Showing all 46 results
.LOT 1 – Carnival Lofts – Danie Erasmus – 7103 NWPF 20 ZA COCK – Summer Race Winner 459 KM. First and second Positions arriving together. Arriving 41 minutes before 3rd pigeon. 1078.27 vel. Winner bred by Danie Erasmus SIRE: Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Blue Bar LEEN VAN WILLIE MUNNIK DAM: “VEILING HEN” Strain: TOM LOCK/POOLS Color: BLUE BAR PIED
Winning Bid: R18,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 – Carnival Lofts – Andre Van Wyk – ZA VYRIL 20 5330 – First and second Positions arriving together. 3 Seconds behind the winner. 2nd position on the final race Carnival Lofts bred by Andre van Wyk 10th ace pigeon vel1078.127 m/minute SIRE: ZA-19-175105 Strain of SAMDPR Winner 2019 DAM: DV09639-19-798 Axel Wolf
Winning Bid: R22,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 – Carnival Lofts – JTC Hokke – S266 KUR 20 11355 HEN – SIRE: KPK 2188 Bred for stock Grand sire: TRPF 06593 – 17 BBP Cock of Soetdoring Lofts of ZA LIM 1851-10 Joshua, 1st Allflight (Super Crack/ Oswald ½ brother to sire of Mix! MDPR winner 2018! “Aces Bosman” 34700-06 35e SAMDPR, Sire of Boeing Doring 1 Father of Mix/Best Disastrous flight genetics GRAND DAM: “Katli” ZA LIM 2444-11 Winner Klapmuts, of NL 08-3814682 (“U2”) 21st SAMDPR, PEETERS HUYBRECHTS x NL 09 Famous “Wounded Knee” AD Schaerlaeckens Ace of Aces Dam: NWPF 17 0572 CH 3 x Winner Grand Sire: 667 DV-09-06503 Sudhoff – Van Beers Kitchenbrand Lofts Grand Dam: 651 DV 0906503 Sudhoff – Van Beers
Winning Bid: R10,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 – Carnival Lofts -Triple J Lofts – ZA 2020 JJJ 1073 – 4th FINAL Race, 3-TIME Equal 1st Hot Spot Winner, & potentially 2nd ACE 2021 Carnival International Summer Series! Vel 975.71 m/minute ~ 4th 2020 Carnival Allflight Final Race, 4/270, 459km, 975mpm! ~ Equal 1st (4th) Hot Spot 3, 4/405, 211km,1226mpm! ~ Equal 1st (8th) Hot Spot 4, 8/371, 262km, 1203mpm! ~ Equal 1st (28th) Hot Spot 2, 28/387,178km 1311mpm! ~ 56th Hot Spot 1, 56/416, 154km, 1167mpm! (clocked 70 seconds after 1st)! HANNAH WELTON is: ~ Bred similar to Joan Obsborne – 1st ACE 2020 SAMDPR Grand Averages & Jay Evelyn (2 * equal 1st @ SAMDPR HSs)(Parents are siblings)! ~ Niece of 3rd Ace & 5th Final 2020 Carnival Summer Series (Fathers are brothers)! ~ Great Grandchild of Halover ~ 1st 2014 SAMDPR Final! ~ Great Grandchild of Shirocco – 15th 2014 SAMDPR Final! ~ Grandchild of Mix – 1st 2018 SAMDPR Final! ~ Descendant of Abraham – 1st 2008 SCMDPR Final! SIRE: ROCX is SIRE of HANNAH WELTON: 4th 2020 Carnival Allflight Final Race, Potentially 2nd Ace Pigeon & 3 * Equal 1st Hot Spot Winner! ROCX is FULL BROTHER of ROC MAX who SIRED: Joan Osborne (1st Ace 2020 SAMDPR) & Jay Evelyn (2 * Equal 1st @ SAMDPR HS 4 & 5)! ROCX is also FULL BROTHER of ROX WILLOW who SIRED: 5th 2020 Carnival Summer Final & 3rd Ace Pigeon!! DAM: J9 is DAM of HANNAH WELLTON: ~ Potentially 2nd Ace Pigeon 2020 Carnival Allflight Summer Series! ~ 4th 2020 Carnival Allflight Final Race, 4/270, 459km, 975mpm! ~ Equal 1st (4th) Hot Spot 3, 4/405, 211km,1226mpm! ~ Equal 1st (8th) Hot Spot 4, 8/371, 262km, 1203mpm! ~ Equal 1st (28th) Hot Spot 2, 28/387,178km 1311mpm! ~ 56th Hot Spot 1, 56/416, 154km, 1167mpm! ~ 111th Hot Spot 5, 111/365, 308km, 821mpm! 0009 is FULL SISTER of BLUE JULIETTE (1st Ace VSDK Young Birds All Distances) MOTHER of: Joan Osborne (1st Ace 2020 SAMDPR) & Jay Evelyn (2 * Equal 1st @ SAMDPR HS 4 & 5)!
Winning Bid: R30,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 – Carnival Lofts – Gys & Formyn – ZA 114 GRPF 20 – Vel 937.2703 m/minute SIRE: Gold Medal Bloodline COMBINED SUPER GENES IN ONE PIGEON. Super PEDGIGREE : 5 SANPO GOLD MEDALS CONCORDE, YSTER & NATIONAL GOLD 3 SANPO SILVER MEDALS CONCORDE & THE LEGEND ”38” 1 SANPO BRONZE MEDAL THE LEGEND ”38″ Exceptional one loft breeder with different hens. DAM: Child of “Legacy Florian” 17TH ACE. 4TH National Cahors. This Zorro line bred hen produced a 5th Carnival winner from her first progeny. Original N. & F. NORMAN
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 – Carnival Lofts – Stander & Bekker – 12805 SLIM 20 – Koop n Turbo 6th Final Allflight Carnival Summer OLR 2021 6th Ace Bird Allflight 2021 The same Koopman family, Gsire 0722, scored 4th Cape Town IOLR plus 1st Ace Bird AND 25th Cape Town IOLR. Vel 934.6873 m/minute SIRE: This cock was bought for R51000,kept for buyer that never paid. DAM: Union positions 1,1,5,8,9,14,21,24,49,73,82 Sire 2387 Bred for stock.GSire 12041 scored 1,3,3,4,5,5,7,9,16,17,20,31,37,4 1.Bred winners for Gaddin & Stander,Martin van Staden and offspring bred best bird he ever raced for formidable Peet
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 – Carnival Lofts – Team in Memorium – DV 08510 20 117 – Erfolg 2020 2. Asstaube in Mira; Finalplatzierungen: 49, 69, 193 Erfolge 2021: final of capetown 1 acebird with ton wolvers and 6. place in the final! Final of carnivalloft: 7, 13, 25, 35, 43 place in price money! 2. ace bird with place 7 in the final! Erfolge 2007: 8. RV Jungtiermeister der RV-Georgsmarienhütte; 1. Vereinsjungtiermeister Fortuna Oesede 2007 Bestes Jungtier 2007 im Verein Fortuna Oesede 08510-07-725 mit 5/5 und 1. Konkurs am 18.08.2007 auf dem Flug Homberg (158km) gegen 1939 Tauben. 6 besten Jungtiere im Verein Fortuna Oesede (9 reisende Schläge 2007). 13.,24.,37.,64.,66., und 72. Jungtier unter den 75 besten Jungtieren der RV-Georgsmarienhütte. Erfolge 2007: 25.Platz beim Vorfinalflug über 300 km in Beijeng / China Erfolge 2008: 52. Platz Endflug One loft race in Bulgarien Erfolge 2009: 76., 89., 99., 144., 167. Platz Endflug Carnival City Südafrika über 500 km 325. Platz Endflug One Million Dollar Race in Südafrika über 500 km 3.,20,67 Nordseerennen (letztmalig 2009 auf der Insel Sylt durchgeführt); 14. Märchenwaldderby; 42. Rumänien Erfolge 2010 28. Platz beim One Million Dollars Race am 30.01.2010 in Sun City Südafrika gegen 3155 Tauben!!!!!! 18. Platz 4. Car Race 2010/2011 in Sun City Erfolge 2011 30. Platz Schleswig Holstein Derby 107. Platz Ruhr 2011 in Essen; Kohaus-Flug 118. Platz Ostseerennen 2011 20.Platz Einladungsrennen GDB Erfolge 2012 9.und 109. Platz beim Finale über 500km in Carnival City, Südafrika am 21.01.2012 September 2012 4.Platz Finale German Dream Boys Rennen Herne Dezember 2012 16. Platz Thailand Finale Erfolge 2013 The bird Cherusker won in front of the final at one million dollars race some thousands Dollars; super bird with super places in front of the final! 54., 89 und 93. Platz beim Finale über 521 km in Carnival City, Südafrika Am 26.01.2013 12. Platz im Finale von Mira am 13.07.2013 (zweite deutsche Taube) 32. Platz Finale Usedomflug September 2013 3. Platz und 41. Platz Finale Märchenlandderby September 2013 Hofgeismar 24. Platz Finale Trixderby, Slovakei September 2013 Erfolge 2014 5., 23, 96 Platz beim Finale über 521 km in Carnival City, Südafrika 5 Platz Finale Griechenland Juli 2014 Erfolge 2015 3 Platz Finale Carnival Loft Süd Afrika im Januar 2015 Erfolge 2016 3. Platz Finale Carnivalloft Südafrika 05.Februar 2016; 1. Asstaube! Erfolg 2019 1. Teamtaube Team Sylt 2000 beim Algarve Golden Race; 214. Platz Finale GRAND SIRE: DV 9127-12-822 V Frank Brieskorn Blau Linie “Roter Baron” x K Frank Brieskorn GRAND DAM: DV-5425-16-1700 W Beyerlein/Lindelauf Gehämmert
Winning Bid: R11,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 – Carnival Lofts – Dieplaagte Sterkfontein & Stratus Lofts – ZA-2020-GRPF-2113 HEN – 2020 Carnival Summer Final was won by 1st Ace ‘SILVER FLASH’ by 1H43 min for Team Dieplaagte/Sterkfontein-Stratus. In 2021 two cousins 2112 and 2113 achieved an astonishing 5x IN TOP 10 over the 5 Hot Spots and Final. ‘TOP GUN 2113’ was the only bird scoring 2x in prize money positions – keeping our flag flying high in all weather conditions!! She scored 3rd HS2 (equal 1st), 7th HS4 (equal 1st) ending her season 8th Final (with only 15 birds clocked in 3.5 hours) as 5th Ace Bird. Vel 921.9644 SIRE: Alias “PICO 636” Strain: Dijkstra Tournier Color: Dark Check Line bred to a collection of supreme OLR breeders including LeonardoxTinkelbel super pair, Dante and Marta (Dijkstra, NL), Ringloser best breeder in German history, famous Charley (Koopman), Kenny’s Girl (Rhodes) and the formidable ‘Vegas Pair’ (Hofkens) responsible for 100’s of winners in USA. ‘636’ a perfect specimen showed high potential on the road and was stopped early for stock. Photo’s feature reference birds. DAM: Alias “Lucky Babe” Color: Blue Bar Pied In 2015 ‘LUCKY COUNTESS’ (Cooremans) achieved an incredible 8x Top 20 and 15x Top 100 positions in 23 outings rating amongst the very top performances in SAMDPR history. She is now owned by Paul Smith UK and has bred many top SAMDPR birds sold for large amounts on auction. Her g/g/dam is the prolific breeder BE03/4188127 responsible for >100 1st’s that has had a major impact on this strain. She is also g/g/dam to our ‘LUCKY BABE’ that herself achieved
Winning Bid: R34,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 – Carnival Lofts – Witpen Hokke – ZA 20 ODRA 18191 HEN – She is the 2020 Carnival One Loft summer International Ace bird and Also the 9th finalist in the main race SIRE: He is a double winner. He won Richmond 723km and hanover 650km on difficult races. When the going got tough he got going. We saw his potential and retired him to the stock loft end of 2017. He sired the 2021 Carnival One Loft summer international Ace bird and 9th final also on low velocity DAM: She was the best and most consistent racer daughter bred from the Cyril Leibach cock. She was retired to stock in 2017 and we bred four babies from her and all four turned out to be excellent racers scoring multiple times. She was only bred again in 2020 and (ODRA 1819/20) entered into Carnival summer International race 2021. This Little hen race exceptional and was crowned as Ace and also 9th finalist on the main Race
Winning Bid: R18,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 – Carnival Lofts – African Roots Synd – 100 ZA 20 MSHS COCK – 10th Final Allflight Carnival Summer Series 2020/2021 459km 908 mpm . 77th Hot Spot 1 and 24th Ace Pigeon out of 504 entries. Sire is out of direct imported JANSSEN BROS cock purchased from PIPA in 2012 , one of the last to ever come out of the lofts of the Janssen Bros. Dam : 2nd Carnival City Final 2017 with on 6 birds on the day. SIRE: Alias “FED COCK” Strain: Janssen Color: BC Super Racer 2nd RRPC 520km 4th TRPF 520km 1142mpm 13th TRPF 573km 1319mpm DAM: Alias “Proven Gold” Strain: Gaby Vandenabeele Color: BB 2nd Carnival City Final 2017 451km. clocked at 17:08 , 6 Birds on the day.12th Ace pigeon Dam of “TRPF CARNIVAL”10th final ALLFLITE SUMMER 2020/21 459km clocked at 14:40 – 908 mpm
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 – Carnival Lofts – Steenberg & Broebech – DAN 073 4231 20 COCK – Hooymans+Brabech Chequer w. flight 11. place final at Carnival One Loft Race 2020 !! Final 459 km. very hard race! Vel. 897.4923 SIRE: Brobech Blue bar Father to 073- 20- 4231 no . 11 in the final 459km of Allflight Carnival Loft Brother to 073- 09- 38 who is father to 2142 og 2169 DAM: Hooymans Chequer Mother to 073- 20- 4231 no. 11 in the final 459km of Allflight Carnival Loft
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 12 – Carnival Lofts – Team Hildegard Peytrick – S468 DV01342 20 377 – Vel 897.311 mpm SIRE: Father is direct from the super pairing -‘Prince Esmee’ Elzinga, in 2018 1. NPO & 1. Nat. sect. Sens 8,762 buds 1. NPO & 2. Nat. sect. MorLincourt 17,506 birds -‘Manu’ Ger81d Koopman, in 2018 1. Nat. sect. Bourges 5,877 birds 1. Nat. sect. Chateauroux 3,647 birds Mother bred 1. Heino 430 birds & 6. NPO Morlincourt t 7,348 bids She is full sister to ‘Esmee’ Olympiad bird all round Budapest 2015 1. Nat ace bird WHZB & TBOTB 2014 1-4-7 NPO winner & 5x top 10 nat ace DAM: Full sister to 5. final Pattaya Int. Pigeon Race (PIPR) 2019 25. final Victoria Falls Classic OLR 2019 Same father as winners 3. final Victoria Falls Classic OLR 2018 & 20. Ace bird & 54. final Victoria Falls OLR Father is son of ‘Harry’ 1. Nat. acebird long distance WHZB 2009 Winner 1.• 1.•3. NPO & legend breeder ‘Harry’ was paired to ‘Birdy’ Best Million Dollar Race pigeon ever Mother is ‘Stansted Express’ 9. final Million Dollar race 2,161 birds 2016
Winning Bid: R16,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 13 – Carnival Lofts – Team in Memorium – DV 08510 – Erfolg 2020 2. Asstaube in Mira; Finalplatzierungen: 49, 69, 193 Erfolge 2021: final of capetown 1 acebird with ton wolvers and 6. place in the final! Final of carnivalloft: 7, 13, 25, 35, 43 place in price money! 2. ace bird with place 7 in the final! Erfolge 2007: 8. RV Jungtiermeister der RV-Georgsmarienhütte; 1. Vereinsjungtiermeister Fortuna Oesede 2007 Bestes Jungtier 2007 im Verein Fortuna Oesede 08510-07-725 mit 5/5 und 1. Konkurs am 18.08.2007 auf dem Flug Homberg (158km) gegen 1939 Tauben. 6 besten Jungtiere im Verein Fortuna Oesede (9 reisende Schläge 2007). 13.,24.,37.,64.,66., und 72. Jungtier unter den 75 besten Jungtieren der RV-Georgsmarienhütte. Erfolge 2007: 25.Platz beim Vorfinalflug über 300 km in Beijeng / China Erfolge 2008: 52. Platz Endflug One loft race in Bulgarien Erfolge 2009: 76., 89., 99., 144., 167. Platz Endflug Carnival City Südafrika über 500 km 325. Platz Endflug One Million Dollar Race in Südafrika über 500 km 3.,20,67 Nordseerennen (letztmalig 2009 auf der Insel Sylt durchgeführt); 14. Märchenwaldderby; 42. Rumänien Erfolge 2010 28. Platz beim One Million Dollars Race am 30.01.2010 in Sun City Südafrika gegen 3155 Tauben!!!!!! 18. Platz 4. Car Race 2010/2011 in Sun City Erfolge 2011 30. Platz Schleswig Holstein Derby 107. Platz Ruhr 2011 in Essen; Kohaus-Flug 118. Platz Ostseerennen 2011 20.Platz Einladungsrennen GDB Erfolge 2012 9.und 109. Platz beim Finale über 500km in Carnival City, Südafrika am 21.01.2012 September 2012 4.Platz Finale German Dream Boys Rennen Herne Dezember 2012 16. Platz Thailand Finale Erfolge 2013 The bird Cherusker won in front of the final at one million dollars race some thousands Dollars; super bird with super places in front of the final! 54., 89 und 93. Platz beim Finale über 521 km in Carnival City, Südafrika Am 26.01.2013 12. Platz im Finale von Mira am 13.07.2013 (zweite deutsche Taube) 32. Platz Finale Usedomflug September 2013 3. Platz und 41. Platz Finale Märchenlandderby September 2013 Hofgeismar 24. Platz Finale Trixderby, Slovakei September 2013 Erfolge 2014 5., 23, 96 Platz beim Finale über 521 km in Carnival City, Südafrika 5 Platz Finale Griechenland Juli 2014 Erfolge 2015 3 Platz Finale Carnival Loft Süd Afrika im Januar 2015 Erfolge 2016 3. Platz Finale Carnivalloft Südafrika 05.Februar 2016; 1. Asstaube! Erfolg 2019 1. Teamtaube Team Sylt 2000 beim Algarve Golden Race; 214. Platz Finale 20 26
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 14 – Carnival Lofts – Loutjie & ina Korff – PWF 20 3926 – Vel 872.2339 SIRE: A super cock! • Line bred to ” LUKE DONALD “• 3rd SUN CITY FINAL RACE WINNER – Cream of George Oswald Afrika Koppel Fame Sire to ‘AMERIOS 1″ • 22nd SCMDPR FlNAL Grandsire to ” MIX ” • 1st SCMDPR Final 2018 Ggsire to ZA 178668/19 JOAN OSBORNE -1st ACE SAMDPR Grand Average 2020 Ggsire to ZA JJJ 89/19 – 3rd ACE & 5th Final Carnival Summer Race Final 2020, 7th HS 3, 11th HS 411 Great ggrandsie to 1st international Carnival One Loft Race Final Race 2019 for Bela VIsa Trust GRAND SIRE: ZA 18 SLIM 10124 ALIAS “MIX” STARSTRAIN LUKE DONALD/MIX GRAND DAM: ZA 11 LIM 2444 ALIAS KATLI 1ST KLUB MUTS
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 15 – Carnival Lofts – Die Ou Skuur Hokke – 15 03540 FBHU 20 HEN – Entry Carnival Summer 2021 HS 1 – 4/416 – 154 km HS 2 – 115/387 – 178 km HS 3 – 126/371 – 211 km HS 4 – 100/371 – 262 km HS 5 – 172/365 – 308 km Final 15/270 – 459 km 7th ACE Pigeon Vel 846.9077 SIRE: Father of 03540 FBHU 20 Carnival Summer Entry 15th Final Race and 7th ACE Pigeon DAM: Mother of 03540 FBHU 20 Carnival Summer Entry 15th Final Race and 7th ACE Pigeon
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 16 – Carnival Lofts – Heerman & Gilbert – HHC 20 3925 – Blue Bar 4thHotspot2=lSt l3thHotspot3=1St 16th Final Race 9th ace pigeon SIRE: Stieneker, Klaus Camps Bay Purchased @ SCMDPR 49th Position Final Race DAM: Stieneker, Klaus “Kimberly” Purchased @ SCMDPR
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 17 – Carnival Lofts – Midlands Loft – MIDL 20 208 – Carnival Summer Race 2021: HS1 136th. HS2 172nd. HS3 96th. HS4 48th. HS5 41st. Final 17th , 4th ACE bird. SIRE: Alias “PIRATE” St rain: Gaddin/Oswald Color: B/bar Pied Full Brother to 1851/10 who won Carnival summer loft 2011. SIRE TO: 17th Final Carnival Summer Race 2021 4th ACE bird Carnival Summer Race 2021. DAM: St rain: Siegfried Mayer Color: B/Bar DAM TO: 17th Final Carnival Summer Race 2021 4th ACE bird Carnival Summer Race 2021.
Winning Bid: R20,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 18 – Carnival Lofts – Heinz Fenten – DV 01592 20 231 – One Loft Race Erfolge DV 1592-09-1339 1.Preis Mira Portugal 2019 l.Preis Dr.Kohaus-Rennen 2017 5+18 Preis Sudafrika 2015+16 5+4 Preis Belgien,Masters12+14 2.Preis Finale San City 2005 1.Pr.World Ace Challenge 2013 Aktuell 2020 l.Pr.Teutoburger Wald Rennen 2020 SIRE: Blau-Geschuppt * 696 * ist von Hans Lekscha Wuppertal der 2016 1.Deutscher Meister des Verbandes war. Er wurde in den letz ten 5 Jahren immer 1.RV-Meister der ~ RV Velbert. Siehe Abstammung DAM: Ring von Karl- Heinz Picha
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 19 – Carnival Lofts – Aces Racing Pigeons – NOVP 20 412
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 20 – Carnival Lofts – Gys & Formyn – GRPF 20 126 – SIRE: Breeder of Federation and Union winners. Hermans Fierens. DAM: Sire is Moneymaker 2926/05 Foundation Twilight cock J+M King. Sire to Golden TT etc. Dam is 06019/11 daughter 8441/07 ‘Turbo magic’ full brother Moneymaker. 06019 won combine 1000 mpm 600km. 0707 bred union winner.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 21 – Carnival Lofts – Murray & Hillcrest – EDEN 20 5789 – EX: COCK COLOR: Blue Pied A very very well bred bird that has been consisten through the whole series HS1 105th HS2 56th HS3 56th HS4 53rd HS5 233rd Final 21st This bird is a full briother to “HILLCREST 66” Prieska National 491 km 1st club 10 birds, 1st Union 119 birds, 4th south section, 529th open Full Sister to “HILLCREST 67” 3x 1st, 2 x 2nd plus numerous good fed positions. 2018 4th best bird in the Federation, 2019 3rd best bird in the club, and 7th best bird in the Federation 120+ members Full siblings have won the following positions CLUB 4 X 1st place 5 X 2nd place 3 X 3rd plac 3 X 4th place 1 X 5th place FEDERATION 1/119 2/857 2/558 4/673 8/828 10/862 14/769 The aim at Hillcrest Stud is to look beyond the 1st club and 1st federation winners, and we have tried to bring in TOP bloodlines that have won races and prizes at National and International level, very large birdages and quite often competing against several other countries, this means that the winners have to be the best of the best SIRE: Ralf Plat Bred by Ralf Platt of Germany Brought from the 2015 South African Million Dollar Race. Sire to the following CLUB 4 X 1st place 5 X 2nd place 3 X 3rd plac 3 X 4th place 1 X 5th place FEDERATION 1/119 2/857 2/558 4/673 8/828 10/862 14/769 DAM: Mark Gilbert This Hen has been bred from 2 direct Mark Gilbert UK birds, her sire was brought from the 2013 Million Dollar Pigeon Race The Sire of this pigeon IS NL07-144590, a grandson of “Kliene Dirk” the father is NL07-1389554 a direct son of Kliene Dirk, the Dam is NL02-2373081 she is a direct daughter of “Mighty Man”. The Dam of “Southfield Ocean” is GB07L02130, her sire is BE06-3208681, he is a direct son of “Figo” her Dam is GB06T42557 a daughter of “Rowan” The Dam to “HILLCREST NO FLY ZONE” is bred as follows; The sire is GB10N1280, Chequer Cock “Southfield Star” 2nd Saintes National, 394 miles 4128 birds dropped with winner, 2nd BBO fed 2419 birds, again dropped with the winner. Also 5th federation, 1717 birds, 9th federation 2156 birds, 25th federation 2261 birds. This cock has bred 4th Open Cholet 6500 birds, and 11th open National Flying Club 6300 birds. The sire is bred from a Direct Son of Dutch Master when paired to a Direct daughter of Golden Gaby. The Dam is D1769-09-1023 from Andreas Drapa, she is Dam to 2nd Open National Flying Club Messac, 5000 birds, she is a direct daughter of “Champ” 1st 2351 birds, 1st 2248 birds, 1st 1413 birds, Best all round bird in Germany 2004. Her Dam is “Miss Olympic” 1st 627 birds, 1st 1174
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 22 – Carnival Lofts – Hans Paul Esser – DV 05369 20 1289 – Hans-Paul Eser Summer Final Allflight Carnival Loft 2021 22e Final race 459 km very hard race with headwind, only 43 pigeons arrived first day 41e Hotspot 4 262 km 29e Hotspot 3 211 km 28e Hotspot 1 154 km 1e Training 4 3e Training 12 5e Training 7 7e Training 5 22 Training 2 32 Training 11 Race started with 507 pigeons SIRE: Hugo fliegt 3 Jahre 2- stellig. 2005: 3. As-Vogel Allround 4. bester jähriger Vogel der RV Miterringer der 3. Regionalmeisterschaft All round Supervererber u.a. Vater von Port. 174, diese erringt in 2011 14/14 mit 1077 As.-Punkten; von 11/92 u.a. 4. Nat. Straubing geg. 10.273 Tauben in 2012; Vollbruder 05369-11-93 wird in 2013 2. bester Altvogel der RV Nievenheim mit DAM: Grandvather 3205 is son of “AS969” The 969 is an absolute Topper; In 2009 and 2010 he was the 1. AS-Vogel im RegV 413 and 2009 17. AS-Vogel BRD and 2010 1. AS-Vogel BRD Attendees Nationen- Cup 2010 and Olympian Posen 2011 in der Kat. Allround 3205 is father of “King of Venlo”. Winner of Ostseerennen 2016 and Winner of 15.000
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 23 – Carnival Lofts – Simon Wolf – DV 01157 20 1011- 1. FCI World Champion 2 best Resultat 2019 4. FCI World Champion 4 best Resultat 2019 One Loft Race Spezialist SIRE: Top X Top Bucher blau Is Father to 2. Place Final FCI Costa del Sol2019. Enkel 1. Nat. Gien Sohn Olympia Taube 1606 DAM: 0507-1 6-763 Tochter Victoria A.u.H. Klaas Blau Enkelin Konstantin Tochter Victoria
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 25 – Carnival Lofts – Team Dobermann Groene – SNWF 20 2192 – Info ivm die duif: B/C 2191 SNWF 20 – 25ste Hoofreis Honstra/Slimme Inteling Pa: 3825: Honstra / Slimme Unie wenner. Kinders presteer by Carnival saam verskeie henne Ma:11037: Honstra / Slimme Geteel vir stock. Kinders presteer by Carnival saam verskeie cocks
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 26 – Carnival Lofts – Loutjie & Ina Korff – PWF 20 3923 – SIRE: ZA 17 LIM 3020. Brother of Rocky 4de Diaz ODL final 2018.———– Dam : ZA 17 TRPF 21927 Y, Sister to dinokeng winner that bred the mother of Mix. lste SAMDPR 2018. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 27 – Carnival Lofts – Die Ou Skuur hok – FBHU 20 2441 – Entry Carnival Summer 2021 38th Hot Spot 1 – 154 km 27th Final – 459 km SIRE: Sire of 02441 FBHU 20 Carnival Summer 27th Final Sire 4435/18- 29th 3rd HS VicFalls 2019 Best One Loft Genetics of Out of Africa Direct Son of 2nd Klapmuts Final 2015 His Dam is full sister to 2nd Klapmuts Final 2016 DAM: 3 X R80000 Cock Dam of 02441 FBHU 20 Carnival Summer 27th Final Dam of 5th HS 3, 333rd final and 136 Grand Averages Vic Falls 2020 ZA 19 WYNL 3204 Dam 6 best ave Klapmuts Sprint Series 2018 ZA 17 WYNLAND 1964
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 28 – Carnival Lofts – Bernd Rohlig – DV 03658 760 – DV 03658 /20/ 760 Carnival Loft 2020/21 SIRE: Son of TYSON BEUTE & ZN GESCHUPT
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 29 – Carnival Lofts – Karl Heinz Burger – DV 05079 20 928 – SIRE: Gehammert Burger K.H Ist ein Vollbruder Zur 05056/12/3W sie Fliegt 60xges .43 Pr. Und den ersten Preis Auf dem RegV Flug Von Auxerre gegen 5226 Tauben im RegV 451. DAM: Enkelin 36 Blau Wellm Klaus Ist eine enkelin des 36 von gunter prange
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 30 – Carnival Lofts – Andre Van Wyk – CYRL 20 5329 – MILA SIRE: Axel Wolf DAM: Strain of SAMDPR Winner 2019
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 31 – Carnival Lofts – Eaglestone Lofts – NIX 20 4423 – SIRE: 3 RACE 3xWINNER 3,9,12 DE UNIE This Pigeon flew at approximitly 700km His children fly on the mid to long distance A+ Pigeon DAM: Entered at Dinokeng One Loft Race on Behalf of Bloubul Sindikaat- Bredby William Van Zyl 1103-16: Mother and are both Foundation Birds Father SVPV 250-08 Jan Bekker-Hobhouse Mother is a Clasing x DeZutter/Jules Ryckaer (Nico Dreyer) Mothers Sister is one of the best racing birds I have ever owned.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 32 – Carnival Lofts – Out of Africa – VPU 20 4383 – ZA VPU 4383/20- 32nd Carnival Summer Final Race 2021- a very hard race!- Only 43 day birds! Trompsburg 459km, vel685!- Bred and entered by OOA SYNDICATE. SIRE: Alia “6th ACE GPU X 1st ACE GRP Strain: 7 X SANPO GOLD MEDALS Color: Bluebar Top Breeder!! Son to TWO ACES! ACES breeds ACES! flis sire is ZA THU tl791/07 Super Racer & Breeder of winners and One Loft Aces. 2 x Winner.Sire to 18 wins & 3rd Ace Bird Club & 6th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 2008, flis dam is ZA BPF/D 02688/09- 6 X CLUB WlNNER, I st Ace Y fB GRPA Combine & 3rd National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2010 Sire to ZA VPU 4383/20- 32nd Carnival Summer Final Race 2021- a very hard race! Trompsburg 459km, ve\685! DAM: Alias: “5th ACE CARNIVAL” Strain: JJJ ONE LOFT LINE Color: Bb ZA JJJ 086/19 – “THE MYSTERY HEN” 5th ACE Pigeon 2020 Carnival Summer Race! 8th Final Carnival Summer One Loft Race & . 385km! 8th Carnival Summer One Loft Race Hot Spot 3@ 211km! In first season dam to ZA VPU 4383/20- 32nd Carnival Summer Final Race 2021- a very hard race! Trompsburg.4.59km, ve\685! NOTES BY JURIE ERWEE: – This hen will come a superbreeder!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 33 – Carnival Lofts – Quentin Brett de Beer – CYRL 20 5113 – SIRE: ZA 2015 PWF 2395 Eddie Reynders & Umberti Breed: Bloubul Hooymans GRAND SIRE: Blue Bar Cock Bred for Jos Riley Ireland by Jan Hooymans Stock Pair Hooymans Large amount paid for this super cock DAM: CPL 2019 .10 11’11 Hanover 3rd Hotspot ACE Pigeon Soetdoring Trophy 2nd Yearling ACE PIGEON GRAND DAM: Ma van Kilo – 6th Open Ace Pigeon CPL 2015
Winning Bid: R3,200 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 35 – Carnival Lofts – Team ACC7 – SNWF 20 2115 -B/B 2115 SNWF 20 35ste Finaal, nesmaat van 2116 – 127 Finaal Inteling: Slimme/ Bliksem Van den Beule Broer Suster Kruising SIRE: 3362: Slimme/ Bliksem van den Beule: 6de Beste Ope duif by Carnival. Eerste kinders presteer reeds 2020 by Carnival. DAM: 3360: Slimme/ Bliksem van den Beule: 9de beste Ope duif by Carnival:Eerste kinders presteer reeds 2020 by Carnival.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 36 – Carnival Lofts – Alfons Klaas – DV0507 20 1126 – SIRE: “”Bruder Purdey”” 1. Grandaverage in South Africa samdpr Final 3. Konkurs 2012 75000 USD Son 0507-16-569 1.ace pig. olr race Sofia from 2241 p. 19 p. 125 km 1905 p. 4 p. 170 km 1696 p. 30 p. 220 km 1504 p. 24 p. 280 km 1339 p. 18 p. 420 km 754 p. Grandchild BG-20-42737 “Champion” BFP Vicont & Vicontesa *Super racer* *TOP PIGEON* 1. pl. Final 510 km 1. Ace pigeon 2. pl. S.Final 320 km OLR DAM: “”Outstanding Breeding hen”” Sister Mr. Bolt 1. ACE Cock Regv. 250 Best pigeon over 5 races from 35196 p.. 14 / 13 RV 1122,94 Ap. 14 / 13 FG 1144,24 Ap. From Fullbrother0507-10-355 1. Preis Allflight Main race2013 2. Grandaverage From Fullbother 16. Portugal Algarve15. Ace Pigeon Grandchild Dak Gwen 1.NPO P. van der Merve from 8125 auf 623 km with 5 min ahead and fastest from 12257 and 31. ace pig. over 3 races over 500 km 1. pr 624 km 8125 p. 34 pr. 549 km 10321 p. 329 pr. 528 km 18564 p.
Winning Bid: R20,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 38 – Carnival Lofts – H+S+J Goebel – SNWF 20 2147 – Vos Jennes/ Vos Jennes, Ben van As Pa: 1471: Vos Jennes – nuwe lyn ingebring vir stock, somer reis eerste kleintjies Ma: 42353: Vos Jennes, Ben van As. Vlieg self 2 x 2de posissies by Carnival. Albei reise alleen saam wenduif geland en elke keer 2de ingestap. Haar Vos Jennes bloed is die Barbie bloed en Ben van As bloed is die 2de beste JO in Unie bloed.
Winning Bid: R3,600 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 39 – Carnival Lofts – Alfons Klaas – DV 0507 20 1139 – Brother 6 Final German Alfons Klaas SIRE: A.u.H.Klaas Sister 0507-11-138 32 entrys 30 prices 5,6,7,7,11,13,17,19,23,25,26 2012 13 / 12 Pr. Halfbr. 0507-11-168 1. Price 427 km 14694 Tb. siblings Konsi,Maxi, Cheetah 13,86,197 Pr. samdpr 2011 From Fullsister 0507-10-768 1. Pr. Carneval City Allflight Final 2. Pr. Halffinal 444 km Son 0507-17-280 Bamberg 3 place Hot Spot Average 2018 and 5 pr. 5 Hot Spot 2807 p. Son 0507-18-501 ” The best of South Africa” 29 pr. in the final samdpr 2019 Daughter Bamberg 1 0507–17- 299 48 pr. final Victoria falls 2018 main race 0507-18-313 South African DAM: Kurt Artz Die Rheinländerin Daughter of one of the best breeding pairs germany This pair breed many 1 price winners in first and second generation. Son 0507-20-1065 6 price final 2020 german classic
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 40 – Carnival Lofts – Badenhorst Hokke – ZULU 20 2560 HEN – SIRE: Alias “My Boytjie ” Strain: 810 Superbreeder Color: Blue Bar Proven breeder of super racers. Direct son to Out Of Africa’s super breeder BELG 4253810/07. The 810 line is responsible for a long list of great racers, breeders and ace pigeons. Half brother to super breeder 06980/13 who produced double SANPO gold on the long distance and a number of other combine winners. DAM: Alias “Marblehall hen” Strain: Out Of Africa Lofts Color: Blue Bar 3rd KZN Ace bird 2017. GPU 11416/15 is a 2 x KZN Combine winner and great constant racer.Marblehall – 1st KZN 98 members 1008b 434km, Marblehall – 1st KZN 100 members 1214b 434km, Middleburg 1 – 3rd KZN 109 members 1409b 370KM, Middleburg 2 – 12th KZN 114 members 1497b 370km, Messina – 47 KZN 62 members 526b 669km, Middleburg – 13th KZN 133 members 1699b 370km. Super racer. could have been 3 x
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 41 – Carnival Lofts – Webster Lofts – DIAS 20 270 – Red Cheque Hen 270-20-ZA/DIAS “Firefly” Webster Lofts Entered and raced Carnival International OLR Summer Series 61st Final Race 3rd Hotspot 4 53rd Hotspot 3 A genetic package of all our superbreeders and ACES, an example is her half sister (Same Dam) 54100/17 is a 6 x winner for us 3 of those SIRE: Red Cheque 0770-19-ZA/DPC “Red Producer” Was kept for stock and his first chick bred is “Firefly” who completed Carnival Summer and flew a 3rd, His nestmate sister “Shadow” bred 8th ACE same series and is her 1st chick bred. DAM: BC 5468-16-ZA/BDR “Refugee” Webster Lofts 2017 Diaz1 winner, ACE on Points and Benzing Velocity 6th Race 1 205km 3rd Race 4 440km 12th Race 5 207km 59th Race 6 525km 7th Race 7 207km 24th Race 8 525km 5th Race 9 207km 2nd Final race 635km (Best bird in the History of Diaz1 Loft) Dam to numerous OLR top 5 birds, FED, Union and Club winners. incl. 54100/17 a 6 x FED winner.
Winning Bid: R10,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 42 – Carnival Lofts – Gys & Formyn – GRPF 20 127 – 64th Final Race Carnival Summer Series 2021 SIRE: Breeder of Federation and Union winners. Hermans Fierens. DAM: Sire is Moneymaker 2926/05 Foundation Twilight cock J+M King. Sire to Golden TT etc. Dam is 06019/11 daughter 8441/07 ‘Turbo magic’ full brother Moneymaker. 06019 won combine 1000 mpm 600km. 0707 bred union winner.
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 44 – Carnival Lofts – Hans Paul Esser – DV 05369 20 1275 – Summer Final Allflight Carnival Loft 2021 68e Finalrace 459 km very hard race with headwind, only 43 pigeons arrived first day 13e Hotspot 5 308 km Race started with 507 pigeons Nephew to 0507-18-239 Regionalsieger !!! 1e 13408 pig. 307 km 3e 2520 pig. 347 km Nephew to 0507-18- 166 1e 1422 pig. 170 km 6e 3938 pig. 170 km SIRE: Son from Purdey 3. final race 2012 SAMDPR 1. Grand Average International Father fullbrother Victor 1. final race 2011 SAMDPR Sister 16-679 2. Grandaverage Victoria Falls 2016 Uncle to 0507-18-239 Regionalsieger !!! 1e 13408 pig. 307 km 3e 2520 pig. 347 km Uncle to 0507-18-166 1e 1422 pig. 170 km 6e 3938 pig. 170 km Uncle Odin DAM: father Tyson 1. ace pigeon RegV 2010 3. ace pigeon BRD 2010 1 vs 1887 pig. 2 vs 3816 pig. 6 vs 4288 pig. 8 vs 4754 pig. 10 vs 1779 pig. 11 vs 1247 pig. 17 vs 3903 pig. 19 vs 3930 pig. mother to 3. Ace pigeon IAPC 2020
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 46 – Carnival Lofts – Gavin Lamprecht – CYRL 3798 – SIRE: 05986-15-655 v Taube fliegt in Munst Den 3 Konkurs Endflug GRAND SIRE: 0710-11-720V An 758 oder an 922 Gonschior Geh. Eltern 2014 Sudafrika 5 Hotspot 350 km 15 Konkurs Tauben•der Weltspitze 1000 Dollar Siegpramie DAM: 0237H5-587W Blau Abstammung Koch GRAND DAM: 0849-14-170 w Blau Abst K H Koch
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 47 – Carnival Lofts – Alfons Klaas – DV 0507 20 1125 – Alfons Klaas Blau SIRE: From the best blood line in the million dolar race. Halfbrother 16 in the final 2014 and 4 Grandaverage Pigeon Fullsister to mother is “”Birdy”” 10 Final samdpr 2008 1. Grandaverage 1. Hot Spot Average 1. Knock Out Winner Sell for 72000 Euro in the Super Bowl “” Sister Golden Lady”” fantastic young Bird 2014 Was sell on pipa. DAM: Nestsister Superstar Germany!!!!! Brother 06739-11-193 first prices: 7 x 1 Pr. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,5,8,13,18 1. Pr. from 17066 pigeon 2013 1 ACE Pigeon Big Club mit 950,74 AsP. bei 10 Flügen Champion ” SUPER STAR ” DBA Dortmund Son from 193 — 0507-16-504 1 Pr. 413 km on from 0507 Son from 193 — 0507-20-1063 3 pr. final german classic 18 pr. halffinal german classic
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 49 – Carnival Lofts – Tripple J Lofts – JJJ 20 1062 – Performance: ~ Equal 1st (5th) Hot Spot 3, 5/405, 211km,1226mpm! ~ Equal 1st (37th) Hot Spot 2, 37/387,178km 1311mpm! ~ 30th Hot Spot 4, 30/371, 262km, 1203mpm! ~ 90th 2020 Carnival Allflight Final Race! Notes: ~Directly Related to 1st 2012, 2013, & 2016 SAMDPR FINALS!!! ~ Granddaughter SUN CITY father of 1st 2012 & 2016 SAMDPR Finals! ~ Granddaughter ORNAT (1st 2013 SAMDPR CAR RACE AVERAGES!!!) ~ Granddaughter SORAIA (KNOCK-OUT WINNER 2012 SCMDPR!!!) SIRE: ‘GOLDEN 104’ AU GFL 17 104 Golden 104 is father of: ~ Josie Cotton – 116th 2020 SAMDPR Final!!! ~ Diane III – Equal 1st HS 2 (6th), 253rd HS 1 SAMDPR 2018/19, ~ Laura’s Legacy II – 28th SAMDPR HSCR 4 SAMDPR 2017/19, & ~ Laura’s Legacy III – 107th HS 2, 139th HS 1 SAMDPR 2018/19 Note Golden 104 is: ~Bred similar to LAURA IS A BIG WINNER TODAY – 1st 2016 SAMDPR Final (mothers are full sisters) ~Half Brother RUBELLOS – 1st 2012 SAMDPR Final ~Grandson of UNTAMED DESERT – 1st 2013 SAMDPR final DAM: SORIANA’ ZA 2013 04389 Note: Soriana is daughter of: ORNAT – 1st SAMDPR CAR RACE AVERAGES – 2013!!! & SORAIA – 1st 2012 SCMDPR KNOCK-OUT!!! Grandparents of 5th, 7th,7th, 31st, 75th, 122th SAMDPR FINALS!!
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 50 – Carnival Lofts – African Roots Synd – OERF 20 178 – Equal 1st Hot Spot 1,2&3 HS1 8th HS2 12TH HS3 12TH HS4 49TH MAIN RACE 93RD Son off NWPC Ace Pigeon x 3rd Allflite International Main Race 2018 SIRE: Alias “Best 3000” Strain: Tom Lock X Verstraete Color: BB Best Yearling NWPC 2019 Best Bird NWPC 2019 3rd GRPF 530km 852p 1233 vel 10th GRPF 519km 684p 1072 vel 17th GRPF 480km 866p 1247 vel 21st Gauteng Combine 530km 6000p 21st GRPF 795km 506p 795 vel 29th GRPF 589km 625 p 1221 vel 33rd GRPF 713km 448p 1139 vel 70th GRPF 390km 925p 1395 vel DAM: Alias “Queen Matus” Strain: Janssen X Schellens Color: BC 10th HS3 323km 11th HS4 403km 3rd Main Race 648km – 13 birds on the day Dam of 8th HS1 Allflight Summer 2020,12th HS 2 & 12th HS3
Winning Bid: R2,800 Auction finishedAuction finished