Active Auction-Willie Engelbrecht/Arno's Racers Racing Lofts Auction-Monday 26 September to Friday 30 September 2022(20:00)

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.Lot 1 Willie Engelbrecht/Arno’s Racers Racing Lofts Auction—-9m x 2.3m- -6 sections -6 x 30 drop down box perches -6 x steel drinkers at the back of the loft with glass bowls -Feeding trays inside -Sliding doors -Lights and electricity -The pitch of the roof is 2.6m -Wooden floor- Easy to take down and assemble again Everything is build in panels- 3rd party willing to move and put up the loft for R5000 in Gauteng
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished