LOT 13 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 23 ODRA 13180 -Bred from full brother to Turbo Kittel ‘s sire mated to a full sister of Turbo Kittel’s dam.————SIRE: 90691 ZA 18. THIS COCK IS A NESTMATE BROTHER OF THE SIRE OF DU PREEZ EN DEETLEFTS “TURBO KITTEL”. HE IS ALSO SIRE TO ACE BIRD IN CLUB 2021 AND ACE BIRD MIDDLE DISTANCE 2022 AND 3 X WINNER.Full brother and sister mating to “Golden TT’. These birds cross breeding ability is highly successful for many fanciers across South Africa..——— DAM: 537 ZA 21 ABL. Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Blue Bar W/F Full sister to ZA ABL 167 2021, mother to ZA PWDU 9849 2020, SANPO 6 x Gold Medal winner Worlds Best Allround Pigeon 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!