I am a relatively newcomer to the pigeon sport, currently living in Hopetown in the Northern Cape, competing at club level and One Loft Racing level.
Due to personal circumstances, I decided to sell the bulk of my pigeons that I obtained the past three years.
I decided to only focus on One Loft Racing in future.
I will only keep 10 pairs for One Loft Races. I only flew the 2019 and 2020 season with most of these pigeons offspring and was relatively successful at club level and One Loft Racing level.
Some of my achievements over the past two years include:
- 3rd overall in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Best Middle-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 2nd Best Middle-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Best Long-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 4th on the drop, Hotspot 3, Dinokeng One Loft
- 4th best pigeon overall in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Only flew 10 out of 15 races, only the Short- and Middle distances
- Short Distance Champion Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Middle Distance Champion Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 2nd on the drop, Hotspot 3. Victoria Falls International Pigeon Race
- 1st, Hostpot 3, Carnival One Lofts Winter Race
- Short Distance Ace Pigeon at Carnival One Lofts Winter Race
- 18th, Hotspot 2, Central Provincial Lofts
- Two Federation wins in NKPF (Noord Kaap Posduif Federasie) (our positioning makes this very difficult)
I was privileged to obtain some of the original breeding pairs of the Twilight Strain (J&M King) when Johan Boonzaaier sold his pigeons, as well as on Exclusive Pigeons (Ferdie Coetzer). These birds performed exceptionally well at club level for me.
I bought the bulk of my Tom Locks from Alwyn Bester, obtaining one of the best Tom Lock collections in the country. These birds immediately made an impact in my loft, at club level, as well as One Loft level.
I bought my Sablon collection from Alwyn Bester, James van der Linde and Egbert O’Kelly. These pigeons are remarkable pigeons, and made a huge impact in my loft, especially on One Loft level.
The pigeons on sale were thoroughly selected. Most of the breeding stock were tested by me in the past two years, and they will be available in Auction 1. Their direct children with their racing performances, will be available in Auction 2.

Showing all 27 results
.LOT 1 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5571 20 COCK – (BUY LOT 1 AND GET LOT 1a FOR FREE) Bred from the best Tom Lock x Sablon blood available! Bred for stock – looks just like his father, ZA THU 16988 ’09 “Estee”. A mating like this is very rare. One of the few direct children to ZA CYRILS 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” on auction! Sire is lot 1a, ZA THU 16988 ’09 “Estee” Tom Lock bred from the R80 000 Super Cock x SA THU 1648 ’03. Dam is ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” direct daughter to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. ZA NKHP 5571 ’20 bred from the best Sablon x Tom Lock blood available in the country. One of the very few direct children of ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” on auction. He is a beautiful, well balanced cheque cock. A split image of his father, lot 1a. SIRE: Alias “ESTEE” Strain: 7 X National Ace Lines Color: Blue Check Proven breeder of winners and breeders. Sire to o.a. ZA WPU 11319/12 – 2x winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez – 1st Club, 1st Sect, 1st Union, Sfonteinclub, Belmont, 367km, vel 1560. His son ZA GRPA 0675/10 breeds winners for A le Roux. His other son ZA GRPA 7147/10 breeds winners for Reuben Liddell Full brother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER middle distance 2010 DAM: Alias “JBM’s GIRL” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Full sister to the – sire of the Winner of the Central Bloem Lofts Final 2016 – sire of the Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013 – grandsire of 2nd Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2015 – sire of 2nd Winners Flight Loft Final race 2015 – sire of ZA GPU 11077/14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 2 – Danie Scholtz – ZA VNRF 1233 10 COCK – Full brother to lot 17. Dam to lot 47 and lot 65 (brother x sister mating). Bought from Ferdie Coetzer. ZA VNRF 1233 ‘10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Mated ZA VNRF 1232 ’10 to ZA 06972 ’15 (lot 22) – bred 4 youngsters that flew very well for me in 2020, including a win. He was still fertile last year in 2019. SIRE: Alias “24” Strain: Blou Bul Color: Blue Bar Sire to ace bird Dinokeng International One Loft ‘Marissa’ and sire to ace bird SAPIR One Loft ‘Something Splendid’. Coetzer and Oerlemans nr. 1 cock. DAM: Strain: Cattryse Color: Blue Bar Double winner for Ferdie Coetzer in the super Crusaders club and Pretoria Combine winner Bethlehem. Dam to ace bird Dinokeng International One Loft ‘Marissa’ and dam to ace bird SAPIR One Loft ‘Something Splendid’. Superbreeder
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 3 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 03514 PSWU 13 COCK – Bought on Renier (Kiewiet) Breitenbachs’s dispersal sale on Toppigeon. He is a grandson out of the Juan 2 and the Super Pair from the Witoog hen. Bred for stock. Never participated in any racing. Super mating. I am reselling this cock as I am only focusing on One Loft Racing and need to reduce my stock pigeons accordingly. SIRE: Strain: Croxford Putterie Color: Blue Bar Sex: Cock DAM: Color:Blue bar Strain: Croxford Putterie Sex: Hen
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 4 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 10003 13 COCK – Bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. ZA 10003 ’13 bred the best yearling in my loft in 2020, lot 59, ZA HPT 3546 ’19. SIRE: Alias “Super Tom” Strain: Tom Lock Color: Smokey Son of the famous R100000 Super pair. He won the Derby for us before we put him to stock. Very good breeder especially when mated to our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Their children carry on the winning genetics. He is also grandsire to many winners. DAM: Alias “Twilight 77” Strain: Twilight X Wouter Color: Pencil Blue Bar Very best breeding hen Boonzaaier. Daughter of the famous Twilight foundation ‘Egg cock’ Dr Gavin Rous originating from Roland Bouwer and his late father. This hen is closely related to ‘Twilight Pearl’ foundation hen J&M King and dam to ‘Golden TT’
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 5 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 15026 13 COCK – Bought from Ferdie Coetzer. One of the very best sons of TRPF 2300/02. This cock is a magnificent animal and produced star racers with various hens. His nestmate brother, ZA 15025 ’13, is also a crack breeder. This cock is a replica of TRPF 2300/02. Pure gold. Brother to the father of lot 51. SIRE: Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Superbreeder inbred to Spritzy. Sire to 20 + winners. Surely the best Spritzy cock in the country. His daughter ZA 19662/12 bred the best middle distance pigeon ZA 20171/14 and best pigeon overall ZA 20040/14 Pretoria Comine 2016. DAM: Alias “Yearling National Hen” Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar White Flt PWDF winner. Breeder of 5 winners with 3 different cocks. Nestmate to ZA 20428/06 PWDC winner.
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 6 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 19620 14 COCK – Bred from the foundation Twilight pair of Johan & Mark King. Full brother to ‘Golden TT’ who is dam to the super ‘Mirage’ of J&M King & ‘Concorde’ SANPO gold medal winner 2015 for Alwyn Bester. She must be one of the best ever breeders in SA. A line of gold medal winners. ZA 19620 ’14 sire to lot 42. SIRE: Alias “Moneymaker” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Black Check Superbreeder of union winners, best birds, 2 Gauteng Combine winners and sire to the great ‘Golden TT’ one of the best hens in SA! He was breeding winners of big money races hence his name. Together DAM: Alias “Twilight pearl” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Foundation hen, Fed winner. Sire’s brother won SANPO Gold. Her dam SANPO Silver medal middle distance. Dam to: combine winners, silver medal winner short distance, gold medal middle distance and SANPO bronze long distance, Gold medal winner extreme long distance. 7362/07. P&P Maas
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 7 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 06011 15 COCK – Bought from Alwyn Bester. Inbred Super pair Tom Lock. One of the best ever sons of the super pair mated to his own daughter that was bred from a click pair. His mother (lot 18) also on sale. ZA 06011 ’15 bred a very good and consistent racer, ZA HPT 3501 ‘19 in 2019 Please see additional info for all positions flown and performance. SIRE: Alias “Super Tom” Strain: Tom Lock Color: Smokey Son of the famous R100000 Superpair. He won the Derby for us before we put him to stock. Very good breeder especially when mated to our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Their children carry on the winning genetics. He is also grandsire to many winners. DAM: Alias “Sister Queen TT” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Super hen bred from a click pair. Daughter ‘Super Tom’ x ‘Twilight Pearl’ our foundation hen sold on our auction lot 26. This hen is a top racer and destined to bedome a great breeder.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 8 – Danie Scholtz – ZA SRSPV-D 0711 16 COCK – Super cock inbred father x daughter. Only 2 birds were ever bred this way. Super breeder Twilight cock “Moneymaker’ mated to his own daughter ‘Golden TT”. ‘Golden TT’ must be one of the best breeding hens in South Africa ! ZA SRSPV-D 0711 ’16 bred a very good consistent racer, ZA NK 5871 ’18, in his first year at stud for Danie Scholtz in 2019 when mated to lot 26, ZA 11066 ’16. Performances: 3, 44, 10, 11, 6, 47, 9, 22, 30,18. Please see additional info for all positions flown. Sent one of his babies to Cape Town International One Loft Race in 2020/2021. One of my favourites in my stock loft! SIRE: Alias “Moneymaker” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Black Check Super breeder of union winners, best birds, 2 Gauteng Combine winners and sire to the great ‘Golden TT’ one of the best hens in SA! He was breeding winners of big money races hence his name. Together DAM: Alias “Moneymaker” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Black Check Super breeder of union winners, best birds, 2 Gauteng Combine winners and sire to the great ‘Golden TT’ one of the best hens in SA! He was breeding winners of big money races hence his name. Together.
Winning Bid: R20,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 10 – Danie Scholtz – ZA GPU 02304 17 COCK – Linebred Twilight bred from a click pair. Sire flew 2nd main race Barzalona Dinokeng lofts. Definitely one of my best Twilight cocks! Sire to ZA 18 NK 5826 (lot 12) when mated to lot 20, 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019 and 6th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2020. Also sire to ZA 18 NK 5855 (lot 37) when mated to lot 20. ZA NK 5855 ’18 (lot 37) mated to ZA HPT 3506 ’19 (lot 52) produced a club winner, ZA 19 HPT 3597, in the 2020 season. Sent two of his babies to Cape Town International One Loft Race in 2020/2021. SIRE: Alias “Second Dinokeng” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top racer at Dinokeng lofts. Second at Barzalona race 770km with only a couple of birds back on the day. He flew away together with another on a hot day. His first 2 babies 00302/15 and 00303/15 were back on the day from Noupoort in the PTA union when not a lot of DAM: Alias “Nr 1 hen” Strain: Twilight X Marieke Color: Blue Check Bred from a click pair. All her brothers and sisters are producing the goods. Daughter foundation cock ‘Turbo magic’. Super racer over any distance. Even better breeding hen. Dam to winners and union winners with different cocks. Dam to 03281/15 double winner
Winning Bid: R9,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 11 – Danie Scholtz – ZA BPFD 0695 18 COCK – ZA PPFD 0695 ‘18 “ROYAL VICTORY” bred from a click pair. Beautiful cock in the hand. He flew 24th final Dinokeng One Loft Race 2019, 2min30 seconds after winning pigeon. He also flew 55th place Ventersburg, 13th place Bloemfontein 2, and 172nd place Barzalona race in 2019. His nestmate BPF/D 0694/18 ‘Lindie” Equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. His dam, ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” also dam to 3523 ZA 19 HPT “Carlada”, 2nd place Hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020! One of his babies entered at Cape Town International One Loft Race in 2020/2021. One of three direct children available from ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” on auction (also see lot 48, 60) SIRE: Alias “ROYAL BLUE” Strain: R80 000 X R100 000 X FOUN Color: Blue Bar Click cock to 1851/17 “MISS 810”. 14970/15 bred ‘Lindie’ BPF/D 0694/18 Equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird Nestmate ‘Royal Victory’ BPF/D 0695/18 24th final Dinokeng One Loft Race 2019, 2min30 seconds after winning pigeon. She also flew 55th place Ventersburg, 13th place Bloemfontein 2, and 172nd place Barzalona race. DAM: Alias “MISS 810” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Bred from the best one day loft winning genes ! 2851/17 bred ‘Lindie’ BPF/D 0694/18 Equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird Nestmate ‘Royal Victory’ BPF/D 0695/18 24th final Dinokeng One Loft Race 2019, 2min30 seconds after winning pigeon. She also flew 55th place Ventersburg, 13th place Bloemfontein 2, and 172nd place Barzalona race.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 12 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NK 5826 18 COCK – Direct son to lot 10 and lot 20. Super Racer! (& super breeder in his first nest!) One of my best and consistent racers in 2019! 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019 and 6th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2020. Performances: 32, 24, 13, 14, 3, 16, 7, 5, 13, 26, 17, 15, 11, 7, 9, 25, 29 Please see additional info for all positions flown. ZA NK 5826 ’18 mated to ZA GPU 4250 (lot 32) produced two very consistent and some of my best pigeons in 2020 – please see lot 45 (ZA HPT 4279 ’19) and lot 62 (ZA HPT 4278 ’19). ZA NK 5826 ’18 definitely will breed the goods! SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Linebred Twilight bred from a click pair. Sire flew 2nd main race Barzalona Dinokeng lofts. Dam oe of our best ever. DAM: Strain: Twilight X Marieke Color: Blue Bar Super racer. Her nestmate brother is the no 1 breeder for Charl Kruger. Best of this family in this hen. The sire is a cousin of Golden TT. He is bred from ‘Turbo Magic’ our foundation Twilight cock. He is a brother to Moneymaker the sire of Golden TT
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 16 – Danie Scholtz – ZA VNRF 5776 11 HEN – Full sister to lot 2. Dam to lot 47 and lot 65 (brother x sister mating). Bought from Ferdie Coetzer. This blue bar hen is a perfect handler. She is a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke ZA VNRF 5776 ‘11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred from one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion. ZA VNRF 5776 ’11 dam to lot 36 (ZA NK5857 ’18), one of my best racers in 2020. ZA NK 5857 ’18 won the race from Cookhouse 2 – 382km, velocity 963 m/min. What was very special, is that he won the race with a break of 4 minutes and 22 seconds! SIRE: Alias “24” Strain: Blou Bul Color: Blue Bar Sire to ace bird Dinokeng International One Loft ‘Marissa’ and sire to ace bird SAPIR One Loft ‘Something Splendid’. Coetzer and Oerlemans nr. 1 cock DAM: Strain: Cattryse Color: Blue Bar Double winner for Ferdie Coetzer in the super Crusaders club and Pretoria Combine winner Bethlehem. Dam to ace bird Dinokeng International One Loft ‘Marissa’ and dam to ace bird SAPIR One Loft ‘Something Splendid’. Superbreeder.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 17 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 03312 11 HEN – Bought from Alwyn Bester. Super hen bred from a click pair. Daughter ‘Super Tom’ x ‘Twilight Pearl’ J&M King’s foundation hen. I only bred stock from ZA 03312 ’11. Dam to lot 7. Full sister to lot 24, ZA SRSPV-D 0713 ’16 SIRE: Alias “Super Tom” Strain: Tom Lock Color: Smokey Son of the famous R100000 Superpair. He won the Derby for us before we put him to stock. Very good breeder especially when mated to our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Their children carry on the winning genetics. He is also grandsire to many winners. DAM: Alias “Twilight pearl” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Foundation hen, Fed winner. Sire’s brother won SANPO Gold. Her dam SANPO Silver medal middle distance. Dam to: combine winners, silver medal winner short distance, gold medal middle distance and SANPO bronze long distance, Gold medal winner extreme long distance. 7362/07. P&P Maas
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 18 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 17006 12 HEN – Bought from Johan Boonzaaier, bred by J&M King. Bred from a click pair. Her brothers and sisters are very good breeders. J&M King’s best yearling racer and the next year she was their best old bird. Super breeder and dam to very good racers. One of the best ever bred from this pair. ZA 17006 ’12 dam to ZA NK 5879 ’19 (lot 50), an exceptional racer for me. I paired ZA 17006 ’12 to ZA 10003 ’13 (lot 4) this year and sent one of their babies to Cape Town International One Loft Race. Definitely one of the best hens on auction! SIRE: Alias “Turbo Magic” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Superbreeder. One of our foundation Twilight cocks together with his brother ‘Moneymaker’. He is responsible for numerous winners and his offspring are exceptional DAM: Alias “Silver medal winner” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Union winner also silver medal winner union and combine short distance. Halfsister ‘Golden TT’ and top stock hen. Mated to ‘Turbo Magic’ they bred 2 union winners and many top racers in only two years of breeding as a pair. Daughter of foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Halfsister ‘King Tom’ no 1
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 19 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 08847 14 HEN – This is a remarkable hen bred for stock from the great Twilight family. Her sire bred numerous winners also 2nd Dinokeng Barzalona final 770km 2014. She is inbred to the famous foundation pair that bred 12 winners and their children are responsible for many more. ‘68476’ x ‘4638’ a phenomenal breeding couple. ‘4638’ is grandmother to ‘Turbo Magic’ and ‘Moneymaker’ the two Twilight foundation cocks for Johan & Mark King. Super hen in the hand. This family is responsible for numerous SANPO medal winners. Half-sister to ZA 00342 ’15, lot 20, my best Twilight hen on auction. SIRE: Alias “Turbo cock” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar White Flt Super breeder sire to 10 winners and 2nd final Barzalona race Dinokeng lofts 770km. His dam was a SANPO medal winner. Bred from the very best of this great family of pigeons. DAM: Alias “Inbred 4638 hen” Strain: Twilight X Powell Color: Blue Bar Highly inbred to the super Twilight-Powell foundation pair ‘68476’0 x ‘4638’. This hen is very nice in the hand. Half-sister to 4 Pretoria federation winners and 1 Pretoria Union Winner. Also breederstakes union winner.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 20 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 00342 15 HEN – Super racer and even better breeder! Her nest mate brother is the no 1 breeder for Charl Kruger. Best of this family in this hen. The sire is a cousin of Golden TT. He is bred from ‘Turbo Magic’ our foundation Twilight cock. He is a brother to Moneymaker the sire of Golden TT ZA 00342 ’15 definitely the best Twilight hen on auction and one of my favourites! Dam to ZA NK 5826 ’18 (lot 12) and ZA NK 5855 ’18 (lot 37), when mated to ZA GPU 02304 ’17 (lot 10). Sent two of her babies to Cape Town International One Loft Race in 2020/2021. SIRE: Alias “Turbo Marieke” Strain: Twilight X Marieke Color: Blue Bar Super racer long distance. Together with another pigeon flew away from the combine Middelburg 720km. Super breeder of winners and top pigeons. Bred from a click pair. His sire is one of the foundation Twilight cocks DAM: Alias “Inbred 4638” Strain: Twilight X Powell Color: Blue Bar Inbred father x daughter back to the foundation pair. This hen bred very good pigeons in a very short space of time. Winner from Kalfie race 10064/13, also a union and combine winner Winburg 00008/13 and other top performers.
Winning Bid: R9,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 21 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 00343 15 HEN – Beautiful breeding hen. Line bred to the best of the Twilight family. Bred from the best sister of Golden TT. Half-sister to a Gauteng Combine Winner. Half-sister to the Combine Bakkie Winner. Half-sister to a 5x winner 06239/13. Her sire flew 2nd Barzalona final Dinokeng with only a few birds back on the day. Great Twilight cock. Her dam herself won a Gauteng combine against strong opposition. This line is responsible for SANPO medal winners. Bred a very consistent racer, ZA 18 NK 5820 (lot 30), for me in her first year at stud when mated to ZA GPU 03089 ’16 (lot 9). ZA NK 5820 ’18 (lot 30) scored 14 out of 15 races, 4th best bird overall in Hopetown Club in 2019, and 37th best bird in NKPF. Performances: 31, 4, 25, 22, 28, 3, 45, 17, 13, 13, 21, 52, 10, 44 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Second Dinokeng” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top racer at Dinokeng lofts. Second at Barzalona race 770km with only a couple of birds back on the day. He flew away together with another on a hot day. His first 2 babies 00302/15 and 00303/15 were back on the day from Noupoort in the PTA union when not a lot of DAM: Alias “Combine Golden TT” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top racer flying 1, 1, 2, 4 in one season. Gauteng Combine Winner from Trompsburg the next year. Best sister to superbreeding ‘Golden TT’. She is dam to PTA combine car winner also Gauteng combine winner. Her daughter 06239/13 is a 5 x winner also 3 x fed winner.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 22 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 06972 15 HEN – Bought on Exclusive Pigeons. Daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. This is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016. Mated ZA VNRF 1232 ’10 to ZA 06972 ’15 (lot 22) – bred 4 youngsters (please see lot 46, 56, 57 and 63) that flew very well for me in 2020, including a win. SIRE: Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Superbreeder inbred to Spritzy. Sire to 20 + winners. Surely the best Spritzy cock in the country. His daughter ZA 19662/12 bred the best middle distance pigeon ZA 20171/14 and best pigeon overall ZA 20040/14 Pretoria Comine 2016. DAM: Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Winner. Breeder of Combine winners. Sister to Federation winner 20429/06, sister to Combine winner 20428/06, sister to 098/07 great breeder, sister to 2033/08 breeder of combine winners. Truely a genetic wonder.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 23 – Danie Scholtz – ZA SRSPV-D 0704 16 HEN – Half-sister super hen ‘Golden TT’. Both Twilight foundation cocks in the pedigree ‘Moneymaker’ and ‘Turbo Magic’. A better-bred Twilight hen will be hard to find. Twilight breeding at its best. SIRE: Alias “Moneymaker” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Black Check Superbreeder of union winners, best birds, 2 Gauteng Combine winners and sire to the great ‘Golden TT’ one of the best hens in SA! He was breeding winners of big money races hence his name. Together DAM: Alias “Combine magic” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Super handling hen and combine winner at 620km form a very hard race. This hen has all the attributes of a top racing and breeding pigeon. She is granddaughter to foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Hear two sons 19557 & 19558 are fantastic breeders.
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 24 – Danie Scholtz – ZA SRSPV-D 0713 16 HEN – Bred from a click pair. Sister to super races and breeders. Sister to ‘Miss Consistency’ & ‘Queen TT’, both extraordinary racers and breeders. They sold for R26 000 & R28 000 respectively on J&M King’s record auction August 2013. SIRE: Alias “Super Tom” Strain: Tom Lock Color: Smokey Son of the famous R100000 Superpair. He won the Derby for us before we put him to stock. Very good breeder especially when mated to our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Their children carry on the winning genetics. He is also grandsire to many winners. DAM: Alias “Twilight pearl” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Foundation hen, Fed winner. Sire’s brother won SANPO Gold. Her dam SANPO Silver medal middle distance. Dam to: combine winners, silver medal winner short distance, gold medal middle distance and SANPO bronze long distance, Gold medal winner extreme long distance. 7362/07. P&P Maas
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 25 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 10016 16 HEN – Bought from Alwyn Bester. A beautiful hen in the hand! Bred from the best of Tom Lock. R80 000 super cock, Hermien, Barring cock all in her pedigree. One of the best Tom Lock hens on auction! Dam to lot 41. SIRE: Strain: Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar 23562/05 was a brilliant racer for Russel v/d Merwe. Silver medal winner overall in THU in 2007 DAM: Strain: R80 000 Super Pair Color: Blue Bar W/F Pied 10318/13 is an inbred R80 000 hen. She is the R80 000 cock bred to his own daughter, Hermien. This hen is a super handler.
Winning Bid: R14,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 26 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 11066 16 HEN – ZA 11066 ’16 bred a very good consistent racer, ZA NK 5871 ’18, in her first year at stud for Danie Scholtz in 2019 when mated to lot 8 (ZA SRSPV-D 0711 ’16). Performances: 3, 44, 10, 11, 6, 47, 9, 22, 30,18. Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “INB 421 COCK” Strain: Houben Color: Blue Bar Very inbred to ‘421’ Houben Superbreeder Bred union winner for Louis Strap – VPU DAM: Alias “DE BEER HEN” Strain: Houben Color: Blue Bar Sold to Jannie de Beer Super breeder incl TRPF Fed winner
Winning Bid: R1,100 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 27 – Danie Scholtz – ZA OPU 1903 17 HEN – Sire, ZA 10020 13 inbred mother x son “Opal Blue” who was sold for R36 000 on J & M King’s auction. Bred early 2013. One of the best “Opel Blue” sons. Breeding winners in his very year. A very nice handler. He will carry on the legacy of his famous dam. ZA 00333 ’15, Twilight/Marieke, half-sister to the Gauteng Combine car winner Turbo Magic x Marieke. ZA OPU 1903 ’17 bred a winner in her first year at stud for me, ZA NK 5851 ’18. Performances: 7, 39, 1, 9 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Opel Blue Color: Blue Bar Inbred mother x son ”Opel Blue ”who was sold for R36 000 on Mark & Johan Kings auction . Bred early 2013 . One of the very best ‘Opel Blue ” sons . Breeding winners in his very first year. A very nice handler . He will carry on the legacy of his famous dam. DAM: Alias “”333”” Strain: Twilight/marieke Color: Blue Check Half-sister to the Gauteng combine car winner .TURBO MAGIC X MARIEKE”
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 28 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 35157 17 HEN – Bred by Alwyn Bester for stock. She is a super handler, and one of Alwyn Bester’s favourites. I did not breed from her. Her sire, ZA THU 16988 ’09 “Estee” (lot 1a) is a proven breeder of winners and breeders. Sire to ZA WPU 11319/12 – 2x winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez – 1st Club, 1st Sect, 1st Union, Stilfontein club, Belmont, 367km, vel 1560. His son ZA GRPA 0675/10 breeds winners for A le Roux. His other son ZA GRPA 7147/10 breeds winners for Reuben Liddell. Full brother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER middle distance 2010. Her dam, ZA GRPA 0360 ’10 “Golden Lady” Proven breeder in her first nest. Owned by Alwyn Bester. He mainly bred stock from her. She is bred direct from the R80 000 cock and line bred, half-brother to sister mating back to the “EGG COCK”. A mating like this will be hard to find!! SIRE: Alias “ESTEE” Strain: 7 X National Ace Lines Color: Blue Check Proven breeder of winners and breeders. Sire to o.a. ZA WPU 11319/12 – 2x winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez – 1st Club, 1st Sect, 1st Union, Sfonteinclub, Belmont, 367km, vel 1560. His son ZA GRPA 0675/10 breeds winners for A le Roux. His other son ZA GRPA 7147/10 breeds winners for Reuben Liddell Full brother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER middle distance 2010. DAM: Alias “Golden Lady” Strain: R80 000 Gold Medal Line Color: Blue Bar Proven breeder in her first nest. Bred stock from her. She is bred direct from the R80 000 cock and linebred, half brother to sister mating back to the “EGG COCK”. Owned by Alwyn Bester
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 29 – Danie Scholtz – ZA GPU 4250 18 HEN – “No pedigree hen”. What a racer and breeder! Bred a winner in her first nest! 5th best Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. 2nd best Middle Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. Bred by J&M King x Joe Gomez. 21st best pigeon in Hopetown Club for 2020. Received ZA GPU 4250 ’18 as a baby from Mark King. Unfortunately, I have no info how she is bred. She is one of my best and consistent racers in 2019 and 2020. She is a small hen in the hand, well balanced with strong muscles. Performances: 12, 17, 6, 11, 2, 4, 29, 18, 9, 20, 2, 11, 5, 9, 8, 37 Please see additional info for all positions flown. ZA GPU 4250 (lot 29) mated to ZA NK 5826 ’18 (lot 12) produced two very consistent and some of my best pigeons in 2020 – please see lot 45 (ZA HPT 4279 ’19) and lot 62 (ZA HPT 4278 ’19). ZA GPU 4250 will definitely breed the goods!
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 30 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NK 5820 18 HEN – Twilight x Turbo Tom hen. Bred from ZA GPU 03089 ‘16 (lot 9) x ZA 00343 ’15 (lot 21). 4th best Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019, and the best pigeon in my loft in 2019. Flew 13 out of 14 races in the clock in 2019 in Hopetown Pigeon Club! At a stage she flew 11 out of 11 races in the clock! Bred a very consistent racer, lot 30 – ZA 18 NK 5820, for Danie Scholtz in his first year at stud when mated to lot 21. ZA 18 NK 5820 scored 14 out of 15 races, 4th best bird overall in Hopetown Club in 2019, and 37th best bird in NKPF. Performances: 31, 4, 25, 22, 28, 3, 45, 17, 13, 13, 21, 52, 10, 44 Please see additional info for all positions flown. I mated her to ZA NK 5890 ’18 (lot 13) and entered one of her babies at Cape Town International One Loft Race in 2020/2021. My favourite race hen in the loft, hence her name “Danie’s Girl”! SIRE: Alias “Inbred MM x TM” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Super cock inbred to the very best. Bred a very consistant racer, 5820/18 for Danie Scholtz in his first year at stud. 5820 scored 13 out of 15 races, 4hte best bird overall in Hopetown Club in 2019, and 37th best bird in NKPF. DAM: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Beautiful breeding hen. Line bred to the best of the Twilight family. Bred from the best sister of Golden TT. Half-sister to a Gauteng Combine Winner. Half sister to the Combine Bakkie Winner. Halfsister to a 5x winner 06239/13. Her sire flew 2nd Barzalona final Dinokeng with only a few birds back on the day. Great Twilight cock. Her dam herself won a Gauteng combine against strong opposition. This line are responsible for SANPO medal winners. The best.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 31 – Danie Scholtz – ZA PRPC 9182 19 HEN – Bred by Alwyn Bester from the best Sablon blood available. These pigeons excel at One Loft Races over the world! A beautiful little hen in the hand. I have mated her to ZA BPFD 0695 ’18 (lot 11) and sent one of their babies to Cape Town International One Loft Race 2020/2021. SIRE: Alias “LAST SON SOLD” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar The SUPERBREEDER 810 lines have done very well in different One-Lofts for different fanciers. 1st Klapmuts Western Cape Lofts 2013 Fnal ZA GPU 12653/12. 1st Barzalona Bakkie Race Winner, A. Mills, bred by JBM Hertzog from OOA LOFTS Tom Lock x Super breeder 810 Bak 17 Genetics – SVPV2101/16 – 11st Barzalona Bakkie Winner Dinokeng Lofts 2016 – Bred by JBM Hertzog DAM: Alias “MOOIE 810” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar ZA GPU 0734/12 – Dam to winners for her owner, Neil Johnson, 337km, vel 1350, Aliwal North. ZA GPU 12690/12 – Bred 1st Club, 15th Fed, Vrede for Danny Bradshaw. Her first baby bred for racing ZA GPU 05400/12. 68th Carnival Hot Spot 4 Minter race 13th Carnival Hot Spot 5 Carnival Winter Race 48km. Dam also to ZA GPU 17685/13, 5th Vredendal Hot Spot 3 Klapmuts One
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished