Showing all 5 results
LOT 1 ENGELBRECHT and PHILLIPS ZA BORD 4471 20 “NORMAN 2” HEN – DINOKENG MAIN RACE WINNER – 7th. Race 1 ( Dropped with winner ) 3rd. Race 2 ( 3 birds away ) 49th. Race 3 40th. Race 4 SIRE: 1711491 NL 15 LUCKY 91 Colour: BB De Rauw Sablon Super Breeder 1. Dinokeng Main Race 2021 B/Bar Hen ZA 0483-17 5. Diaz 525 km 1177 mpm 10.Diaz Main Race 635 km 1221 mpm DAM: 111458 ZA 18 Colour: BBP Super Breeder & Racer 1. Dinokeng Main Race 2021 Race Results 1. BHU Union New Hanover 473 km 6. ELNFC Greytown 503 km 1316 Vel. STRAIN: De Rauw Sablon – Janssen – JUNIOR OLYMPIADE
Winning Bid: R20,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 2 WEBSTER LOFTS ZA DIAS 856 21 “ FORTIFIED PACKAGE” HEN – ACE BIRD WINNER – WEBSTER Entered Dinokeng OLR 2021 1stACE, wins R50000 1st Team Competition, wins R20000 – 2nd Knockout Competition(15pigeons on the drop) wins R20000 3rd Hotspot 4 Bloemfontein3, 448k mvs 762p wins R10000 20th Hotspot 3 Bloemfontein 2,448kmvs 805p – 36th Hotspot 2 Bloemfontein 1,448kmvs 888p Winning a total of R100,000. All the setop results versus 1052 initial entered pigeons for the 2021 season as a latebred. This young hen is certainly something extraordinary, she was entered into the loft in the last week of intake, marked in my book as 5/5 for handling before been entered. Her Sire and Dam are both responsible for numerous OLR, Club ,FED & Unionwinners, and ACE pigeons. Full siblings are breeding winners!!! -SIRE: BBCock 3100149-10-BELG “GABY” GABYVANDENABEELE Directly imported and hasn’t disappointed from day one in the breeding loft for us. One just needs to study his pedigree and will see the names of greats Sire to: 856-21-DIAS “FortifiedPackage” 1st A 2p (15pigeons on the drop) “Princess Warrior”&“Warrior”nestmates who each won Diaz1 races 2021season 050-19-DPCD Best bird NWKDFED ylg, multiplewinner “02”ACE ylg Dias specialist Club 2020 and 3x winner 565-17-DIAS Best bird East Route ECPF,while racing on the BHU truck Also responsible for multiplewinners for us while we were still racing inEastLondon. DAM: BBHen 625-14-EC/DIAS “DEJAVU” WEBSTER Entered Diaz 12015 season 5th ACE Diaz1 OLR 2015 30th Race 1,207km 5th Race 2,305km 1stRace5,380km 12th Race 7,350km 15th Race 8,525km 2nd Race 9,207km 27th Race 10 Final 635km Full sister to: “FullThrottle”our cock that won Diaz1 ACE 2014 “Perfection”7th Final race Diaz 12015 Dam to: 5468-16-BDR“Refugee”1st Diaz 1ACE Points & Benzing velocity, 2nd Final race 2017(Best race recordin Diaz1 history) “Princess Warrior”&“Warrior”nest mates who each won Diaz1 races 2021 season 050-19-DPCD Best bird NWKD FED ylg,multiple winner “02”ACE ylg Dias specialist Club 2020 STRAIN: WEBSTER – GABY VANDENABEELE
Winning Bid: R37,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 3 AJ NEL & DU TOIT 829 ZA CAS 21 “ELECTRA” HEN – 1st ACE GRAND AVERAGES Dinokeng Lofts ’21. 2 Bloemfontein I 448km 1208mpm 888p, 5 Bloemfontein III 448km 1211mpm 762p, 15 Main Race Colesberg 655km 1343mpm 742p, 17 Bloemfontein II 1519mpm 805p, 21 Parys 160km 1389mpm 759p, 22 Koppies 197km 1522mpm 919p, 23 Parys 160km 1413mpm 808p, 27 Parys 160km 1389mpm 934p, 29 Parys 160km 1422mpm 890p, 50 Tarlton 100km 1279mpm 991p, 89 Vanderbijlpark 131km. – SIRE: 0257 NK DPK 16 Sire of: ZA CAS 21 829 ELECTRA – 1st Ace Grand Averages Dinokeng Lofts ’21 (Clocked 11 times within 41 seconds of winner). TRPF 20 7723 – 1st club 3 TRPF 388km 1224mpm, 12th club 18th TRPF 262km 1536mpm, 15th club 42 TRPF 312km 1387mpm, 16th club 40 TRPF 368km 1476mpm. ZA 18 108145 – 2nd Crossroads 131km 2084p Vic Falls Int Pigeon race ’19 (First 2 pigeons 5 min lead) . Also sire of two equal 1st prize winners. DAM: 4025999 BELG 16 Alias “THE REVENGE” 20th Hot Spot II 3214 pigeons SAMDPR ’17. Mother of CAS 21 829 “ELECTRA” – 1st Ace Grand Averages Dinokeng Lofts ’21 and winner of 2nd 448km 1208mpm 888p, 5th 448km 1211mpm 762p, 15th main race 655km 1343mpm 742p, 17th 448km 1519mpm 805p, 21st 160km 1389mpm 759p, 22nd 197km 1522mpm 919p, 23rd 160km 1413mpm 808p, 27th 160km 1389mpm 934p, 29th 160km 1422mpm 890p, 50th 100km 1279mpm 991p, 89th 131km 1580mpm 963p, etc. Clocked 11 times within 41 seconds of winner. STRAIN: “BLIKSEM” – “KOLONEL” – “DOGTER KANNIBAAL” – “CHIPO” – “RUDY” – “KAATJE” – “MARIEKE”
Winning Bid: R50,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 4 WEBSTER LOFTS DIAS 875 21 COCK BC Cock 875 21 DIAS “BEAST BOSS” WEBSTER Entered Dinokeng OLR 2021 10 th FINAL RACE 8th ACE BIRD 655km vs 742p (15 pigeons on the drop) wins R20 000 1 st Team Competition, wins R20 000 8 th ACE pigeon 18 th Race 1, 304km 48 th Race 2, 448km 23 rd Race 3, 448km 14 th and 8 th Koppies, 197km 9 th and 7 th Parys 160km 4 th Kroonstad, 252km All these top results versus 1052 initial entered pigeons for the 2021 season as a late bred He is a full brother to: “New Boss” Bred for stock, sire to Diaz1 race sensation 2021 “Pretty Boss” “Breaking Away” 3rd ACE Pigeon Dinokeng 2 020 “Break Dancer” 14th Dinokeng Final 2020 (Landed with the winner) “Breaking Bad” 5th ACE Dinokeng 2019 5th Final 624km (Landed with winner) This family of pigeons are backed by super proven genetics. SIRE: BC Cock 086 14 DIAZ1 “THE BOSS” WEBSTER OUR CURRENT NO.1 COCK He is truly a once in a lifetime pigeon, a champion racer winning four Union races before being put to stock. “The Boss is a magical pigeon directly breeding winners and top 5 ACE pigeons in every OLR his offspring have been entered as well as many Unions, FED and Club race winners and ACES CPL Y earling O pen race winners and Top ACE pigeons Diaz1 Yearling O pen in four consecutive years he bred 4 x top 5 ACE’s Diaz1 OLR 18 x Race winners In 3 consecutive years at Dinokeng 3 top 10 ACES and on the drop 1 st Final and Race winners Multiple winner’s ha ve been produced for numerous fanciers around the country from his offspring. Above are just a few examples of top results. THERE ARE FEW LIKE HIM!!!
Winning Bid: R40,750 Auction finishedAuction finished -
Winning Bid: R12,250 Auction finishedAuction finished