STRATUS LOFTS Pigeon Dynamics - 3 September 2020 to 9 SEPTEMBER 2020 (20:00)
Pigeon Dynamics
Top pigeon Sale
Pigeon Dynamics is announcing a revolutionary racing circuit for South African pigeon fanciers. The Cradle of Humankind will be the backdrop for this racing circuit signaling ‘The Beginning”
To help raise awareness I have personally hand selected 5 pigeons from Stratus lofts, these birds were all selected based on handling and pedigrees. These birds will be of great value to any breeding program and will help support the new racing circuit.
ALPHA: Membership applications now Open! Please feel free to request application forms and send pedigrees to [email protected]. Anyone up for the challenge is welcome to send a maximum of 10 racing pigeons free of charge (subject to terms and conditions available on
BETA: Testing will commence from 1 November 2020, extra rewards with no monthly subscription for 12 months for new members willing to help with the testing and extra functionality that needs to be in place for the official launch 01 Jan 2021.
There is much more planned and BETA users will have exclusive insights and shape this new concept in racing pigeons. The intention is that even if you can’t have racing/breeding lofts of your own you can still own a couple of great racing pigeons and experience the thrill of winning against the odds.

Showing all 5 results
LOT 1 Stratus Lofts 3300 ZA 20 TRPF “Backflash” – Full brother ‘SILVER FLASH’ 1st Carnival Summer 2020 Final >1.5 hours 2 day birds, 1st Ace Bird x200m/m by Dieplaagte-Stratus Lofts. Resembles GGM Dijkstra Foundation ‘De Strik’. Lines perform in hot weather with head winds – super pair ‘Leonardo & Tinkelbel’ (Dijkstra, high hit rate SA Million Dollar)/Jimmy Brands ‘Museeuw’ (2X only day bird Antwerp Union)//’Blaauwe van Oppen’ (Winner hard Barcelona 1987)/’Super Crack Crusson’ (Winner Barcelona 1970’s)/’Didi’ (De Vos) AND supreme breeders ‘Ringlozer 12′ (Prange DV)/’Charley’ (Zn ‘Kleine Dirk’ Koopman)/’Kanibaal’ (Van Dijk)/ ‘Vegas Pair’ (Quest/Ganus) USA.
Winning Bid: R13,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 2 STRATUS LOFTS “Bianca’s Legacy” ZA 206281 19 – Double 5-Star Rating! DUAL Schmidt & Bouwer ‘5x WINNER’ lines from 2 SA regions merged: SIRE LINE: ‘Rooi Oog Bianca-G155’ parents >50 winners including ‘5x WINNER’ NOVPF 09 D/59033 with 1st Fed by 8m/m, 2nd Fed by seconds and D/599 a ‘3x WINNER’ with 1st Fed, already by 2012. } DAM LINE: S&B ‘6466-Roodhooft Hen’ (Ref B. J auction) parents of TRPF 07 31848 – 5x WINNER (Ref F). ‘CAR HEN’ 1138 out of ‘Susan’ and ‘2300′ Spritzy sire 20x winners, Line bred 7x to Boney Cock-Bianca’ miracle pair the common dorninator in all S&B SANPO medal winners including ‘Golden Princess’ sold for R360.000
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 3 STRATUS LOFTS “Golden Spider” 206301 ZA 19 – Foundation Cock potential. with the same qualities as his dam Three Sisters 800km winner by 45 minutes – a ggd of the famous ‘1756 BAK17 as well as line bred 2x to “IL RAGNO” rated by PIPA as the best modern! De Raauw Sablon. Also strong influences of the Vandenheede ‘Freddy’ “Den Dromer” lines that appear in the PIPAS 4th SAMDPR 2019 sold for ZAR R1.3m and “De Vital” that was also grand Sire of Vandenabeele’s “Bliksem”. Cutting edge De Raauw Sabion genetics.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 4 STRATUS LOFTS “King Neonardo” 3302 ZA 20 – Cousin of ‘SILVER FLASH’ [mothers are full sisters] sensational winner/Ace Bird victorious against strong opposition (including a full sister of SAMDPR 2020 GA.Ace) in the grueling 2020 CARNIVAL SUMMER Final. ‘KING NE0NARDO° is line bred to “Leonardo x Tinkelbel” highest impact OLR pair in history having produced SAMDPR champions “Maggie Maiden” 2nd Ace 2012, “Purdey” 1st Ace 2013, Typhoon’ Car Winner Merc SLK 2014, ‘Gold Star Legend’ 2017 and many more. “NEONARDO” is a visibly superior baby that even at only 5 weeks age displays the characteristics of our supreme Eurostar Tourniers.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 5 STRATUS LOFTS “Rode Vos” 7323 ZA 18 TRPF – Perfection from the best of the Janssen Brothers. Young bird rung with old ring for stock. A rare find following the final dispersal sale of the most famous fanciers in history. Their genes still boost many modern strains in 2020. Line bred mainly to the famous “019” (20 x 1st) one of the best racers in history and their invincible red “OUDE VOS” lines. This cock will genetically enhance any lines crossed into.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished