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.LOT 2 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 19 VNRF 11119 – Very good racer over long distance.Scored 2nd Hopetown 700km inter alia,7th,15th other long distance races. Should breed brilliant long distance racers.—– SIRE: 777 TRPF 18. GEORGE OSWALD. Bred from best Oswald lines that performed at MDPR by Hein Beneke. Bred very well in first year.Beautiful handler and will breed many winners. Dam line is from 3rd MDPR,winners and breeders of OLRs.Best of the best.—- DAM: 1259 YSC 14. TURBO TOM. Union positions 1,3,20,22,36,36,38,64 Taken to stock while leading the points in the union.Bred winners but snake killed her.Bred from click pair. Sire winner of One Loft Race, bred many winners for Gaddin & Stander.Dam is 4x winner. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 1 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 21 BS 188 BB -Best of best performing breeders used to produce 188.Bred for stock.Beautiful bird and handler that will breed very well.—-SIRE: 2781 SLIM 17. TURBO TOM . Bred from best ever click pair.See the Golden TT line of Alwyn Bester,ACE bird Vic Falls, gold and bronz medals SANPO,Mark King Moneymaker line and SANPO medal line with Deceunink/Prange best performing line .——DAM: 8037 PRPC 19. Inbred to best breeding German cock.Kept for stock.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 21 BS 194 – 4260 one of the best breeding cocks.Bred 194 for stock.Dam breeder of super birds.Golden TT line of Alwyn Bester,SANPO gold,bronz and ACE bird Vic Falls OLR—–SIRE:4260 LIM 10. TURBO TOM. Sister of Sire bred me car winner and is grand dam of 2nd car winner. 4260 raced well Union positions 2,3,6,9,24.He won as a baby but my record got lost.Dam best yearling in Pta Union.Out of click pair 7232,bakkie winner and 2x winner x 7253,3x winner.—-DAM: 541 SLIM 19. JOS THONE / DE KLAK.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 19 VNRF 11120 BBWF – Half sister to 08826 , Winner of Klapmuts One Loft and breeder of many winners. 60354 with 7565,inbred Georg Oswald bred brilliant birds inter alia 08826 winner of Klapmuts One Loft Very good racer,beautiful in hand and kept for stock.—-SIRE: 60354 SA 05. TURBO TOM .Bred from brother of SA 00 GRPA 7253.SANPO medal winner and multiple winner,Golden TT line SANPO gold,bronz.Breeder of many winners.Direct from famous Turbo Tom. Dam from Martin van Staden “Destroyer” family x Catrysse.SANPO silver medal.—–DAM: 1463 LIM 13. TURBO TOM. INCREDIBLE RACER.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 21 BS 126 – Combination of click pairs from Gaddin & Stander to breed long distance winners.Fantastic bird in hand and should breed brilliantly.—-SIRE: 2799 SLIM 17. Super Crack/De Ceuninck.——DAM: 0192 NRU 15. Wilhelm Stoll/G Koopman. Mix…winner MDPR 2018.Very good breeder.Bred from Dam Hatatietla with NL 09 1674201 Kensal Green of G Koopman. Dam 00463 is Bert De Ceuninck and bred well for Gaddin & Stander Excellent breeder.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 20 SLIM 12827 BB – SIRE: 777 TRPF 18. GEORGE OSWALD. Bred from best Oswald lines that performed at MDPR by Hein Beneke. Bred very well in first year.Beautiful handler and will breed many winners. Dam line is from 3rd MDPR,winners and breeders of OLRs.Best of the best.—-DAM: 797 GFL 17. MIKE GANUS. Sire “Iron Man” bred from National 2 line.Scored 1sr Limoges 12743 birds,6th National Chateauroux 12422 birds,6th Nat Montlucon 9300 birds. Dam “Chloe” sister to bird that won $100000 bred from MDPR winner line.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 16 LIM 0486 BB – Sire 62236 is bred from Birdy grandson with Birdy own daughter. Dam is inbred G Oswald. Bred for stock.—-SIRE: 62236 ZA 13. OSWALD/BIRDY. Inbred Birdy for Stock.Birdy the best ACE bird at Million Dollar ever..—-DAM:2046 NRU 12. GEORGE OSWALD. Inbred Oswald Very good breeder.Sire 32912,Mandela,bred Carnival City winner.Dam very good breeder and is a inbred G Oswald.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 21 BS 252 BB – Dam is mother to bird 6th Klapmuts 2023 Full sister to Sire that bred 4th Klapmuts,only 4 on the day and 6th Carnival City,only 7 on the day and Diaz top scorer given as present to fancier.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 CHARL STANDER AUCTION -ZA 21 BS 48 – SIRE: 777 TRPF 18. GEORGE OSWALD. Bred from best Oswald lines that performed at MDPR by Hein Beneke. Bred very well in first year.Beautiful handler and will breed many winners. Dam line is from 3rd MDPR,winners and breeders of OLRs.Best of the best.—- DAM:DAM: 9765 PRPC 19. Excellent breeder in her first year. Dam 10089 “Amerios89” send to MDPR with two same breds.All 3 in top 100 MDPR 2018 !! Sire also from best performing Oswalds at MDPR with Gmother Birdy daughter. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished