- Billy Kitchenbrand - Reference Arno's racers (Willie Engelbrecht)

Showing all 20 results
LOT 41 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9197 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Father 8996 SUPERMAN. My best racer ever. Best Bird GPU Sister 15755 winner SIRE: Alias “SUPERMAN” BEST BIRD UNION SHORT DISTANCE AS WELL AS OVERALL BEST BIRD ALL DISTANCES 25000 PIGEONS 180 MEMBERS AVERAGE 1800 BIRDS PER RACE DAM: Strain: Houben/Chipo Color: BB – PERFORMANCES: Colesberg YB National 3rd Club, 7th Division, 16th Union Winburg 1 Sprint 21st Club, 41st Division, 88th Union
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 42 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9226 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Father same as Frank McLaughlin Hoosier winner. Sablon blood. Half-sister 2nd Ace pigeon Bloemfontein Loft SIRE: Alias “”3218″ P1600174” Strain: DE RAW-SABLON-AELBRECHT ( Color: Blue Check 3218 IS GUARANTEED TO BE A TREMENDOUS BREEDER This cock was imported from Frank McLauglin in America It handles like a gem, not many Sablons can say that. ZA Raw 1226 2011 was 2nd Ace pigeon Central Prov Loft Bloemfontein after leading the ave but hitting a wire in the final and still returnied. ZAD 385 2014 4th union DAM: Alias “JENTE MAGIC 830” Strain: DOCKX Leo & Gerry Color: Blue Bar 1ste Nationaal Nevers 2013 – Jente 1ste Nationaal Asduif KBDB jonge, grote halve fond 2014 14- 6230069 “Tarzan” – PERFORMANCES: 9226 Winburg 7 Sprint 13th Club, 30th Division, 52rd Union
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 43 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9231 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father 5016 Mortimer – Kaasboer Mother 5033 Mortimer – Kaasboer. Super racers, both of them. SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar . This is one for the stock loft
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 44 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9151 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Look at this pedigree Limo Rose, Limoges II, Prima o Roi, Bak 17, Bak 11 Mayo inbred to Amador 1 national Olympiad long distance SIRE: Strain: TEAM FLOREA SORIN Color: Blue DAM: Strain: TEAM FLOREA SORIN Color: Blue – PERFORMANCES: Bloemfontein YB 13th Club, 20th Division, 30th Union Smithfield Championship 18th Club, 44th Division, 88th Union
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 45 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9242 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father out of VIETNAM from Mark and GLENDA mother to MIX Million Dollar winner. This is a great handler and will produce. SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: HANNES MAREE Color: Blue Bar TOM LOCK X ALEXUS – PERFORMANCES: Bloemfontein Sprint 6 13th Club, 27th Division, 36th Union Springfontein YB 23rd Club, 47th Division, 69th Union
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 46 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9247 ZA 19 GPU COCK – On father’s side Grandfather 6114 out of famous 03 cock Half-brother VIETNAM Grandmother OSWOLLY – Dinokeng winner Mother sister to MIX – Million Dollar winner 2018 SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar Full sister to MIX winner of SAMDPR 2018 – PERFORMANCE: Colesberg YB National 12th Club, 17th Division, 47th Union
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 47 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9181 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Father super Sablon cock from Frank McLaughlin same as Hoosier winner Bloemfontein Mother full sister to 1st national Nieves. Best of Kaasboer. SIRE: Alias “”3218″ P1600174” Strain: DE RAW-SABLON-AELBRECHT ( Color: Blue Check 3218 IS GUARANTEED TO BE A TREMENDOUS BREEDER This cock was imported from Frank McLauglin in America It handles like a gem, not many Sablons can say that. ZA Raw 1226 2011 was 2nd Ace pigeon Central Prov Loft Bloemfontein after leading the ave but hitting a wire in the final and still returnied. ZAD 385 2014 4th union DAM: Alias “JENTE MAGIC 830” Strain: DOCKX Leo & Gerry Color: Blue Bar 1ste Nationaal Nevers 2013 – Jente 1ste Nationaal Asduif KBDB jonge, grote halve fond 2014 14- 6230069 “Tarzan” – PERFORMANCES: Winburg Sprint 4 14th Club, 15th Division, 24th Union
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 48 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9257 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Super pigeon. Best of Ganus Father 829 Mother 450 This is class. First race got ring stuck on rope at the left and was clock shy SIRE: Strain: GANUS FAMILY LOFT Color: Blue Father is Full Brother to “SAID IN SPUN SILVER” 2nd Place Million Dollar Final Race – came with winner – Also Gr.Father to 1st Place Million Dollar Final Race DAM: Strain: GANUS FAMILY LOFT Color: Blue – PERFORMANCES: Winburg 1 YB 23rd Club, 40th Division, 80th Union
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 49 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 0539 ZAD 15 WRRPA HEN – Super Kaasboer / Kaasboer Smuts out of click pair. This Hen is a derby winner. Grandfather and mother famous Smuts pair. Parents to over 14 winners and parents to Combine winner. SIRE: Alias “”Romano P 1600186″” Strain: KAASBOER Color: Check Kaasboer and click hen 6407575 are 3 times in the pedigree Grand son x Grand daughter paired on the sire side Fullbrother to 0057.2 First prices in section 32 as a youngster DNA Profiled DAM: Alias “”Cottage Cheese P 1600182” Strain: Kaasboer X Sablon Color: Blue Bar GRANDDAUGHTER OF “810” 6 Children of this pair in stock after winnig or consistantly performing Super in the hand ….. perfect pigeon with no faults Bred from this click pair DNA Certified
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 50 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 9271 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father, Grandson famous KAASBOER. Alias Golden Gaston 100% Kaasboer One of the best in South Africa Mother, 743 Kaasboer out of Dominator Mother to 4177 winner 5033 super racer SIRE: Alias “GRANDSON “KAASBOER”” Strain: KAASBOER DAM: Strain: KAASBOER Color: Blue
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 51 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10205 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Full brother 10268 Combine winner and double winner for Arno’s Racers GPU and Combine Father 157 double winner Union winner Mother 12773 double winner Smut’s pair Super cock will be a foundation pigeon. SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar Father to 2 x winner, Combine winner DAM: Strain: BENCHMARK LOFTS Color: BB Mother to 2 x winner, Combine winner
Winning Bid: R13,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 52 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10207 ZA 19 GPU COCK – 4th Best YB GPU 2020 winner Did not race last race because I stopped Father Mortimer / Kaasboer Mother Mortimer / Kaasboer Mother 20 times Top 100 Union 2nd Best Long Distance SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Color: BB 20 X Top 100 Union +- 1400 p Best Bird 2018 Club 2nd Best 2018 Combine – Long distance – PERFORMANCE: Winburg YB 23rd Club, 42nd Division, 52nd Union 1452 birds Verkeerdevlei YB 5th Club, 3th Division, 36th Union 1557 birds Bloemfontein 1 YB 10th Club, 14th Division, 17th Union 1332 birds Smithfield Championship 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd Union 1375 birds Sister 10208 Lot 58 sister Lot 25
Winning Bid: R20,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 53 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10209 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Super young hen Father out of No. 1 Kaasboer pair 078 and KIRAN double granddaughter Kaasboer Mother 26031 Mortimer super hen SIRE: Strain: KAASBOER Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar – PERFORMANCE: Smithfield Championship 15th Club, 35th Division, 73rd Union
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 54 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10211 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father Combine winner 2667 Mother winner top hen. This is class, will be a super breeder. Alfons Klaas / Mortimer / Kaasboer SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar – PERFORMANCE: Verkeerdevlei 11th Club, 24th Division, 32nd Union
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 55 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10257 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Best of Mark 03 blood Father int Birdy’s Half sister Grandmother Mother 2318 out of 03 family over 100 winers. Super young cock SIRE: Alias “Luphi” Strain: Samuel Lofts 1 Color: Blue Bar SAMDPR 2018 – 2019 SAMDPR Finals 02/02/19 * with a Grand Average Position 673 DAM: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 56 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10260 ZA 19 GPU COCK – 100% Geerinckx. Love this pigeon. Father: Brother New Freddy famous Geerinckx hen. Brother to sister Mother: 100% Geerinckx top pedigree. Perfect handler Won’t find a better proven young Geerinckx cock SIRE: Strain: TEAM FLOREA SORIN DAM: Strain: Geerinckx X Baertsoen Color: Dark Check Pied – PERFORMANCE: Aliwal North 1 YB 16TH Club, 27th Division, 61st Union Colesberg 1 YB 7th Club, 13th Division, 25th Union
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 57 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 13048 ZA 19 GPU COCK – Father Sablon Cock Frank McLaughlin Mother Kaasboer hen sister to 1 National Nieves 11,000 pigeons 100% Kaasboer SIRE: Alias “”3218″ P1600174” Strain: DE RAW-SABLON-AELBRECHT ( Color: Blue Check 3218 IS GUARANTEED TO BE A TREMENDOUS BREEDER This cock was imported from Frank McLauglin in America It handles like a gem, not many Sablons can say that. ZA Raw 1226 2011 was 2nd Ace pigeon Central Prov Loft Bloemfontein after leading the ave but hitting a wire in the final and still returnied. ZAD 385 2014 4th union DAM: Alias “JENTE MAGIC 830” Strain: DOCKX Leo & Gerry Color: Blue Bar 1ste Nationaal Nevers 2013 – Jente 1ste Nationaal Asduif KBDB jonge, grote halve fond 2014 14- 6230069 “Tarzan” – PERFORMANCE: Verkeerdevlei OB 21st Club, 32nd Division, 79th Union.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 58 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 10208 ZA 19 GPU HEN – Class Father 5022 Mortimer / Kaasboer Mother 1002 Mortimer / Kaasboer 20 times Top 100 Union 2nd Best bird Combine Long Distance Sister to 10207 4th Best Bird Union Sister to 10289 3rd Club, 9th Union Trompsburg. SIRE: Strain: KITCHENBRAND’S LOFT Color: Blue Bar DAM: Color: BB 20 X Top 100 Union +- 1400 p Best Bird 2018 Club 2nd Best 2018 Combine – Long distance
Winning Bid: R14,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 59 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 5911 ZA 18 GPU HEN – Super racer “WINNER” 100% Kaasboer 4 x Top 10 Club, 4 x Top 30 Union Father 333 Grandson Kaasboer cock Mother 743 Super Kaasboer hen SIRE: Alias “GRANDSON “KAASBOER”” Strain: KAASBOER DAM: Strain: KAASBOER Color: Blue – PERFORMANCE: 2019: Smithfield 1 YB 18th Club, 35th Division, 71st Union Richmond Open 7th Club, 9th Division, 26th Union 2020: Bloemfontein 2 OB 5th Club, 11th Division, 16th Union Reddersburg 2 OB 5th Club, 15th Division, 28th Union Springfontein 2 OB 1st Club, 1st Division, 2nd Union
Winning Bid: R8,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 60 – Billy Kitchenbrand – 5014 ZA 17 GPU HEN – “CLASS” ”CLASS” WINNER Father: Super breeder Million Dollar Mother: 37064 Mortimer from my dad SIRE: Alias “Angola” Strain: KLAUS STIENEKER Color: Check SAMDPR 2015 DAM: Color: Blue Bar – PERFORMANCE: Bloemfontein 2 OB 7th Club, 12th Division, 34th Union Dewetsdorp Special 1st Club, 4th Division, 7th Union Noupoort OB 7th Club, 14th Division 33rd Union Hanover 2 Chairmans Cup 19th Club, 37th Division, 99th Union
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished