.Lot 1 Toppigeon Gold Auction – ZA 19 269273 BB COCK – This is a top hooymans clausing bred cock. He comes out of the similar genetics that won race 5 for Butch Einkamerer at Afrika Pro. The Pizzaro line of Jan Hooymans. ——— Sire: Blue bar cock born from Sire “Pizzaro 2” and Dam “Kaia”. Grandparents line “Pizzaro” and “Rosie”. Einkamerer, Hooymans, Koopman, vdAbeele, Houben, Clausing bloodlines.—————-Dam: Blue bar hen born from Sire “Clapton” and Dam “Ida O”. Einkamerer, Hooymans, Houben, Clausing genetics.See Pedigree!!!!!!!