.LOT 5 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 24 ABL 1432 – SIRE:1008 DV 21 01769.Alias “”Kittel x Kittel 1008″” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Chequer Pied Inbred back to KITTEL. Bred from a direct son of KITTEL mated to a granddaughter of KITTEL.( Brother to sister mating.)————-DAM:1418637 NLD 19 . Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Bar Grandmother to ZA PWDU 9849 2020, the 3rd WORLD ALLROUND BEST BIRD 2021, who also is the 6 x SANPO GOLD MEDAL Winner 2021. Also grandmother to ZA PWDU 9060 2020, the second best Middle Distance bird in the PWDU. The Sire VINCE Inbred to KITTEL 1st Nat Ace KBDB 2013 Best KBDB cock in Belgium history 1st Quievrain 2089 pigeons.SEE PEDIGREE!!
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Auction failed because there were no bids14th August 2024 14:58 | Auction started |
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LOT 11 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 23 ABL 902 – SIRE: 155812 ZA 18 . Alias “DREAM RACER”. Strain: FLOR ENGELS. Color: Pencil P .Bred from two super imported Flor Engels birds. He is a tripple winner from seven races. He is one of the best birds ever raced by Racing Silver Backs. He was put to stock after seven races to replace his sire. 155812 has bred super racers already. Combine winners.——–DAM: 123 DV 22 01769 . Alias “123” Strain: A.U.W. DRAPA Color: Blue Chequer Son “Best Kittel” x Daughter “Porsche 911” Direct daughter to “Christiano” and half sister to “MAVERICK” WORLD’S BEST PIGEON OVERALL 2023. This mating on the dam’s side “PORCHE 911”, mated to a direct daughter of “ARMANDO”, the second most expensive pigeon in the world. Sold for 1.4 million euro.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 1 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 24 ABL 1470—–SAME BRED SOLD FOR R25 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON ——SIRE: 8234391 NLD 22 . Alias “DOUBLE BEST KITTEL” Strain: KITTEL X BEST KITTEL Color: Red Check Pied DOUBLE GRANDSON BEST KITTEL X ANGELINA Best Kittel 1st National Ace KBDB Sprint Pigeon 2017 4th National Ace KBDB Sprint Pigeon 2016 Angelina Golden breeding hen and full sister to KITTEL and GOLD DUST.————DAM: 1254148 NLD 20. Alias “EXTREME KITTEL” Strain: Vd Bulck/Dehon-Demonseau Color: Blue Chequer W/f Her sire is a fantastic inbred son to Best Kittel. Best Kittel was mated to his own daughter which was bred from Best Kittel mated to his own mother. Her dam is ANGELINA, super full sister to KITTEL. EXTREME KITTEL is dam to; ZA ABL 804 2022 1st, 2nd Hotspot DINOKENG OLR 2022.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
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Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 22 ABL 665 – SIRE:830 ZA 22 ABL. ALWYN BESTER. THIS COCK IS BRED FROM FULL BROTHER “CONCORDE” AND HALF SISTER “CONCORDE” . —-DAM: 170 ZA 20 ABL . R80 000 GOLD MEDAL LINE. The last hen bred from 07187 before i sold her to Shane Gerber. She will replace her dam in the stockloft.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
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Winning Bid: R8,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 24 ABL 1454 – This is very special bred. The sires of these birds are nest mate brothers who bred a lot of winners,which includes TURBO KITTEL. The dam’s of these birds are full sisters, also full sister to the dam of TURBO KITTEL.—–SIRE: 13180 ZA 23 ODRA. Strain: Barend Greyling Color: Blue Chequer Bred from full brother to Turbo Kittel ‘s sire mated to a full sister of Turbo Kittel’s dam..—————-DAM: 1101 ZA 23 ABL. Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Blue Bar Full sister to “TURBO KITTEL”, 8 x SANPO medal winner 2021..SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
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Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 24 ABL 1469 – FLOR ENGELS —SIRE: 155812 ZA 18 . Alias “DREAM RACER”. Strain: FLOR ENGELS. Color: Pencil P .Bred from two super imported Flor Engels birds. He is a tripple winner from seven races. He is one of the best birds ever raced by Racing Silver Backs. He was put to stock after seven races to replace his sire. 155812 has bred super racers already. Combine winners.——-DAM: 017 ZA 20 SILVERBACKS.Strain: FLOR ENGELS .Color: Pencil P. Bred from a super pair of Flor Engels birds.Bred for stock. 155812, super racer,bred back to his own mother 2060830. Her father is a 3 x winner and best bird in Club and Division. Her mother is the no 1 breeding hen for Racing Silver Backs. Her son won the Gauteng Combine in 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished