CLOSED....................CLICK HERE....................} PANDY LOFTS Two birds relatives of Mix – 2018 SAMDPR winner by 18 minutes - 09 January 2020 (06:00) to 17 January 2020 (20:00)
Genetic winning line (summary) of LOT 1 and 2
Note: Lot 1 and 2 are half brother to half sister pairing - both parents are bred from Aces Bosman (grandsire to Mix).
They are related to the following birds:
a Cock that scored 11 times in the top 50 of the South Western Pigeon Combine (Cape Town) vs an average - a true Ace Bird who was Best Bird All Distances on the Western Cape Pigeon Transportation Association - ex Gaddin.
Pictured on the cover page of this document.
He is the uncle to Mix - SAMDPR winner. - MIX
SAMDPR winner 2018 - bred by G. Gaddin - BIRDY
Ace Pigeon SAMDPR - 10th overall and 1st Hot Spot Averages - ZANDER
6th place SAMDPR - ACES BOSMAN ZA 06 34700.
35th SAMDPR in 2007 (grandfather of Mix and grandfather to LOT 1 and 2).
Showing the single result