CLOSED ACTIVE AUCTION - SILVER STAR LOFTS - from 22 APRIL 2021 end 28 APRIL 2021 (20:00)
Over the years Stratus Lofts has become synonymous with outstanding performances especially in races when the going gets tough. It has based its genetic development program on extensive research spanning the past century and has procured pigeons from consistently performing high impact international lines to the point that today it finds it difficult to identify any new genes to introduce into its advanced breeding program that it not already has. Particularly during the past two Carnival Lofts Summer Series where it competed in association with Dieplaagte-Sterkfontein, it dominated both seasons with small teams of only two birds competing in the 5 Hot Spots and Final against much larger international teams. In 2020 it achieved several top 10s in preliminary races including winning the Final by a nearly two hours lead with phenomenal 1st Ace ‘SILVER FLASH’; in 2021 it was the only team (with two cousins of ‘SILVER FLASH’ competing) that featured within the top 10 in 5 out of the last 6 races of the season with ‘2113’ ending as 5th Ace for 8th Final and 2x Equal 1st. In both seasons these pigeons achieved the highest exit prices on the Carnival Summer auctions.
Stratus Lofts founder and owner Dirk Nel has now decided to consolidate his One Loft Race program and has launched a new international loft to further achieve his objectives. In future he will be competing at OLRs under the name SILVER STAR LOFTS which he is now proud to introduce to the pigeon racing world.
In this consolidation process, excess pigeons that were originally bred for stock will over the next few months be offered for sale on Top Pigeon in small batches as they become available.
This is the first such auction which presents a spread of SILVER STAR genetics. The birds on offer are mostly younger birds nearing completion of their molt.
As a special introductory gesture to launch SILVER STAR LOFTS a young full sister (but not yet absolutely confirmed as a hen) of ‘SILVER FLASH’ is offered. The breeder rates ‘ROCKET FLASH’ in this auction as one of the top babies the FLASH PAIR has ever produced and is confident that she will have a significant impact in any loft she goes to. In addition, very few birds ever become available that can match the genetics revealed in the FLASH line pedigrees which include the incredible ‘Leonardo x Tinkelbel’ (Dijkstra, NL) super pair that has arguably been the highest impact pair in OLR history.

Showing all 7 results
LOT 2 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – SILVER SPARK – ZA OERF 7864 20 – Name: ‘SILVER SPARK’ Colour: Grizzle Ring Number: ZA 2020 OERF 7864 Strain: Silver Shadow Van Loon Sex: Believed to be a cock but not yet confirmed. Will be an ideal match LOT 1. Description: A full brother flew a 1st training flight + other top 10’s at Carnival Summer 2020. In the Summer 2021 series when very volatile weather conditions prevailed week after week niece ZA 20 DPL 27 entered by Dieplaagte-Sterkfontein ended the season 33rd Ace (within the top 10% of the original season intake) – a remarkable achievement for a highly inbred bird. SIRE related to Eijerkamp ‘Untamed Desert’ 1st SAMDPR 2013 and ‘LAURA’ 1st SAMDPR 2016 (Ganus) through GGGS ‘Chicago’ (Hofkens-van Loon). DAM bred off 2010 OLR World Champion Thorsten Daum DV from similar origins as ‘SILVER SHADOW’. Champion Daum OLR ‘Diamond Pair’ (Vandenabeele/Van Loon/Schellens) bred several top OLR winners worldwide. Also in pedigree legendary ‘UNO’ gs ‘FIGO’ of Kees Bosua and the super Van Loon hen ‘JOYCE’ of Pieter van der Merwe NL.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 3 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – WONDER – ZA OERF 7862 20 – Name: ‘WONDER 862’ Colour: Blue Bar Ring Number: ZA 2020 OERF 7862 Strain: Koopman Eurostar Sex: Believed to be a hen Description: At the turn of the century Van Koppen’s pair ‘Real King x Blue Queen’ (parents of ‘Eurostar’ grandson ‘Chartress’ from grizzle Janssen-Tournier lines) was the top Netherlands breeding pair. ‘Eurostar’ was purchased by Horst & Frank Sander (DV) where he was merged with Koopman’s best leading them to becoming top German loft producing several SAMDPR toppers including 2013 Ace Pigeon ‘ORNAT’ later super breeder for Mike Ganus (USA). This line is now a cornerstone of the SILVER STAR super strain under development such as new generation ‘2112’ that was one of the top racers at Carnival Summer 2021.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 4 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – Wonder 81 – ZA TRPF 21681 17 – Name: ‘WONDER 81 of 2020’ Colour: Blue Bar Ring Number: ZA 2017 TRPF 21681 Strain: Koopman Eurostar Sex: Hen Description: Concentration of supreme OLR genetics. Lineage Koopman’s ‘Wonder van den Haacht’ (gs ‘Ornat’ of Ganus). In the pedigree ‘Olympiade 003’, ‘Den 444’ (Leo Heremans), ‘Eurostar’ (Van Koppen), ‘Speedy’ (Roodhooft), ‘Super Crack’, ‘Super Crack’s Rookie’ (Ludo Claessens), ‘Wittenbuik’ (Vandenabeele), ‘Nationaal 1’ (Schellens), ‘Witneus’ (Florizoone), ‘Golden Boy’ (Van Hove-Uyterhoeven), ‘Silver Shadow’ (Eijerkamp Van Loon). [Rung with an old 2016 ring for stock, photos of reference birds featured].
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 6 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – MARSEILLE Jnr – ZA CYRL 3295 20 – Name: ‘Marseille Jnr’ Colour: Dark Check Ring Number: ZA 2020 OERF 3295 Strain: Sablon-Aelbrecht Sex: Cock Description: High potential young cock bred from top Sablon-Aelbrecht lines. ‘Jonge Marseille x Dgtr Gustaaf’ rate amongst top international OLR pairs. Here they boost the Il Ragno line that has also performed exceptionally well for Dominique Velghe (BE). Also in pedigree the famous ‘1756 BAK17’ that produced SAMDPR Car Winner ‘A1 Pacer’. ‘IL RAGNO’ rated by PIPA as the best modern De Raauw Sablon. Also strong influences of the Vandenheede ‘Freddy’/’Den Dromer’ lines that appear in the PIPA’s 4th SAMDPR 2019 sold for ZAR1.3m and ‘De Vital’ that was also grand sire of Vandenabeele’s ‘Bliksem’.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 7 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – Ragno 389 – ZA TRPF 7398 20 – Name: ‘RAGNO 398’ Colour: Blue Bar Ring Number: ZA 2018 TRPF 7398 Strain: De Raauw Sablon Sex: Cock Description: Predominantly Sablon BAK17 lines. ‘IL RAGNO’ won Italian National Races in high temperatures by huge margins and was rated the best modern day De Raauw Sablon by PIPA. In this pedigree strong Ettienne de Vos influences: top pair ‘Rivaldo’ x ‘Sis Patrick’ bred a 21st in a hard SAMDPR Final. Also legendary ‘De Vital’ that was grand father to Gaby Vandenabeele’s famous ‘BLIKSEM’.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 8 – SILVER STAR LOFTS – Ragon Dromer 65 – ZA OERF 7865 20 – Name: ‘RAGNO ROMER 65’ Colour: Blue Bar Ring Number: ZA 2020 OERF 7865 Strain: De Raauw Sablon Sex: Hen Description: Predominantly Sablon BAK17 lines. ‘IL RAGNO’ won National Races in high temperatures by huge margins and was rated the best modern day De Raauw Sablon by PIPA. In pedigree strong ‘Den Dromer’ lines that typically perform in all race conditions. Superb Sablon genetics.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 9 – SILVER STAR LOFFS – Biancas Treasure – ZA OERF 7857 20 – Name: ‘Biancas Treasure’ Colour: Blue Bar Ring Number: ZA 2020 OERF 7857 Strain: Silver Star ZA Legacy (Piet Schoeman, Schmidt&Bouwer, Tom Lock) Sex: Hen Description: Her dam ‘1096’ a superior racer retired to stock after only 4 races due to her superior performances. Dam ‘1096’ is the SILVER STAR new foundation hen of this family – a grand daughter of Peet Hartman’s ‘12012’ off Tom Lock with also Piet Schoeman blood ~ ‘12012’ a Union Winner Best Bird THU 2008 >500km and full sister of dam to Dinokeng Lofts Winner 2011 for Ronnie Heubch. ‘12012’ also a daughter of a 2x Union Winner that missed 3rd Union win with seconds. Line bred to our original Piet Schoeman family into which selected imports were introduced over the years: Etienne de Vos, Silvere Toye, Karel Hufkens, Lou Wouter, Karel Schellens, Schelfhout (THU Ace Pigeons in 1970’s). This line has produced phenomenal pigeons all over SA and is now being resurrected to its former glory. Piet Schoeman still the only fancier to have won four cars and who dominated racing in SA with his original family sold on auction in 1977. Also related to the ‘6466’ 5x Winner lines of Schmidt & Bouwer.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished