Showing all 3 results
.LOT 1 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 20 ABL 127 BBWF – This little hen will be an asset to any loft. She handles as good as your best. No need to explain her pedigree.——–SIRE: 63384 GB 18 V. Alias “63384” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Red Chequer Grandfather to ZA PWDU 9849 2020, 3rd best WORLD ALLROUND BEST BIRD 2021, who is also the 6 x SANPO Gold Medal winner 2021. Also grandfather to ZA PWDU 9060 2020 ,second best Middle distance pigeon PWDU.———–DAM: 9941 ZA 19 PRPC. Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Blue Bar W/F This hen is inbred to the best of Tom Lock. Father to daughter bred.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 20 ABL 101 BBWF – Super handling cock bred from the best R80 000 cock who made a great impact in my loft, mated to the best Kittel bred hen in many a fanciers opinion in my loft.————-SIRE: 16089 ZA 09 THU. Alias “Golden Jewel” Strain: Inbred Super Pair Tom Loc Color: BlueBar W/F Pied Top Breeder.Sire to top winners so far: 00130/10 12th Ace Bird THU Y/B Series 1st club,1st division,4th union Dewetsdorp 02852/11 3 x club,2 x division,equal combine winner. 05407/11,3rd club,3rd division,5th THU Y/B Trompsburg.————DAM: 1418622 NLD 19. Alias “BULCK 622” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Chequer Pied KATU,half brother to KITTEL mated to ANGELINA, full sister to KITTEL and GOLD DUST. Half sister to KIRA, 3rd National Ace bird Middle Distance “De Allerbeste” 2017 1st Epernay 1178 pigeons 1st Vervins 1053 pigeons 6th Nanteuil 10168 pigeons 6th TELETEKST 4998 pigeons.SEE PEDIGREE!!!!
Winning Bid: R10,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 ALWYN BESTER – ZA 23 ABL 1183 BBAR – Look at this pedigree. Performing pigeons all the way. I bought the best available, cross bred them to the best in my loft, and see the results. This is the best from the Kittel lines.—————IRE: 1418158 NLD 19. Alias “BULCK 158” Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck Color: Blue Bar Sire: BANKSY, HYPER EXCLUSIVE!! KITTEL mated to his mother OLYMPIC ROSITA. Dam: SOFIE, full sister to OLYMPIC ROSITA. KITTEL 0.9 coefficient. Fastest pigeon in the history of KBDB. Double winner, 2nd and 3rd.. BULCK 158 is super bred.———–DAM: 1418637 NLD 19. Strain: Dirk Van Den Bulck. Color: Blue Bar. Grandmother to ZA PWDU 9849 2020, the 3rd WORLD ALLROUND BEST BIRD 2021, who also is the 6 x SANPO GOLD MEDAL Winner 2021. Also grandmother to ZA PWDU 9060 2020, the second best Middle Distance bird in the PWDU. The Sire VINCE Inbred to KITTEL 1st Nat Ace KBDB 2013 Best KBDB cock in Belgium history 1st Quievrain 2089 pigeons.SEE PEDIGREE!!!
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished