Active Auction-Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-Wednesday 19 April to Saturday 22 April 2023(Ends from 13:00)

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.Lot 4 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 3782 NRHUP 12 BB – Sire to Knox 636, 3rd Gauteng Combine 8623 pigeons and 636 members. A very consistent racer with 4 x Top 100 TRPF. Our very good OLR pigeons. Sire to Knox 17-018, winner Hotspot SAPIR Lofts 482km in 2017 and 2nd Hotspot the next week.—–SIRE: 1824121 NL 07. P V D MERWE . Sire to Knox 09-00053 who scored 3rd National Loft South Bakkie Race 2009, 580km. Landed with 8 pigeons and went in 3rd. Also sire to Konakawi 6th Final Race Nat Loft South 2010. Sire to 0055 who scored 48th in the final at Carnival City 2011.—-DAM: 1005262 NL 04. W. ZOONTJENS EN ZOON. Direct out of the Super Pair of W Zoontjens. Sister to top breeders and races, Zidane, Zidane 2, Donkere Kampione.Full sister Sire of “Benzing’s Fire” 6th MDPR 2008 Dam to 00053, 3rd Bakkie Race 580km, Nat Loft South. Also Dam Konakawi 6th Nat Loft . SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 5 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 112 KNOX 21 BB – SIRE: UNKNOWN —–DAM: 111 KNOX 17. JANSSEN BROTHERS. 111 is Dam to Knox 19-1910: Results at Carnival International OLR 2019: HS 1 – 223 Km = 14th HS 2 – 257 Km = 9th HS 3 – 323 Km = 6th. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 7 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 122 KNOX 21 BB – Same as the Gold Medal SANPO Winner . SISTER SOLD FOR R90 000. —-SIRE:ZA 03259 NRHUP 08 SCAL (Sire SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. He is a son of the “109” hen of Fortknox Lofts and full brother to the Funny Mealy Cock.)..—-DAM: ZA 00013 UNRUNG 13 BLUE PIED (Mother to the SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. 06447 the Gold medal hen won, 3rd 5478p, 21st 6266p, 6th 5701p, 3rd 5906p, She has also bred Union Winners. She was sold for R 90 000.)SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 8 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 396 KNOX 13 BB – 109 Line. 16th SWPC Vicroria West 2015. —– SIRE: 1907300 NL 07. Full Brother of “Rikkie” the Ace Pigeon. “Rikkie” won 1st 9 683p, 2nd 8 562p, 10th 7 003p. Brother to the father of Julia who won 2nd National Blois 74 500p. His brother 314 is the grand sire to the best short distance bird WCPTA truck…—–DAM: 4806 NRHU 06. Van Moorsel/109. 13 Fed and 18th B West Union 2.174p in 2008. She is Dam to a 3 x Winner for R Beneke. Grand Dam to 4079, 1st Victoria West Union and Truck for G VD Merwe in 2015, 5 173p. She is the mother of “304”of Gert VD Merwe. There is a long line of champions bred out of 304. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 9 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1127 KNOX 22 CH – SIRE: 2177 KNOX 19. 100% PURE JANSEN . —-DAM: 1000 KNOX 18. Bred for stock. she will become our future number 1 hen. Grand Dam to SSPO 19-2147, 1st Federation 520km, 19 September 2020. SSPO 13080 21 who won 2nd Fed 986p 340Km. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 10 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 413 KNOX 13 BB – SIRE: 1907300 NL 07. 109. Full Brother of “Rikkie” the Ace Pigeon. “Rikkie” won 1st 9 683p, 2nd 8 562p, 10th 7 003p. Brother to the father of Julia who won 2nd National Blois 74 500p. His brother 314 is the grand sire to the best short distance bird WCPTA truck. —–DAM: 4806 NRHU 06. Van Moorsel/109. 13 Fed and 18th B West Union 2.174p in 2008. She is Dam to a 3 x Winner for R Beneke. Grand Dam to 4079, 1st Victoria West Union and Truck for G VD Merwe in 2015, 5 173p. She is the mother of “304”of Gert VD Merwe. There is a long line of champions bred out of 304. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 11 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1158 KNOX 22 MEAL – SIRE: 351 KNOX 13. “FUNNY MEALY”. Direct Son of 109. Sire to NRHUD 16-0624 2nd Union Victoria West (2270p) in 2017, 1st Club and 6th in combine 5 051p. NRHUD 16-0625 won 1st club as well and 29th Union NRHU. NRHUP 16-4310 19th Union.—-DAM: 10606 TRPF 14. Dam to NRHUD 16-0624 2nd Union Victoria West (2270p) in 2017, 1st Club and 6th in combine 5 051p. NRHUD 16-0625 won 1st club as well and 29th Union NRHU. NRHUP 16-4310 19th Union.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 12 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 430 KNOX 13 BB – 100% KOOPMAN . —–SIRE: 2241797 BELG 07. C & G KOOPMAN. Inbred Grand Son of Kleine Dirk and Sire to some top racing pigeons. Sire to Hotspot 1 Winner at Carnival City in 2011. Sire to 00069-09 who bred 2 x 1st and 1 x 2nd for Pietie Geldenhuys in Klawer.—–DAM: 2044178 BELG 05. C & G KOOPMAN . A Perfect pigeon! She has produced various winners in Belgium. Her dam is Gouden Dirkje who is one of only 4 pigeons bred off Kleine Dirk when mated to his mother. This is very select blood. Dam to 00068-09 who bred 2 x 1st and 1 x 2nd for Pietie Geldenhuys . SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 13 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1124 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: ZA 0116 KNOX 12 BB —DIRECT CHILD OF FAMOUS 109- Nothing better! Stock. Full brother to the Sire of the Wonder Cock who is Sire and Grand Sire to 73 Winners in South Africa! Sire of NRHU 18-3998, 5th 1 849p 330km NRHU Sire to Knox 19-1926, 7th 2461 Pigeons, Victoria West 500 Km. G Sire to th6 place 370km head wind OLR Kuwait..—–DAM : 086 KNOX 11. KOOPMAN / 109 . Dam NRHU P 13- 2926, 1st Union 1908p. Victoria West 27 July 14. 6th WCPTA 5 492p. Grand Dam to FB 14-29342, best bird PPL 2015. Sire to NRHUP 16-1784 who bred 2 Union Winners. 1st NRHU Hanover Union for M Parkin and 2nd 3424p WCPTA.4th Union . SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 14 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 10606 TRPF 14 MEAL – Dam to NRHUD 16-0624 2nd Union Victoria West (2270p) in 2017, 1st Club and 6th in combine 5 051p. NRHUD 16-0625 won 1st club as well and 29th Union NRHU. NRHUP 16-4310 19th Union——-SIRE: 2702 AU HOT 12 . RICKY X CLAUSING.——DAM: 10629 THU 10 . DIRECT CHILD OF “SCHALKE 04” AND “KONSTANTIN”..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 15 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1155 KNOX 22 BBP – Same as the Gold Medal SANPO Winner . SISTER SOLD FOR R90 000. —-SIRE:ZA 03259 NRHUP 08 SCAL (Sire SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. He is a son of the “109” hen of Fortknox Lofts and full brother to the Funny Mealy Cock.)..—-DAM: ZA 00013 UNRUNG 13 BLUE PIED (Mother to the SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. 06447 the Gold medal hen won, 3rd 5478p, 21st 6266p, 6th 5701p, 3rd 5906p, She has also bred Union Winners. She was sold for R 90 000.)SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 16 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 523 KNOX 16 CH – SIRE: 2034581 BELG 08 “FOXY” . 100% Janssen Brothers. Line of Klamper x Klein Licht. Sire MDU 15 140. 2nd Club 500km for Coenie Basson. Must still get Union results.—–DAM: 2034552 BELG 08 “BUNKY” . 100% Janssen Brothers. Line of Late Vos x Oude Vos. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 17 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1163 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: ZA 0116 KNOX 12 BB —DIRECT CHILD OF FAMOUS 109- Nothing better! Stock. Full brother to the Sire of the Wonder Cock who is Sire and Grand Sire to 73 Winners in South Africa! Sire of NRHU 18-3998, 5th 1 849p 330km NRHU Sire to Knox 19-1926, 7th 2461 Pigeons, Victoria West 500 Km. G Sire to th6 place 370km head wind OLR Kuwait..—–DAM : 086 KNOX 11. KOOPMAN / 109 . Dam NRHU P 13- 2926, 1st Union 1908p. Victoria West 27 July 14. 6th WCPTA 5 492p. Grand Dam to FB 14-29342, best bird PPL 2015. Sire to NRHUP 16-1784 who bred 2 Union Winners. 1st NRHU Hanover Union for M Parkin and 2nd 3424p WCPTA.4th Union . SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 18 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 546 KNOX 16 BB – SIRE: 2030494 BELG 08. Sire to Knox 14 027 – 2015 – Hanover Combine Classic – 8th club, 11th Fed, Vic West Open -8th Club, 17th Fed. 2016 – Laingsburg Open – 4th Club , 6th Union, Leeu Gamka Open – 1st, Club (135 birds), 1st union, (455 birds) and 1st Combine.——DAM: 2034555 BELG 08. 100% Janssen Brothers. Line of Goede Kapot Borstbeen x Oude Vos x Mooi van Klamper. Grand Dam to BDUD 13-0813, 1st WCPTA 350 members and 5120 Pigeons for J Gunter. 1st Club 1st Union 1st Truck. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 19 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1125 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: ZA 0116 KNOX 12 BB —DIRECT CHILD OF FAMOUS 109- Nothing better! Stock. Full brother to the Sire of the Wonder Cock who is Sire and Grand Sire to 73 Winners in South Africa! Sire of NRHU 18-3998, 5th 1 849p 330km NRHU Sire to Knox 19-1926, 7th 2461 Pigeons, Victoria West 500 Km. G Sire to th6 place 370km head wind OLR Kuwait..—–DAM : 086 KNOX 11. KOOPMAN / 109 . Dam NRHU P 13- 2926, 1st Union 1908p. Victoria West 27 July 14. 6th WCPTA 5 492p. Grand Dam to FB 14-29342, best bird PPL 2015. Sire to NRHUP 16-1784 who bred 2 Union Winners. 1st NRHU Hanover Union for M Parkin and 2nd 3424p WCPTA.4th Union . SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 20 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 017 KNOX 17 BB – SIRE: 3782 NRHUP 12. P vd Merwe x Wal Zoontjens. Sire to Knox 636, 3rd Gauteng Combine 8623 pigeons and 636 members. A very consistent racer with 4 x Top 100 TRPF. Our very good OLR pigeons. Sire to Knox 17-018, winner Hotspot SAPIR Lofts 482km in 2017 and 2nd Hotspot the next week.—-DAM: 08369 NRHUP 09. 1st Union, 2nd 5607p 2nd Springfontein Union. 2/4181p. Dam NRHUP 13-2815 9th Hanover Classic 15 912p, 636 3rd Gauteng Comb 8623p, 16-3781, 1st 2103p/4th 5192p, G Dam to NRHU 20 0170 who won 3 x 1st 8983p, 9860p, 7436p.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 21 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1138 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 0230934 DAN 18. LEO HEREMANS . —- DAM: 0602 DAN 18. THIS A A PURE KAASBOER. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 22 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 038 KNOX 17 BB – Same as the Gold Medal SANPO Winner . SISTER SOLD FOR R90 000. —-SIRE:ZA 03259 NRHUP 08 SCAL (Sire SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. He is a son of the “109” hen of Fortknox Lofts and full brother to the Funny Mealy Cock.)..—-DAM: ZA 00013 UNRUNG 13 BLUE PIED (Mother to the SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. 06447 the Gold medal hen won, 3rd 5478p, 21st 6266p, 6th 5701p, 3rd 5906p, She has also bred Union Winners. She was sold for R 90 000.)SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 23 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1121 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 2131 KNOX 19. GRANDSON TO FAMOUS 109.—–DAM :116 FNOX 20. 100% Janssen Brothers. Lots of winners in this family. Super pigeon. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 24 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 111 KNOX 17 BB – SIRE: 2030461 BELG 08. 100% Janssen Pigeon. G Sire NRHU 20 0170 who won 3 x 1st 8983p, 9860p, 7436p.FBHU and SOLD FOR R 400 000! BDUD 13-0813, 1st WCPTA 350 members 5120 Pigeons for J Gunter and 1776 1st 2.564p 500km 23/09/2020. Sire to 16-3781 who won 1st Union.—-DAM: 2034555 BELG 08. 100% Janssen Brothers. Line of Goede Kapot Borstbeen x Oude Vos x Mooi van Klamper. Grand Dam to BDUD 13-0813, 1st WCPTA 350 members and 5120 Pigeons for J Gunter. 1st Club 1st Union 1st Truck.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R9,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 25 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1144 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 3782 NRHUP 12. P vd Merwe x Wal Zoontjens. Sire to Knox 636, 3rd Gauteng Combine 8623 pigeons and 636 members. A very consistent racer with 4 x Top 100 TRPF. Our very good OLR pigeons. Sire to Knox 17-018, winner Hotspot SAPIR Lofts 482km in 2017 and 2nd Hotspot the next week.—-DAM: 89 FNOX 21. GOLD MEDAL X KITTEL. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 26 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 113 KNOX 17 – SIRE: 2241796 BELG 07. C & G KOOPMAN . G Son Kleine Dirk. Bred Fed 3rd Union Vic West. Sire to 0047, scored 47th & 27th at Carnival City, 51st final. Grand Sire to 4x 1st for R Stemmet. G Sire Best YRL PPL. G Sire to Dam of 1st and 2nd best bird WCPTA 2017 and G sire 2nd best bird 2018 Overall WCPTA.—-DAM: 627 KNOX . Bred for Stock out of one of our best foundation 109 hens x the best of Wal Zoontjens. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 27 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1136 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 141 KNOX 17. 109 GOLD MEDAL. Bred for Stock – Same as the SANPO Gold Medal winner. Sire Knox 19-1910: Results at Carnival International OLR 2019: HS 1 – 223 Km = 14th HS 2 – 257 Km = 9th HS 3 – 323 Km = 6th. — DAM: 2174 KNOX 19. VERY BEST 109 LINES. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 28 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 114 KNOX 17 GRIZ – SIRE:4195011 BELG 08. ROLAND JANSSENS . This is a beautiful pigeon in the hand. Something specials. —–DAM: 08370 NRHUP 09. One of our best 109 breeders. 2nd Hanover Union 3 Bird in 2011 (9/1172 on truck), nest mate to 08369 who won 1st Vic Union, 2nd 5607p (truck) and 2nd Springfontein Union. 2/4181. Grand Dam to 1st and 3rd Beaufort West Combine 5440. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 29 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1107 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 2131 KNOX 19. GRANDSON TO FAMOUS 109.—–DAM: 1963 KNOX 19 . Wal Zoontjns x 109. Click mating, best of 109. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 30 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 140 KNOX 17 BBB – Same as the Gold Medal SANPO Winner . SISTER SOLD FOR R90 000. —-SIRE:ZA 03259 NRHUP 08 SCAL (Sire SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. He is a son of the “109” hen of Fortknox Lofts and full brother to the Funny Mealy Cock.)..—-DAM: ZA 00013 UNRUNG 13 BLUE PIED (Mother to the SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. 06447 the Gold medal hen won, 3rd 5478p, 21st 6266p, 6th 5701p, 3rd 5906p, She has also bred Union Winners. She was sold for R 90 000.)SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 31 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1194 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 546 KNOX 16 . 100% Janssen Brothers.—–DAM: 2127 KNOX 19. 100% Jannsen Brothers. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 32 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA ZA 141 KNOX 17 BB – Same as the Gold Medal SANPO Winner . SISTER SOLD FOR R90 000. —-SIRE:ZA 03259 NRHUP 08 SCAL (Sire SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. He is a son of the “109” hen of Fortknox Lofts and full brother to the Funny Mealy Cock.)..—-DAM: ZA 00013 UNRUNG 13 BLUE PIED (Mother to the SANPO Gold medal Winner 2015 Short Distance. 06447 the Gold medal hen won, 3rd 5478p, 21st 6266p, 6th 5701p, 3rd 5906p, She has also bred Union Winners. She was sold for R 90 000.)SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 33 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA ZA 1195 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 47 FNOX 21. 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS . —–DAM: 0230900 DAN 18 “RUMMIE CUP” . A 100% Janssen pigeon. Beautiful in the hand.. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 34 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-0230891 DAN 18 CH – SIRE: NL 15-1348121 . JANSSEN . JONGE LOUIS 100% Gebr. Janssen Grandson SEPTEMBERMAN – topbreeder: Grandsire to 2 x 1st, 7 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd and 3rd National. —–DAM: NL 15-1899493. Fullsister to RED RUM: 24. Nat. NPO Niergnies 10.610 p., 3. Ace Afd. 9 Kring 1 af 14.701 p., 2. Ace Afd. 9 YB 2015 Halfsister to CHAMPION ACE 053: 3. Ace VNCC 2014 Granddtr SEPTEMBERMAN – super breeder. Grandsire to 2 x 1st, 7 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd and 3rd National. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 35 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1154 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 546 KNOX 16 . 100% Janssen Brothers.—–DAM: 2127 KNOX 19. 100% Jannsen Brothers. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 36 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-0230900 DAN 18 R – SIRE: NL 17-1758217 “RUMMIE” . JANSSEN . Fullbrother to RED RUM: 24. Nat. NPO Niergnies 10.610 p., 3. Ace Afd. 9 Kring 1 af 14.701 p., 2. Ace Afd. 9 YB 2015 Halfbrother to: – CHAMPION ACE 053: 3. Ace VNCC 2014 – 12-838: 3. Nat. NPO Mantes L Jolie 5.327 p. Grandson SEPTEMBERMAN – super breeder. Grandsire to 2 x 1st, 7 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd . —–DAM: NL 15-1347641. 100% Gebr. Janssen Halfsister to RED RUM: 24. Nat. NPO Niergnies 10.610 p., 3. Ace Afd. 9 Kring 1 af 14.701 p., 2. Ace Afd. 9 YB 2015. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 37 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1151 KNOX 22 BB – SIRE: 108 FNOX 21. 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS . —-DAM: 50 FNOX 21. 100% JANSSENS BROTHERS. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 39 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1147 KNOX 22 MEAL – SIRE: 0230669 DAN 19. INBRED KITTEL . The sire is inbred on the line of Goede Rode x Kittel,Pure Kittel lines.—-DAM: 0230630 DAN 19 . KITTEL . The very best of the Kittel lines, the babies are truly amazing off this wonderful handling hen.SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 41 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1149 KNOX 22 CH – SIRE: 523 KNOX 16 . 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS. —- DAM: 2126 KNOX 19. 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 42 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-0230954 DAN 18 DCH – SIRE: B 15-6289259. LITTLE ROSSI Direct Stefaan Lambrechts Fantastic lines – son of : ZOON NIEUWE ROSSI, brother GOLDEN LADY dam GOEDE RODE + BROER GOEDE RODE! x NESTZUSTER MISS ANGERVILLE, aunt to OLYMPIC ROSITA 1. Olympiad.—DAM: B 14-6116380. LITTLE KITTEL Direct S. Lambrechts Dam i.e. to: 18-363: 2/516, 20/475, 51/451 Noyon etc. 17-820: 4/784, 5/331, 5/578, 6/164, 8/701, 10/206, 15/195, 15/196, 16/404 etc. Granddaughter of the foundation couple GOEDE RODE x 9999 Dam is halfsister to KITTEL 1. Nat. Ace KBDB, NEW KITTEL, GREIPEL etc. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 43 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1148 KNOX 22 CH – SIRE: 523 KNOX 16 . 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS. —- DAM: 2126 KNOX 19. 100% JANSSEN BROTHERS.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 44 Robert Swanepoel Auction 1-ZA 1000 KNOX 18 CH – Bred for stock. she will become our future number 1 hen. Grand Dam to SSPO 19-2147, 1st Federation 520km, 19 September 2020. SSPO 13080 21 who won 2nd Fed 986p 340K—-SIRE: 1908314 NL 07. 109 JANSEN . 314 is the Grand Sire to the best short distance pigeon on the WCPTA truck in 2012. Full Brothger of “Rikkie” the Ace Pigeon. “Rikkie” won 1st 9 683p, 2nd 8 562p 10th 7 003p. Brother to the father of Julia.—–DAM: 4805 NRHU 06. VAN MOORSEL X 109 . Won 1st Beaufort West Union 2.192p, 2nd and 15th Vic West Union, Dam to 0962, 9/2036 pigeons and 08370, 2nd Hanover Union 3 Bird in 2011 (9/1172 on truck) 08369 1st Vic Union, 2nd 5607p (truck) and 2nd Springfontein Union. 2/4181. G Dam to 18th Pattaya. SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R16,000 Auction finishedAuction finished