LOT 13 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 19 232838 -15th final race Carnival summer 2020. never got the pedigree but its bred from DS Petrus Harmse slimme line.
Winning Bid: R1,000
Item condition: New
Auction History
Auction has finished
Highest bidder was: 651
Date | Bid | User | Auto |
6th October 2024 13:09 | R1,000 | 651 | |
3rd October 2024 11:04 | Auction started |
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Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 17 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 52 ——SAME BRED SOLD FOR R19 500.00 ON TOPPIGEON—–SIRE: 0652 ZA 10 GRPA. Alias “652” Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Check Sire to SONIC 2nd place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2020, ROYAL STAR 4th place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2019(4 birds on drop) Sire to SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE 2018 – ZA10830/16 NHL1039/17 – 1st KZN Union Middleburg 104mem 1354b, Middleburg 2 – 5th KZN Union 114mem 1497b, 24th Marblehall KZN union 115mem 1460b. This cock has become a super breeder first year in stock..——–DAM: 06980 13 GPU.Alias “”980 hen”” Strain: Superbreeder 810 Bak 17 Color: Blue Bar Dam to Monique double SANPO Gold medal winner long distance 2018, Royal Star-super racer at Dinokeng 2019 2nd Barzalona Race, Sonic-super racer Dinokeng 2020 – 4th Barzalona Race 2020, ZULU0276/18 breeds Dinokeng Bloemfontein 2021 winner for the Huysers. ZULU 1077/17 Breeds 2nd winner Kosmos expensive ring race winner.GPU06980/13 is dam, gdam to super racers and breeders.SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 276846 -SIRE:10773 16 ZA.Alias “Pied Jewel ” Strain: Tom Lock X 7 X SANPO GOLD Color: Blue Bar W/F Pied Bred for stock but well tested in the race loft. His half brother is 2017 KZN ace bird 1095 on dams side. The sire Golden Jewel is direct son of the R80 000 cock when mated to his full sister. Golden Jewel is sire to KZN Combine winners and super racers. Golden Jewel is our stud sire and the dam 11114 was probably the best breeder we owned untill she went missing from our single pen lofts.———–DAM:1239 18 VPU.Alias “Twin Barrel Gunner ” Strain: 8 X One Loft Wins Line Color: Blue Bar This pigeon is from an exceptional one loft racing family of pigeons. Linebred to Cheeky – super breeder – sire to ZA Cyrils 4541/14 who bred PWFD 10847/18 – Smooth Sailing 1st Dinokeng final 2019. Cheeky also full brother to super breeder GPU06980/13 dam to ZA10830/16 Double SANPO Gold medal 2018 and Royal Star – Equal winner Barzalona Race Dinokeng 2019.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
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LOT 26 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 125 -SIRE: 191 ZA 20 ABL.Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Bar W/F sire to Dinokeng 4th place in the Barzalona race first year in stock 2022. sire to 16th Bloem Carnival lofts 2023, 46th on tough final race and 14th ace bird. this cock is a super bred bird out of Alwyn Besters Kittel collection. ————DAM: 405 ZA 21 ABL .Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Dark Chequer exceptional hen. bred from a long list of Brockamp and Kittel super breeders. she will become a star in the breeding loft.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 BADENHORST LOFTS – ZA 20 ZULU 2612 -SIRE: 0251 18 ZULU.Alias “son super pair ” Strain: Badenhorst Hokke ACE Color: Check Brother to ZA10830/16 SANPO Gold Long Distance 2018. ZULU 0252/18 4th place dinokeng Barzalona Race 2019 and 2nd place ZULU2334/19 in 2020. He is brother to KZN, ZULULAND AND CLUB winners. This cock is a super bird in hand. put to stock..————-DAM:2312937 15 BELG. JANSEN. DIRECT GRAND DAUGHTER TO SEPTEMBERMAN.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 30 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 365 -SIRE: 2561 20 ZULU .Alias “Son 652 super breeder” Strain: TOM LOCK SUPER PAIR Color: Check Sold for R64 500.00. Bred for stock from our super breeder 0652 Tom Lock cock. He is the replica of his sire. super pigeon!! Half brother to SONIC 2nd place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2020, ROYAL STAR 4th place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2019(4 birds on drop), SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE 2018 – ZA10830/16.———–DAM:602 ZA 18 MOUN . Alias “JET FUEL” Strain: FERDIE & PIETER LUBBE Color: Blue Check OUT OF OUR DESMET FAMILY WHO BRED MORE THAN 300 WINNERS THE LAST 35 YEAR. WINNER AS 4 MONTH’S OLD BABY FROM VENTERSBURG EQUAL 1ST CLUB, EQUAL 1ST UNION, EQUAL 1ST COMBINE VENTERSBURG.WE HAD 2 PIGEONS CLOCKED AT EXACT SAME TIME.SEEPEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 426 -SIRE: 2561 20 ZULU .Alias “Son 652 super breeder” Strain: TOM LOCK SUPER PAIR Color: Check Sold for R64 500.00. Bred for stock from our super breeder 0652 Tom Lock cock. He is the replica of his sire. super pigeon!! Half brother to SONIC 2nd place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2020, ROYAL STAR 4th place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2019(4 birds on drop), SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE 2018 – ZA10830/16.———–DAM:602 ZA 18 MOUN . Alias “JET FUEL” Strain: FERDIE & PIETER LUBBE Color: Blue Check OUT OF OUR DESMET FAMILY WHO BRED MORE THAN 300 WINNERS THE LAST 35 YEAR. WINNER AS 4 MONTH’S OLD BABY FROM VENTERSBURG EQUAL 1ST CLUB, EQUAL 1ST UNION, EQUAL 1ST COMBINE VENTERSBURG.WE HAD 2 PIGEONS CLOCKED AT EXACT SAME TIME.SEEPEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 17 TRPF 21932 -Half brother to ‘MIX’ South Africa Million Dollar Pigeon race winner 2018. sire to PWD9890/20 who won R55 000.00 in breeders stakes race at Crusader club 2021 bred by Badenhorst Lofts. sire to ZULU 2524/20 3rd place KZN Amersfoort 2021. Proven breeder of winners – best of the Mix line.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 403 -SIRE:2579 20 ZULU . Alias “79” Strain: Ace Line Color: Blue Bar W/F Super pigeon. super racer. Bred from pied jewel mated to twin barrel gunner. sire is bred from Alwyn Bester Golden Jewel mated to our monster cock daughter who bred KZN Ace bird. This cock’s pedigree is full of super breeders.———–DAM: 2581 20 ZULU. BRED OUT OF JANSEN IMPORTS.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 21 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 57 -SIRE: ZA 20 PWDU 9301 -Romein Cock purchased from Alwyn Bester on a visit to his lofts. This is a very strong bird. Not bred from as yet but he has all the characteristics of a good stock pigeon. —————DAM:602 ZA 18 MOUN . Alias “JET FUEL” Strain: FERDIE & PIETER LUBBE Color: Blue Check OUT OF OUR DESMET FAMILY WHO BRED MORE THAN 300 WINNERS THE LAST 35 YEAR. WINNER AS 4 MONTH’S OLD BABY FROM VENTERSBURG EQUAL 1ST CLUB, EQUAL 1ST UNION, EQUAL 1ST COMBINE VENTERSBURG.WE HAD 2 PIGEONS CLOCKED AT EXACT SAME TIME.SEEPEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 356 -Bred from super breeder son of the monster cock. 11115 is full brother to GPU11114/14 who bred us the KZN Ace bird ZULU 1095. Zulu 356/21 was bred to improve our long distance pigeons. Dam was a direct George Oswald bird. Bred from ecptional long distance birds and dam to KZN winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 20 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 18 MOUN 649 -SIRE: 917 17 GFL.Alias “SUPER ONE” Strain: Mike Ganus Color: Blue Bar 29th grand ave 2018 SAMDPR. the best genetic’s of the SAMDPR final winners combined in one bird. ———-DAM: 819 17 GFL.Alias “HOGAN LADY ” Strain: Mike Ganus Color: Blue Bar Bred by Mike Ganus out of the best winning SAMDPR genes. long list of super racers and breeders in this pigeon. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 1 BADENHORST LOFTS – ZA 19 OOA 300 -Linebred to Luke Donald 3rd place Sun City Final Race Winner – cream of George Oswald Afrika Koppel family. super hen in hand. i have not bred from her———-SIRE:10124 ZA 18 SLIM. Alias “Mix-Star 1st SCMDPR” Strain: Luke Donald / Mix 1ST SCM Color: Blue Bar Direct son to Amerios 1 – 22nd SCMDPR final sold for R270 000 ($18 000.00). Amerios is son to Luke Donald x Mike Ganus Hen. His dam is inter related to at least 7 different one loft winners. His dam is direct daughter to ACES Bosmam – 1/2 sister of the sire to Mix 1st SCMDPR winner 2018, 1/2 sister to JOSHUA – 1st Carnival final race winner.———–DAM:10348 ZA 18 SLIM. Alias “MIX – NINA” Strain: Luke Donald / Mix Line Color: Blue Bar a fantastic handler. extra powerfull pedigree in race results. Soetdoring Lofts Finest. 4 x bred Afrika Koppel – Pieces of Eight, Luke Donald, Bloomingdale, Der Pate.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 406 -8th Ace KZN Natal YB series 2022————-SIRE:ZA 19 ZULU 2334 (SOLD FOR R24 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON)-Dinokeng Entry – 2nd place Barzalona 2020. Full brother to ROYAL STAR – ZULU 0252/18 – 4th place (equal winner) 2019 Barzalona race, ZA 10830/16 – 2018 SANPO double gold long distance (Bred by Badenhorst Lofts raced by Alwyn Bester). This pair has bred us long list of club, Zululand combine and KZN combine winners and exceptional one loft racers. ZULU 2334/19 is sire to Pixie Carnival Kroonstad race winner, 2nd Glen race – Carnival entry 2023, Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st , Heilbron training 12th, Terreblanch training 2nd, Koppies training 6th. SUPER BREEDER IN MAKING.————–DAM:90629 18 ZA.Alias “Miss Wittekopje” Strain: VRC Color: Blue Bar Pied Bred by Alwyn Bester. linebred to Out of Africa lofts foundation VRC pigeons. The hen has some of the very best VRC one loft genetics in South Africa.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 35 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 ZULU 2548 -SIRE:6095384 13 BELG .Alias “DE NUWE TORNADO ” Strain: Kaasboer – Gaston V/d Wou Color: Blue Bar Grandchild to the Tornado Couple. One of the best pairs in Belgium. They are parents to super racers and even better breeders. Pairents to TORNADO TOM, 1st inter Prov Blois y.b 2572b, 3rd prov Blois 1210b, 14th i.prov Blois 2974b. BELG 6095384/13 was imported for stock. He is a super handling cock. He has bred us some exceptional racers. Foundation Cock for Badenhorst lofts.sire to KZN ————–DAM:6225735 12 BELG.Alias “Kuifkop ” Strain: Kaasboer – Gaston V/d Wou Color: Blue Bar what a super pigeon. double great gand daughter to Kaasboer. this hen is bred from super breeding Kaasboer bloodline.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 15 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 402 -Bred for stock as a future foundation cock. perfect pigeon bred from a super breeder Desmet Cock mated to my current super breeder daughter of 0652 x 10516. Little star is dam to 3rd Carnival ace winter 2024. All these birds produce winners.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 19 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 23 NHL 1077 -SIRE:2334 19 ZULU. Alias “Sonic ” Strain: Badenhorst Hokke Color: Blue Check ZULU 2334/19 – 2nd place Barzalona 2020. ZULU 0252/18 – 4th place (equal winner) 2019 Barzalona race. ZA 10830/16 – 2018 SANPO double gold long distance (Bred by Badenhorst Lofts raced by Alwyn Bester). This pair has bred us long list of club, Zululand combine and KZN combine winners. sire to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron.————–DAM: 7165 ZA 15 WBU. Strain: HAYMANS (810, OSCAR, DE Z Color: Blue Bar dam to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron training 12th,Terreblanch training 2nd,Koppies training 6th,Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 22 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 20 -SIRE: 1420 18 ZA-VPU . Alias “Monster Carelly ” Strain: OUT OF AFRICA ACE LINE Color: Blue Bar Super son of the Monster cock – ZA02854/11 a 4 x winner, 1st ace pigeon Middle distance THU O/B series 2012 & 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012. Sire and grand sire to winners and Ace Pigeons. This cock is sire to super racers, breeders and ACE pigeons. this cock is a perfect pigeon .—————DAM:7165 ZA 15 WBU .Strain: HAYMANS (810, OSCAR, DE Z Color: Blue Bar dam to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron training 12th,Terreblanch training 2nd,Koppies training 6th,Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 27 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 16 TRPF 16603 -SIRE:7314 13 TRPF.Strain: Clausing son to super racer and THU CAR winner 2007. This cock is bred from a long list of super breeders and racers.—————-DAM: 13562 13 TRPF . Strain: SCMDPR bred from son of ZANDER & AZURIT mated to a daughter of SAXON & KONSTANTINE..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 38 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 90 -SIRE: 21932 17 TRPF.Alias “Mixit ” Strain: Soetdoring Lofts Color: Check Half brother to ‘MIX’ South Africa Million Dollar Pigeon race winner 2018. sire to PWD9890/20 who won R55 000.00 in breeders stakes race at Crusader club 2021 bred by Badenhorst Lofts. sire to ZULU 2524/20 3rd place KZN Amersfoort 2021.————–DAM:266850 20 ZA. Alias “Grizzled Luke” Strain: Luke Donald / Mix Line Color: Grizzle super bred pigeon. Top handler. 1/2 sister to top breeders. Her sire is a proven breeder first season in stock. This hen is bred from super SAMDPR genetics.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 37 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 19 -SIRE: 1420 18 ZA-VPU . Alias “Monster Carelly ” Strain: OUT OF AFRICA ACE LINE Color: Blue Bar Super son of the Monster cock – ZA02854/11 a 4 x winner, 1st ace pigeon Middle distance THU O/B series 2012 & 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012. Sire and grand sire to winners and Ace Pigeons. This cock is sire to super racers, breeders and ACE pigeons. this cock is a perfect pigeon .—————DAM:7165 ZA 15 WBU .Strain: HAYMANS (810, OSCAR, DE Z Color: Blue Bar dam to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron training 12th,Terreblanch training 2nd,Koppies training 6th,Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 363 -SIRE: 1420 18 ZA-VPU . Alias “Monster Carelly ” Strain: OUT OF AFRICA ACE LINE Color: Blue Bar Super son of the Monster cock – ZA02854/11 a 4 x winner, 1st ace pigeon Middle distance THU O/B series 2012 & 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012. Sire and grand sire to winners and Ace Pigeons. This cock is sire to super racers, breeders and ACE pigeons. this cock is a perfect pigeon .—————DAM:7165 ZA 15 WBU .Strain: HAYMANS (810, OSCAR, DE Z Color: Blue Bar dam to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron training 12th,Terreblanch training 2nd,Koppies training 6th,Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 32 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 16 02901 -super hen bred from Juergen who placed 10 th place SAMDPR MAIN RACE 2014.One of the real toughest races ever.He bred “DART”the ACE PIGEON at the Inaugural Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2017.This cock has also bred the 2nd place Crusaders breeders stakes 2016 and great racers like 08688/14. Too many great racers to list. dam is a super imported Jansen hen – dam to top racers and super breeders. ZA2901/2016 is one of my foundation jansen breeders.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 28 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 21 ZULU 455 -SIRE: 81844 ZA 18.Alias “DANLEY” Strain: FERDIE & PIETER LUBBE Color: Blue Check CRUSADERS BREEDERSTAKES GIFT TO LEON BADENHORST.————-DAM:0285 18 ZULU . Alias “”Little Star”” Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Check W/F Bred for stock from our super breeder 0652 & 10516. This cock is sire to double SANPO Gold long distance 2018. Sire to dinokengBarzalona 4th place. We mated him to his super breeding sister for stock. This little hen ZULU 0285/18 is a small strong hen. half sister to super racers on sire and dam side. She will become our next foundation hen..SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 CRAZY R500 AUCTION -ZA 22 NHL 12 -SIRE: 1420 18 ZA-VPU . Alias “Monster Carelly ” Strain: OUT OF AFRICA ACE LINE Color: Blue Bar Super son of the Monster cock – ZA02854/11 a 4 x winner, 1st ace pigeon Middle distance THU O/B series 2012 & 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012. Sire and grand sire to winners and Ace Pigeons. This cock is sire to super racers, breeders and ACE pigeons. this cock is a perfect pigeon .—————DAM:7165 ZA 15 WBU .Strain: HAYMANS (810, OSCAR, DE Z Color: Blue Bar dam to Pixie – Carnival entry 2023, Heilbron training 12th,Terreblanch training 2nd,Koppies training 6th,Kroonstad Activation race 1st, Gren race 2nd, Trompsburg race 1st.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,250 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 23 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 77 -SIRE: 81844 ZA 18.Alias “DANLEY” Strain: FERDIE & PIETER LUBBE Color: Blue Check CRUSADERS BREEDERSTAKES GIFT TO LEON BADENHORST.————-DAM:410 21 ZULU.Alias “Golden Nugget” Strain: 810 SANPO Gold Medal Line Color: Blue Bar Exceptional young hen bred for stock from one of the best breeding 810 hens in the country. both 5695 & 06980 are exceptional breeders.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 ZULU 2538 -2nd Place KZN Combine – Amersfoort 9th place KZN Combine – Marblehall SUPER RACER put to stock. This hen is bred from our star breeder 0285 little star – dam to 3rd ace carnival 2024. ZULU 2538 will be a star in any loft.——–SIRE: 0507586 18 DV . Alias “CTL Cock ” Strain: Alfons And Helmut Klaas Color: Blue Bar great handling pigeon. sire to ZULU 2538/20 – 2nd place KZN Amersfoort YR 2021 sire to 9th place Marblehall 2021.————DAM:0285 18 ZULU .Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Check W/F Bred for stock from our super breeder 0652 & 10516. This cock is sire to double SANPO Gold long distance 2018. Sire to dinokengBarzalona 4th place. We mated him to his super breeding sister for stock. This little hen ZULU 0285/18 is a small strong hen. half sister to super racers on sire and dam side. She will become our next foundation hen. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 36 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 17 RBAY 246 -SIRE:3661 10 NOVPF DP.Alias “Tarsis” Strain: De Zutter Color: Grizzle Great De Zutter cock bred for stock from some of the best De Zutter blood available. This grizzle line has produced great racers and even better breeders..———–DAM:1077 14 BORDER . Alias “Daughter Panda” Strain: De Zutter Color: Blue Bar bred from a super pair of pigeons. This pair produces super racers and breeders. She will become a star breeder in any loft. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 33 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 276832 -SIRE: 1485 16 PONG.Alias “Carelly x 80” Strain: Badenhorst Ace Line Color: Blue Bar Bred from exceptional pigeons. put in the stock loft. his sire and dam were both exceptional breeders.————DAM: 3127 18 NIX. SUPER CLAUSING HEN.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 39 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 276837 -Full brother to PWDU 10037/20 – won R58 000.00 at crusaders R5000 ring race 2021. The sire KIMBERLY COCK KZN winner from Kimberly 740km in rain, wind and lightning. DAM – half sister to father of Carnival one loft winner for Midlands Lofts. dam to PWDU 10037/20 – won R58 000.00 at crusaders R5000 ring race 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 18 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 22 NHL 109 -SIRE: 188 12 CLAUSING . Alias “”188″” Strain: David Clausing Color: Blue Check What a super pigeon. Direct son to David Clausing’s 186 super breeding hen. This cock was bred for stock. he is half brother to super one loft racers, half brother to Heidi who won $56 840.00 in the 2005 Million Dollar Pigeon race.————–DAM:657 15 NIX. Alias “daughter “SPOTTIE”” Strain: Clausing Color: Red Check daughter to super Breeder and racer SPOTTIE. Nix 657/15 is a small light red check hen. Added to our stock loft in 2020.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 12 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 ZULU 2579 -SIRE:10773 16 ZA.Alias “Pied Jewel ” Strain: Tom Lock X 7 X SANGO GOLD Color: Blue Bar W/F Pied Bred for stock but well tested in the race loft. His half brother is 2017 KZN ace bird 1095 on dams side. The sire Golden Jewel is direct son of the R80 000 cock when mated to his full sister. Golden Jewel is sire to KZN Combine winners and super racers. Golden Jewel is our stud sire and the dam 11114 was probably the best breeder we owned untill she went missing from our single pen lofts.———–DAM:1239 18 VPU.Alias “Twin Barrel Gunner ” Strain: 8 X One Loft Wins Line Color: Blue Bar This pigeon is from an exceptional one loft racing family of pigeons. Linebred to Cheeky – super breeder – sire to ZA Cyrils 4541/14 who bred PWFD 10847/18 – Smooth Sailing 1st Dinokeng final 2019. Cheeky also full brother to super breeder GPU06980/13 dam to ZA10830/16 Double SANPO Gold medal 2018 and Royal Star – Equal winner Barzalona Race Dinokeng 2019.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 BADENHORST LOFTS -ZA 20 266850 -SIRE:10124 ZA 18 SLIM. Alias “Mix-Star 1st SCMDPR” Strain: Luke Donald / Mix 1ST SCM Color: Blue Bar Direct son to Amerios 1 – 22nd SCMDPR final sold for R270 000 ($18 000.00). Amerios is son to Luke Donald x Mike Ganus Hen. His dam is inter related to at least 7 different one loft winners. His dam is direct daughter to ACES Bosmam – 1/2 sister of the sire to Mix 1st SCMDPR winner 2018, 1/2 sister to JOSHUA – 1st Carnival final race winner.———–DAM: 10160 18 SLIM .Alias “Light Thunder ” Strain: Luke Donald / Mix Line Color: Grizzle C19-07198 – DNA certified. super handling Grizzle hen. linebred to double Luke Donald 3e SAMDPR / Sire Amerios 3 top h/spot achiever Br Amerios 1′ 22e SAMDPR mated to the Ganus hen / Her dam is Smaragd off ZA LIM 0635-16 Son Luke Donald & the Thone “DERO” 8e SAMDPR with ZA LIM 0364-16 Ringlose Gunter Prange.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished