Corrie Naudé Testimonial:
Vernon Johnson Testimonial:
A word from Corrie Naude himself:
“Return Flojo” Grand Average winner SAMDPR 2017 - 2018:
Return Flojo (CHN 17-0227000), One of the best pigeons ever raced in SAMDPR :

Showing all 24 results
.LOT 98 – Corrie Naude – ZA TRPF 4661 16 COCK – Seabiscuit Sanpo Gold Medal Winner: This cock flew 4th, 5th, and 3 x 8th in the Long distances and was leading for the best bird in the TRPF averages when I stopped him and put him to stock. Dries Kruger phoned me to say this cock is leading the averages and I told him I put him straight to stock, I’m not going to race it any further. He proved himself. This bird’s genetics is from the best – Seabiscuit & Vicky the Sanpo Gold Medal Winners. See the pedigree. SIRE: Colour: BWFL Spritzie This cock bred me very good birds in the Race Loft so I decided to put him to stock. DAM: Colour: BB This is an inbred hen of Seabiscuit. A father-daughter mating. She bred very good babies with all cocks a mated her too.
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
.LOT 99 – Corrie Naude – ZA TRPF 2320 19 COCK – This cock is the heart of Houben-Clausing birds. He has excellent Houben-Clausing winning genetics. Look at the Pedigree. Never Say Die and the brother of Never Say Die is in this pedigree. Great Grandfather on both sides was Houben’s “Evert”. Do not miss this bird. SIRE: Colour: MIEL This cock was bred for stock. An inbred cock to “Never Say Die”. It is on both sides of the pedigree. You can’t get better Houben-Clausing birds. The top genetics from Houben-Clausing is in this bird. DAM: Colour: BB John Froelich-Clausing I purchased this bird on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. The mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 100 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 12813 18 COCK – This cock was bred in the race loft and I put him directly to stock, because both sides were excellent races and breeders. This cock has very good winning genetics in him. SIRE: COLESBURG WINNER Colour: MIEL Seabiscuit-Houben-Clausing This cock won Colesburg in 2018 in the GPU. I bred babies from him in the raceloft. DAM: Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This hen was the 3rd best in the Middle distance in 2018. Her sister, BB H ZA17 GPU 12967, was the best Middle distance pigeon in 2017 in the Gauteng Pigeon Union. I’ve put all the cocks of this pair to stock and produced excellent winning pigeons.
Winning Bid: R5,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 101 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 09395 16 COCK – This cock has already bred a Union winner in 2018 as well as very consistent babies. This is a very well-bred cock. Sire is a Gerrits cock that I bought on a MDPR auction. The Dam is a Vandenabeele. She was one of the best top performing birds on the SCMDPR. She was the average winner until the final race. On the final race day she was late. She is from the best Gaby Vandenabeele bloodline to the Wittenbuik. SIRE: Colour: BB Harry Gerrits I bought this cock on one of the MDPR auctions. DAM: HETTI Colour: BB Vandenabeele She is one of the best top performing birds on the SCMDPR. She was the average winner until the final race. On the final race day she was late. She is from the best Gaby Vandenabeele bloodline to the Wittenbuik.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 102 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 05233 15 COCK – This cock won Hanover and was also 3rd from Bloemfontein in Alberton club. He is also the grandson of Seabiscuit the Sanpo Gold medal winner and Sanpo Silver medal winner. Excellent cock. Any pigeon out of Seabiscuit is good and breed good babies. SIRE: Colour: BB Goue Medalje Sanpo The father of this cock is the SANPO Gold Medal winner over All Distances. The mother is the SANPO Gold Medal winner Short Distance. This cock bred me very good pigeon and winner with every hen I mated him too. DAM: KLAUS Colour: BB Klaus Stieneke This pigeon was purchased on the SAMDPR sale from Klaus Stieneker.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 103 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3788 18 HEN – This hen is bred out of my best Spritzies mated to Seabiscuit. The Dam was an inbred hen bred for stock out of my Bib Spritzie Cock. My no. 1 Spritzie cock that I mated to my no. 1 Spritzie Hen. A father-daughter mating. This is the best Spritzies I got that bred me consistent winners. The Sire is out of Seabiscuit my Sanpo Gold Medal winner and my no. 1 Spritzie hen. See the pedigree. SIRE: SEABISCUIT/SPRITZIE Colour: BB Seabiscuit-Spritzie This bird bred me winners and is a son of Seabiscuit the SANPO Gold Medal winner over all distances that bred very good pigeons wherever they went. The mother is an inbred Spritzie which was a 2 x winner that became the mother of my Spritzie bloodline. DAM: Colour: WPD Inbred Spritzie She was bred for stock out of my Bib Spritzie Cock. My no. 1 Spritzie cock. Mated to my no. 1 Spritzie Hen. This is the best Spritzies I got that bred me consistant winners.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 104 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3188 18 HEN – This is a beautiful hen that I kept for stock. See the pedigree. The Sire bred good youngsters with different hens. He is out of my click pair. I bought the Dam on the MDPR auction at Alberton club from Norman Tiggemann. She bred me excellent babies. I imported 4 inbred Kaasboer babies from Norman Tiggemann after the excellent performance of his birds. SIRE: CLICK PAIR Colour: CH Houben-Clausing-Kleine Dirk This cock bred good youngsters with different hens. DAM: VD WOUWER/JANSEN Colour: BB Vd Wouwer-Jansen I bought this hen on the MDPR auction at Alberton club from Norman Tiggemann. She has bred me excellent babies. I asked Willi van Beers to go back to Norman Tiggemann to sell me inbred Kaasboer babies. I then bought 3 inbred Kaasboer babies from him.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 105 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3085 18 COCK – This is a very nice cock and well bred. The Sire of this cock was bred out of “GABY L & HETTI”. They were both great racers and top performers in the SCMDPR in different years in the Hot Spot races. They were both leading the averages, but was late on the final race and it cost them the averages at the end. The Dam is a brother-sister mating and was bred for stock to keep the bloodline. Inbred Kaasboer/Vd Wouwer blood.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 106 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3083 18 COCK – This cock is bred out of excellent performing birds and breeders. The Sire of this bird was bred out of top performance pigeons from the SAMDPR. I mated them together to keep the genetics of the performance pigeons. The Dam is a Nest mate Sister to my number 1 Ziko SA Jnr Cock. Excellent breeder. Mated to any cock, I keep clocking the babies. SIRE: GABBY L Colour: BB Las Vladimir-Vandenabeele This cock was bred out of top performance pigeons from the SAMDPR. I mated them together to keep the genetics of the performance pigeons. DAM: ZIKO SA JNR NEST MATE Colour: BB Inbred Houben-Clausing Sister to my number ZIKO SA JNR. Cock. Excellent breeder. Mated to any cock, I keep clocking the babies.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 107 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3059 18 HEN – Bred out of the best of Houben-Clausing you can lay your hands on. See pedigree. SIRE: INBRED HOUBEN-CLAUSING Colour: MIEL Houben-Clausing The father of this cock is the brother of the SAMDPR “Never Say Die”. His grandfather is “Evert”. DAM: INBRED NEVER SAY DIE Colour: BB Inbred Houben-Clausing This pigeon is bred for stock to keep the genes. Both parenst bred winners. The Dam is the mother of Ben Steyn’s top cock that bred 20 winners.
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 108 – Corrie Naude – ZA 105612 18 COCK – All the pigeons in the pedigree of the Sire carry the winning genetics of pigeons that flew top positions in the MDPR on the Houben side. (Best Western, Sun Artiest, Silvano, Rica) On the Clausing side (Evert, Fiara, Rico, Ziko, Dana, Full Sister to 410) The Dam is out of the Spritzie genetics. Out of Spritzie herself.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 109 – Corrie Naude – ZA 105634 18 HEN – This hen won Springfontein Union in 2018 as a 4 month old baby in the Old bird section. She also flew other positions. An excellent racer. Her Sire is also on this auction. SIRE: ON OF HETTI Colour: BB Vandenabeele This cock has already bred a Union winner in 2018 as well as very consistent babies. This is a very well-bred cock. Sire is a Gerrits cock that I bought on a MDPR auction. The Dam is a Vandenabeele. She was one of the best top performing birds on the SCMDPR. DAM: Colour: BB This hen bred me winners. This is a father-daughter inbred mating. The Sire and the Dam was purchased on the MDPR by Paul Smith. Winning genetics.
Winning Bid: R4,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 110 – Corrie Naude – ZA 28130 16 COCK – This is a brother of Ben Steyns’ cock that he bought from me. The deal was, if the Cock do not produce winners he can bring the cock back and can select any cock from my stock loft. To confirm phone 082 771 7020. This Cock bred 20 winners for him. SIRE: THE BEST Colour: BB Clausing This cock bred excellent pigeons. Even his youngsters breed winners. One of his Daughters is a 2 x Fedaration Winner.Top Houben-Clausing winning blood line. DAM: JOHN FROELICH Colour: BB John Froelich-Clausing I purchased this bird on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. The mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 111 – Corrie Naude – ZA TRPF 4666 16 HEN – This pigeon was bred out of the Combine Pair winners. I bred her for stock to keep the winning genetics. The Sire was the Cradock winner in 2015 from 700km. 1st Club, 1st Division and 4th Fed. Only bird on the day. Beaten in hour of darkness pushing him to 4th Fed. Combine winner in 2016 from Springfontein, 500km. 7633 pigeons, 650 pigeon fanciers. Velocity 1149.217 m/m. 1st year he bred 4 babies, 3 winners. The Dam was the BBP hen that won the Gauteng Combine Race from Winburg against 8019 pigeons at a velocity of 1937.930 m/m. She is also a sister to my SANPO Silver Medal Short Distance Winner in 2013. I paired the two Combine winners together and bred four babies and three of them were winners. What great pigeons. SIRE: COMBINE WINNER Colour: CH Houben-Clausing-Spritzie Cradock winner in 2015 from 700km. 1st Club, 1st Division and 4th Fed. Only bird on the day. Beaten in hour of darkness pushing him to 4th Fed. Combine winner in 2016 from Springfontein, 500km. 7633 pigeons, 650 pigeon fanciers. Velocity 1149.217 m/m. 1st year he bred 4 babies, 3 winners. DAM: COMBINE WINNER Colour: BBPD Houben-Clausing-Spritzie This BBP hen won the Gauteng Combine Race from Winburg against 8019 pigeons at a velocity of 1937.930 m/m. She is allso a sister to my SANPO Silver Medal Short Distance Winner in 2013. I paired the two Combine winners together and bred four babies and three of them were winners.
Winning Bid: R6,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 112 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 105638 18 HEN – Sister to 106021 ZA 18. This Hen was bred for stock out of my no. 1 breeding Houben-Clausing cock that was a son of Ziko SA of which this was the last babies before he became unfertile. It is one of the last cocks bred like this that I had in my stock loft. Excellent proven breeder. The Dam of this Hen is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. She is the mother of the best Middle Distance pigeon in 2017 and the 3rd best pigeon in 2018. Her sons also bred winners of which I put to stock. SIRE: ZIKO SA JNR. INBRED Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This is my no. 1 breeding Houben-Clausing cock. He is a son of ZIKO SA of which this was the last baby before he became unfertile. It is one of the last cocks bred like this that I have in my stock loft. Excellent proven breeder. The Dam was bred by Henri and Petra Stiglingh. DAM: TOP BREEDER MEALY Colour: MIEL Inbred Houben-Clausing She is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. She is the mother of the best middel distance pigeon in 2017 and the 3rd best pigeon in 2018. Her sons also breed winners of which I put to stock.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 113 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 12822 18 COCK – There is excellent winning genetics in this bird as this cock was bred out of the Sire that was my Expensive ring and also the brother of the Cradock winner in 2015 from 700km. 1st Club, 1st Division and 4th Fed. Only bird on the day. Beaten in hour of darkness pushing him to 4th Fed. The Dam won Springfontein Union in 2018 as a 4 month old baby in the Old bird section. She also flew other SIRE: EXPENSIVE RING Colour: BB Houben-Clausing-Spritzie This cock is an Expensive ring and he is the brother of the Cradock winner in 2015 from 700km. 1st Club, 1st Division and 4th Fed. Only bird on the day. Beaten in hour of darkness pushing him to 4th Fed. DAM: Colour: BB Vandenabeele-Regency Lofts This hen won Springfontein Union in 2018 as a 4 month old baby in the Old bird section. She also flew other positions. An excellent racer. Her Sire is also on this auction.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 114 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 10885 15 COCK – This cock was bred for stock as his Sire bred excellent pigeons. One of the Sire’s Daughters was a 2 x Federation Winner. I purchased the Dam on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. She is also the mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners. Top Houben-Clausing winning blood line. SIRE: THE BEST Colour: BB Clausing This cock bred excellent pigeons. Even his youngsters breed winners. One of his Daughters is a 2 x Fedaration Winner.Top Houben-Clausing winning blood line. DAM: JOHN FROELICH Colour: BB John Froelich-Clausing I purchased this bird on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. The mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners.This cock was bred for stock as his Sire bred excellent pigeons. One of the Sire’s Daughters was a 2 x Federation Winner. I purchased the Dam on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. She is also the mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners. Top Houben-Clausing winning blood line. SIRE: THE BEST Colour: BB Clausing This cock bred excellent pigeons. Even his youngsters breed winners. One of his Daughters is a 2 x Fedaration Winner.Top Houben-Clausing winning blood line. DAM: JOHN FROELICH Colour: BB John Froelich-Clausing I purchased this bird on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. The mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 115 – Corrie Naude – ZA 106021 18 HEN – Sister to 105638 ZA 18. This Hen was bred for stock out of my no. 1 breeding Houben-Clausing cock that was a son of Ziko SA of which this was the last babies before he became unfertile. It is one of the last cocks bred like this that I had in my stock loft. Excellent proven breeder. The Dam of this Hen is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. She is the mother of the best Middle Distance pigeon in 2017 and the 3rd best pigeon in 2018. Her sons also bred winners of which I put to stock. SIRE: ZIKO SA JNR. INBRED Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This is my no. 1 breeding Houben-Clausing cock. He is a son of ZIKO SA of which this was the last baby before he became unfertile. It is one of the last cocks bred like this that I have in my stock loft. Excellent proven breeder. The Dam was bred by Henri and Petra Stiglingh. DAM: TOP BREEDER MEALY Colour: MIEL Inbred Houben-Clausing She is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. She is the mother of the best middel distance pigeon in 2017 and the 3rd best pigeon in 2018. Her sons also breed winners of which I put to stock.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 116 – Corrie Naude – ZA 31213 14 HEN – This Hen bred winners and excellent babies. She is the nestmate to 31214 ZA 14 (Ziko SA Jnr.) Bred out of my no. 1 breeding Houben-Clausing cock. He is a son of Ziko SA of which this was the last baby before he became unfertile. It is one of the last cocks bred like this that I have in my stock loft. Excellent proven breeder. SIRE: ZIKO SA Colour: BB Houben-Clausing I bought this BB Cock AU 03 DON HART 225 on the SAMDPR auction as his name was “PUBLIC AFFAIRS”. I renamed him “ZIKO SA” . This cock was an inbred to Clausing’s ZIKO number 1 cock and was a son of Houben’s BELG ZIKO Cock. All these pigions became legendary super breeding pigeons. DAM: HENRI STIGLING BB HEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This pigeon was bred by Henri and Petra Stigling out of their best Clausing bloodline.
Winning Bid: R7,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 118 – Corrie Naude – AU 16555 14 HEN – I purchased this bird on the SAMDPR sale in 2015. She bred me excellent babies. The mother of Ben Steyn’s cock that bred him 20 winners. The Dam is an Inbred, “410” with “Never Say Die”. The best with the best. See pedigree. SIRE: JOHN FROELICH John Froelich No pedigree. DAM: INBRED TO CLAUSING 410 Colour: BB Clausing A daughter of “410”
Winning Bid: R5,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 119 – Corrie Naude – ZA 29997 15 HEN – This Hen is a full sister to my no. 1 Mielie Hen (29920) that bred me all the good birds. She also bred with the same Ziko Jnr. excellent babies. She is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. The grandfather of this hen is the brother of the SAMDPR “Never Say Die” and his grandfather is “Evert”. The Dam’s parents I mated to keep the winning genetics. SIRE: INBRED HOUBEN-CLAUSING Colour: MIEL Houben-Clausing The father of this cock is the brother of the SAMDPR “Never Say Die”. His grandfather is “Evert”. DAM: Colour: BWFL Clausing I mated the Sire and Dam to keep the winning genetics. The Dam is an exceptional racer and breeder.
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 120 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 01700 17 HEN – This Hen is very well bred. She flew me a 2nd position from Richmond and other minor positions. The Sire is out of my Click Pair Kleine Dirk Houben-Clausing birds. The Dam is bred out of the Gauteng Provincial Combine Pair and she was bred for stock. This was an excellent crossing between 2 winning families. SIRE: Colour: BB Houben-Clausing-Kleine Dirk-Kanniba This cock is bred out of my click pair. This pair bred me excellent birds, Federation winners and Expensive ring race where I got 1st & 2nd from Richmond. The Sire is an Inbred Kleine Dirk-Koopman and the Dam is an Inbred Houben-Clausing called the Pearl Hen. This pair of babies gave me a lot of joy DAM: Colour: WPD Combine Pair This pigeon was bred for stock out of the Combine Pair winners. The Sire was the Cradock winner in 2015 from 700km. 1st Club, 1st Division and 4th Fed. Only bird on the day. The Dam was the BBP hen that won the Gauteng Combine Race from Winburg against 8019 pigeons at a velocity of 1937.930 m/m.
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 121 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 05225 15 COCK – This is a beautiful cock. He bred me excellent babies in the race loft, so I decided to put him to the stock loft. The Sire of this cock is an Inbred Spritzie cock and was specially bred for stock. He has the best “SPRITZIE” genetics from Spritzie herself. The grandfather is my no. 1 Spritzie “Bib Cock’s” brother. The Dam is an inbred hen of Seabiscuit. A father-daughter mating. Seabiscuit and Vicky were both Sanpo Gold Medal winners. She bred very good babies with all cocks I mated her too. SIRE: THE BEST Colour: WPD Spritzie This Inbred cock was specially bred for stock. He has the best “SPRITZIE” genetics from Spritzie herself. The Sire is the best Spritzie genetics. Bred by Harry Potgieter. The Dam’s Sire & Dam were bred by James Jennings for Renier Vorster out of his Christians and Spritzies. DAM: Colour: BB This is an inbred hen of Seabiscuit. A father-daughter mating. She bred very good babies with all cocks a mated her too.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 122 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3084 18 HEN – The Sire of this Hen was bred out of “GABY L & HETTI”. They were both great racers and top performers in the SCMDPR in different years in the Hot Spot races. They were both leading the averages, but was late on the final race and it cost them the averages at the end. The Dam is a brother-sister mating and was bred for stock to keep the bloodline. Inbred Kaasboer/Vd Wouwer blood. SIRE: GABY L & HETTI Colour: BB Vandenabeele-Vladimir Las This cock was bred out of “GABY L & HETTI”. They were both great racers and top performers in the SCMDPR in different years in the Hot Spot races. They were both leading the averages, but was late on the final race and it cost them the averages at the end. DAM: Colour: BB Kaasboer-Van de Wouwer This is a brother-sister mating and was bred for stock to keep the bloodline. Inbred Kaasboer/Vd Wouwer blood.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished