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.LOT 1 DIE PAINTERS – ZA 21 KPU 242- DIRECT DAUGHTER OF OUR NO 1 FOUNDATION PAIR “KONING KAAS”AND “THE 17 X WINNER” SAME FATHER AS SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE and SANPO SILVER MEDAL OVERALL. SAME MOTHER AS BREEDERS OF SANPO GOLD MEDAL MIDDLE DISTANCE and SANPO SILVER MEDAL SHORT DISTANCE!——————————“TIARA” was bred for stock directly out of famous “DIAMOND PAIR” – “KONING KAAS” x “THE 17 X WINNER”. “TIARA” is mother to a 2 X WInner in her first season at stock. This pair has been the foundation of the majority of our successes over the last 8 years. Together they produced incredible pigeons, both as racers and as breeders. They have bred 9 individual winners and 12 breeders of winners. Between 2017 and 2023 their children has bred at least 56 individual winners There is not enough space to describe all of the greats but amongst their direct children but amongst them are: ** “NEW QUEEN” 3635/16 – SANPO SILVER MEDAL WINNER and mother to “DUAL PURPOSE” SANPO SILVER MEDAL WINNER” **”RING FACIE” 7434/15 – MOTHER TO SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER **”NEW KING” – Union Winner and breeder of Union Winners..SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R21,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 DIE PAINTERS -ZA 24 KPU 2121 – DIRECT SON OF FOUNDATION BREEDERS “KONING KAAS” AND “THE FAMOUS SK HEN” SAME FATHER AS SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE and SANPO SILVER MEDAL OVERALL. SAME MOTHER AS BREEDERS OF SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE and SANPO SILVER MEDAL SHORT DISTANCE!———-“SKONING” was bred for stock directly out of two of our most famous foundation pigeons. “KONING KAAS” and “THE FAMOUS SK HEN” have made history during their own lifetime as breeders. “SKONING” is a full brother to “OUPASKE” 12528/17 who was a SUPER RACER and Ace Pigeon in the NDHS in the TRPF. She was a 5 X Winner and Divisional Winner and scored in the Top 10 of the TRPF Fed Results on 3 occasions. “OUPASKE” has become one of our best breeders especially on hard hot races. She has bred 3 double winners. Her baby won 1st NKPF Fed for Paul du Plessis in Kimberley with 102 mins clear. She also bred the only bird on the day in TRPF Division from 700km. “KONING KAAS” is sire to SANPO GOLD and SANPO SILVER MEDAL winners and “THE FAMOUS SK HEN” is grandmother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL and SANPO SILVER MEDAL winners.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R15,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 DIE PAINTERS -ZA 23 KPU 695 – DIRECT DAUGHTER OF OUR FOUNDATION BREEDER “THE FAMOUS SK HEN” SAME MOTHER AS BREEDERS OF SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE and SANPO SILVER MEDAL SHORT DISTANCE! FATHER BRED 8th FINAL AFRIKAPRO AS WELL AS 1st COMBINE ACE PIGEON VS 12000 PIGEONS. SOLD TO MIKE GANUS FOR R200K—————Full sister to “SUPERFLY” came 8th in the 2022 AfrikaPro Final from 601km and ended 13th Ace Pigeon from 1259 pigeons entered for the inaugural series. She is bred from our No.1 breeding hen, “THE FAMOUS SK HEN”, who has already bred 27 individual winners who have won more than 50 x 1st collectively. She was bred by Bruno Pripko from Slovakia out of the lines of Herbots “Nationaal 1” and Jules Manaert “Goudklompje” Her father “NIEUWE KAAS” was bred for stock out of our stock bear “KONING KAAS” when mated to his granddaughter “MEDAL MISS”, our 2 Sanpo Gold Medal winners. This award is similar to National Ace Pigeon in Europe. “NIEUWE KAAS” quickly proved that he was a new super breeder by producing the 1st ACE GAUTENG WEST COMBINE OPEN SERIES (+/- 12000 Pigeons) for us in 2023. Shortly after producing “NEWSKE” we sold him to Mike Ganus for R200k.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R15,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 DIE PAINTERS -ZA 24 KPU 2136 BBAR “SAMBOK” – DIRECT SON OF OUR NO 1 BREEDING COCK MIRACLE BREEDER “BLUE WHIP” SAME FATHER AS SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER SAME FATHER AS 1st OVERALL ACE PIGEON IN UNION SAME FATHER AS 1st ACE PIGEON IN UNION SPRINT SERIES SAME FATHER AS 3rd FINAL SAPIR OLR——–Directly out of No 1 breeder MIRACLE BREEDER “BLUE WHIP” This stunning young cock is a half brother of some of our exceptional champions over the last 5 years. Amongst them are ** “MEDAL MISS” – SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER ** “BAKBEEN” – 1st ACE PIGEON UNION SPRINTS ** “BLOEM QUEEN” – 1st OVERAL ACE PIGEON UNION All of the above pigeons are super breeders in their own right! The mother of this young cock is mother to a Combine Winner which on her part has also bred a Combine Winner. Especially good on hard hot races.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R12,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 DIE PAINTERS – ZA 24 KPU 2215 – Directly out of “BAKBEEN” who was 1st Ace Union Sprint Series. He is a full brother to “MEDAL MISS” our 2 x SANPO Gold Medal Winner. “BAKBEEN” is a son of MIRACLE BREEDER ‘BLUE WHIP” and is also a superbreeder and father of “THE FIX” who flew 3 times in the first drop at Diaz winning 1st on the Enduro from Ixopo. “BAKBEEN” is also a fullbrother to “MEDAL MISS” our 2019 SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER and currently our No. 1 Breeding Hen. He is also full brother to “SAPPHIRE WHIP” who flew 3rd in the Final at SAPIR 2023. The mother of “CASIBEE” is a direct Arie Dijkstra hen which we handpicked. We had tremendous success with the Dijkstra bloodline – our SUPER PIGEON “BLOEM QUEEN” was bred out of our Dijkstra hen “ARIELLE” when she was mated to “BLUE WHIP.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 DIE PAINTERS – ZA 24 KPU 2195 – Direct son of the CHAMPION BREEDER “SKAAM COCK”. This cock is a half brother to “DUAL PURPOSE” our SANPO SILVER MEDAL Winner Short Distance and superbreeder of some of our very best racers. Also half brother to “SHY LASS” winner of 1st Knockout Dinokeng OLR as well as equal1st Final & equal 1st Hotspot 4. She was also 3rd Overall Ace Pigeon. Also half brother of “VENTLESS” our 6 X Winner His mother is a super bred hen from Chris Stoop. She is a direct daughter of the wellknown “PRONK MANNETJIE” who has the same mother as the famous 50151/96 from Andre Carelsen.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished