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.LOT 1 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 22 36257 CH H – BRED “PARADISE FLOWER” 2ND RACE 3 AND 2ND RACE 5 , 18 GREEN JACKET AFRIKAPRO 2024.——36257 FLEW :3RD HOTSPOT 2 (EQUAL WINNER) , 20TH FINAL RACE , 16TH HOTSPOT ACE PIGEON , 17TH GRAND AVERAGE WINNER. SAIPR WINTER 2023—————– SIRE: ZA 16 TRPF 1953 . Flor Engels / Tom Lock . This cock has flown the following positions. 1e Club 3e Div 28e Fed Middleburg 664km 1379.190mpm 6e Club 8e Div 14e Fed Noupoort 635km 1184.308mpm 7e Club 9e Div 22e Fed Colesburg 585km 1151.143mpm 21e Club 31e Div 98e Fed Reddersburg 432km 1225.700mpm——————— DAM: 26203 trpf 15 bc. Lock / Jansen De Wett Putt. Click Pair hen. which is responsible for +- 15 winners with different cocks. This hens full sisters did the following TRPF 6392/15 won the fed from Smithfield 1 475km 1477.606mpm TRPF 10314/15 was 3rd fed from Colesburg 2 584km 1321.281mpm. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!
Current bid: R4,500 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 2 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 23 CYRL 3497 HEN– 9TH HOTSPOT 4 , 9TH FINAL RACE (7TH PAID PIGEON) SAIPR 2024 SUMMER—————SIRE:16722 ZA TRPF 12.FLOR ENGELS. SIRE TO GAUTENG ACE PIGEON COMBINE.————–DAM:2658 ZA CYRL 22 TOP GUN BENEKE LOFTS 19th Final CTIOL 2023 and 8th ACE Bird CTIOL 2023. Same bred as 3rd ACE Dinokeng 2022 , 2nd Club Sale Bloemfontein..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Current bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 3 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 22 GPU 2664 BBAR COCK——–SIRE:1050 NOVP 19 “BULLDOG KITTEL”. BEST KITTEL. Super strong young cock out of the best genetics available.Full of muscle quality and a champion young cock for the future.Do not miss this golden oppertunity to obtain some of the worlds best pigeons.————-DAM:15781 ZA GPU 14 “THE GPU HEN” BB VAN ENGELA X LOCK 5 X WINNER PLUS FEDERATION WINNER GOLD MEDAL WINNER SANPO MIDDLE DISTANCE 2016 SILVER MEDAL WINNER SANPO OVERALL 2016 ACE BIRD OVERALL GAUTENG COMBINE 2016.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Current bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 4 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 23 CYRL 6303 COCK- HALF BROTHER/SISTER WERE 2ND MATJIESFONTEIN CAR RACE AT CENTRAL ONE DAY LOFTS AND WINNING THE BIG MONEY RACE WINNING A TOTAL OF MORE THAN R80 000— Sire: 26858 ZA TRPF 10 “DERBY COCK”. (SIRE TO ZA 20 CYRL 5590 – WINNING R134 200.00 AT CENTRAL LOFTS 2021) 10 x Winner and bred multiple winners for BENEKE LOFTS.———Dam: 0262 PL 13743 20 . “Greg Rockets” 39th Cape Town OLR Final 480km. Were bought for R21 500.00 . This hen is a direct grand daughter of the famous “JONGE KONG” .Multiple One Loft winners GREG TEAM POLAND. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Starting bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 5 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE –ZA 21 NOVP 601 BB H “Little Jazzy” – 18th FINAL SAPIR 2022, 11th HOTSPOT AVERAGES SAPIR 2022 , 34th GRAND AVERAGES SAPIR 2022 , 43/275KM HOTSPOT 1 , 13/374KM HOTSPOT 2 , 18/501KM HOTSPOT 4 , 18/575KM FINAL SAPIR 2022 . Little Jazzy was one of the top performers in the SAPIR One Loft 2022 edition. Her father is Jazzmann who flew 8th in the Million Dollar Final for Mike Ganus of Ganus Family Loft. Jazzmann is a direct son of Raven who is currently the number 1 breeder of Ganus Family loft, and Jazzmann is arguably the best original Ganus cock in South Africa. Little Jazzy is the first child of Jazzmann to ever go to a One Loft race. Jazzmann is grandfather to multiple super breeders already for Aces Racing Pigeons. Her mother flew 20th in the Million Dollar final on a hard and hot day. Unfortunately no pedigree could ever be obtained for her but she is one of the main breeding hens in the loft, and mother and grandmother to multiple super pigeons. Do not miss this golden opportunity to obtain super Ganus genetics like this which is not available in the market here in South Africa. We have 100% confidence that Little Jazzy will become a super breeding hen.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!!
Current bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 6 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA TRPF 13986 18 HEN “TRIPPLE MIX MAN” – World renowned blood lines combine together from MDPR winner and One Loft Racing -SIRE: Full Brother to “JADZIA” – 7th Place SAMDPR 2019 Final Race- Bred by TRIPLE J LOFTS – Jurie Erwee– DAM:”DON’T SLEEP”- Half sister to “MIX” SAMDPR winner 2018 -same Dam.”MIX” BREAK AWAY winner of 2018 SAMDPR
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.LOT 7 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 16 TRPF 19355 HEN- SIRE: 20597 TRPF 13 “BLACK PANTHER” SLIMME PUTTRY – “Black Panther” mated to different hens produced winners. Sire to many Club winners – Division and TRPF top positions. Sire to 2nd SA Club Championship SAMDPR. Bred Million Dollar 118th place 2019 – D/Check Hen 0704 –— Dam: 05708332 DV 11 . “FIRE SPIRIT” CH – Bought on Million Dollar Auction by Beneke Lofts. Bought for breeding. Great handler. Grandmother and mother of multiple winners by different cocks. Excellent breeder. Bred by Harmut Bierwith “German Hen” MOTHER OF MULTIPLE WINNERS.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Starting bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now -
.LOT 8 HULLE WEET NIE WAT ONS WEET NIE – ZA 17 GPU 03871 BBAR HEN- SIRE: 1796 ZA 03 THU. (1796 03 “KNOWN AS THE 03 COCK – THIS COCK IS THE FOUNDATION COCK OF KITCHENBRAND LOFTS) GRAND FATHER TO BEST BIRD IN FED. BRED NOW OVER 100 WINNERS CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN.——–DAM:24022 ZA TRPFD 14 GOLDEN PRINCESS BB SCMIDT & BOUWER 4 x FED winner LOT 2 Schmidt & Bouwer auction 2017 The best hen Johan and Roland had in their racing careers. What a champion the Gold Medal Hen short distance champion in S. A..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Current bid: R2,000 Time left Bid now