LOT 11 ALWYN BESTER -DV 01769 22 123 -Son “Best Kittel” x Daughter “Porsche 911” Direct daughter to “Christiano” and half sister to “MAVERICK” WORLD’S BEST PIGEON OVERALL 2023. This mating on the dam’s side “PORCHE 911”, mated to a direct daughter of “ARMANDO”, the second most expensive pigeon in the world. Sold for 1.4 million euro.——SIRE:4202429 BE 18.Alias “CHRISTIANO” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Cheque Pied PIPA BREEDING – BELG 4202429/18 – “CHRISTIANO” – One of the best proven breeding sons of ” BEST KITTEL” in the world. In A Drapa’s own words “Never before did I breed 3 Ace Pigeons from one pair in one year ” Sire to the BEST PIGEON IN THE WORLD SPRINT 2023!- 1st Olympic Champion Winner & 1st Ace Pigeon Germany 2022 – 9 X 1st prize Winner! and also 2nd, 2nd – DV 01769-22-396 “.———–DAM: 4153287 BE 21.Alias “LUCY” Color: Blue Chequer Super bred. “Porsche 911” x “daughter Armando”..SEE PEDIGREE!!!