Showing all 8 results
.LOT 1 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 19 ZULU 2443 -SAME BRED SOLD FOR R64 500.00 AND R20 000.00——–SIRE: 0652 ZA 10 GRPA. Alias “652” Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Check Sire to SONIC 2nd place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2020, ROYAL STAR 4th place Dinokeng Barzalona race 2019(4 birds on drop) Sire to SANPO GOLD MEDAL LONG DISTANCE 2018 – ZA10830/16 NHL1039/17 – 1st KZN Union Middleburg 104mem 1354b, Middleburg 2 – 5th KZN Union 114mem 1497b, 24th Marblehall KZN union 115mem 1460b. This cock has become a super breeder first year in stock.—————DAM:10516 ZA 10 THU. Alias “THE WINGER ” Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Blue Bar Fantastic hen. Great wing. one of the best handling hens i have ever seen from this pair “as quoted by Egbert” put in the stock loft and only bred stock off her. We raced 1 baby in 2017 and scored 1club, 1st Zulu combine and 3rd KZN Union 115mem 1596b. This is a super handling hen and mother of our stockTom Lock stock loft.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R11,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 16 CYRILS 1630 -SIRE: 6224 05 THU. Alias “MONEYMAKER” Strain: TOM LOCK MONEYMAKER super breeding cock. Sire to TRPF 19318/09 – 3 X Winner and 1 national Ace pigeon Long Distance South Africa. SANPO Gold Medal winner 2011. Also grandsire to Bronz medal M/Distance as wel as Bronz medal overall distances 2013 for P Coetzee. Breeder of 3 x money race winners of more than R100 000.00. The list of super racers and breeders is to long to mention. ————-DAM:10390 08 THU.Alias “BLUE BEAUTY ” Strain: TOM LOCK Color: Blue Bar What a great hen. Grandam to 2nd best Long distance pigeon OERF club 2015. She is a proven breeder with diffrent cocks. Her sire is the super stud sire the R100 000.00 cock. a true gold medal racing pigeon family. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 18 OOA 158 -SIRE:05690 16 OERF . Strain: 810 X VRC Color: Blue Bar W/F Full brither to OERF 10463/16 – 2nd place Carnival city final winter race 2017. Half brother to super racers GPU 11461/15 and GPU 11460/15 2ND and 68th place Klapmuts final 3 sister.—————DAM:2772 16 CYRILS . Alias “dtr 2nd Klapmuts ” Strain: 810 X VRC Color: Blue Bar Pied Super pigeon. DTR to ZA GPU 11202/14 – 2nd final Klapmuts 2015 500km. eQUAL WINNER. 2 BIRDS ON THE DROP. sister and half sister to super one loft racers and breeders. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 18 VPU 1420 -Super son of the Monster cock – ZA02854/11 a 4 x winner, 1st ace pigeon Middle distance THU O/B series 2012 & 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012. Sire and grand sire to winners and Ace Pigeons. This cock is sire to super racers, breeders and ACE pigeons. this cock is a perfect pigeon——————-SIRE: 02854 11 GRPA . Alias “‘MONSTER COCK'” Strain: SA 7 X SANPO GOLD MED LIN GRPA 02854/11 ‘The MONSTER COCK’ 4 x club winner 1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance THU O/B 2012 2nd overall Ace pigeon O/B series THU 2012.————DAM:082 17 OOAFRICA.Alias “Golden 82 ” Strain: CARELLY SUPER PAIR Color: Blue Bar Sister to 21 known wins. The Golden Carelly line has bred more than 14 known and different top 10 ace pigeons.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 18 NIX 3127 -SIRE: 52 16 CLAUSING. Alias “Mikey” Strain: Clausing Color: Mealy 190th SAMDPR grand ave 2017, sire to 2 x KZNRPU combine winner, 4th best yearling KZNRPU 2018, 14th Carnival summer final 2020, 7th ace carnival summer final.————–DAM: 104230 03 SA. Alias “daughter ZIKO” Strain: Clausing Color: Blue Bar Daughter ZIKO 1/2 Sister DANA 1/2 Sister KING DAVID.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 18 90619 -Direct daughter to JBM’s girl. This is a light super handling blue bar hen. She is bred from the best 810 bloodlines in the country.—————SIRE:12203 15 GPU . Alias “THUNDERBIRD ” Strain: M.Aelbrecht / De Raw Sabl Color: Blue Bar His sire is a breeder of winners for his new owner. Mother is full sister to our super breeding cock Cheeky son to super breeder 810. Probably the best one loft racing blood in the country..————DAM: 4864 14 CYRILS .Alias “JBM’S GIRL ” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Full sister to the sire of winners of the central Bloem lofts final 2016, sire of the winner of final race Western cape lofts 2013, the grandsire of final race cape klapmuts lofts 2015, sire to 2nd winners flight lofts final 2015. full sister to super breeding hen ZA06980/13 for Badenhorst lofts. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 23 NHL 1086 -SIRE:191 ZA 20 ABL. Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Bar W/F sire to Dinokeng 4th place in the Barzalona race first year in stock 2022. sire to 16th Bloem Carnival lofts 2023, 46th on tough final race and 14th ace bird. this cock is a super bred bird out of Alwyn Besters Kittel collection.———————DAM:405 ZA 21 ABL .Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Dark Chequer exceptional hen. bred from a long list of Brockamp and Kittel super breeders. she will become a star in the breeding loft. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 BADENHORST HOKKE 3 -ZA 21 ABL 405 -SIRE: 023 ZA 20 VSD.Strain: DIAMOND VAN DR BROCKAMP Color: Swart. BRED 13 FED WINNERS AND ALSOSOME DOUBLE FED WINNERS.——–DAM:45826 GB 18 C. Alias “Timeless Kittel” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Mealy Direct from Vale Olympic Kittel Bred by P & D Racing & breeding stud UK..SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished