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.LOT 2 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – DV 06723 20 181 BB -Sire to 27th Ace,27th final 630km, Carnival 2022.Hard race 31 degrees. 41 pigeons on the day.—-SIRE: B 6283146 / 2013.Witte Leuw (Wouters/Geerinckx) Sire to 11th Final 2016 and 5th final 2017 Cartaxo olr Portugal.—–DAM: DV 05344-450 / 2015. “Miss Cartaxo” SG Steckenbiller .dam to 11th Final 2016 and 5th final 2017 Cartaxo olr Portugal Full Sister to 4x 1st Konkurs. SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 19 185374 BBPD – Dam to 9th 460km Carnival 2021 and 6th 400km Nat loft East. Cape 2022 1/2 Sister to: ZA 258806/20 “King Diaz” 3rd final 605km Diaz 2021 6th Ace,4th Ace L/D, 5x Equal 1st of 10 Races. Pos 2,2,3,3,8,20th ZA 185400/19,1st 488km 8 min break 4th Ace Carnival 2020. ZA RRDK 92/22 , 1st 370km 3min break CPL 2023. . ZA KUR 10065/20 ,1st 345km 3.5 min break Winnersflight 2021.ZA KPF 1817/18, 1st 649km 3rd Ace Carnival 2019. . ZA 258805/20 “A-Darter” 2x equal 1st CPL 2021-2022. ZA 185399/19 2x Equal 1st Carnival 2020.——SIRE: ZA 110145 / 2018 .”Andre’s Choice”. Jagga Lofts .14th Final 623km Dinokeng 2019. Sire to: 1st 488km4th Ace Carnival. 2020. 3rd Final Diaz 2021 6th Ace. 1st 345km Winnersflight 2021. 2nd Ace 4 races CPL 2022.Equal 1st Carnival 608km 2020,505km 2021 Ggsire: 1st 370km CPL 2023 3min break.—–DAM: DV 03409-320 / 2017 Dam to: 1st 649km Carnival 2019 3rd Ace, 1st 370km 3min break CPL 2023. Gr.Dam to 3rd Final 605km Diaz 2021, 1st 488km with 8 min break 4th Ace Carnival 2020.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 20 258842 BB – Full Sister to:A-Darter: Yearlings 3rd Race 2 Equal on the drop. Opens 5th race 2, 7th race 3. 2nd Ace after race 4.Sold R13500 ZA 258806/20 “King Diaz” Flown as “Why Why” 3rd final,6th Ace and 4th L/d Ace Diaz 2021.Positons flown 2,2,3,3,8,20 Sold for R70 000 Full sister to:ZA KPK 185400/20 1st 488km by 8min 4th Ace Allflite Carnival 2021. 1/2 sister to ZA KUR 10065/20 1st 345km Winnersflight 2021.Sold R28500. She bred 10th Super Ace Victoria Fallsfor J&T Engelbrecht before final. Attacked by hawk in final. Ended 65th Super Ace. 258842 parents:Dam ZA KPF 1817/18 1st 649km 3rd Ace Carnival 2019.Sire ZA 110145/18,14th Dinokeng final 2019. Other full Br. and Carnival ZA KUR 185399/19 both equal drop 3rd(608km)9th(559km)ZA KUR 10081/20 equal drop 8th(505km).SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 20 CYRL 2804 CHPD —- 1/2 Brother to: ZA 258806/20 “King Diaz” 3rd final 605km Diaz 2021 6th Ace,4th Ace L/D, 5x Equal 1st of 10 Races. Pos 2,2,3,3,8,20th ZA 185400/19,1st 488km 8 min break 4th Ace Carnival 2020. ZA RRDK 92/22 , 1st 370km 3min break CPL 2023. . ZA KUR 10065/20 ,1st 345km 3.5 min break Winnersflight 2021.ZA KPF 1817/18, 1st 649km 3rd Ace Carnival 2019. . ZA 258805/20 “A-Darter” 2x equal 1st CPL 2021-2022. ZA 185399/19 2x Equal 1st Carnival 2020..—–SIRE: ZA 110145 / 2018 “Andre’s Choice” Jagga Lofts 14th Final 623km Dinokeng 2019. Sire to: 1st 488km4th Ace Carnival. 2020. 3rd Final Diaz 2021 6th Ace. 1st 345km Winnersflight 2021. 2nd Ace 4 races CPL 2022.Equal 1st Carnival 608km 2020,505km 2021 Ggsire: 1st 370km CPL 2023 3min break.————-DAM: DV 03409-320 / 2017 Dam to: 1st 649km Carnival 2019 3rd Ace, 1st 370km 3min break CPL 2023. Gr.Dam to 3rd Final 605km Diaz 2021, 1st 488km with 8 min break 4th Ace Carniavl 2020.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 15 FB 63477 BB – Vandenabeele/Hardy Kruger Carnival Allflight 2016 2nd 569 km 13 th Combine Sire to:13th Averages Carnival 2020 and 21st Ace Carnival 2022 aswell as Best Youngbird 2021 RRDK.——SIRE: BELG 3047152 / 2010 “Royal Gold”. Vandenabeele Full Gloria 2nd Ace KBDB 2013 2nd National Ace KBDB 2013 Bred 6 winners with different hens Grandson to Bliksem.——DAM:DV 1240 / 2013 “Hot Gold” Hardy Kruger Carnival Allflight 2014 5th HS 3 7th Averages Sold for R29000.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 16 TRPF 11673 BCH ——1e TRPF Winner & Son of Car Winner——- Sire: ZA LIM 3694-08 ½ Br bred 2x 1e Sapir ODL (Full br “Money Maker” the Sire off “Golden TT”) off SA GRPA 7232-00 Union & Combine Winner Bakkie Winner x Dght Turbo Tom SA GRPA 7253-00 SANPO Medal /3 X UNION Winner Gr.Dam “Golden TT”, Gold Medallist M/Dist union SANPO Bronze Medallist L/Dist Winner Expensive ring race R50000.00 as a Y/L. Bred 09981/13 SANPO GOLD MEDAL Overall 2015./ Best bird S/Dist PTA Union & Combine ‘15/ bred 08671/14 1e Bloemfontein PTA Combine / Dam ZA 10 24102 Mother of “DART” Ace Bird VFWCPR ‘17. Full br of 7253 bred 1e Klapmuts in 2009.—–DAM: ZA LIM YSC 4152-10 Off ZA 48781-06 & ZA YSC LIM 04002-09 Bakkie Winner NAT Loft South (off SA PSPU 8888-03 Winner & Super Breeder (off SA 68476/97 Union Champion SANPO Medal TOP 20 ABSA 2001 Olympiad) Turbo Tom X SA 5555-05 Bred from Gigi’s third egg line). Putterie/ Twilight Proudly South African Gold!SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 9 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – – ZA TRPF 5471 20 HEN – The Sire of this hen is bred out of the 2 SANPO Gold and Silver Medal winners. Also has Spritzie blood in their veins. The grandmother who was a SANPO Silver Medal Short Distance winner and the Best Young Bird in the TRPF is the grandmother on both sides of this hen. This Dam of this hen bred winners from her 1st set of eggs. Her Sire is the Gauteng Provincial Combine winner and was mated to SANPO Silver Medal Short Distance hen. SIRE: Sanpo Medal Pair There’s not a lot of pigeons bred out of the 2 SANPO Gold and Silver Medal winners. The father was a 3 x winner and a Gold Medal winner. Also has Spritzie blood in his veins. The mother is also a SANPO Silver Medal winner. Also the Best Young Bird Pigeon in the TRPF. From the Spritzie bloodline. DAM: Colour: BBPD Gauteng Province Combine Pair This hen is bred out of my very best racing pigeons.The Sire is my Gauteng Provincial Combine winner and the mother is my SANPO short distance Siver Medal winner and all her offspring breed winners.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 AMSTON HOKKE / ANDRE JOHNSTON – ZA 20 258849 DCHPD – 100% Geerinckx.Bred for stock out of the best of Bart Geerinckx bloodlines.——-SIRE: NL 4708249 / 2017 “Black 49” 100% Geerinckx. Bred for stock out of inbred Geerinckxhen and Gladiator and Wittekop Sylvester bloodlines.——DAM: BELG 4230738 / 2017 100% Geerinckx hen 1/2 Sister to “Olympic Harry” 2nd National Olympic Cat. F 1st 1578b,1st 1443b,1st 1585b..SEE PEDIGREE!!
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished