Active Auction 2-Featherwood Lofts 10 March to Monday 14 March 2022(20:00)

Showing all 8 results
.Lot 4 Toppigeon January Auction-ZA KPF B 2176 21 BB – “Double Grandchild to the MONSTER COCK” – Sire : ZA GPU 00106 16 BB COCK Sire : ZA GRPA 02854-11 “MIDDLE DISTANCE ACE UNION” Strain : SA’s 7 x SANPO GOLD MEDAL THE MONSTER COCK – ZA GRPA 02854-11 4 x Club Winner 1st ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE THU OB SERIES 2012 & 2nd Overall ACE PIGEON THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons. Dam: ZA GPU 17912-12 “SHORT DISTANCE ACE UNION” Winner & Short Distance Ace GPU -1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013 Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014. Dam: ZA GPU 03498-16 “MONSTER COCK x CARELLY” GPU Sales Ring , Scored 5 times Her sire THE MONSTER COCK – ZA GRPA 02854-11 4 x Club Winner 1st ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE THU OB SERIES 2012 & 2nd Overall ACE PIGEON THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.Lot 5 Toppigeon Mid April ZAKPF B 2173 21 BB – SIRE : 1003 SRPV 19 – BB Cock – “Macho Star”, a blue bar cock born from Sire “Absolute Star” and Dam “Fries Kaatje”. Grandparent lines cross with “Parma”. Hooymans, Houben, Van Dyck bloodlines. DAM : ZA 155825-18 Strain : Golden Carelly Sire is bred out of Nr 1 and Nr 2 pairs Carelly’s of Out of Africa Lofts. His sire is a double grandson of GOLDEN CARELLY. The Dam is ZA OERF 10609-16 “Paid R40 000” ” 1ST X 6TH ACE ” * A SUPER PIGEON! * QUALITY IN ALL AREAS. * This is SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL * Bred from super performance, and handles like her dam!! SUPER STAR! * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Highly recommended * Her sire and dam were 1st and 6th Aces in club. * Her sire and dam are full brother and sister to various other aces. * Her sire and dam are brother and sister to: 1) ZA GPU 0003/15 – 2 X Winner ( 1 x Equal Winner)- 1ST Overall Ace Pigeon Old Bird Series GPU 2017! 2) ZA GPU 0004/15 – 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon GPU 2017! And cousin and niece to: 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance, 1st Overall currently Young Bird Series 2017 – ZA OERF 10621/16 SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Winning Bid: R750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 13 FEATHERWOOD LOFTS 2 ZA GPU 05694 13 CH HEN “DTR SANPO BRONZ” Daughter to ZA GPU 15838/11 – 3 x Winner (1 x Equal) club , Division & Combine Winner. 2nd Ace Bird Long Distance , 2nd ACE BIRD Overall OB Series GPU 2013 & 3rd National Ace Pigeon SANPO Bronze Medal Winner Long Distance 2013. Sire : ZA GRPA 09930-12 “SPRINTER” 2 x (1 Equal) Winner Equal 1st Club Ventersburg Sprint Series 2013 Doubled-1st Club, THU Y/B, Winburg 1, 278km, vel 1257 (Was disqualified-No GRPA rings to be basketed in THU. GRPA RINGS issued January, and GPU issued later- Stays a win in my eyes!) His halfbrother on sire side: ZA TRPF 06052/11-1st Club, 2nd Div, 2nd GRPA Combine, Winburg 1, 282km, vel 1714 During our visit to Belgium in April 2011, we visited the legend M. Aelbrecht himself. Here we had the privillage to be offered a super Grandchild of BAK 17 selected by him from his own stock loft to purchase. The quality of this cock’s sire is unbelievable. His sire is bred from one of the best super racer sons of Marseille x Fijn Blau, mated to an inbred Crack hen. His dam is a fantastic handler daughter of BAK 17. M. Aelbrecht, with the help of PIPA of course, selected this cock for us directly from his stock loft. A great privilige to purchase a hand picked Grandson of BAK 17 from M. Aelbrecht himself. This cock has unbelievable muscle quality and a fantastic wing. His daughter BE 4114978/09 sold on PIPA for E1 600 & BE 4114885/09 sold for E1000, thus halfsisters to this winner!! Dam : ZA GPU 15838-11 “3rd NAT ACE LONG DISTANCE 2013” 3 x Winner (1 x Equal) Club, Division & Combine Winner Wins the Club by 11,31 minutes!! Tripled-1st Club, 3rd Div, 4th GPU, O/B, Rmond 1, 711km, vel 1219 Wins the club by 3 1/2 minutes!! 4th in a row-1st Club,2nd Division, 4th GPUnion, O/B, Richmond 2, 711km, vel 1535 SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Lot 14 Toppigeon January Auction-ZA KPF B 2177 21 BB – “Double Grandchild to the MONSTER COCK” Sire : ZA GPU 00106 16 BB COCK Sire : ZA GRPA 02854-11 “MIDDLE DISTANCE ACE UNION” Strain : SA’s 7 x SANPO GOLD MEDAL THE MONSTER COCK – ZA GRPA 02854-11 4 x Club Winner 1st ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE THU OB SERIES 2012 & 2nd Overall ACE PIGEON THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons. Dam: ZA GPU 17912-12 “SHORT DISTANCE ACE UNION” Winner & Short Distance Ace GPU -1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013 & 3rd Ace Pigeon Overall Club GPU Y/B Series 2013 6th Overall Ace Pigeon GPU Y/B Series 2013 Winner of GPU Young Bird Sales Race 2013 R37500 5th Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU O/B Series 2014. Dam: ZA GPU 03498-16 “MONSTER COCK x CARELLY” GPU Sales Ring , Scored 5 times Her sire THE MONSTER COCK – ZA GRPA 02854-11 4 x Club Winner 1st ACE PIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE THU OB SERIES 2012 & 2nd Overall ACE PIGEON THU 2012. Sire and grandsire to winners and Ace Pigeons. SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 32 DAVE RYNDERS 3 ZA OERF 10609 16 BB HEN “1st x 6th ACE” Paid R40 000 Out of Africa Lofts – * A SUPER PIGEON! * QUALITY IN ALL AREAS. * This is SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL * Bred from super performance, and handles like her dam!! SUPER STAR! * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Highly recommended * Her sire and dam were 1st and 6th Aces in club. * Her sire and dam are full brother and sister to various other aces. * Her sire and dam are brother and sister to: 1) ZA GPU 0003/15 – 2 X Winner ( 1 x Equal Winner)- 1ST Overall Ace Pigeon Old Bird Series GPU 2017! 2) ZA GPU 0004/15 – 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon GPU 2017! ——————————————- THE SIRE: ZA GPU 07483/14 ” GOLDEN PRINCE ” A son of the best SUPERPAIR we ever owned!! – 2 x Winner. Winner of sales race & Club Winner. 6th Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016 A super pigeon like his brothers and sisters.Winning at velocities from 1235 – 1468. Best positions scored: 1st Club, 4th GPU, Britstown, Y/B, 670km, vel 1235 1st Club, 9th GPU O/B, Edenburg, 448km, vel 1468 dbl 2nd Club, 3rd Union, Cradock Union Challenge, 702km, vel 1128 THE DAM: ZA GPU 06191/14 ” 91 – 1ST CLUB ACE 2016 ” Club, Division & Union Winner -1st Club, 1st GPU, O/B, Richmond 2, 716 km, vel 1101 9th Ace Pigeon Short Distance Y/B GPU 2015 1st Ace Pigeon Club Old Bird Series 2016 6th Overall Ace O/B Series GPU 2016 = THUS SHE DID APPROXIMATELY 20 000 KM ON THE WING IN RACING AND TOSSING And they do training around the loft as well for 1/2 hour that is not calculated yet!!! PIGEONS ARE UNBELIEVABLE ANIMALS!! RESPECT!!!! SEE PEDIGREE !!!!!!
Winning Bid: R20,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 33 DAVE RYNDERS 3 ZA KPF B 2167 21 CH – SIRE: CYRILS 1427 15 BBPD COCK The sire ZA SRF 00115-09 A Super Breeder. Sire to 9 wins in 2 Seasons at stock in 2 different stock lofts. Also sire to 2 different 3 x winners in two different stock lofts. Breeds 4 winners for Willie Steenkamp & Partner. Also sire to ZA SRF 01244-10 – 3 x winner Sire : ZA SRF 00115-09 “Proven Blue” Strain : Tom Lock Foundation ZA SRF 00115-09 A Super Breeder. Sire to 9 wins in 2 Seasons at stock in 2 different stock lofts. Also sire to 2 different 3 x winners in two different stock lofts. Breeds 4 winners for Willie Steenkamp & Partner. Also sire to ZA SRF 01244-10 – 3 x winner Dam: ZA THU 16036-09 “Pied Egg Hen” Strain : R100 000 EGG COCK Proven Breeder Half brother x half sister mating to the R100 000 EGG COCK. Also sister to ZA THU 16378-09 – 3 x winner Also sister to ZA OERF 09464-11 Super breeder of winners. DAM : ZA OERF 10609 16 HEN – PAID R40 000 AT OOA ” 1ST X 6TH ACE ” * A SUPER PIGEON! * QUALITY IN ALL AREAS. * This is SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL * Bred from super performance, and handles like her dam!! SUPER STAR! * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Highly recommended * Her sire and dam were 1st and 6th Aces in club. * Her sire and dam are full brother and sister to various other aces. * Her sire and dam are brother and sister to: 1) ZA GPU 0003/15 – 2 X Winner ( 1 x Equal Winner)- 1ST Overall Ace Pigeon Old Bird Series GPU 2017! 2) ZA GPU 0004/15 – 2nd Overall Ace Pigeon GPU 2017! SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 34 DAVE RYNDERS 3 ZA SRPV 1003 19 – BB Cock – “Macho Star”, a blue bar cock born from Sire “Absolute Star” and Dam “Fries Kaatje”. Grandparent lines cross with “Parma”. Hooymans, Houben, Van Dyck bloodlines.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!!
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 36 DAVE RYNDERS 3 ZA TRPF 5723 20 HEN – PROVEN GENETICS – SIRE: “Oranje Ring” – BRED multiple winners. Gr/s of ICHIBAN – Half Sister “Never Say Die” 2003 SAMDPR – His father “Son of ICHIBAN” bred multiple winners and TRPF Fed. winner – DAM: Won ALBERTON EXPENSIVE RING Race in her 1st race for the season – Super Breeder Multiple Winners. SIRE: Grandson of ICHIBAN – Half Sister is “Never Say Die” 2003 Million Dollar Race Winner – His father “Son of ICHIBAN” bred for Beneke Lofts multiple winners and a TRPF Federation winner – We named him “Oranje Ring” bred for Stock – his offspring already multiple winners.DAM:Won ALBERTON EXPENSIVE RING Race in her 1st race for the season – Super Breeder Win Multiple Winners.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished