Active Auction-GJT Lofts Auction 2-Friday 12 August to Tuesday 16 August 2022(20:00)

Showing all 6 results
.Lot 6 GJT Auction 2 ZA 18 GJT 388 BB C——-This cock is fullbrother to +- 10 Winners. ——Sire: 1977 WRRPA 17 ZAD. Alias “1009 “3” P1900147″. Strain: Kaasboer X Chipo. Color: Bbwf. Full brother to “1009”. ——-Dam: 1975 WRRPA 17 ZAD. This is a direct Daughter out of the famous “Smuts Pair”. See Pedigree!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 7 GJT Auction 2 ZA 18 GJT 368 BB C——This is a Inbred mating Mother to Son. ——-Sire: 2507 WRRPA 16 ZA. This cock is bred out of. Alias “Lucky 994”. Strain: SABLON. Color: BB. Bred of the famous Bak 17 line Bak 17 sister to brother mating. Crossed with Alias “DAUGHTER “810” P1600195″. Strain: SABLON FRENZ. Color: BB. This hen was swopped and one on the best deals ever by GJT Lofts. DAUGHTER OF “810” one of the most famous Sablons ever.. This hen produced the most winners for GJT as a non kaasboer ever. 8x of her children already in stock after winning.. Click with Kaasboer cock “SMITS” and their children are already breeding winners. ——–Dam : 24804 08 ZA. Alias “DAUGHTER “810” P1600195″. Strain: SABLON FRENZ. Color: BB. This hen was swopped and one on the best deals ever by GJT Lofts. DAUGHTER OF “810” one of the most famous Sablons ever.. This hen produced the most winners for GJT as a non kaasboer ever. 8x of her children already in stock after winning.. Click with Kaasboer cock “SMITS” and their children are already breeding winners. See Pedigree!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 8 GJT Auction 2 ZA 18 GJT 341 BB H——Grandchild of Kaasboer x 1009’s mothers full sister Dam bred of my Nr1 pair- super handler. ——-Sire: 791 WRRPA 15 ZAD. Alias “Klien Kaas Chipo”. Strain: Kaasboer X Chipo. Color: BB. Sire are a grandchild of Kaasboer. Pure as you can get. Dam are the nestmate sister of 1009’s mother. ——-Dam: 1068 ZA 15 WRRPA. This is a pure Kaasboer hen bred out of “0054”and “Kiran”. See Pedigree!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 9 GJT Auction 2 ZA 19 KRPD 500 BB H————-Sire: 2142 ZA 16 SVPV. Alias “GOLD ARROW”. Strain: Tom Lock X Kaasboer. Color: BB. This cock is bred out of “TITAN” FULL BROTHER TO BPF 3007/14 LIGHT THE NIGHT – 14TH FINAL ALLFLITE CARNIVAL LOFTS 2015 VEL. 1255.052 – 590KM FULL BROTHER TO QUICK FLIGHT – EQUAL WINNER SEMI FINAL RACE DINOKENG. ——-Dam: 1634 WRRPA 17 ZAD. Alias “P1900131”. Strain: 1009xsmuts. Color: BB. Sire are a son of my Smuts pair. OLR aces. Dam are a full sister of “1009” my best racer ever. 1009 raced 17x top 10 and won 3 unions in 1 season. This hen are bred of my 2 best lines and I focus only on these lines now. She will make you proud. See Pedigree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot A GJT Auction 2 ZA 21 MPKD 69 BB H—-Union Winner and Gauteng West Combine Winner Brandford YB 312.688km 1589.2656 m/m. 129 Members 1843 pigeons This hen has won the Combine with More than 3 minutes and Union with almost 7 minutes. Her fullsister has won for Billy Kitchenbrand and 2 other sisters scored in the top 10. Her fullsister already bred the Bakkie winner for Morne Bradbury. ——Sire: 08601 ZA 14. Alias “” Twilight-Chipo””. Strain: CHIPO. Color: BBP. Linebred to the very best of the Chipo family. These birds perform very well in South Africa. ——-Dam: 082 BELG 13 070. Alias “CANTAL P1600166” . Strain: KAASBOER. Color: DarkBlue. KAASBOER himself 3x in this pedigree Flor Engels also in the pedigree…this line works well with the kaasboere Halfsister to ANNE LINE. Super racer in SCMDPR 2013 These pigeons are sort after allover the world and very hard to come by. Pedigree and performance speaks for itself here. DNA profiled. See Pedigree!!!!!!!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot C GJT Auction 2 ZA 21 MPKD 67 BB H——-This is a father to Daughter mating. ——-Sire : 23424 16 ZA. This cock already bred a 4 x winner for GJT A&S Brill. This cock is bred out of Dinokeng Hotspot 1 Winner 2016 and a Double Hotspot Winner at Allflite 2016. ——-Dam: 933 ZA 20 GJT. She is a fullsister to the 4 times winner for GJT A&S Brill. Her Dam is imported from MC Hansen. See Pedigree!!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished