ACTIVE AUCTION - Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction - FROM 21 MARCH TO SUNDAY 23 MARCH 2025 (ENDING FROM 15:00)

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.LOT 1 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction – ZA 24 SANPO 25026 – “TATJANEKE” Hen Painter Putterie Check Wf This sensational hen is bred out of two of the most famous pigeons in South Africa at the moment. His father is the best breeder we have ever owned! MIRACLE BREEDER “BLUE WHIP” is the only cock to have bred 2 individual 1st National Ace Pigeons in SA. His daughter “MEDAL MISS” won 2 X Sanpo Cat B Gold Medal Middle DIstance in 2019 and his son “GOLDEN WHIP” won the SANPO Cat B GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE in 2024. “BLUE WHIP” is also father to “BAKBEEN” who is the rbeeder of the Afrikapro Green Jacket Winner 2024. The mother of this baby is “TATJANA” who is the best racer we have ever owned. She won 5 X Sanpo Gold & 1 X Sanpo Silver in 2024 and is a 3 XUnion Winner, Combine WInner, 7 X Club Winner.”TATJANA” is out of “ELUSIVE” who on her part is out of the same father as “BLUE WHIP”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R50,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction – ZA 25 KPU 3370 – “REAL DEAL WHIP” Cock Painter Putt X BB Directly out of our famous “DIAMOND PAIR” – the only pair to produce two separate 1st NATIONAL ACE WINNERS! Full brother to “GOLDEN WHIP” 1st NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE (500-2000p) and SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER. 2024 Full brother to “MEDAL MISS” 1st NATIONAL ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE OVERALL in 2019 and SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER Also full-brother to the SIRE TO 1st GREEN JACKET AFRIKAPRO 2024!!!!!! Also FULL BROTHER to 3rd Final SAPIR OLR (560km) & equal winner (3rd) HS4 (500km).SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R31,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 24 KPU 2370 – “TATJANUS” Cock Painter Putterie X Golden Carelly Check Directly out of the great “ELUSIVE” who is the mother of “TATJANA”. “ELUSIVE” is a also a half-sister to MIRACLE BREEDER “BLUE WHIP” who is the only cock in history to breed 2 individual SANPO GOLD MEDAL Winners. “TATJANA” is the best racer we have ever owned. She won 1st OVERALLNATIONAL ACE PIGEON OVERALL FCI 1st OVERALLNATIONAL ACE PIGEON OVERALL SANPO 1st OVERALL NATIONAL ACE PIGEON YEARLINGS FCI 1st OVERALL NATIONAL ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE FCI 1st NATIONA ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE SANPO 2nd NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE FCI and is a 3 XUnion Winner, Combine WInner, 7 X Club Winner. Father of this baby cock a very special cock bred by Egbert o Kelly directly out of a direct daughter of the world-famous “BAK 17”.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R30,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 25 KPU 3360 – “NEW HOPE” Cock Painter Putterie X Check Directly out of the most recognisable name in SA Pigeon Racing at the moment! “TATJANA” is the best racer we have ever owned. She won 1st OVERALLNATIONAL ACE PIGEON OVERALL FCI 1st OVERALLNATIONAL ACE PIGEON OVERALL SANPO 1st OVERALL NATIONAL ACE PIGEON YEARLINGS FCI 1st OVERALL NATIONAL ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE FCI 1st NATIONA ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE SANPO 2nd NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE FCI and is a 3 XUnion Winner, Combine WInner, 7 X Club Winner. Father of this baby cock was bred by Egbert o Kelly directly out of one of the greatest pairs ever! “GOLDEN CARELLY” X “MOTHER OF THE LOFT” has bred too many champions to be able to mention here!SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R30,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 22 KPUD 3 – “ULTIMATE EYE HEN” Hen CHWF A super class hen linebred to the original Painter Putteries that has been the foundation of our success over six decades. This hen has one of the best eyes that we have ever produced in this time. Direct daughter of SUPER BREEDER “NEW DUDE” who has produced 7 winners with 5 different hens in 4 seasons of breeding. His son “KROMBORSBEEN DUDLEY” is also a fantastic breeder who has alreadsy produced 4 winners. These are the most versatile pigeons in our loft! THIS IS THE BEST PERFORMING PUTTERIE BLOOD STILL AVAILABLE!SEE PEDDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R11,001 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 25 KPU 3352 – Directly out of “GOLDEN WHIP’ our 1st NATIONAL ACE LONG DUSTANCE (500 – 2000p) fin 2024. “GOLDEN WHIP” is a full brother of “MEDAL MISS” our 1st OVERALL NATIONAL ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE 2019. He is also full brother to “BAKBEEN”, the sire of the AFRIKAPRO GREEN JACKET WINNER 2024. The mother to this top-class baby is “BENNIE SE BOKKIE” who is the mother of ZA LEG 23 996 who is 4th NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE. This incredible young hen was only 5 months old when we started racing her in July and she score an incredible 7 X Top 10 at Union Level on 7 consecutive races all ranging from 530km to 790km. This baby must rate as one of the top long distance genetic packages in South Africa!SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 25 KPU 3322 – “2WIN2” Hen Painter NG X Dijkstra LC This hen is a full sister of “SHEWASDU 2 WIN”. “SHEWASDU 2 WIN” attained one of our most cherished achievements during our career in pigeon racing by winning the Green Jacket Series at Afrikapro 2024 against close on 3000 of the world’s best pigeons. Directly out of “BAKBEEN’ our 1st Ace Pigeon Sprints in the Union. This cock is also a great breeder and father to 2 super racers during 2023. “BAKBEEN” is directly out of our “DIAMOND PAIR” – the only pair to produce 2 individual Sanpo Gold Medal WInners in the history of pigeon racing in SA. The mother is a direct Arie Dijkstra bought by our partner Simon Ullrich afte, being handpicked by us when she was available after Afrikapro 2023. The outstanding feature of this hen is her super-soft & silky feathering. She ranks amongst the very best as far as this trait is concerned – as all champion fanciers know, this is a true sign of excellence!SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R6,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 Die Painters National Ace Pigeon Celebration Auction -ZA 25 KPU 3353 – “APEX” Cock Painter Putterie BB This is a spectacular baby cock!! Direct son of SUPERBREEDER “PINNACLE” – sire to 5 winners in 4 different lofts. Direct son of the legendary “SPRINGBOK” – sire to 14 X 1st prize winners and grandfather to more than 30 1st prize winners. Mother is Mark Kitchenbrand’s 2 x TRPF Winner and superbreeder 24395/13. This hen has bred many many winners and breeders of winners. She is a direct daughter of the SUPER PAIR “03 COCK” X “JAYLE”. This legendary pair was the foundation of Mark’s several TRPF Championship triumphs.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished