Showing all 6 results
.LOT 1 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection – ZA 17 FB 04381 CHECK- Proven Racer, from Foundation birds 1st Club, 2nd Union,3rd Truck WCPTA Colesberg 695km 2315p 11th Union, 18th Truck WCPTA Hanover 621km 819p 29th Union, 48th Truck WCPTA Hanover 621km 4220p .———-Sire: Inbred father daughter mating from DV 01654 621 ’08 Superbreeder! Probably the best Stieneker Kannibaal cock that entered South Africa ever. Sire of “Cape Queen”, best bird every to fly at Klapmuts Lofts. Double HS winner, 6th Final, 1st Ace Bird 2011. Superbreeder. She also bred Klapmuts Ace 2012, 6th Carnival Summer 2018 etc. Sire of “The Theunissen hen”: Super racer and breeder for me and many other fanciers in multiple generations. Too many to mention. X DV 06723 08 128 Koopman Dieter Siebert.———— Dam: NL 13 1040124 Bakker & Zoon Bred from a pure Koopman Click pair producing many top SAMDPR racers, amongst other Lord Ballina: 28th HS1 4462p 23th HS3 4229p 32rd HS5 3856p.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
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.LOT 2 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection – ZA 23 BPPD 675 BBAR ———Sire: DV 01654 621 ’08 Superbreeder! Probably the best Stieneker Kannibaal cock that entered South Africa ever. Sire of “Cape Queen”, best bird every to fly at Klapmuts Lofts. Double HS winner, 6th Final, 1st Ace Bird 2011. Superbreeder. She also bred Klapmuts Ace 2012, 6th Carnival Summer 2018 etc. Sire of “The Theunissen hen”: Super racer and breeder for me and many other fanciers in multiple generations. Too many to mention.———– Dam: DV 01654 2016 995 – Lot3 176th SAMDPR Final 54th Grand Ave Super handler, proven breeder Nestmate 994 flew 47th SAMDPR Final.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
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.LOT 3 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection -DV 01654 16 995 – 176th SAMDPR Final 54th Grand Ave Super handler, proven breeder Nestmate 994 flew 47th SAMDPR Final Dam to Lot2.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
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.LOT 4 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection -ZA 17 36160 From a proven click par. Proven breeder Probably one the best ever Koopman Kannibaal pairs in ZA .———– Sire: NL 09 1815292 Might Fiera 50% Inbred Kannibaal 50% Koopman .———— Dam: B 09 2130134 Kannetjie Granddaughter Kannibaal Inbred Great Granddaughter.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection – ZA GPU 01544 17 HEN – This hen and her brother was bred in the race loft. The brother became a 2 x winner for me. I lost him on a race, so I decided to put her to stock. The Sire flew 5th position in the Gauteng Provincial Combine and the dam is my 4 x winner and also 2nd in Gauteng Provincial Combine. I decided to keep the winning genetics. The Dam’s 1st offspring was bred in my race loft. (CH Cock 5205, he became the best Long Distance in the Gauteng Pigeon Union). She is a top breeding hen in my loft. Excellent racer, best Short Distance bird in GPU. Flew 2nd in the Gauteng Prov. Combine with 7200 pigeons. She flew four 1st, three 2nd, two 3rd. See pedigree. SIRE: This Cock bred the best long distance pigeon in the Gauteng Pigeon Union for me. DAM: Her 1st offspring was bred in my race loft. (CH Cock 5205, he became the Best Long Distance in the Gauteng Pigeon Union). A top breeding hen in my loft. Excellent racer, best Short Distance bird in GPU. Flew 2nd in the Gauteng Prov. Combine with 7200 pigeons. She flew four 1st, three 2nd, two 3rd.
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.LOT 6 Emile Slabber – Kannibaal Koopman Selection -ZA 17 MOUN 481 BBAR ———Twilight/Koopman . Gauteng Combine winner pair.————- Sire: ZA 15 08701 – Blue Drummer Twilight Top breeder, ao Gauteng Combine winner Brother to Golden TT, dam of Concorde SANPO Gold Medal .———— Dam: NL 12 1076838 Direct Koopman Super racer SAMDPR and breeder Top breeder, ao Gauteng Combine winner .SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished