Active Auction-Toppigeon End July Wednesday 27 July to Friday 29 July 2022(20:00)

Showing all 5 results
.Lot 1 Top Pigeon End July ZA 20 KPUD 155 BB H-“MEDAL’S MIRROR” A stunning, very well bred hen bred by DIE PAINTERS out of their Sanpo Medal Winning family. Direct daughter of the 2 X SANPO GOLD MEDAL MIDDLE DISTANCE Winner in 2019. Her father was bred by Gomes & De Necker out of the same father as their SANPO GOLD MEDAL OVERALL 2019. This hen is full sister to a 3 X Winner and halfsister to 4 other winners including the phenomenal 304/21 who is already 3 X Winner & 2 X equal winner in 2022. SIRE: 4880/18. Bred by Gomes & De Necker out of the same father as their 2019 SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER Overall. This cock is out of Joe’s legendary lines of “OLD JOE” and the “PENCIL COCK” His mother is a direct Mike Ganus hen from “ABRAHAM”, “ROCKET”, “MONA LISA” etc. “JOE’S EXCHANGE” bred a 3 X Winner in his first nest when mated to “MEDAL MISS”. DAM: D 3822/18 “MEDAL MISS” SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER WINNER MIDDLE DISTANCE 2019! 7 X Top 10 Union vs 1100 pigeons on average in the span of only 8 weeks on distances between 450km and 650km The best racer we have ever owned and fast becoming one of the best breeders too. Already mother to 5 winners including a Combine Winner and the phenomenal 304/21 who is already a 3 X Winner and 2 X equal winner this season. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R11,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 3 Top Pigeon End July ZA 22 MPK 19 Mealy-SIRE: 9180 ZA 19 GPU. THIS COCK IS BRED OUT OF “RED CHIPO”. Direct from Benny Steveninck Direct son of chihaut 100 6th nat. Ace pigeon middle distance 2005. 2nd Reseve Olympiad Oostende 2007 Cat B – Noyon 1/807p Dourdan 1/1508p Dourdan AND “Chipo’s pied P1600183”. “Chipo’s pied P1600183” Chipo are one of the best birds produced by Benny Steveninck. Maybe the best short and middle distance pigeons in the world. Super racers for GJT as 2015 babies already won in 2014!!!! DNA Profiled DAM: 455 ZA 20 MPK. THIS HEN IS BRED OUT OF A SON OF THE FAMOUS “SMUTS PAIR” AND A KAASBOER HEN OF DR. H DE WEERD WHICH WERE HAND SELECTED BY GJT LOFTS AT DR DE WEERD. THIS DE WEERD KAASBOER HEN ALLREADY BRED A SUPER RACER FOR GJT LOFTS (ZA 19 KRPD 403). SEE PEDIGREE !!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 4 Top Pigeon End July ZA 22 CYRL 1785 CH-SIRE: Cyrl 2676 / 2019. RUDI DE SAER / VANDENABEELE. Son of Kroonstad Hen 1st NLoft. Brother to 2 Diff OLR winners. Bro to 1st Acebird DespatchLoft. DAM: OERF 6625 / 2019. VANDENABEELE / Peeters/Huybregts. Is half sister to PoppySeed!! PoppySeed 5th Final Dinokeng. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 6 Top Pigeon End July ZA 22 MPKD 65 BB-Samebred currently 30th Grand Averages SAPIR one loft race. SIRE: 0001 NO 14 RING. GABY/LOCK/AELBRECHT. SIRE TO : combine winner in PSWU 2018. 2nd combine PSWU 2018. ZA VFWC 4702-17 won a race in the GAUTENG WEST COMBINE 2020. SAPIR HOTSPOT ACE PIGEON 2017. DAM: 00503 ZA 11. SABLON X SIERENS/DE RIJK. DAM TO : Combine winner in PSWU 2018. 2nd combine PSWU 2018. ZA VFWC 4702-17 won a race in the GAUTENG WEST COMBINE 2020. SAPIR HOTSPOT ACE PIGEON 2017. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 Top Pigeon End July AU-MCLOFTS-1868-’17 – Very best of the Chris Hebberecht bloodline. Sire and dam are excellent pigeons. ALLREADY BRED 2 WINNERS ON THE LONG DISTANCE. ————— SIRE:BELG 13 4288498 .Full Brother to Champion Vip. Blue, Cock .Hebberecht. Champion Vip 1st Montaubon 2.493 pigeons. 5th Nat. 6.822 birds. 3rd. 1738 birds 1° van 140 d. 17th Nat 9.091 birds. 2nd Prov 883 birds (Lok 1° van 88 d.) 4th 4.812, 10th internat 12.849 d. Many more top positions . ———– DAM : BELG 13 4270543. Grand daughter Pancho. BC, Hen .Hebberecht Pancho 2 Nat. Ace pigeon Long distance Kbdb 2004 1 Prov. Ace pigeon Long distance Kbdb 2004 2 x 1 pr. Provinciaal. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished