LOT 21 MID YEAR – ZA 18 TRPF 14394 – SIRE:1953 ZA TRPF 13 Colour: BB ‘Fifty-Three’ 5x Top 5 Samdpr / Internationals. Scored 7x Top 100 off the Division 1953 is a Top Breeder in the Federation His Sire is 79859 Son of ‘Birdy’ & her Sire x 27401 off 9426 (off 5e x 3e Samdpr ) / & 9428 (off 2e x 1e Samdpr) Dam of 1953 is ‘The Golden Hen’ direct JLN Houben via the Samdpr. Base of JLN Houben & Dave Clausing. Top Off-spring of 7x 1e ‘Jonge Artiest’ & ‘Rico’, Fiara’, ‘Cosmos’, ‘Evert’, ‘Bea’ x Orlando’ Parents’ 2e Samdpr.————DAM:16759 ZA TRPF 15 Colour: BB ‘Fifty-Nine’ Off Combinations 1e, 3e, 5e, 16e Samdpr Top Breeder in the Federation. Winner of a tough 650Km at 1138 m.p.m. She Scored 10x Top 100 off the Division. Her ½ Sist to 24803-10 ZA TRPFD 1e Cradock Overnight Her Sire is 1004 Top Son of ‘Ryan’s Action’ 5e Samdpr x Dr Feelgood 3e Samdpr. Her Dam is a Dght off ‘Alfonso Jnr’ 16e Samdpr x 1e Samdpr. ‘Konstantine who’s ½ Br of is Gr.Sire Dam Side of ‘Victor’ 1e Samdpr.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500
Item condition: New
Auction History
Auction has finished
Highest bidder was: ALR
Date | Bid | User | Auto |
23rd June 2024 14:12 | R5,500 | ALR | |
23rd June 2024 14:12 | R5,000 | Wiehann Vermeulen | Auto |
23rd June 2024 14:12 | R5,000 | ALR | |
23rd June 2024 14:11 | R4,500 | Wiehann Vermeulen | Auto |
23rd June 2024 14:11 | R4,000 | ALR | |
23rd June 2024 14:11 | R3,500 | Wiehann Vermeulen | Auto |
23rd June 2024 14:11 | R3,000 | ALR | |
23rd June 2024 14:02 | R2,500 | Wiehann Vermeulen | |
23rd June 2024 8:18 | Auction started |
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LOT 46 EARLY JANUARY – ZA 19 TRPF 8829 ——– Bred by Johan Hamilton, Alberton. Genetic Index: —————Sire: Lot 2 Blackpool Auction Sittner Premier Stud. C & K Bosua from Dordrecht pigeon career commenced in 1965. / Edd Sittner, a retired Las Vegas Property Developer teamed up with Premier Stud UK in 2009. 32 Proven Pairs selected from his Orig. 300 Birds, 70% Kees Bosua 25% A & H Reynaert, Verkerk & Verbree Etc. Childr. tested in 16 Consecutive races 200 – 400 Miles / 3,000 – 5,000 Comb. Km / 5 – 8 Hrs on the wing every Saturday. ————————-Dam: 2934 ZA TRPFD 16/ 6x Car-Bosua 34′ Her Sire 4126 Mega Inbr to Bartlo Oerlemans Double Car Win family via Dean Jooste & Ferdi Coetzer Connection goes back to the base of Johan Schmidt Blou Bul Royalty, Wouters, connected to Base Hen of Brandt Wepener Dght Golden Eggs Hen 2x Car Winners. Off which Chris Smith also gained 2x Car Wins/ Dam of 2934-16 is the Inbred Import Kees Bosua Super Stock Hen!SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 18 MID YEAR – ZA 18 TRPF 14392 —SIRE:02014 ZA GPU 17 1e Federation 600km 1168 m/m Colour: BB Proven Breeder & Top Racer Scored 9 x Div Top 100 Mid-Long Dist 1e Federation Colesberg. He is a Proven Breeder in his 1e Year Stock Interalia Clicked with a Dght of ‘Betterbond’ x ‘Benzings Fire’. Cost of Samdpr Purchases in this pedigree: R800,000 / R260,000 / R190,000 / R110,000 / R150,000.—————-DAM:0318 ZA TRPFD 16 15e Fed Noupoort 622km Colour BB Proven Breeder & Top Racer Scored 8 x Division Top 100. Flew Leeu Gamka 933 km as a Y/Ling 15e Fed Noupoort 622km.Three Sisters 800km 2-Year-Old. Her Sire is off the Combinations of 1 & 2e Ace Birds Samdpr. Her Dam scored 4e Ace / 6e Samdpr Final. Fixed O/D Loft Genetics!.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 14 MID YEAR – ZA 18 82652 -SIRE:2012 230 12 ZA VNRF COCK St rain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar This cock’s baby Foetmans ZA VNRF 14/1150 won a 300 km Hot Spot at SAPIR by 20 minutes . ZA VNRF 12/230 is a perfect pigeon and brother to Ace birds Dinokeng ( Marissa ) and SAPIR ( Something Splendid ) . Star breeder.————DAM: 01604 ZA 10 . BLOU BUL / LOU WOUTERS. DAM TO PRETORIA FED WINNERS. HER BROTHER BRED 2 BEST BIRD IN PRETORIA FED.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 MID YEAR – ZA 18 91402 ——SIRE:02245 PBG 08 ZA “PAL”. BLOU BUL BLOODLINES. ONE OF THE BEST SONS IF THE LEGENDARY 01/1280 “BONT COCK” AMONGST NUMEROUS WINNERS ZA PBG 08/02245 BRED 2 UNION WINNERS IN ONE NEST. THIS IS A PERFECT BLOU BUL COCK AND TOP BREEDER. HIS DAM IS DAM TO SAIPR AND DINOKENG ACE BIRDS.—————-DAM: 1142 VNRF 10 ZA. Alias “Racing Machine” Strain: Blou Bul Color: Blue Check White Flt ZA VNRF 10/1142 a direct daughter to 01/1280 ‘ Bont Cock ‘ was an outstanding racer and a even better breeder . She produced winners with different cocks . She has a perfect body , super eyes and endless wings . Outstanding Blou Bul pigeon .SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R11,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 15 MID YEAR – ZA 16 TRPFD 2143 – Special Birdy’ only 4 Bred this way in SA. Sire is 22333 Proven Breeder Son of ‘Birdy’ when mated to her own Sire. Proven Home & One Loft Genetics. Super Son of him breeding at Willie Munnik. Top racers in the THU & TRPF bred by Johan Hamilton Mother is DV17 Inbred ‘Den Dromer’ hen specially bought at Pipa to breed with 22333. Pound for pound the Birdy’s are still a force in home & One Loft Racing. Don’t ignore this offer.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R10,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 13 MID YEAR – ZA 17 GPU 05099 -SIRE:BELG 11 6294943 “MOZZARELLA P1600192” . This is how Gaston bred his famous winning racers. Take the Kaasboer and cross them with the best van Hove pigeons in the world. This coc raced at SC Million Dollar 2012 The Chinese bought this bird but could not export it, GJT then bought this from Billy Kitchenbrandt who knew all tne info on this top Kaasboer DNA Profiled..————DAM: 0053 NOVPF 15 ZA . KAASBOER. THIS IS BRED OUT OF 2 IMPORTS OF MARTIN HANSEN. THIS IS BRED OUT OF ONE OF THE STRONGEST COCKS THAT HAS BRED AT GJT LOFTS.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 MID YEAR – ZA 16 GPU 09194 ——–World-Class Breeder. Imported Kees Bosua. Thomas Smit matched the Parents of her Mate in T Boshoff Loft Nov ’13 named it the ‘Kersfees Mating ordered 2 Childr for Johan Hamilton. 2 Sons were born. Two Inbr Kees Bosua Hens via Thomas clicked with them. It formed 2 Top Click Pairs in the TRPF——-SIRE:4125 ZA PWF 13 Son ‘Kersfees Mating’ Colour: DCP Bred by Thinus Boshoff Bartlo Oerlemans Bakkie Family Top SA Breeder for Johan Hamilton Linebr to Bakkie Winners Family Bartlo Oerlemans. Sist of its Sire ACE Racer Dinokeng, Sist 4th Final SAPIR ’12. The Sire SA VNRF 1107-10 ‘Something Splendid’ Top SA Professional Invitation Race Achiever Dam is ‘Action Getter’ Sist of 2 Bakkie Winners for B Oerlemans.——————–DAM:05898 GB R 11 ‘Kees Bosua Hen’ Colour: BBP Premier Stud UK Kees Bosua Kees Bosua of NL1078704-06 ‘The Maverick’ off ‘Kleine Figo’ Br is 1e Bourges 12,266b.‘De Schicht’ B92- 3138647 7x 1e Son ‘De Goen’ x Dght ‘De Baroness’ mated to ‘De Crissie. Dam Miss Marbella1e Sens 24,033b/ x Belg 1078709-06 Gr.Dght ‘De Figo’ AutoKoppel Family. A Reynaert Foundation Schmidt & Bouwer Kees Cock / related to ‘Kannibaal’ & ‘Roland’s Hen: ‘Muggie’.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 20 MID YEAR – ZA 13 TRPF 01934 – Scored 20x Top 100 in the Division kept in the race loft for 4 yrs due to its character. Classic Pedigree. Sire is ZA TRPF 25677-12 off German Gold Medalist ‘Terry’ when Mated to ‘Birdy’ SAMDPR Ace Icon. 2018 Ace Bird at Vic Falls for Alfons Klaas is Gr.Son of “Terry’ and he is the starting Male in Equal 1e Hoosier Classic for Ken Easley. Dam of 01934 is: ZA GPU 13087-13 Dght of ‘Zander’ 6e SAMDPR x ‘Purdey’ Ace Bird SAMDPR 3e Final. Jacques Poggenpoel won Despatch OL with these offspring. Dieplaagte Lofts had a break-a-way Carnival. Albert Lingenfelder won Western Cape Combine Classic against 15,912 birds. ‘Birdy’ / ‘Zander’ offspring produce Reliable One Loft Scores. There are not many pedigrees available that have ‘Terry’, ‘Birdy’, ‘Zander’, & ‘Purdey’ together. Every egg this Cock fills will have potential in your racing Pigeon Career.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 19 MID YEAR – ZA 19 TRPF 2457 – Sire: ZA 79849-12 BB Linebr ‘410’ Top Breeder. Son ‘Davey’ off ‘410’ Clausing when mated to Gr.Dght ‘410’ / Dam of 79849 is the Golden Hen’. Or. JLN Houben. Her Sire is ‘Berre’ 5x Prov. 7x Interp. Gr.Son of 7x 1e Jonge Artiest’. Her Dam is B6032265-00 ‘Patsy’ Dam to ‘Kizi’ 26e Samdpr. ‘Patsy’ is Gr.Dam to 6e Samdpr ‘Gleefully’ & ‘Broadway Melody’ 86e Samdpr. Sire is B96- 6614610 Son of Br of 1e National DAX. Son of ‘Goede Blauwe’.————–Dam: ZA GPU 12214-13 BBP H Inbr JLN Houben of Sire to Dght. Her Sire 17141 is off B6276545-04 Son of ‘Markies’ (off ‘Jonge Artiest & ‘Daphne’) Dam is ‘Farla’ 18e Nat 23,493b of ‘Lincoln’ & ‘Sanne’. The Dam of 12214 is 07916 of 17141 when mated to B6266520-03 Dght of base pair Silvano’ B6214187-94 and ‘Annelies’ B6429827-98. Inbr to the Base of ‘Jonge Artiest’. Or. JLN Houben Foundation: Artiest’ & Furst’. Founding Pair JLN Houben.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 MID YEAR – ZA 18 TRPF 14378 -SIRE:24419 ZA TRPF 13 ‘419’ off Inbr ‘Birdy’ Colour: BB Scored 11x Top 100 Div. Bred by Johan Hamilton Top Breeder in the Federation His Sire is off a Son of ‘Birdy’ & her Sire when mated to 27401 off 9426 (off 5e x 3e Samdpr ) / & 9428 (off 2e x 1e Samdpr) Dam of 24419 is ‘The Golden Hen’ direct JLN Houben via the Samdpr. Base of JLN Houben & Dave Clausing. Closely connected to Multiple O/Day Loft Scores.—————-DAM:24421 ZA TRPF 13 ‘421’ Gr.Dght ‘Birdy’ Colour: BB Scored 20x Top 100 Div Bred by Johan Hamilton Absolute Super Racer for J Hamilton. Her Sire is ‘Galaxy’ off ‘Zander’ 6e Samdpr & ‘Birdy’ Ace Bird SA Million Dollar Pigeon Race & Top Breeder off O/D Loft Scores. Her Dam is Top LD Racer for J Hamilton 24803/10 Dght 1004/07 (3e & 5e Samdpr Finals. The Dam of 24803/10 is DV370 a Top of the Range Inbred to De Smallen. ‘Limoges’, ‘De Marseille’ & Het Fijn Blauw Mega- Ace Bird, NAT & Intern. Scores.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 16 MID YEAR – ZA 16 TRPF 16670 -SIRE:ZA TRPF 1912-13 he scored on a tough 460km & 570km then stock. Off a son of Birdy Ace Bird Samdpr. Dam 1912 is Dght off ‘Azurit’ & ‘Alexander’ off 3e & 5e Samdpr / Combinations of the Best of the SA Million Dollar Pigeon Race. 01912 is the Sire of ZA TRPF 16621-16 Tough Racer that Scored in extremely tough 800km 724 m/m then stock! Bred by J Hamilton and Sired ‘Mr Car’ ZA RAW 774-196e Pos. Equal 1e, Matjiesfontein Chall, Centr Prov ODL 2020 for Dieplaagte & Sterkfontein Lofts, needed 27 Sec. to win @ 666 km.—————DAM:ZA 13 GPU 3941 . KAREL KLEMENS. TOP RACER FOR JOHAN HAMILTON.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 MID YEAR – ZA 17 TRPFD 3718 -*810 Chipo Kaasboer Cheese’. Extra-ordinary offer from Johan Hamilton special Kaasboer Collection selected for him by Billy Kitchenbrand…She would sell for a Fortune on Pipa. …The entire base of GJT Lofts / Benchmark / Out Of Africa grace her pedigree.. All the Work with the Genetic Selection is fixed for you with this Hen. She was bred for Stock but decided to race as a 2 Y/O Old scoring 6x in the Top 100 of the TRPF and jumped to the Mid-Dist Her Parents are Proven Breeders in 3 Lofts. Her Famous Sire 11319 Br of Famous ‘Benchmark’ was sold to Willie Munnik. The Number of Proven Breeders Racers and ‘Click” Pair index in her Pedigree is far above an average count measured against an International Podium. The results of related birds is on evidence in pedigrees seen at PIPA / MC Hansen & PIPA Elite Centre. The combination of famous Starting Birds of Gaston Van de Wouwer, ‘Kaasboer’/ Benny Steveninck ‘Chipo’ and De Rauw Raw Sablon ‘Limoges’ and his Parents, the ‘Dream Couple’ Progenitors of “Golden Carelly’ & ‘810’ behind 26x One Day Lofts Wins, makes this Hen a low risks choice at Stock. Her Mother is In Fact bred fron the Best ‘810’ Dght in the Country. Top Winning Scores at Vic Falls, Dinokeng, Carnival Lofts, Central Prov. Lofts & more, relates within her Performance Index. Don’t miss this opportunity!! Mated correctly every egg from this Gem has great Potential.!!!SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 MID YEAR – ZA 19 TRPF 2464 -SIRE:82668 ZA 18 4x Bred to ‘Bont Cock’ Colour: BBWF Top Breeder in the FED Bosua, Coetzer x Oerlemans / Schmidt 82668 is a Proven Breeder First year at Stock. His Children Scored at the Top at Federation Level for J Hamilton in the strong Alberton Homing Society. 82668 is bred from a Mother to Son Mating that Combines Famous Breeder ‘Bont Cock’ 4x in the Pedigree. Genetic Index incl. Top Home & One Day Lofts Money Win Scores at Different O./Day Lofts. Interalia ‘Quantico’ 1e VFWCPR 2018. 3e Ave..—————-DAM:4173 ZA TRPFD 17 Top Dght ‘Kersfees Mating’ BCP Hen 1e, 3e, 4e, 4e, 7e, 26e Fed Bosua, Coetzer x Oerlemans / Schmidt 3x 1e, Fed Winner, 5x TOP Ten 9x Top 100 Top SA Racer, Stock hen for J Hamilton in the Strong Alberton Homing Society. Two Paternal & Maternal Starting Birds behind ‘Golden Princess’ (the Best SA Racer the Past 10 Yrs), Blou Bul’ x Inbr De Vos Hen multiplied in the Pedigree of Top Breeder 4126 ‘Kersfees Mannetjie’. On her Dam Side is the ‘Bosua 332’ hen Top Breeder A & H Reynaert Foundation to Schmidt & Bouwer ‘Kees Cock’ Muggie’ / Winners Circle Index for several Generations..SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 MID YEAR – ZA 17 GPU 02014 —–1e Federation 600Km 1168 Mpm———SIRE:07367 ZA TRPF 14 Colour: BB Mr ‘Reliable’ Best Inbr ‘Birdy’ & the Internationals Scored 20 x Top 100 of the Division & 3 Yrs Top Federation Scores. All Dist. 9 Children Raced 8 Scored in the Fed Scored Consistent Mid-Long Dist up to 800km Velocities 1100 – 1800 M.P.M. Bred of Combinations Ace Bird ‘Birdy’, to her Sire. 1e Samdpr ‘Konstantin’ & 2e, 3e & 5e Samdpr on Sire Side. Dam of Mr. Reliable is the ‘Golden Hen’ one of the best Houben Breeders in SA!—————-DAM:24602 ZA TRPFD 14. Scored in the Fed for 4 Yrs. All Dist. Ace Racer & Top Stock Hen for Johan Hamilton in Alberton Homing Society! 9 Children Raced, 8 Scored in the Fed Scored Consistent Mid-Long Dist up to 800km Velocities 1100 – 1800 M.P.M Best Inbr Schmidt/ De Vos Gold Medal Coetzer & Oerlemans Bakkie Win Line & Van Elsacker-Jepsen NAT Toppers.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R8,500 Auction finishedAuction finished