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.LOT 1 DIE PAINTERS INCREDIBLE INDIGOS AUCTION – ZA 20 KPU 290 “HOT CHOCOLATE” -THIS HEN IS IN A CLASS OF HER OWN….. UNION WINNER BY 9 MINS CLEAR! 3 X TOP 5 IN THE COMBINE & 14 X TOP 30 IN THE UNION!! DAUGHTER IS ALREADY BREEDER OF 5 WINNERS————–“HOT CHOCOLATE” is one of our most famous pigeons. She was an incredible racer – see race record above and most notably won the Union by 9 minutes clear from Britstown (654km). She scored in the Top 5 of the Combine on 3 occasions and Top 6 of the Union on 4 occasions. “HOT CHOCOLATE” is also the mother of Indigo Bar Hen 274/21 who is the mother of 5 individual winners fro David Abbott of Durban. She is bred directly from one of our best “recipe” pairs. Both parents are legendary racers and breeders Also, “HOT CHOCLATE” has the same mother as “LONGOLD” our SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER LONG DISTANCE 2022. Also the same mother as “99 IN PINK” 1st Combine WInner and breeder of 1st Combine Winner vs 1700+ pigeons and 5 other 1st prize winners. Same father as 3 other Top 1% performers at Union level (1000+ pigeons).SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R31,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 DIE PAINTERS INCREDIBLE INDIGOS AUCTION – ZA 23 KPU 165 “PURPLE BAR HEN” – HER FULL BROTHER SOLD ON TOPPIGEON FOR R21500.00 —–DIRECT DAUGHTER “KONING KAAS” SAME FATHER AS SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER LONG DISTANCE 2022 & SANPO SILVER MEDAL WINNER ALLROUND 2018! SAME MOTHER AS CRADOCK COMBINE WINNER WITH 30 MINS CLEAR————This magnificent young hen is bred directly out of “KONING KAAS”, father to the SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER LONG DISTANCE 2022 and SANPO SILVER MEDAL ALLROUND 2018 when mated to a fullsister to the mother of the Gold Medal Winner Long Distance. It is impossible to note down every achievement of this line of pigeons but consider the following. Direct and second generation offspring has won the following: –> 2 individual Sanpo Gold Medal Winners –> 2 individual Sanpo Silver Medal Winners –> 5 individual 1st Ace Pigeons at Union Level (on average more than 8000 pigeons) –> More than 175 wins at club level and more than 25 Union and Combine Wins. This is PIGEON ROYALTY!
Winning Bid: R24,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 DIE PAINTERS INCREDIBLE INDIGOS AUCTION – ZA 21 KPUD 327 “LILAC LADY” – SUPERIOR QUALITY! DIRECTLY OUT OF “PINK LADY” MOTHER TO : 1st ACE OVERALL COMBINE 1st ACE SHORT DISTANCE UNION SAME FATHER AS “HOT CHOCOLATE” UNION WINNER BY 9 MINS CLEAR——-“LILAC LADY” is bred from two of our superstars in our loft. Both parents are legendary racers and breeders. This hen is the result of a 1st generation “recipe pair” and is perfect in every way. Her mother is the famous “PINK LADY” who is mother to two of our all time best racers i.e. “COMBINE KING” who is 1st ACE PIGEON OVERALL in the GAUTENG WEST COMBINE 2021 and “MISTER COMPACT” our 10 X 1st/equal 1st Winner 4 X Top 1% Her father is “NEW KING” who is also the father of “HOT CHOCOLATE” our superstar racer as well as 3 other Top 1% ” performers at Union level (1000+ pigeons) Between her parents they have bred 14 individual winners of which 6 have already produced winners themselves.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R12,500 Auction finishedAuction finished