. This pair has bred more than 20 winners on short, middle and long distance.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9102 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Sire is full brother of father of ‘Terrie’ and dam is mother of ‘Terrie’. Super linebred to Insomnia 810. ‘Terrie’ was 2nd ACE, 4th Final Dinokeng and has bred various winners. Linebred ‘Kerry’ AKA Dam of ‘Terrie’. She was 9x top 100 Dinokeng and 7th Grand Averages GENERATIONS OF WINNERS————SIRE:01075 ZAPWF 14.Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’.Full brother to sire of Terrie Linebred ‘810 Superbreeder BAK 17’ Linebred ‘Insomnia’ gdtr ‘810’.————DAM:0448 ZAPWF 12 KERRY GDTR INSOMNIA BB Aelbrecht/ Sierens/ Oscar 7th Best Grand Average Pigeon Dinokeng 2012 Won 9 X Top 100 positions Sister won 1st Club 2nd Fed 2012 Sire is double winner and Gson of foundation breeder ‘Insomnia’.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 99 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -38 ZABPL 23 – HEN -Sire is bred from inbred son of Sunny Gold when mated to superbreeder Twilight hen of Mark King. Dam Proven breeder. This hen’s children is racing well and one won for a friend. Some of the best Tom Lock blood in this pedigree. GSire is direct son of the Mortimer Coc/also the sire of Sunny Gold.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 38 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4501 ZAPWF 23-Cock -Sire is bred from Superbreeder De Rauw Sablon Cock 817 of Andre Carelson. He is a top breerder and sire of Pretoria Cock, foundation Cock for Ruan Fouche. From same sire 1109 was bred who won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg, 24th Kroonstad, 1st Trompsburg, 29th Ventersburg, 4th Noupoort, 14th Middelb————SIRE:17324 ZA 13. DE RAUW SABLON.Sire of 1109 entered at Carnival One Loft. This hen won at CLRPC 2016 7th Ventersburg 1191mpm, 24th Kroonstad 1187mpm, 1st Trompsburg 1562mpm, 29th Ventersburg 1277mpm, 4th Noupoort 1294mpm, 14th Middelburg 1252mpm.———-DAM:6888 ZAPWF 17 BB De Rauw Sablon/ Sierens/ Oscar Sire is direct son of super breeder ‘CARELLY’ mated to foundation breeder ‘INSOMNIA GDTR 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 66 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9120 ZAPWF 21-Hen -SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 17373 ZAPWF 18-Cock -‘467 Superbreeder Son of Blue Oak’ mated to ‘3224 Inbred Dtr Sunny Gold’. Sire is linebred to ‘White Oak’, ‘Blue Oak’ mated to his h/sister ‘Solid as an Oak’. Dam is ‘3X Winner Son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold’ mated to his dam ‘Sunny Gold.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R22,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 46 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 16479 ZAPWF 22-Cock -Linebred to Foundation Pair Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. Sire is Sunny Gold mated to her 3X Winner Son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. Full brother of super breeder ‘3232’.Dam is Click Pair ‘Blue Oak x Sunny Gold’. ‘Offspring from ‘Sunny Gold’ and close family won 2014 to 2017: 527 Top 150 Federation positions———-SIRE:3740 ZAPWF 16 “INBRED SUNNY GOLD”.Sunny Gold mated to her 3X Winner Son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold. Full brother of super breeder ‘3232’ His dtr’s 4408 5X Club Winner 9th ACE MD PWF, 4409 2X Club Winner 9th ACE SD, ‘2644’ 2X Club Winner (*1 co), 7th ACE PWF SD 2018.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 95 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -16411 ZAPWF 22 – HEN -SIRE:6895 ZAPWF 17.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/Sun Gold/ Zander Sire is inbred son of foundation breeder ‘Sunny Gold’ He is sire of 4408 5X Club Winner 4409 2X Club Winner. The dam is Johan 1 Ace SAPIR and dam of 2 Ace pigeons. In this pedigree you find ‘Blue Oak’, ‘Sunny Gold’, ‘Mortimer’, ‘Zander’, ‘Birdy’, ‘Konstantin’,———–DAM:2635 ZAPWFD 17 BC/WF Clausing/ Schroyens Regina proven breeder son of ‘Mugabe’ mated to top breeder Clausing Ziko Hen. Same bred from this click pair won mutiple races for Boshoff’s.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 35 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 3338 ZAVIL 22-Cock -Full brother and sister mating from Click Pair that produced several top racers and breeders like Alexis, Jessie. Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012. Jessie won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is bred from son x gdtr of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17.————-SIRE:7007 ZAPWF 17. AELBRECHT/SIERENS/OSCAR.Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810”, dtr of “INSOMNIA” she bred 3/4 who won 5 races in her first season.———–DAM:13143 ZAPWF 18 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. Sister “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810” and dtr of “INSOMNIA” foundation breeder. Terrie ,gson INSOMNIA.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 44 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 6840 ZAPWF 17-Cock -Bred from foundation breeder ‘170’ Koopman Cock mated to his dtr.He is grandson of ‘Emerveenshope’ and sire and grandsire of various winners. The dam’s mother is also gdtr Kleine Dirk and top breeder. Brother of the dam bred1123/16 who raced at Carnival Club 2016 49 members, won 3 top 10 positions.—————SIRE:170 DV6723 08 “SUPERBREEDER 170 KOOPMAN”.DIAMOND BREEDER. Click with direct Dtr of “MORTIMER COCK” and “BRANCO KOOPMAN HEN”. Breeds Co Car Winner for Out of Africa. Breeds 5 Wins for R Huebsh Snr. Breeds Winners for Boshoffs. Son 0523 4X Club, 1X Combine, 3X (1 equal) Fed.———–DAM:3239 ZAPWF 15 Bles BC KOOPMAN Top bred dtr of foundation breeder 170 mated to gdtr of Kleine Dirk. Son of her brother 1123 Raced at Carnival Club 2016 49 members ~1000p/ race. Raced 20 consecutive races. Won 6 top 50 positions, 3 top 10 positions, 38th race 2, 8th race 3, 4th race 6.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 9113 ZAPWF 21-Cock -Linebred to Zander x Birdy x Azurit. Dam is dtr of Superbreeder 170 Koopman and she is also gdtr to Aunt of Sunny Gold whos is a direct dtr of famous ‘Mortimer’Cock———–SIRE:03206 ZAGPU 14 “DOUBLE ZANDER”.Zander/ Birdy/ Azurit. Sire is ‘Zander’ x ‘Birdy’ Dam is ‘Zander’ x ‘Azurit’ Zander won 6th Final SCMDPR 2007 Birdy won 10th Final, Hotspot Average Winner SCMDPR 2007 Azurit won 15th Final, Grand Average Winner SCMDPR ———–DAM:17399 ZAPWF 18 Bred from foundation breeders and proven breeding pair. Koopman 170 x Dtr of Mortimer CockAKA Aunt Synny Gold. Various winners bred from this pair. Sister Roudy won 27,32 &33rd on HS at Dinokeng. A full brother won 2X and siter 3X for Ronnie Huebsch.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 43 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 15305 ZAPRPC 19-Cock -Bred from proven breeders. Direct son of Carelly mated to direct dtr of foundation pair Boytjie x JBM’s Girl. Linbred to 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and Superbreeder 970———-SIRE:6421 ZAGRPA 10 “COUSIN ASDUIF”. AELBRECHT.Proven Breeder- His dtr “0145” won 26th HS1 VerkVlei, 80th HS2 Bloemf, 26th HS3 Trompsb, 3rd HS4 Colesb, 9th Final Richm SAPIR’13, 3X First drop. G/sire 4373754, SON of BAK 17 Sold for R1.3M on PIPA. In this pedigree BAK17, “MISS JOICE”, “SUPER.———-DAM:2181 ZASVPV 16 “BLUE GOLD”.De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4871, 4881, 4861.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 39 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 3336 ZAVIL 22-Cock -Sire is Brother of super breeder for Ruan Fouche. He and his son bred in 2 yrs for Ruan 24 Club wins, 11 Fed wins. 1 Union win and 1 Truck Win. GSire is son of Superbreeder 817 De Rauw Sablon Cock imported by Andre Carelsen. Dam is bred from foundation pair Botjie x JBM’s girl.————-SIRE:2622 ZAPWFD 17. DE RAUW SABLON/CLAUSING.Brother is super breeder for Ruan Fouche. He and his son bred in 2 yrs for Ruan 24 Club wins, 11 Fed wins. 1 Union win and 1 Truck Win. Sire is son of Superbreeder 817 De Rauw Sablon Cock imported by Andre Carelsen. Dam is super bred Clausing.———DAM:2180 ZASVPV 16 CHARMING LADY BB De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ (THIS PAIR SOLD FOR MORE THAN R130 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON).Responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4873, 4863.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 98 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -3339 ZAVIL 22 – HEN -SIRE:13142 ZAPWFD 18-Cock -Sister Alexis won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 on HS – 3rd R15k, 14th, 21st, 72nd. Sister “JESSIE” won 8X Top 10 Dinokeng 2013, 2X 1st, 1X3rd, 9th ACE Pigeon. Dam is linebred “810” and dtr of “INSOMNIA” foundation breeder. Terrie ,gson INSOMNIA 4th Final 2nd ACE Dinokeng————DAM:2181 ZASVPV 16 BLUE GOLD BB De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4871, 4881, 4861.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 50 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 4564 ZAPWF 20-Hen -Sire is linebred to Provenbreeder 170 Koopman. Click with direct Dtr of “MORTIMER COCK” and “BRANCO KOOPMAN HEN”. Breeds Co Car Winner for Out of Africa. Breeds 5 Wins for R Huebsh Snr. Breeds Winners for Boshoffs. Son 0523 4X Club, 1X Combine, 3X (1 equal) Fed Winner. Also gdtr of Aunt of Sunny Gol————-SIRE:6889 ZAPWF 17 “3 BARS KOOPMAN”.Bred from foundation breeder ‘170’ Koopman Cock mated to his dtr.He is grandson of ‘Emerveenshope’ and sire and grandsire of various winners. The dam’s mother is also gdtr Kleine Dirk and top breeder. Brother of the dam bred1123/16 who raced at Carnival Club.————DAM:3235 ZAPWF 15. THIS IS A DIRECT GRAND DAUGHTER TO THE LEGENDARY “THE MORTIMER COCK”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 81 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -27 ZABPL 23 – COCK -SIRE:9149 ZAPWF 21.810 Superbreeder Bak 17/ Something Splen Sire is Koning Direct Son of 810 Superbreeder and brreder of many winners. Bak 17. Dam is dtr of Something Splendid 1st Ace SAPIR.———-DAM:16389 ZAPWF 22 BB Boshoffs ‘Insomnia 810 Bak 17’ Linebred 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 x GDtr of Dream Couple. Sire Koning is a Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17 and is a Provenbreeder of Many Winners. Here she was mated to daughter of Foundationpair Estee x Insomnia, who is a gdtr of 810.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 31 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 13903 ZAPWFD 22-Cock -Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013—————-SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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LOT 87 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -5135 ZAPWF 23 – COCK -SIRE:9129 ZAPWF 21.Top bred Van Rhyn Kloeck Cock. Sire is Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog.Linebred to top foundation of Egbert ‘O Kelly’s Van Rhyn Kloeck.——-DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 74 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -9138 ZAPWF 21 – HEN -——SIRE:10268 ZAGPU 19. 810 SUPERBREEDER X KAASBOER. THIS COCK IS BRED FROM ALL THE BEST LINES OF GJT LOFTS KAASBOER PIGEONS—–DAM:2707 ZAWRRPA 16 BCPD Kaasboer Bred for stock by GJT Lofts Breeder of winners for Willem Muller and Fritz Wolmarans She breeds winners with 2902 Clausing Cock Nestmate super racer and winner for GJT Lofts 2017.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 73 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -15288 ZAPRPC 19 – HEN -Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, Dam is top Kaasboer hen————SIRE:3726 ZAPWF 16.INBRED SUNNY GOLD.Boshoffs ‘Blue Oak/ Sunny Gold’ Brother ‘3232’. Sire is inbred to ‘Sunny Gold’ when she was mated to her 3x Winner son. ‘3232’ bred several winners 4408, 4409, 2643, 2644, 6952 wins at Carnival with 7min break, R3-38th, R4-10th, R6-3rd, R10-1st, R12-5th.———–DAM:2707 ZAWRRPA 16 BCPD Kaasboer Bred for stock by GJT Lofts Breeder of winners for Willem Muller and Fritz Wolmarans She breeds winners with 2902 Clausing Cock Nestmate super racer and winner for GJT Lofts 2017.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Z..LOT 100 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -2700 ZAPWF 24 – COCK -Sire is bred from Son of famous ‘Carelly’ mated to Ganus Package bred of the best One Loft genes of Mike Ganus. She also bred 1st Ace Hotspots and GAverage Summer Series Carnival 8th Final 5th Hotspot 3. Dam is direct dtr of Superbreeder Koning who is a son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 89 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -17 ZABPL 23 – COCK -SIRE:6924 ZAPWF 17. ESTEE X INSOMNIA.Bred from Click Pair ‘Estee’ x ‘Insomnia’ various winners from them. Sister 865 won 5x 1st Club, 3x 3rd Club 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th Fed 4th, 6th, 7th, 7th Combine LD 1st ACE Pigeon Pta Fed 2018 LD 3rd ACE Pigeon Pta Comb.———-DAM:2650 ZAPWFD 17 BB Clausing/Twilight Best of Clausing x top breeding ‘Twilight hen’ Sire is gson of ‘410’ His dam is full sister of ‘Hedi’that won 4th Final SCMDPR for Clausing. The dam is our best ‘Twilight Hen’ who bred several top racers, incl. 5x Winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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LOT 62 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 3321 ZAPWF 22-Hen -Sire is Linebred 810 – Direct son of foundation pair ‘Boytjie x JBM’s. Dam is Son of 810 Superbreeder Bak 17mated to Gdtr of 810 Superbreeder Bak17. Also gdtr of foundation hen ‘Insomnia’ who is also a gdtr of 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17————-SIRE:14999 ZA 15.De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct son of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners.———DAM:2690 ZAPWF 17 “810 EIER HEN” BB De Rauw Sablon 810 SUPERBREEDER Son of 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17 mated to Gdtr of 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17. Also gdtr of ‘Insomnia’who is also a gdtr of 810 SUPERBREEDER BAK 17. Also gdtr of ‘4138855’ SISTER ‘MISS JOICE’ DTR ‘970’ and dam of ‘GOLDEN CARELLY.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 55 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 11988 ZAPWF 21-Hen -SIRE:15335 ZAPRPC 19.Boshoffs ‘Sunny Gold/ Insomnia 810′ Sire Bred from Inbred son of Sunny Gold mated to 3 X Winner son Blue Oak x Sunny Gold Dam is dtr of Ínsomnia’ mated to son of 810 and she bred Alexis who won 4 X Top 100 positions at Dinokeng 2012 and ‘Jessie’ who won 8X Top 10.—————DAM:2181 ZASVPV 16 BLUE GOLD BB De Rauw Sablon 810 COLLECTION Linebred 810 – Direct dtr of foundation pair ‘Botjie x JBM’s GIRL’ responsible for many super One Loft Race Winners Bred for Bossie Boshoff top racers 4871, 4881, 4861.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 76 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 -9140 ZAPWF 21 – COCK -Sire is linebred to legendary Luke Donald and the dam is Ganus Package who is dam of 79 ZABPL 23 1st Carnival Hot Spot ACE and 1st Grand Average ACE Summer 2024. BEST OF GANUS8th Final 1368 mpm 227p 3 min from win5th Hotspot 3 933 mpm 318 p 12 min from win————SIRE:1169 ZAVPU 20.Luke Donald Mix Line Linebred to Legendary Luke Donald 3rd SCMDPR Final. Cream of George Oswald Africa Koppel Fame. Sire to Amerios 1, Gsire to Mix. GGSire to Joan Osboarne 1st Ace SAMDPR Grand Avreage 2020, GGSire to ZA JJJ 989/19 3rd Ace & 5h Final Carnival.————-DAM:50 ZASOTD 19 GANUS PACKAGE BB Ganus In his pedigree you find to name a few super one loft performers: Said in Spun Silver, Soraia, Sylt Orpheus, Strain Maker, Sire and Dam of Halover, Sun City, Margo’s Treasure, Di Caprio.SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 61 BOSHOFF PIGEON LOFTS AUCTION 1 – 16499 ZAPWF 22-Hen -Purebred VRC. Granddtr of sire won SAPIR Final for JBM and also then bred Gauteng Ace for McDermot. Dam is Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13, ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013——————–SIRE:05525 ZAGPU 13.Proven breeder of Winners. Granddtr won SAPIR Final for Jbm Hertzog. Purebred son won Club 1-2-3-7-8-18, Fed 5-23-28-48-88-109, Combine 36-87-133-153-249-345 from 332 Km to 535 Km. He was 7th Ace Pigeon Pta Fed Short Distance (3rd Ace Yearling.———DAM:370 ZAOOA 18 REPLICA BB Van Rhyn Kloeck Linebred to 09471 SUPER GIRL Dam to: ZAGPU 12653/12 1st Klapmuts Final Winner ’13 ZAGRPA 09336/12 Club Winner by 04,15 min – 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance GRPA YB Series 2013 Granddam to: 2nd Klapmuts Final 15 11202/14, 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished