CLOSED ACTIVE AUCTION - TOP PIGEON AUCTION 1 - from 21 MAY 2021 end 24 MAY 2021 (20:00)

Showing all 9 results
.LOT 1 – TOP PIGEON – 2642 NWPF 13 BB HEN – “Grace” Strain: Houben Clausing / Ganus /Toppie Jansen SIRE: Houben/Clausing DAM: Dinokeng Lofts 2012
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.LOT 3 – TOP PIGEON – 6490 SP 16 BB COCK – “Harper” Strain: Einkamerer/Houben “ Keeltjie” Out of Original imported pair, Original winner, double and triple Winners “Prontisimo” Through 26th Position Sun City final Famous “410” in this genetics
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 – TOP PIGEON – 1851 SANPO 13 K CH HEN – “Sunshine” Medium Size, well-built and muscled out of 2 world Class Pigeon, the best of Clausing and Houben Bloodline in the world Strain: Houben Clausing/”Prontisimo Second”
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 – TOP PIGEON – 7031 SA NWPF 121 HEN – “Portia” Strain: Dana/Clausing/Grandfather Grandfather ti 1st + 36th + 3rd in 2002 and 2003 Million Dollar Races. SIRE: Nico Dreyers/ Houben Jansen DAM: Alias “Prontisimo (R90,000)” Strain: Clausing Color. Blue Bar Flew 26th position@ Sun City. Champion pigeon and breeder, bred & winners, double winner, best bird in Union and Club from 2004 – 2009 Her own children and grandchildren bred 43 winners. The best breeding pigeon thatl I ever owned. 90% of all her offspring directly to stock.
Winning Bid: R1,700 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 – TOP PIGEON – 2661 NWPF 14 K BB HEN – “Chickadee” Strain: Einkamerer/Clausing/ Engelbrecht “Ziko” Grandsire: Alias “ Ziko” Strain: Houben ‘ Color: Blue Bar Foundation breeder D Clausing also of engelbrecht J Line bred to artist father of young artist 7* 1st
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.LOT 7 – TOP PIGEON – 4984 NWPF 15 D BB HEN – “Jess” Strain: Houben Oscar/”Ziko”/ “King David Clausing” Small Hen well-built and muscled soft feathers, intelligent head, perfect wing my choice, thin flights,100% breeding throat, Gold racer, bred out of the best Clausing,Houben Blood in the world today. Many international winners in progeny, champion pigeon world class breeding, eye pearl, good Pigmentation ,thick inner circle, black wide 10 bishop The Joker eye, eye moving and executive wobble can’t get better for breeding what a pigeon Gold..Breeder of the following positions in the Main Race SCMDPR (Million Dollar Race) since its existence: 3,5,7, 13.18.24,48,50,57,62,67,79,80,87,92,115,130, 138,162,163,176,199,213,226,228,239,249.Car winner 4th hot spot SIRE: Alias “William jnr” Strain: Houben/Oscar Color: Blue Bar Medium size, well built, perfect balance, soft feather, perfect wing, thin flights. Intelligent head 100% breeding throat, was excellent racer, eye moving, dark orange irus with black spots, cracks wide I 0 black Bishop, good inner circle. I.QO% for breeding, should breed winners, best of the best, highly recommended, many winners in progeny. Breeder is winner of the following positions in the Main Race SCMDPR (Million Dollar Race) since its existence. 3, 5, 7, 13. 18. 24; 48, 50, 57, 62, 67 79 80 87 92 115 130 138 162 163 DAM: Alias “SheDaisy” Strain: Clausing Color: Blue Bar famous “king David” on both sides.
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.LOT 8 – TOP PIGEON – 2966 NWPF 14 K BB HEN – “Alexis” Strain: “Ziko”/ King David 1 Son of Ziko, foundation breeder D Clausing, Alias “Nights raven” also of Engelbrecht Lofts, breeder of ACE/Alias Ziko” Foundation breeder Deep Clausing Strain: Houben Foundation breeder D Clausing also of engelbrecht J Linebred to artist father of young artist 7* 1st
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.LOT 9 – TOP PIGEON – 4940 ZA NWPK K 15 BB COCK – Medium size bird, well balanced and muscled intelligent head, 100% breeding throat, soft feathers, perfect wing thin flights, 1/2 brothers to million dollar hotspot car winner, same father, constant good true racer taken to stock, 1/2 sister mother side 37th potion million dollar final race against best in the world today, 100% breeding eye my choice, 10 yellow black Bishop, eye moving, jumping, GOLD inner circle, IRIS orange, open with yellow well pigmentation; with black lines, champion pigeon, world class, best Houben, Clausing blood today in the world in this pigeon blood, many international winners in Progeny must breed winners ” PURE GOLD ” Breeder of the following SIRE: Alias “Calico” Strain: Houben Color:Check Well-muscled, perfect balance, soft feathered, good throat, intelligent head, perfect wing, my pick, taken to stock, dark orange iris, moving eye, small pupil, thick l0 Bishop like his father, good inner circle, own sister 3 time winner, many winners in his progeny, champion, highly Recommended. Breeder is winner of the following positions in the Main Race SCMDPR (Million Dollar Race) since its existence: 3, 5, 7, 13. 18. 24, 48, 50, 57. 62, 67 79 80 87 92 115 130 138. 162 DAM: Alias “Rosie” Strain: Clausing Color: Blue Bar White Fligh Medium size Hen perfect body well balanced and muscled, soft feathers, perfect tail, one of the best, l have ever seen, in my life time, Gold, many international winners in progeny, once in a life time you get a world class champion like “Rosie” and a producer , 1st year 37th million dollar final race. I am an eye man and this is one of the best pigeon eye’s ever Bred on this planet, why say so, eye has thick inner circle, wide l0 bishop yellow•+ Black. eye jumping, wobble and moving, small pupil, thick open orange IRIS , with crack and
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 – TOP PIGEON – 0525 SRSPV 17 CH HEN – “Alexa” Strain: Houben “ Color: L. Checker Halfsister of the world famous ‘Dusty’ which is the sire of the world famous ‘Chanti’ which is the sire of the world famous ‘Herbie’ all ace racers/producers for the Houben family. The 19 Artiest’ is the dam of several winners, including 3 federation winners for Nico Dreyer. She Has a small to medium size, weightless & very Well balanced body Also included in pedigree one of the best Houben pigeons in South Africa. The most expensive pigeon I ever bought. Bred a tripple winner. double winner and a Fed. winner in his first year in South Africa The best of th best!
Winning Bid: R2,100 Auction finishedAuction finished