Active Auction-Danie Scholtz Auction 2-Thursday 13 April to Sunday 16 April 2023(Ends from 13:00)

Showing all 24 results
.Lot 1 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 14 11174 LUCKY BLUE —- The SUPERBREEDER 810 lines have done very well in different One Lofts for different fanciers. Balanced, Great wing, Muscled, Tight vents. Full brother to: JBM’s GIRL (SOLD FOR R86 000 ON TOPPIGEON), HETTIE’s GOLD, JIMMY’s BOY, GREEN EYES, CHEEKY, etc. CHEEKY Sire to: * ZA GPU 12653 ’12 – Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts. * ZA GPU 11077 ’14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon Winners Flight Lofts 2015. * ZA GPU 12652 ’12 – Winner of 2nd Club Competition 2013. * ZA GRPA 00635 ’12 “SUNNY BOY” – 14th Place Dinokeng Final Race winning R14000. LUCKY BLUE in his first nest at Danie Scholtz Pigeons, bred ZA NKHP 5565 ’20, 1st place HS 3, Winter Series 2020, Allflight Carnival Lofts. LUCKY BLUE also bred ZA NKHPT 6110 ’21 “OOM GERT”, 10th place final DIAZ One Loft 2021, 2min57 after the winning bird. LUCKY BLUE bred numerous top performing racers for me & Jaco Faul. LUCKY BLUE is a Top Class cock. His children does exceptionally well on the harder races. Still 100% fertile. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R25,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 2 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 20 5572 – Great prospect in my stock loft. Mother to Son mating. Sire is ZA TRPF 08530 ’13, also sire to ZA HPT 3523 ’19 “CARLADA” 2nd place HS 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020. Dam is ZA THU 09368 ’08 “OOGAPPEL” granddam to ZA HPT 3523 ’19 “CARLADA” 2nd place HS 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020. OOGAPPEL is granddam and great granddam to NAVIGATOR, 2021 Dinokeng bakkie winner for JJJ vd Linde & DJ Scholtz & STORM CHASER, 2022 Dinokeng Final winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R12,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 3 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 HPT 7915 ROCKY’S DREAM – Sire is ROCKY (bred over R700 000.00 prize money winners in One Lofts , bred from BOYTJIE (SOLD FOR R52 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON) X JBM’s GIRL (SOLD FOR R86 000.00) & dam is DREAM, bred from JIMMY’s BOY x HETTIE’s GOLD. All my best Sablon Genetics, captured in one single mating.—- SIRE: 1110 ZA 16 SVPV. Alias “ROCKY”. Strain: Inbred 810 X 3 Times. Color: Blue Bar. ZA SVPV 1110 ’16 ROCKY is father to ZA BPF/D 6986 ’19 “PILOT EYE” 4th ACE bird OLR Dinokeng 2020 and 8th Barzalona race, Gariep Dam, 624km, 985 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 992 STORM CHASER, Dinokeng OLR Final Winner, by 4 minutes. ROCKY bred 1st season at stud equal winner.——— DAM: 2851 17 SVPV . Alias “JJJ’s Dream”. Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION. Color: Blue Bar. ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 DREAM bred from JIMMY’s BOY x HETTIE’s GOLD. DREAM bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz . SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
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.Lot 4 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 DIAZ 323 ULTIMATE PRIDE -THIS IS A GRAND DAUGHTER OF “ROCKEY” . DIAZ One Loft Entry 2022. ZA DIAZ 323 ’21 ULTIMATE PRIDE 16th Long Distance Competition, 16th Average Velocity Competition, 30th ACE pigeon. Full sister to ZA HPT 7941 ’22 GALAXY STAR 2nd Place Final Winner OLR All Flight Carnival Summer 2023 with only 3 birds through on the day. Distance 462km, Speed 627 m/min, 143 pigeons out of 337 pigeons going to the final. Her dam MISS NAVIGATOR OLR Dinokeng Barcelona Bakkie Winner 2021 and her sire LIGHTNING 3 x Equal OLR Dinokeng Hotspot Winner and 3rd ACE Pigeon untill the final 2021.. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 5 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 6717 – Full brother to DREAM, who bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R21,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 6 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 6718 – Full brother to DREAM, who bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R17,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 7 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 20 5590 – ZA NKHP 5590 ’20 DREAM’s GIRL, bred for Stock. Super super hen in the hand ! Dam to ZA GPU 1490 ’21 DREAM CATCHER 4th final race Eastern Cape OLR 2022., with only 3 birds through on the day. The sire of DREAM’s GIRL, ZA OOA 138 ’17 GREEN EYE also the sire of ZA GPU 1496 ’21 FOLLOW ME winner of the final race Eastern Cape OLR 2022, with only 3 birds through on the day. DREAM bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R24,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 8 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 14 02243 – GREAT STOCK HEN . THIS IS A SUPER INBRED TOM LOCK TO THE R100 000 PAIR. —- SIRE: 00355 ZA 10 OERF . Alias “Hawk Jnr”. Strain: Tom Lock. Color: Blue Bar. Bred 4 winners in one season with two different hens. A super breeder, who also bred a 4 x winner with 09358/08.—–DAM: 10910 ZA 08 THU. BRED DIRECTLY OUT OF THE R80 000 COCK. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,509 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 9 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 16 10830 MONIQUE – Double SANPO Gold medal Long Distance Super racer. She flew in Pretoria Combine 2018: 17th Aliwal North 2001 pigeons 1294.60 mpm. 2nd Colesberg 2009 pigeons 1137.37 mpm. 68th Springfontein 1932 pigeons 1314.54 mpm. 8th Colesberg 1409 pigeons 1595.20 mpm. 13th Richmond 1615 pigeons 1438.40 mpm. 5th Middelburg 1293 pigeons 1189.73 mpm.——SIRE: 0652 GRPA 10 ZA. Alias “Super Handler” Strain: R80 000 Gold Medal Line Color: Blue Check Sire to 2 x winner when mated to a De Rauw Sablon/Aelbrecht hen. Sire to oa. ZA WPU/D 11322/12. 1st Club, 1st Section, 5th Union, Leeu Gamka, 803km, vel 1603 2nd Club, 19th Fed, Prins Albert Road, 610km, vel 1622 3rd Club, 3rd Fed and many more top positions.—–DAM: 06980 ZA 13 GPU. FULL SISTER TO JBM’S GIRL (SOLD FOR R86000.00 ON TOPPIGEON) . Dam to ZA GPU 02894/15 – 1st Club, Ponddrift OPE 2 – Raced by D van Niekerk. Sister to ZA GPU 15026/11 – Full brother to “CHEEKY”, the sire of the Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2015 Full sister to the sire of ZA GPU 11077/14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon Points Winners Flight Lofts 2015. ZA GRPA 00635/12 “SUNNYBOY” 32nd 3rd Super Turbo Race, 14th Final Dinokeng One-Loft Race. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 10 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 6179 – Bred for stock. Father x Daughter mating. Sire, ZA TRPF 08530 ’13 father to ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA, Equal winner on the drop, Hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020, winning $4000. Dam, ZA 82224 ’18 mother to ZA NKHP 5565 ’20, 1st place Hotspot 3, Winter Series 2020, Allflight Carnival Lofts. ZA NKHP 5565 ’20 also Short Distance ACE Pigeon, Winter Series 2020, Allflight Carnival Lofts.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 11 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 HPT 7975 -PARENTS SOLD FOR R138 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON- Full brother or sister to ROCKY who bred ZA BPF/D 6986 ’19 “PILOT EYE” 4th ACE bird OLR Dinokeng 2020 and 8th Barzalona race, Gariep Dam, 624km, 985 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 992 STORM CHASER, Dinokeng OLR Final Winner, by 4 minutes. ROCKY bred 1st season at stud equal winner Hotspot 1 CPL one day loft 2017. ROCKY bred ZA BPF/D 6951 ’19 – 7th final Winners Flight Loft 2019, 1st ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019 & ZA BPF/D 6952 ’19 8th ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R25,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 12 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 20 5568 OE LA LA ——Great prospect in my stock loft. Mother to Son mating. Sire is ZA TRPF 08530 ’13, also sire to ZA HPT 3523 ’19 “CARLADA” 2nd place HS 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020. Dam is ZA THU 09368 ’08 “OOGAPPEL” granddam to ZA HPT 3523 ’19 “CARLADA” 2nd place HS 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020. OOGAPPEL is granddam and great granddam to NAVIGATOR, 2021 Dinokeng bakkie winner for JJJ vd Linde & DJ Scholtz & STORM CHASER, 2022 Dinokeng Final winner.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 13 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 16 0702 – Bred from a click pair. Brother to 2287/06 Silver medal winner. Halfbrother to 3 of our best ever birds: superhen ‘Golden TT’ 7336/07, ‘Miss Consistency’ 03003/09 & ‘Queen TT’ 13551/09 extraordinary racers. His father 053/05 ‘Little Tom’ is sire to ‘King Tom’ ace breeder ex Dr Gavin Rous that was sold for R60 000 on his auction. He is also halfbrother to: Superbreeder 03005.10 for Piet & Robert Coetzee, a SANPO medal winner etc. 0702/16 bred a equal winner on the drop at Hot Spot 4 race, Dinokeng in 2019 for Danie Scholtz. Four birds landed together, on the drop. Also a 13th place in Hot Spot 1 race, Dinokeng in 2019. Was 15th Ace pigeon overall at Dinokeng 2019, before the final. ZA SRSPV/D 0702 ’16 bred numerous top performing racers for me & Jaco Faul.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R4,005 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 14 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 17 2656 PIPPA – .HER PARENTS WERE SOLD FOR R138 000.00. DIRECT CHILD OF “BOYTJIE” AND “JBM’S GIRL”. PIPPA bred 1st season BPF/D 3619 ’18, 1st Club, 1st SVPV Federation, 750km, 2019. Bred BPF/D 3620 ’18 TURF QUEEN, Best Long Distance Bird Bloemfontein Federation 2020, SANPO Silver Medal All Distance Hen 2021, only day bird in Bloemfontein Federation. Bred 2248 BPFD ’18 2 x winner, 2248 BPF/D ’19 2 x winner & bred 3 winners in first season for RAM loft. ZA SVPV 2656 ’17 PIPPA full sister to ROCKY who bred ZA BPF/D 6986 ’19 “PILOT EYE” 4th ACE bird OLR Dinokeng 2020 and 8th Barzalona race, Gariep Dam, 624km, 985 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 992 STORM CHASER, Dinokeng OLR Final Winner, by 4 minutes. ROCKY bred 1st season at stud equal winner Hotspot 1 CPL one day loft 2017. ROCKY bred ZA BPF/D 6951 ’19 – 7th final Winners Flight Loft 2019, 1st ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019 & ZA BPF/D 6952 ’19 8th ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R56,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 15 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 6159 – Bred for stock from JIMMY’S BOY X PIPPA. JIMMY’S BOY sire to DREAM, Grandmother of MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner for JJJ vd LINDE & DJ SCHOLTZ. PIPPA full sister to ROCKEY, SUPERBREEDER for Danie Scholtz. PIPPA dam to TURF QUEEN, Best Long Distance Bird Bloemfontein Federation 2020, SANPO Silver Medal All Distance Hen 2021, only day bird in Bloemfontein Federation for JJJ vd Linde.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R22,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 16 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 HPT 7993 – Full brother to DREAM, who bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 17 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 18 0330 – Bred 1st ACE Bird OLR Winners Flight Loft, 13th Final, 2020..—– SIRE: 2789 ZA 18 SVPV. Alias “APPLE PRINCE” Strain: Tom Lock Color: Blue Check Inbred 3 X to super Tom Lock pair, “R80 000 X 1648”..—–DAM: 09368 ZA 08 THU. Alias “OOGAPPEL” Strain: R80 000 X 1648 CLICK HEN Color: Blue Check White Flt Click hen to “Keel Cock”. Bred 2 winner for Chalmers lofts when mated to the “Keel Cock”. Direct daughter of the R80 000 Super Pair. She bred super pigeons for many breeders. She is the sister to 21 winners.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R14,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 18 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 HPT 7931 – Full brother to DREAM, who bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 19 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 21 6183 – Brother x Sister mating – bred for stock. Out of the best of Tom Lock. ZA 10150 ’16 sire to NKHP 5655 ’20 “VICTORIA”, 1st place, race 9, DIAZ One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. Sire to ZA HPT 3569 ’19 “HOPE”, 18th place, Hotspot 2, Central Provincial Lofts, 2020. ZA 10160 ’16 dam to ZA NKHPT 6110 ’21 “OOM GERT”, 10th place, Race 10 (Final) at DIAZ One Loft 2021. Dam to ZA HPT 3527 ’19 “MAITE” who raced consistently at Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020: – Race 1, 120km, 28th place (3000 pigeons), vel. 1605 m/min – Race 5 (Hotspot 2), 235km, 46th place (2588 pigeons), vel. 1390 m/min.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 20 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 HPT 7960 – ZA HPT 7960 ’22 full sister to DREAM, who bred ZA BPF/D 0694 ’18 LINDIE equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. DREAM bred ZA HPT 3523 ’19 CARLADA equal winner hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020, winning $4000. DREAM bred ZA NKHP 5655 ’20 VICTORIA winner of Nineth Race Penultimate at Diaz One Loft 2021, 197km, vel. 1455 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. DREAM is grandmother to ZA BPF 1008 ’21 ROLAND SONG, 6th final & 8th ACE bird CTIOLR Summer 2021.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 21 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 17 02304 – Linebred Twilight bred from a click pair. Sire flew 2nd main race Barzalona Dinokeng lofts. ZA GPU 02304 ’17 bred ZA DIAZ 316 ’21 BREAKING DAWN, 10th Final Race, DIAZ One Loft 2022, 635km, 1050 m/min. ZA GPU 02304 ’17 bred ZA NKHPT 6107 ’21 ROCK THE GRASS, 14th Final Race, DIAZ One Loft 2021, 605km, 1320 m/min. ZA GPU 02304 ’17 bred ZA NKHP 5613 ’20 MARIEKE, 8th Final Race & 16th ACE Bird at CTIOLR 2020/2021, winning R15000.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 23 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 22 GPU 3458 -PARENTS SOLD FOR R138 000 ON TOPPIGEON- Full brother or sister to ROCKY who bred ZA BPF/D 6986 ’19 “PILOT EYE” 4th ACE bird OLR Dinokeng 2020 and 8th Barzalona race, Gariep Dam, 624km, 985 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 934 ’21 MISS NAVIGATOR, Bakkie Winner at OLR Dinokeng 2021, Barzalona race, Hanover, 1052 m/min. ROCKY is grandfather to ZA BPF 992 STORM CHASER, Dinokeng OLR Final Winner, by 4 minutes. ROCKY bred 1st season at stud equal winner Hotspot 1 CPL one day loft 2017. ROCKY bred ZA BPF/D 6951 ’19 – 7th final Winners Flight Loft 2019, 1st ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019 & ZA BPF/D 6952 ’19 8th ACE bird Winners Flight Loft 2019. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R33,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 24 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 16 CYRILS 2004 BB C “JIMMY’S BOY” — CLICK COCK TO LOT 25 –FULL SISTER SOLD FOR R86 000.00 ON TOPPIGEON– Bred 1st season at stud 2802/17 SVPV hotspot 2 CPL One Loft Race equal winner and equal winner CPL Oneloft Race Summer Challenge. Full brother to hen 4863/14 ZA CYRILS, 1st Season at stock bred ZA GPU 11375/15 – 6th Final Race Klapmuts Final 2016, BPF/D 2957 ’16, 7th Bloemfontein Fed – Victoria-West 1, 5th Ace Pigeon Klapmuts Lofts Sister to ZA GPU 15026/11 – Full Brother to ‘CHEEKY’ the sire of the Winner of Final Race Western.SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R50,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 25 Danie Scholtz Auction 2-ZA 14 CYRILS 4863 BB H “HETTIE’S GIRL” — CLICK HEN TO LOT 24–NESTMATE SISTER SOLD FOR R86 000 ON TOPPIGEON– 1st Season at Stud & Dam to ZA GPU 11375/15 – 6th Final Race Klapmuts Final 2016, BPF 2016 D 2957, 7th Bloemfontein Fed – Victoria West 1. 5th Ace Pigeon Klapmuts Lofts Sister to ZA GPU 15026/11 – Full Brother to “CHEEKY” the sire of the Winer of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013. Full sister to Grandsire of 2nd Final Race Klapmuts Lofts 2015. Full sister to Sire of ZA GPU 11077/14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon Points.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished