Active Auction-Toppigeon Local & International Auction 3 Thursday 8 September to Friday 9 september 2022(20:00)

Showing all 18 results
Lot 25 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 19 WYNL 1063 RCH C——Sire : ZA FB 43297-14 “DOUBLE WINNER” Grandsire REF 3.(SEE PEDIGREE) Grandam REF 4.(SEE PEDIGREE). ——-Dam: REF 2 – ZA 71116-07. Foundation hen the Roomy blue hen pearl eye pure Jan Wessels. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 26 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 18 87833 BB C——-“ O SOLO MIO” SPRITZY ——Sire: ZA 14 15429 “SPRITZY LION” SPRITZY. This cock is bred from “JOSE SPRITZY”. Was bred by Schmidt and Bouwer. ——-Dam: ZA 13 013522 “ROCKEY’S GIRL” SPRITZY. This hen is bred from “JOSE SPRITZY”. Was bred by Schmidt and Bouwer. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 27 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 12 OP 02407 BBWF C——-BRED BY NIEL CHALMERS. ——-Sire : ZA 09 OP 11108 “Beach Boy” De Klak Janssens. Top racer on the middle distance and also top breeder. ——–Dam: ZA 09 OP 11180 “Blue Star” De Klak Janssens . Top racer on middle and long distance. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,050 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 28 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 16 WPU 2704 BB C——–Bred by Theo Minnie. ———Sire: 11140. Sire and dam is bred from Oscar De Vriendt imported from Belgium. ——-Dam: 5070. Sire and dam is bred from Oscar De Vriendt imported from Belgium. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 29 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 11 VPU 3903 BBWF C——-“White Flight Cock” This cock is one of the purest Blou Bul pigeons you will get. He has bred winners for M & L Schmidt. ——–Sire: 6941 00 SA GRPA. Blou Bul. This superbreeder is the best the legendary Blou Bul produced. ———Dam: 5005 05 SA PWDF . She is a direct daughter of Schmidt and Bouwer’s White Flight Cock. See pedigree!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 30 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 18 19901 RCH CSire: NL 1834269-06. Romein. Dam: NL 1834143-06. Romein. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,600 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 32 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 13 OP 05049 BB CBred by Niel Chalmers. ——Sire: ZA 09 OP 11192. Houben / Clausing. Full brother 11152/09 a top racer on the short distance in PE FED. —–Dam: ZA 10 OP 01536. Houben / Clausing. Bred for stock. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 33 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 16 BPF D 4359 BB H—–Louis Wouters. D4359 is gold medal winner short distance and a sister to D7662 (2nd BPF Long Distance ACE Pigeon and 4th BPF Overall ACE Pigeon 2015). ——Sire: ZABPF D7378-12. Strain: Louis Wouters – Bloem Pair. 2014 Federation Long Distance ACE pigeon. Sire to 2015 Bfn Fed Old Bird ACE Pigeon and Bfn Fed 1st & 6th Overall ACE Pigeons. ——Dam:ZABPF D7367-12. Strain: Brymer Wouters Tom Lock. Brymer Wouters Foundation daughter Mother to Winners and full sister to other Foundation breeder D7368. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 35 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 17 BPF D 3376 BB——-CGreat Racer son and double winner out of the Super Sire Schalie Cock mated to his click hen. D3376 scored consistently on all distaqnces , he is brother to D3391 (2nd Long Distance Ace Pigeon). ——Sire: ZABPF D5545-14. Strain: De Norre Wouters. FED WINNER super sire out AFTOON cock , 2015 Federation Middle Distance Ace Pigeon. ——Dam: ZA BPF D6465-16. Strain: Brymer Wouters De Norre. BPF 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon 2016 and already dam to 3 best pigeons in federation. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,505 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 36 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 19 WYNL 1064 MEALY C—–Sire : ZA FB 43297-14 “DOUBLE WINNER” Grandsire REF 3.(SEE PEDIGREE) Grandam REF 4.(SEE PEDIGREE). ——Dam: REF 2 – ZA 71116-07. Foundation hen the Roomy blue hen pearl eye pure Jan Wessels. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 37 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 19 GPU 5788 BCWF H—–Sire: ZA 15 OP 10107. ZA OP 02407/12 “BLUE ASS” De klak / Janssens. Bred for stock. Bred me 3 winners in the three years and the babies flew very well on hard races.————— ——-Dam: ZA OP 23104/07 “Little Star” Oscar / Sierens. A top racer for me and an even better breeder.—————— —–Dam:ZA 15 OP 10091. ZA OP 01448/10 “MAGIC BLUE” De Klak / Janssens. Top racer for me on the middle distance.—————– ——Dam: ZA OP 11180/09 “BLUE STAR” De Klak / Janssens. Top racer on the middle and long distance. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38 Toppigeon Local & International 3 ZA 16 OP 01914 BB HBred by Niel Chalmers. Sire ZA OP 23129/07. Bred for stock. Bred me 6 winners.———— Dam:ZAWALOP 786/0/. Top racer and breeder. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38A Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 19 GPU 5878 BB C Famous “BIRDY” Bloodline. This is a super pigeon. This pigeon has one of the best One Loft Genetics blood in . This pigeons father is a Grandson of BIRDY’s on the mother side and grandson of Birdy’s father on the mother side. His mother is a grand daughter of BIRDY on the father’s side and also grand daughter of BIRDY’s father on the father side.Buying a pigeon like this can only be an asset to any loft. The parents were bought for R120 000.00 from PIPA. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R850 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38B Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 20 311242 BC H – “Mega Baklei” Sire: ZA 12 100940 “Wondere Bijter 940” Freek Romein. Dam: ZA 17 30426 “MARIA” Clausing. This hen is a daughter of Son of SEABISCUIT. SEABISCUIT were a SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38C Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 16 OP 01160 BC – Bred by Niel Chalmers. Sire: ZA OP 11240/09 . De Klak/Janssens. Top racer on Middle Distance. Dam: ZA OP 06762/11. Janssens / Van Loon. Top Racer. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38E Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 14 OP 09645 BB C – Sire: ZA OP 07368/11. Van Rhijn Kloeck. Bred for stock. A super breeder. Dam: ZA OP 01406/10. De Klak / Janssens / Van Rhijn Kloeck. Top Racer for me. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38F Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 12 OP 02392 BB C – Sire: ZA OP 06062/11. Son of Prima Emerveen. Janssens / Tournier. Top Racer. DAM: ZA OP 11272/09 “ BORDER LOFT WINNER”. This hen won the border loft in the year 2010 by an hour from a long race in very hot and bad weather. Her dam were sold for R55 000.00. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 38G Toppigeon Local/International Auction 3 ZA 14 KOUGA 0354 BCWF H(BRED BY NIEL CHALMERS)———Sire: ZA OP 07368/11. Van Rhijn Kloeck. Bred for stock. A super breeder. ——–Dam: ZA OP 01406/10. De Klak / Janssens / Van Rhijn Kloeck. Top Racer for me. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished