Active Auction-Central Lofts Auction 3--Friday 28 october to Tuesday 1 November 2022(20:00)

Showing all 20 results
Lot 41 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Amston Hokke-ZA 258805 20 LCH H—-“A-DARTER” 2021 Yearlings 3rd Race 2 – 2022 Opens 20th Race 1, 5thRace 5, 7th Race 3, 51st Race 51 21st OPEN ACE PIGEON! Full sister to the following : 3rd Final Diaz OLR 2021, 6th Ace Pigeon Diaz OLR 2021, 4th Ace Carnival OLR 2021 Sold for R70 000.00. Full sister bred 65th Super Ace Victoria Falls OLR!! “A DARTER” is bred out of 14th Dinokeng Final 2019 when paired to 3rd Ace Carnival OLR 2019! Performing one loft race genetics. This hen is bred down from the very best lines of Gerard Koopman, Albert Derwa and Gaby Vandenabeele!Grandsire BELG 218884/16 is also Sire to RRDD 147/21 winner 1st race 328km Carnival 2022. In this pedigree you find that the Parents and Gr.Parents are responsible for : 4x One loft race winners. 3x equal drop 1st pigeons. One 5x equal 1st in 10 races. 2x 3rd Ace pigeons. 1x 4th Ace pigeon. 1x 6th Ace pigeon. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R13,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 42 Central Lofts-Auction 3-J & T Engelbrecht-ZA MASK 1777 21 BB C—-Performances : 1245 Yearlings – 13th Race 1 and 19th Race 3!! Direct son to “KING DIAZ” 3rd Final Diaz OLR 2021 and 6th Ace Pigeon Diaz when mated to ZA MASK 1378 2020 12th Ace Pigeon Winners Flight Loft!! G/son to 14th Dinokeng Final’19 and 1st Final Carnival 3rd Ace Pigeon 2019. Top genetics, bred down from the “MAGIC MAN” Koopman Lines crossed with the “INVICTUS” line from Albert Derwa!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 43 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Loft Einkamerer-ZA SRSP 888 20 BB C—-14th Place Race 1 Yearlings 2021! The perfect mix of genetics for One Loft Racing. “LUKE” is bred out of top Houben, Clausing lines when crossed with the Jan Hooymans lines. World class genetics in this pigeon!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 44 Cenytral Lofts-Auction 3-Akasha Lofts-ZA MOOR 3372 21 BBWF C—-34th Yearling Ace Pigeon vs 1245 pigeons = 29th Race 4, 85th PA Final! De Rauw-Sablon, Koopman, Van Dyck lines in “PIM”!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 45 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Willie Munnik-ZA SRPV 330 22 BB H—-80th Yearling Ace Pigeon CPL 2022 vs 1.245 pigeons! Direct daughter to ZA SRSPV 0435 2016 winner of 8th Dinokeng Final Race and 4th Ace Pigeon Dinokeng 2017! The best Louis Wouters, Van Loon and Birdy lines
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 46 Central Lofts-Auction 3-J & T Engelbercht-ZA MASK 1696 21 BB H—-107th Yearling Ace Pigeon, 4th Race 5 Leeu Gamka, 118th PA Final! G/daughter to J & T Engelbrecht’s Nr 1 Stock cock that bred “A1-SHORT CUT” 1st Dinokeng Final Race 2013 by 2min lead 1020mpm and 11th Ace Pigeon Dinokeng!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 47 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Peak Pigeons-ZA NFS 7281 21 BB H—–‘BLUE TIC”- 141stAce Pigeon 2022 Yearlings vs 1.245 pigeons! The sire to “BLUE TIC” is a Gerard Koopman cross Albert Derwa with the best pigeons featuring from Albert Derwa like “INVICTUS” 1st Belgium National vs 17.000 pigeons “INVICTUS” bred “IRINA” 1st Belgium National Argenton. The dam to “BLUE TIC” is a German hen.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 48 Central Lofts-Auction 3-SDK Lofts-ZA PPKD 1465 21 BB C—-2nd Race 1, 13th Race 2 – 2022 Yearlings vs 1.245 pigeons! Full brother to “ZARA” 1st Yearling Ace Pigeon CPL 2021! “ROUX” is a direct son to “BROTHER AGD” full brother to 1st Ace Pigeon Algarve OLR when mated to “CHEEKY LADY” that is inbred to “CHEEKY” a direct son to “SUPER BREEDER 810 X SUPER BREEDER 8855” father to “GUNNER” 1st Final Klapmuts 2013!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 49 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Team Oberholster-ZA KUR 6649 21 BBP H—-“BIBI”- 10th Race 3 2022 Yearlings, 84th Race 4, 59th Matjiesfontein Challenge against 1.086 pigeons! Daughter to “CIMEJES” 48th Grand Average Ace Pigeon SAMDPR 2020 when paired to “YOUSSEF” 14th Hot Spot Ace Pigeon SAMDPR 2020! This pair “CIMEJES X YOUSSEF” bred “BOFONGO” 29th Final Victoria Falls OLR and “COMACHA” 37th Super Ace Victoria Falls OLR 2021!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 50 Central Lofts-Auction 3-B & S Lofts-ZA BPFD 5200 21 BB H—-74th Yearling Ace Pigeon CPL 2021!On the father side line bred to the “R80 000 Cock” line when crossed with the famous “GOLDEN CARELLY X 08816 PAIR” . The mother side is Hermans/Fhirens.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 51 Central Lofts-Auction 3-AM Abrahams-ZA FB 07018 21 BCH H—–9th Race 4 Yearlings 2022! The father raced at Klapmuts and the mother was entered by Willie Munnik to Cape Town Int OLR.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 52 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Lamprecht Hokke-ZA KPFO 855 20 BCHP H—-6th Race 3 Opens 2022! De Klak Janssen / Hebberecht cross. G/daughter to “MARY DALL” 90th Final SAMDPR 2012!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 53 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Johan Louwrens-ZA SVPV 3237 21 BBP C—-2022 Yearlings 12th Race 2, 66th Race 5! Inbred to the “POPPE HEN” from Cas Matthee’s Oscars.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 54 Central Lofts-Auction 3-SDK Lofts-ZA KUR 12811 20 BB H—-2021 Yearlings 10th Race 4! Direct out of “MOSKOWITZ 2” 63rd Grand Average Ace Pigeon !
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 55 Central Lofts-Auction 3-J & T Engelbrecht-ZA VREDE 336 21 P H—-“J&T 19”-2022 Yearlings 15th Race 5 Leeu Gamka ! Clausing / Verbesselt . Line bred to “G/MOTHER A1 RUBY” !!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 56 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Hendrik & Daniel Moller-ZA 09045 21 BB H—–“BERNICE”–3rd Race 5 Leeu Gamka 2022 Yearlings!! Direct daughter to “ZA 233341 2020” bred by Petrus Harmzen. Top racer at Carnival OLR 2021 winning 4th Final Carnival 630km with only 6 day birds, tough and hot weather. “BERNICE” is bred out of the lines from A.Gous/Van Loon/Putterie!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 57 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Amston Hokke-ZA KUR 5219 21 BB C—-“SKY SPEAR”-99th Yearling Ace Pigeon – 25th Race 3, 70th Race 4!! Sire won 1st TRPF Federation for Gaddin & Stander “ZA TRPF 11673 2016” and sired 23rd Ace Pigeon Carnival OLR 2020. The dam of “SKY SPEAR” is g/daughter to “ZA BPFD 5540 2014” 3rd National Ace Pigeon Sanpo Long Distance PLUS G/SIRE to 1st Final Afrika Pro OLR 2022!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 58 Central Lofts-Auction 3-AMOS Hokke-ZA TSA 213 19 BB H—-DAM: Attained from Hein van der Merwe bred from imported De Rauw Sablon hen (Lilly 810) and Cock– 2022 Opens 38th Race 1, 7th Race 2, 39th Race 3, 65th Race 4 – 81st Open Ace Pigeon!! The sire is a direct son to “ROYAL BLUE” a top breeder for JJJ van der Linde!! “ROYAL BLUE” is father to “JJJ TURF QUEEN” that won 2 x 1st BPF Federations and 3 x 2nd BPF Federation positions, she won 2nd National Ace Pigeon Overall South Africa 2021!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 59 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Barnard Lofts -ZA NFS 6374 20 BB H—-“JACKIE”– 2021 Yearlings 2nd Race 5- 2022 Opens 29th Ace Pigeon!! The sire of “JACKIE” won himself 1st Club–3rd BPF Federation and is bred out of top breeder “ROCKY” from JJJ van der Linde & Danie Scholtz. “ROCKY” is father to 4th Ace Pigeon Dinokeng 2020 and 8th Place Barzalona Bakkie Race 2021. “ROCKY” is g/sire to “JJJ STORM CHASER” 1st Dinokeng Final winner by 4minutes 2022 and “JJJ TROPHY MAN” 7th Dinokeng Final 2022!!
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 60 Central Lofts-Auction 3-Danie Erasmus-ZA NWPFD 7143 20 BCH C—–2022 Opens 20th PA Final; 13th Matjiesfontein Challenge against 1.086 pigeons!! Sire is bred out of Theo Minnie’s old Oscars!!
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished