CLOSED ACTIVE AUCTION - MCDERMOT LOFTS - from 11 MAY 2021 end 14 MAY (20:17)

Showing all 2 results
LOT 1 – MCDERMOT LOFTS – ZA 2015 TRPF 10568 BB HEN – ACE YOUNG BIRD TRPF 2016 ACE YOUNG BIRD DIVISION 3 2016 ACE YOUNG BIRD SRPC 2016 ACE MIDDLE DISTANCE DIVIION 3 2016 2ND SHORT DISTANCE GAUTENG COMBINE 2ND DIVISION 3 OVERALL 3RD MIDDLE DISTANCE GAUTENG COMBINE 4TH BEST BIRD TRPF OVERALL 2016 6TH SHORT DISTANCE DIVISION 3 2016 SIRE: Alias “BABY NOMS SON ” Strain: Van Rhijn / Lock Color: Blue Bar This super cock only had 2 races in his life,on his first race he hit a wire and i recovered him and entered him as a baby into matjiesfontein and he achieved the following result 2e Club 6e Div 29e Fed Matjiesfontein 1065km 1024.867mpm This cock is a son of our foundation cock and he is a super breeder himself producing TRPF 10568/15 which was the Best Young Bird in the mighty TRPF and finnishing 4th Best Bird DAM: Alias “04 TOPPIE HEN” Strain: Houben Color: Blue Bar W/F This hen is one of the top producers in Mc Dermott Lofts she also produced the best young bird in the mighty TRPF in 2016 !
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 2 – MCDERMOT LOFTS – ZA 2014 TRPF-10316 BB HEN – 1e Club 1e Div 3e Fed Winburg 284km 1929.742mpm 2e Club 2e Div 5e Fed Colesberg 585km 1320.784mpm 2e Club 3e Div 5e Fed Dewetsdorp 404km 1463.483mpm 2e Club 3e Div 6e Fed Aliwal North 525km 1582.624mpm 2e Club 6e Div 47e Fed Trompsburg 487km 1577.332mpm 3e Club 5e Div 26e Fed Richmond 707km 1587.101mpm 4e Club 5e Div 9e Fed Jamestown 568km 1469.221mpm 4e Club 5e Div 10e Fed Springfontein 514km 1391.902mpm 14e Club 45e Div 84e Fed Dewetsdorp 404km 1382.817mpm SIRE: Alias “BABY NOMS SON ” Strain: Van Rhijn / Lock Color: Blue Bar This super cock only had 2 races in his life,on his first race he hit a wire and i recovered him and entered him as a baby into matjiesfontein and he achieved the following result 2e Club 6e Div 29e Fed Matjiesfontein 1065km 1024.867mpm This cock is a son of our foundation cock and he is a super breeder himself producing TRPF 10568/15 which was the Best Young Bird in the mighty TRPF and finnishing 4th Best Bird DAM: Alias “04 TOPPIE HEN” Strain: Houben Color: Blue Bar W/F This hen is one of the top producers in Mc Dermott Lofts she also produced the best young bird in the mighty TRPF in 2016 !
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished