I am a relatively newcomer to the pigeon sport, currently living in Hopetown in the Northern Cape, competing at club level and One Loft Racing level.
Due to personal circumstances, I decided to sell the bulk of my pigeons that I obtained the past three years.
I decided to only focus on One Loft Racing in future.
I will only keep 10 pairs for One Loft Races. I only flew the 2019 and 2020 season with most of these pigeons offspring and was relatively successful at club level and One Loft Racing level.
Some of my achievements over the past two years include:
- 3rd overall in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Best Middle-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 2nd Best Middle-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Best Long-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 4th on the drop, Hotspot 3, Dinokeng One Loft
- 4th best pigeon overall in Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Only flew 10 out of 15 races, only the Short- and Middle distances
- Short Distance Champion Hopetown Pigeon Club
- Middle Distance Champion Hopetown Pigeon Club
- 2nd on the drop, Hotspot 3. Victoria Falls International Pigeon Race
- 1st, Hostpot 3, Carnival One Lofts Winter Race
- Short Distance Ace Pigeon at Carnival One Lofts Winter Race
- 18th, Hotspot 2, Central Provincial Lofts
- Two Federation wins in NKPF (Noord Kaap Posduif Federasie) (our positioning makes this very difficult)
I was privileged to obtain some of the original breeding pairs of the Twilight Strain (J&M King) when Johan Boonzaaier sold his pigeons, as well as on Exclusive Pigeons (Ferdie Coetzer). These birds performed exceptionally well at club level for me.
I bought the bulk of my Tom Locks from Alwyn Bester, obtaining one of the best Tom Lock collections in the country. These birds immediately made an impact in my loft, at club level, as well as One Loft level.
I bought my Sablon collection from Alwyn Bester, James van der Linde and Egbert O’Kelly. These pigeons are remarkable pigeons, and made a huge impact in my loft, especially on One Loft level.
The pigeons on sale were thoroughly selected. Most of the breeding stock were tested by me in the past two years, and they will be available in Auction 1. Their direct children with their racing performances, will be available in Auction 2.

Showing all 29 results
LOT 32 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NK 5857 18 COCK – Sire, ZA OOA 138 ’17 “Green Eye810” is direct son to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. Dam is lot 16, ZA VNRF 5776 ’11, full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird “Marissa”. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird “Something Splendid”. ZA VNRF 1232 ’10 “Marissa” bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke. ZA NK 5857 ’18 is a beautiful medium cock, well balanced, typical Sablon cross. He was a late bred in 2019. He flew very average then, but I kept him as Sablon pigeons sometimes only performs from their 2nd year. Boy did he not disappoint – one of my best racers in 2020! 14th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon club in 2020. What is remarkable, is that I only raced Short Distance and Middle Distance races in 2020, a total of 10 out of 15 races. ZA NK 5857 ’18 won the race from Cookhouse 2 – 382km, velocity 963 m/min. What was very special, is that he won the race with a break of 4 minutes and 22 seconds! Performances: 33, 21, 32, 47, 2, 5, 20, 1, 15, 13, 38. Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “GREEN EYE 810” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Silky soft feathering * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED * Full brother to many superbreeders and ONE-LOFT RACE WINNERS and top performers. Full brother to oa: ZA GPU 15026/11 – “CHEEKY” – SUPERBREEDER – Sire to: * ZA GPU 12653/12 – Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts DAM: Alias “Katy” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar This blue bar hen is a perfect handler. She is a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 5776/11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred our of one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 33 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NK 5855 18 COCK – Sire is lot 10, ZA GPU 02304 ’17, my best Twilight Cock. Dam is lot 20, ZA 00342 ’15, my best Twilight Hen. ZA NK 5855 ’18 is a beautiful medium strong cock, well balanced. He bred a winner, ZA HPT 3597 ’19, in his first nest, mated to lot 48, ZA HPT 3506 ’19. Performances: 18, 12, 27, 9, 46, 24, 3. Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Linebred Twilight bred from a click pair. Sire flew 2nd main race Barzalona Dinokeng lofts. Dam out of our best ever. DAM: Strain: Twilight X Marieke Color: Blue Bar Super racer. Her nestmate brother is the no 1 breeder for Charl Kruger. Best of this family in this hen. The sire is a cousin of Golden TT. He is bred from ‘Turbo Magic’ our foundation Twilight cock. He is a brother to Moneymaker the sire of Golden TT
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 34 – Danie Scholtz – ZA BPF 1501 19 COCK – Bred by JJJ Van Der Linde. Sire is bred from BELG 6060764 ’16 (Houben, from Jelle Roziers) x SK 01408-13-163 M (Klinkhammer/Houben from Peter Trost). Dam is ZA BPF 0109 ’18 “JJJ’s Superior Dream”. Inbred 8 x “Limoges” and 4 x to super breeder “Miss Joice” line, nr 1 breeder for Out of Africa. Bred first season (2019) three winners: – ZA DPK 5211 ’18 Boland Transport Trust truck winner, 2673 pigeons – ZA BPF 1501 ’19, 1st Club, 2nd Fed NKPF by 36 seconds, 1251 pigeons – ZA BPF 1502 ’19, 1st Club, 4th Fed SVPV by 1.54 minutes, 367 pigeons ZA BPF 1501 ’19 is a beautiful, small to medium cock, well balanced. Definitely one of my more consistent pigeons. Performances: 1, 7, 16, 3, 8, 9, 20, 24, 15, 4, 21, 28, 22 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: See additional pedigrees for more info. DAM: See additional pedigrees for more info.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 35 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3520 19 COCK – Sire, ZA SRSPV-D 0702 ’16, Tom Lock x Twilight, one of my best stock cocks. He bred ZA NK 5846 ’18 “Theresa”, equal winner on the drop at Hotspot 4, Dinokeng One Loft in 2019. Dam is ZA OERF 02243 ’14, Tom Lock, bred from the R100 000 Egg Cock, Witoog Hen, R80 000 Super Cock, Randburg Hen. ZA HPT 3520 ’19 injured himself early in the season. He is a beautiful, strong cock in the hand. This is something special. His full brother, ZA HPT 3550 ’19 was one of my best and consistent racers in 2020. He flew 8 times in the clock, in 8 weeks. Performances: 9, 8, 20, 16, 26, 27, 13, 45 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Brother Silver Medal” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Bred from a click pair. Brother to 2287/06 Silver medal winner. Halfbrother to 3 of our best ever birds: superhen ‘Golden TT’ 7336/07, ‘Miss Consistency’ 03003/09 & ‘Queen TT’ 13551/09 extraordinary racers. His father 053/05 ‘Little Tom’ is sire to ‘King Tom’ ace breeder ex Dr Gavin Rous that was sold for R60 000 on his auction. He is also halfbrother to: Superbreeder 03005.10 for Piet & Robert Coetzee, a SANPO medal DAM: Strain: Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Something special. The pedigree speaks for itself. Don’t miss out on this one. She will become a great stock hen.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 36 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3535 19 COCK – Sire is lot 1a, ZA THU 16988 ’09 “Estee” Tom Lock bred from the R80 000 Super Cock x SA THU 1648 ’03. Dam is ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” direct daughter to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. ZA HPT 3535 ’19 bred from the best Sablon x Tom Lock blood available in the country. One of the very few direct children of ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” on auction. He is a beautiful, well balanced white flight cock. Performances: 42, 49 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “ESTEE” Strain: 7 X National Ace Lines Color: Blue Check Proven breeder of winners and breeders. Sire to o.a. ZA WPU 11319/12 – 2x winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez – 1st Club, 1st Sect, 1st Union, Sfontein club, Belmont, 367km, vel 1560. His son ZA GRPA 0675/10 breeds winners for A le Roux. His other son ZA GRPA 7147/10 breeds winners for Reuben Liddell Full brother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER middle distance 2010. DAM: Alias “JBM’s GIRL” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Full sister to the – sire of the Winner of the Central Bloem Lofts Final 2016 – sire of the Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013 – grandsire of 2nd Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2015 – sire of 2nd Winners Flight Loft Final race 2015 – sire of ZA GPU 11077/14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 37 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3549 19 COCK – Sire, ZA OOA 138 ’17 “Green Eye810” is direct son to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. Dam is lot 25, ZA 10016 ’16, bred from the R100 000 Egg Cock, Super Pair Hawk Hen, R80 000 Super Cock, Hermien. ZA HPT 3549 ’19 is a beautiful white flight cock, well balanced. Handles very nicely in the hand. Performances: 17 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “GREEN EYE 810” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Silky soft feathering * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED * Full brother to many superbreeders and ONE-LOFT RACE WINNERS and top performers. Full brother to oa: ZA GPU 15026/11 – “CHEEKY” – SUPERBREEDER – Sire to: * ZA GPU 12653/12 – Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts DAM: Strain: Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar White Flt
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 38 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3559 19 COCK – Sire is lot 6, ZA 19620 ’14 bred from the foundation Twilight pair of Johan & Mark King. Full brother to “Golden TT” who is dam to the super “Mirage” of J&M King & “Concord” SANPO gold medal winner 2015 for Alwyn Bester. Dam, ZA NWPF K 4797 ’15, half-sister super hen “Golden TT”. Dam to SANPO gold medal winner and Mirage of J & M King etc. This was a super racing hen. Her very first baby won & was the best yearling. ZA NWPF K 4797 ‘15 bred an equal winner on the drop at Hot Spot 4 race, Dinokeng in 2019 for Danie Scholtz when mated to ZA SRSPV-D 0702 ’16. ZA HPT 3559 ’19 is a beautiful medium cock, well balances. Very nice handler. Performances: 6, 48, 2, 13 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Brother Golden TT” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Bred from the foundation Twilight pair of Johan & Mark King. Full brother to ‘Golden TT’ who is dam to the super ‘Mirage’ of J&M King & ‘Concorde’ SANPO gold medal winner 2015 for Alwyn Bester. She must be one of the best ever breeders in SA. A line of gold medal winners. DAM: Alias “Super Pearl” Strain: Twilight/Turbo Tom/Houben Color: Blue Bar Half sister super hen “Golden TT”. Dam to SANPO gold medal winner and Mirage of J & M King etc. This was a super racing hen. Her very first baby won & was the best yearling. 4797/15 bred a equal winner on the drop at Hot Spot 4 race, Dinokeng in 2019 for Danie Scholtz. Four birds landed together, on the drop. Also a 13th place in Hot Spot 1 race, Dinokeng in 2019. Was 15th Ace pigeon overall at Dinoken 2019.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 39 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3598 19 COCK – Sire, ZA 10150 ’16 is a very nice handling medium sized cock, bred from all the super lines from Tom Lock. ZA 10150 ’16 bred ZA HPT 3569 ’19 “HOPE”, 18th place, Hotspot 2, Richmond, Central Provincial Lofts in 2020. Dam, ZA OOA 384 ’18 is a direct child to ZA GPU 11445 ’15 – 1st Central Provincial Loft Bloemfontein, 596km, velocity 1132 m/min & 4th ACE pigeon. Loft winner of R100 000 prize money. ZA OOA 384 ’18 bred ZA HPT 3569 ’19 “HOPE”, 18th place, Hotspot 2, Richmond, Central Provincial Lofts in 2020. ZA HPT 3598 ’19 is one of my favourites in the racing loft. Full brother to ZAHPT 3569 ’19 “HOPE”. Beautiful blue bar white flight cock and handles like a bullet. Performances: 23, 25, 39 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: R100 000 X Witoog Hen Color: Blue Bar This cock is a great prospect in my stock loft. A very nice handling and medium sized cock. Bred from all the super lines from Tom Lock. DAM: Alias “1ST BLOEM/2NDCARNIVAL” Strain: 1st BLOEM 810 X VRCLOECK Color: Blue Bar W/F Pied * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Direct child to ZA GPU 11445/15 – 1st Cetral Provincial Loft Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132. & 4th Ace Pigeon Loft Winner of R100 000 Prize Money The sire is 1/2 Brother to: ZA OERF 10463/16 – 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017! ZA GRPA 00635/12 “SUNNY BOY” – 14th
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 40 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 4274 19 COCK – Sire, ZA BPF 1026 ’18 bred for stock, his father “Rockey” bred OLR winners. His full brothers and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners! His mother bred double equal OLR winner, her full brother and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners. Dam, ZA 10160 ’16, super bred from Tom Lock’s best. R100 000 Egg cock, Witoog hen, R80 000 Super cock and his click hen, SA THU 1648 ’03 all in her pedigree. ZA HPT 4274 ’19, together with his sister, ZA HPT 4275 ’19, some of the best handlers in my loft. Small to medium sized cock, well balanced, muscled. Full brother to ZA HPT 3527 ’19 “Maite” who raced consistently at Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020. – Race 1, 120km, 28th place (3000 pigeons), velocity 1605 m/min – Race 5, 235km (Hotspot 2), 46th place (2588 pigeons), velocity 1390m/min – At a stage, was the 3rd best ACE pigeon, as well as 3rd best Grand Averages pigeon Performances: 37, 6, 18 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “ROCKY’S GOLD” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Bred for stock, his father “Rocky” bred OLR winner. His full brothers and sisters bred union, federation, OLR winners ! His mother bred double equal OLR winner, her full brother and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners. DAM: Strain: R100 000 X Witoog Hen Color: Blue Bar White Flt A very pretty little hen. Super bred pigeon from Tom Lock’s best.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 41 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 4279 19 COCK – Sire, ZA NK 5826 ’18 (lot 12). Super Racer! (& super breeder in his first nest!) One of my best and consistent racers in 2019! 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019 and 6th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2020. Performances: 32, 24, 13, 14, 3, 16, 7, 5, 13, 26, 17, 15, 11, 7, 9, 25, 29 Dam, lot 29, ZA GPU 4250 ’18 “No pedigree hen” received as a baby from Mark King. Unfortunately, I have no info how she is bred. She is one of my best and consistent racers in 2019 and 2020. She is a small hen in the hand, well balanced with strong muscles. Performances: 12, 17, 6, 11, 2, 4, 29, 18, 9, 20, 2, 11, 5, 9, 8, 37 ZA HPT 4279 ’19 one of my best pigeons in 2020, with his nest mate sister, ZA HPT 4278 ’19. Small cock in the hand, well balanced, muscled. Performances: 3,8, 2, 32, 3, 25 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom X Ma Color: Blue Bar Super Racer ! One of my best and consistent racers in 2019 ! 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019 ! 5826/19 flew the following positions: 32nd (48th fed), 218 km, vel. 1254; 24th, 295km, vel. 1056; 13th, 318km, vel. 1002; 14th, 475km, vel. 1200; 3rd (3rd fed), 436km, vel. 1133; 16th, 475km, vel. 675; DAM: Strain: J&M King X Joe Gomez Color: Blue Bar Pied 5th best Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. 2nd best Middle Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. Bred by J&M King x Joe Gomez. Scored 10 times. 4 of them in the top 10 ! What a racer ! Her achievements (only listing best results): 9th (44th fed), 500km, vel. 1039; 18th (92nd fed), 562km, vel. 1206; 4th (10th fed), 500km, vel. 1173; 2nd (5th
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 42 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5552 20 COCK – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nestmate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 22, ZA 06972 ’15 is a daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. She is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016. ZA NKHP 5552 ’20 very late bred. Hardly got a chance to prove himself in 2020. All his brothers and sisters performed very well for me in 2020. Strong, robust cock in the hand. He will definitely breed to goods! SIRE: Alias “Nestmate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nestmate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Silver Edge” Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. This is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 43 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5575 20 COCK – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nestmate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 16, ZA VNRF 5776 ’11, a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke. ZA VNRF 5776 ‘11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred from one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion. ZA NKHP 5575 ’20 bred for stock. Brother x Sister mating. Both his parents made a huge impact in my loft. Small cock in the hand – handles like a bullet! Muscled and well balanced. I am confident that this cock will produce champions! SIRE: Alias “Nestmate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nestmate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Katy” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar This blue bar hen is a perfect handler. She is a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 5776/11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred our of one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 44 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5615 20 COCK – Sire, ZA OOA 138 ’17 “Green Eye810” is direct son to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. Dam, ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” bred from the best One Day Loft genes. Brother to sister mating, with BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07 grandparents on both sides. ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” dam to lot 11 (ZA PPFD 0695 ‘18 “ROYAL VICTORY”) who flew 24th final Dinokeng One Loft Race 2019, 2min30 seconds after winning pigeon. He also flew 55th place Ventersburg, 13th place Bloemfontein 2, and 172nd place Barzalona race in 2019. His nest mate BPF/D 0694/18 ‘Lindie” Equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird. ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” also dam to 3523 ZA 19 HPT “Carlada”, 2nd place Hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020! One of three direct children available from ZA SVPV 2851 ’17 “JJJ’s Dream” on auction (also see lot 11). ZA NKHP 5615 ’20 bred for stock. Beautiful cock inbred three times to BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. Very special mating! SIRE: Alias “GREEN EYE 810” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * Silky soft feathering * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED * Full brother to many superbreeders and ONE-LOFT RACE WINNERS and top performers. Full brother to oa: ZA GPU 15026/11 – “CHEEKY” – SUPERBREEDER – Sire to: * ZA GPU 12653/12 – Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts DAM: Alias “JJJ’s Dream” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Bred from the best one day loft winning genes ! 2851/17 bred ‘Lindie’ BPF/D 0694/18 Equal final winner Sonskyn OLR 2019, 663km vel. 1186, 50th Ace Bird Nest mate ‘Royal Victory’ BPF/D 0695/18 24th final Dinokeng One Loft Race 2019, 2min30 seconds after winning pigeon. She also flew 55th place Ventersburg, 13th place Bloemfontein 2, and 172nd place Barzalona
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 45 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NK 5838 18 HEN – Sire, ZA WPU/D 1479 /17, one of my most consistent racers in 2018. He flew 21st, 217km, vel. 1230; 14th, 226km, vel. 1111; 11th, 294km, vel. 1265; 6th, 318km, vel. 1055; 26th, 382km, vel. 1305; 20th, 409km, vel. 1043; Dam, NK HPT 1272 ‘17 2nd best pigeon in my loft in 2018! She flew 5th, 294km, vel. 1362; 7th, 382km, vel. 1462; 18th, 500km, vel. 1138; 17th, 519km, vel. 1214; 11th, 625km, vel. 910; 4th, 625km, vel. 1105 ZA NK 5838 ‘18 my best long-distance racing hen for 2019. Best Long-Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Club for 2019. She flew 10 times in the clock, 6 of them on the long distance, 6 of them top 10 positions in 2019. 2nd best pigeon in Hopetown Club for 2020, with only 10 out of 15 races flown. Performances: 19, 9, 9, 47, 8, 19, 4, 2, 24, 5, 30, 2, 3, 16, 35, 9, 29, 19, 4, 4 Please see additional info for all positions flown. She is a small little champion. The best pigeon I have ever raced. She can fly slow races, fast races, tough races, hot races, windy races, etc. Very consistent. SIRE: Strain: Jas Zwiegers Color: Blue Bar Very consistant racer before getting injured. Bred by Jas Zwiegers. Sire to best Long Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019 ! His achievements: 21st, 217km, vel. 1230; 14th, 226km, vel. 1111; 11th, 294km, vel. 1265; 6th, 318km, vel. 1055; 26th, 382km, vel. 1305; 20th, 409km, vel. 1043; DAM: Strain: Jas Zwiegers Color: Grizzle 2nd Best pigeon in my loft in 2018 ! Bred by Jas Zwiegers. Dam to NK 5838/18, best Long Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019 ! Her achievements: 5th, 294km, vel. 1362; 7th, 382km, vel. 1462; 18th, 500km, vel. 1138; 17th, 519km, vel. 1214; 11th, 625km, vel. 910; 4th, 625km, vel. 1105
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 47 – Danie Scholtz – ZA 91439 18 HEN – Sire, ZA 15025’13 owned by Ferdie Coetzer. Nestmate brother to ZA 15026 ’13 (lot 5). Both these cocks are in and line bred to the famous Brahman. ZA 15025 ‘13 is perfect in every way. His half-sister bred the best bird overall in Pretoria Combine 2016. Dam is lot 16, ZA VNRF 5776 ’11, full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird “Marissa”. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird “Something Splendid”. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 “Marissa” bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke. ZA 91439 ’18 bred by Ferdie Coetzer, flown by me. Super hen in the hand. Performances: 27, 45, 33, 4, 6, 48, 43, 14, 11, 23, 42 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied This cock is in and line bred to the famous Brahman. He is perfect in every way. He has clicked with ZA VNRF 0232/13 Lou Wouter hen. His half-sister bred the best bird overall in Pretoria Combine 2016. Very special pigeon. DAM: Alias “Katy” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar This blue bar hen is a perfect handler. She is a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 5776/11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred our of one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 48 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3506 19 HEN – Sire, ZA PWF 7010 ‘17 flew at Carnival Lofts 27th Vic Wes 705km, 32nd Richmond 648km, 70th Vic Wes 705km. Grandparents are foundation breeders for Boshoffs Pigeon Lofts. Sire is bred from Super pair 170 x 08247 who breeds multiple winners. Dam is bred from Super pair Estee x Insomnia who breeds multiple winners. Dam is a direct child to ZA GPU 11445/15 – 1st Central Provincial Loft Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132. & 4th Ace Pigeon. Loft winner of R100 000 Prize Money. The sire is 1/2 Brother to: ZA OERF 10463/16 – 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017! ZA GRPA 00635/12 “SUNNY BOY” – 14th Place Prize Winner of R14 000 Final Race Dinokeng. The dam Full SISTER to ZA OERF 10463/16 – 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017! ZA HPT 3506 ‘19 is a beautiful hen, well balanced. She bred a winner, ZA HPT 3597 ’19, in her first nest, mated to lot 33, ZA NK 5855 ‘18. Performances: 49, 31, 6, 9, 15, 10, 30, 30, 48, 20, 48 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “GSON ESTEE X INSOMNIA” Strain: Claus/Sierens/Oscar/Aelbr Color: Blue Bar 7010 flew at Carnival Lofts 27th Vic Wes 705km, 32nd Richmond 648km, 70th Vic Wes 705km. Grandparents are foundation breeders for Boshoffs Pigeon Lofts. Sire is bred from Super pair 170 x 08247 who breeds multiple winners. Dam is bred from Super pair Estee x Insomnia who breeds multiple winners. Sold to Marius Wiid. DAM: Alias “1ST BLOEM/2NDCARNIVAL” Strain: 1st BLOEM 810 X VRCLOECK Color: Blue Bar W/F Pied * Balanced * Muscled * Louvred wing * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Direct child to ZA GPU 11445/15 – 1st Cetral Provincial Loft Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132. & 4th Ace Pigeon Loft Winner of R100 000 Prize Money The sire is 1/2 Brother to: ZA OERF 10463/16 – 2nd Carnival City Winter Race Final 2017! ZA GRPA 00635/12 “SUNNY BOY” – 14th
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 49 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3510 19 HEN – Sire is lot 4, ZA 10003 ’13, bred from 2 of the very best birds. He is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. ZA 10003 ’13 bred the best yearling in my loft in 2020, lot 55, ZA HPT 3546 ’19. Dam, ZA 17005 ’12, was a top long-distance racer. Daughter to super breeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nestmate sister, lot 18 (ZA 17006 ’12) was a super breeder for Johan Boonzaaier ZA HPT 3510 ’19 is a beautiful hen, with a beautiful temperament. She is full sister to lot 55, ZA HPT 3546 ’19, the best yearling in my loft for 2020. Performances: 46, 36 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “10003” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock together with his nestmate brother is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is halfsister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. DAM: Alias “Daughter Turbo Magic” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top long distance racer. Daughter to superbreeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nestmate sister is a superbreeder for Johan Boonzaaier.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 50 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3511 19 HEN – Sire is lot 4, ZA 10003 ’13, bred from 2 of the very best birds. He is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. ZA 10003 ’13 bred the best yearling in my loft in 2020, lot 55, ZA HPT 3546 ’19. Dam, ZA 17005 ’12, was a top long-distance racer. Daughter to super breeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nest mate sister, lot 18 (ZA 17006 ’12) was a super breeder for Johan Boonzaaier ZA HPT 3511 ’19 is a medium hen and handles very nicely. She is full sister to lot 55, ZA HPT 3546 ’19, the best yearling in my loft for 2020. Performances: 35, 32, 30, 40 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “10003” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock together with his nest mate brother is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. DAM: Alias “Daughter Turbo Magic” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top long distance racer. Daughter to super breeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nest mate sister is a super breeder for Johan Boonzaaier.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 51 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3516 19 HEN – Sire, ZA 10004 ’13 is bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock together with his nest mate brother, ZA 10003 ’13 is very good breeders of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister ‘Queen Bee’ Twilight best bird union and super breeder. Dam is lot 18, ZA 17006 ’12, bought from Johan Boonzaaier, bred by J&M King. Bred from a click pair. Her brothers and sisters are very good breeders. J&M King’s best yearling racer and the next year she was their best old bird. Super breeder and dam to very good racers. One of the best ever bred from this pair. ZA HPT 3516 ’19 is bred out of my best Twilight pigeons. She flew a couple of good places. Beautiful blue bar hen. Performances: 9, 4, 12, 47 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock together with his nest mate brother is very good breeders of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister ‘Queen Bee’ Twilight best bird union and super breeder. DAM: Alias “Miss Consistent” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Bred from a click pair. Her brothers and sisters are very good breeders. Our best yearling racer and the next year she was our best old bird. Super breeder and dam to very good racers. One of the best ever bred from this pair.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 52 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3540 19 HEN – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 22, ZA 06972 ’15 is a daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. She is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016. ZA HPT ZA HPT 3540 ’19 flew a couple of good places. All her brothers and sisters performed very well for me in 2020. Performances: 24, 3, 11 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Nest mate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Silver Edge” Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. This is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 53 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3541 19 HEN – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 22, ZA 06972 ’15 is a daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. She is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016. ZA HPT 3541 ’19 one of my best performers for the season. A lovely, medium hen in the hand. All her brothers and sisters performed very well for me in 2020. Performances: 1, 18, 9, 34, 24, 37 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Nest mate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Silver Edge” Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. This is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 54 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3542 19 HEN – Sire is lot 10, ZA GPU 02304 ’17, my best Twilight Cock. Dam is lot 20, ZA 00342 ’15, my best Twilight Hen. ZA HPT 3542 ’19 bred from my nr 1 Twilight pair. Full sister to lot 12, ZA NK 5826 ’18, one of my best and consistent racers in 2019 and 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019. Also, full sister to lot 33, ZA NK 5855 ’18, who bred a winner, ZA HPT 3597 ’19, in his first nest, mated to lot 48, ZA HPT 3506 ’19. Performances: 42, 23, 6, 22 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Check Linebred Twilight bred from a click pair. Sire flew 2nd main race Barzalona Dinokeng lofts. Dam out of our best ever. DAM: Strain: Twilight X Marieke Color: Blue Bar Super racer. Her nestmate brother is the no 1 breeder for Charl Kruger. Best of this family in this hen. The sire is a cousin of Golden TT. He is bred from ‘Turbo Magic’ our foundation Twilight cock. He is a brother to Moneymaker the sire of Golden TT
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 55 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 3546 19 HEN – Sire is lot 4, ZA 10003 ’13, bred from 2 of the very best birds. He is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. ZA 10003 ’13 bred the best yearling in my loft in 2020, lot 55, ZA HPT 3546 ’19. Dam, ZA 17005 ’12, was a top long-distance racer. Daughter to super breeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nest mate sister, lot 18 (ZA 17006 ’12) was a super breeder for Johan Boonzaaier ZA HPT 3546 ’19 is a beautiful, medium hen, with a beautiful temperament. She is the best yearling in my loft for 2020, and the 12th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2020 (I only raced 10 out of 15 races). Performances: 16, 1, 3, 18, 4, 7, 40 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “10003” Strain: Twilight X Tom Lock Color: Blue Bar Bred from 2 of the very best birds. This cock together with his nest mate brother is a very good breeder of excellent racers. One of the best grandsons of the Twilight ‘Egg cock’ of Dr. Gavin Rous. His dam is half-sister to ‘Queen Bee’, Twilight best bird union and super breeder. DAM: Alias “Daughter Turbo Magic” Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom Color: Blue Bar Top long distance racer. Daughter to super breeding cock ‘Turbo Magic’ who is a brother to ‘Moneymaker’ the father of the famous ‘Golden TT’. This hen is also a granddaughter of our foundation hen ‘Twilight Pearl’. Top breeding hen of middle to long distance racers. Her nest mate sister is a super breeder for Johan Boonzaaier.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 57 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 4275 19 HEN – Sire, ZA BPF 1026 ’18 bred for stock, his father “Rockey” bred OLR winners. His full brothers and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners! His mother bred double equal OLR winner, her full brother and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners. Dam, ZA 10160 ’16, super bred from Tom Lock’s best. R100 000 Egg cock, Witoog hen, R80 000 Super cock and his click hen, SA THU 1648 ’03 all in her pedigree. ZA HPT 4275 ’19, together with her brother, ZA HPT 4274 ’19, some of the best handlers in my loft. Small to medium sized cock, well balanced, muscled. Full brother to ZA HPT 3527 ’19 “Maite” who raced consistently at Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020. Performances: 1, 29 Please see additional info for all positions flown. What makes this win very special to me, is that ZA HPT 4275 ’19 won the club with almost 08 minutes, as well as my first Federation win ever!! SIRE: Alias “ROCKY’S GOLD” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Bred for stock, his father “Rocky” bred OLR winner. His full brothers and sisters bred union, federation, OLR winners ! His mother bred double equal OLR winner, her full brother and sisters bred union, federation and OLR winners. DAM: Strain: R100 000 X Witoog Hen Color: Blue Bar White Flt A very pretty little hen. Super bred pigeon from Tom Lock’s best.
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 58 – Danie Scholtz – ZA HPT 4278 19 HEN – Sire, ZA NK 5826 ’18 (lot 12). Super Racer! (& super breeder in his first nest!) One of my best and consistent racers in 2019! 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019 and 6th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2020. Performances: 32, 24, 13, 14, 3, 16, 7, 5, 13, 26, 17, 15, 11, 7, 9, 25, 29 Dam is ZA GPU 4250 ’18 “No pedigree hen” received as a baby from Mark King. Unfortunately, I have no info how she is bred. She is one of my best and consistent racers in 2019 and 2020. She is a small hen in the hand, well balanced with strong muscles. Performances: 12, 17, 6, 11, 2, 4, 29, 18, 9, 20, 2, 11, 5, 9, 8, 37 ZA HPT 4278 ’19 one of my best pigeons in 2020, with her nest mate brother, ZA HPT 4279 ’19. Small hen in the hand, well balanced, muscled. Performances: 31, 6, 33, 8, 1, 30 Please see additional info for all positions flown. She flew a win from Prince Albert, winning with a 13min 25 second margin!! SIRE: Strain: Twilight X Turbo Tom X Ma Color: Blue Bar Super Racer ! One of my best and consistent racers in 2019 ! 9th best pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club for 2019 ! 5826/19 flew the following positions: 32nd (48th fed), 218 km, vel. 1254; 24th, 295km, vel. 1056; 13th, 318km, vel. 1002; 14th, 475km, vel. 1200; 3rd (3rd fed), 436km, vel. 1133; 16th, 475km, vel. 675; DAM: Strain: J&M King X Joe Gomez Color: Blue Bar Pied 5th best Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. 2nd best Middle Distance Pigeon in Hopetown Pigeon Club in 2019. Bred by J&M King x Joe Gomez. Scored 10 times. 4 of them in the top 10 ! What a racer ! Her achievements (only listing best results): 9th (44th fed), 500km, vel. 1039; 18th (92nd fed), 562km, vel. 1206; 4th (10th fed), 500km, vel. 1173; 2nd (5th
Winning Bid: R1,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 59 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5551 20 HEN – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 22, ZA 06972 ’15 is a daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. She is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016. ZA NKHP 5551 ’20 very late bred. Hardly got a chance to prove herself in 2020. All her brothers and sisters performed very well for me in 2020. Beautiful, medium hen in the hand. One of my best handlers. Performances: 22, 2, 44, 32 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “Nest mate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Silver Edge” Strain: Spritzy Color: Blue Bar Pied Daughter to wonder breeder TRPF 2300/02. This is a fantastic Spritzy hen. She is bred from the very best Spritzy performers. Her sire is undoubtedly the best Spritzy cock. Her dam is bred from the ‘Unrung Cock’ and his click hen who produced champions like 20429/06, 20428/06, 2033/08 and 7098/07 who bred best bird overall Pretoria Combine 2016.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 60 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5567 20 HEN – Sire is lot 1a, ZA THU 16988 ’09 “Estee” Tom Lock bred from the R80 000 Super Cock x SA THU 1648 ’03. Dam is ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” direct daughter to golden mating BELG 4253810 ’07 x BELG 4138855 ’07. ZA HPT 3535 ’19 bred from the best Sablon x Tom Lock blood available in the country. One of the very few direct children of ZA CYRIL’s 4864 ’14 “JBM’s Girl” on auction. ZA NKHP 5567 ’20 very late bred. Hardly got a chance to prove herself in 2020. She is a beautiful, small to medium hen in the hand. She carries all the correct genes to produce champions! Performances: 10 Please see additional info for all positions flown. SIRE: Alias “ESTEE” Strain: 7 X National Ace Lines Color: Blue Check Proven breeder of winners and breeders. Sire to o.a. ZA WPU 11319/12 – 2x winner. Raced by Clinton Fernandez – 1st Club, 1st Sect, 1st Union, Sfonteinclub, Belmont, 367km, vel 1560. His son ZA GRPA 0675/10 breeds winners for A le Roux. His other son ZA GRPA 7147/10 breeds winners for Reuben Liddell Full brother to SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER middle distance 2010. DAM: Alias “JBM’s GIRL” Strain: 810 SABLON COLLECTION Color: Blue Bar Full sister to the – sire of the Winner of the Central Bloem Lofts Final 2016 – sire of the Winner of Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013 – grandsire of 2nd Final Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2015 – sire of 2nd Winners Flight Loft Final race 2015 – sire of ZA GPU 11077/14 – 2nd Ace Pigeon
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 61 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5577 20 HEN – Sire is lot 2, ZA VNRF 1233 ’10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke Dam is lot 16, ZA VNRF 5776 ’11, a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232 ‘10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria-Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke. ZA VNRF 5776 ‘11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred from one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion. ZA NKHP 5577 ’20 bred for stock. Brother x Sister mating. Both her parents made a huge impact in my loft. A very nice hen in the hand, muscled and well balanced. I am confident that this hen will produce champions! SIRE: Alias “Nest mate Brother Marissa” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar ZA VNRF 1233/10 is the Nest mate Brother to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. He is also brother to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 1232/10 ‘Marissa’ bred the Victoria- Falls World Pigeon Race winner in 2018, bred by Witpen Hokke DAM: Alias “Katy” Strain: Coetzer And Oerlemans Color: Blue Bar This blue bar hen is a perfect handler. She is a full sister to Dinokeng International One Loft Race ace bird ‘Marissa’. She is also sister to SAPIR One Loft Race ace bird ‘Something Splendid’. ZA VNRF 5776/11 has produced winners including best birds with two different cocks. She is bred our of one of the very best One Loft pairs in the RSA. She is a medium to small little champion.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 62 – Danie Scholtz – ZA NKHP 5582 20 HEN – Sire, ZA TRPF 08530 ’13, half-brother to sister mating back to the R80 000 cock. Super breeding. Full brother to “The King” super breeder for Neil Chalmers. Also, full brother to TRPF/D 25231/11, super racer for Schmidt & Bouwer. His mother, ZA THU 09368 ’08 “Lock’s Pretty Hen” or “Oogappel”, foundation breeder for JBM Hertzog and for JJJ Van Der Linde. ZA TRPF 08530 ’13 sire to 3523 ZA 19 HPT “Carlada”, 2nd place Hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2020! Dam, ZA 82224 ’18, bred a One Loft Winner in her first nest with me. She bred ZA NKHP 5565 ‘20, 1st place Hotspot 3, Winter Series 2020, Allflight Carnival Lofts. ZA NKHP 5565 ’20 also the short distance ACE pigeon at Winter Series 2020, Allflight Carnival Lofts. ZA NKHP 5565 ’20 also 26th best Ace Pigeon Overall at Allflight Carnival Lofts, Winter Series 2020. ZA HPT 5582 ’20 bred for stock. Father to Daughter Mating. The best of Tom Lock! Muscled, well balanced hen, with One Loft Winning Genes all over her pedigree. A must buy! SIRE: Alias “DNA P1500026” Strain: Inbred R80 000 Super Cock Color: Blue Bar White Flt Sire to 3523 ZA 19 HPT, Carlada, 2nd place Hotspot 3, Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon race 2020. Half-brother to sister mating back to the R80 000 cock. Super breeding. Full brother to “The King” super breeder for Neil Chalmers. Also full brother to TRPF/D 25231/11, super racer for Schmidt & Bouwer, flown 4 times in DAM: Strain: Alwyn Bester Color: Blue Bar Pied Tom Lock at its best. Super bred.
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished