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ACTIVE AUCTION - FERDIE COETZER - From 19 June until Wednesday 21 June 2023 (Ends from 20:00)
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.LOT 8 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CRU 1272 BB – ZA 07 PBG 1724 is sire to Marissa Ace bird Dinokeng OLR and Something Splendid Ace bird SAPIR OLR . This fabulous blue bar hen is line bred to ” 24 ” . Marissa also dam to 1st Victoria Falls YL 2018 as well as 3rd Ace , Quantico .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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.LOT 9 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 GPU 5618 CHPD – Young blue check pied cock ZA 22 GPU 5618 is bred from a golden line of Blou Bul champions . His outstanding characteristic is his superb muscles , essential to be a champion racer and to re produce champions .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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.LOT 1 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CRU 1257 BB – Uniique mating . Inbred to Marissa , Ace Bird Dinokeng and mother to Victoria Falls YL final winner ” Quantico ” . This young cock is perfect in every way . He will become a champion breeder .SEE PEDIGREE!!
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LOT 11 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CYRL 4536 BB – Top class young cock . He is bred halfbrother x halfsister back to my star breeder 230 who is a full brother to Ace Bird Dinokeng Marissa who is dam to Victoria Falls YL winner ” Quantico ” .SEE PEDIGREE!!
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.LOT 3 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION -ZA 21 CRU 2096 BB – When you can add performance to breeding you have a winner . Blue bar hen 2096 was entered at Cradock OLR as a very late bred , yet she placed 13th in a very tough final over 800km . For a highly inbred bird to achieve this is very special . She is bred in the purple , she is brave and a performer and she is a looker . Super handler . Strong Structure . Medium with perfect balance .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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.LOT 2 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION -ZA 22 CRU 1271 BB —-ZA 07 PBG 1724 is sire to Marissa Ace bird Dinokeng OLR and Something Splendid Ace bird SAPIR OLR . This fabulous blue bar hen is line bred to ” 24 ” . Marissa also dam to 1st Victoria Falls YL 2018 as well as 3rd Ace , Quantico .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid:
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Auction finished
.LOT 5 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CYRL 4525 CHPD – The ” Pretty Hen ” bred from a mother x son . A high class perfectly structured inbred Blou Bul hen . She is line bred to the famous Schmidt and Bouwer Ref. A , the White Flight Cock . She is bred from my nr 1 cock 8803 mated to my nr 1 hen , his mother 28936 . ZA 22 CYRL 4525 conforms to all the characteristics of a modern champion racing pigeon . A hen of extra ordinary beauty and quality .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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LOT 10 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CRU 1258 BB – Green Eyes . This blue bar hen is a racing pigeon of epic proportions . When you inbreed the Blou Bul pigeons and you get green eyes like hers , it is almost a gurantee for success . ZA 22 CRU 1258 is bordering on perfection handling wise , she is inbred to Ace Marissa and Ace Something splendid . Say no more !.SEE PEDIGREE!!
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.LOT 6 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 GPU 5607 BB – Top class young stud . ZA 22 GPU 5607 is bred halfbrother x halfsister to Ace breeder ZA 07 PBG 1724 . Exceptional quality , will make a great stock cock . His sire and dam were star racers and breeders of best birds and winners on Union level .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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.LOT 4 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CRY 1203 BB – is bred from a son to 1724 mated to a daughter of 1724 . Both parents great champion racers and breeders . ZA 07 VNRF 1724 sired 2 OLR Ace birds , Marissa Ace Dinokeng and Something Splendid Ace SAPIR . ZA 07 VNRF 1724 is also brother to 2 bakkie winners 1723 and 19109 . This has to be some of the finest racing pigeon bloodstock anyware in the world . Grandson ” 24 ” .SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
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LOT 12 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CYRL 4523 BB – Bred from 2 high performance Blou Bul parents . The sire 4178 bred from a brother x sister Blou Bul Ace line , was stocked after 6 x 1st arrivals from races . The dam 2649 was a phenominal racer and even better breeder . Genetic Blou Bul gold . An outstanding characteristic of the 1724 pigeons are , that the more you inbreed them , the better they get . The mark of outstanding pigeons .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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.LOT 7 FERDIE COETZER AUCTION – ZA 22 CRU 1270 BBPD – This blue bar pied cock is a well balanced , perfectly structured racing pigeon . He is a grandson to 1280 , the father of Ace breeder ZA 07 PBG 1724 . These Blou Bul pigeons have the ability to re produce champion pigeons all the time . Fantastic pigeon .SEE PEDIGREE!!!
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Auction finished