Corrie Naudé Testimonial:
Vernon Johnson Testimonial:
A word from Corrie Naude himself:
Grandmother to LOT 84 and 89 (Superstar of Veenstra/Hebberecht):
“Return Flojo” Grand Average winner SAMDPR 2017 - 2018:
Return Flojo (CHN 17-0227000), One of the best pigeons ever raced in SAMDPR :

Showing all 17 results
LOT 76 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 01540 17 HEN – This is from the last birds out of Seabiscuit the SANPO Gold Medal winner over all distances. This hen is an inbred Spritzie. The grandmother is a mating from Bryan Marchall’s triple winner out of his best Spritzies. SIRE: SEABISCUIT Colour: BB Seabiscuit Sanpo Gold Medal Winner He was the South African National Pigeon Organization Gold Medal Winner over all Short, Middle and Long Distances. Born in 2008 and was awarded the Gold Medal for the 2008 season. The same year he was born. He was a Super Breeder. All his offspring produce winners and excellent breeders. DAM: SPRITZIE Colour: BBPD Spritzie She was kept for stock to preserve the genetics in my loft. The Sire bred a number of top performing pigeons such as the SA National Pigeon Organisation Silver Short distance winner. He also bred the Gauteng Combine winner against 8019 pigeons. The Dam is a 3 x winner for Bryan Marchall.
Winning Bid: R8,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 78 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 01566 17 HEN – This hen won Noupoort in 2019. She is a very tame and beautiful hen and a consistent flyer. She is line bred to Spritzie to the “Blou Bul”. The very best Spritzie blood. She will be an excellent stock hen. SIRE: SPRITZIE Colour: BBPD Inbred Spritzie Munna Zietsman brought this cock to me to mate it with a good Spritzie hen to breed us each 2 babies. I raced my 2 birds and both are excellent birds of which one was a winner. DAM: SPRITZIE HAWK Colour: BB Inbred Spritzie Hawk This hen is bred by Reinhold Brichta. This is a brother and sister mating of Spritzie Hawk.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 79 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 10810 15 COCK – This cock is a winner and flew positions 1, 3, 7, 11, 20 in Alberton Club. The father is the inbred Spritzie cock that bred the SANPO Silver Medal hen. His mother is a top breeder out of the Houben family that bred the best Middle Distance pigeon in the GPU as well as other excellent birds SIRE: SPRITZIE Colour: BWFL Inbred Spritzie This cock was bred for stock. He is bred out of my no. 1 Spritzie cock who bred the SANPO Silver Medal winner and the Combine winners. The Sire is mated to his daughter the Gold Medal winner. This cock’s (24945) 1st babies he bred was winners. DAM: TOP BREEDER MEALY Colour: MIEL Inbred Houben-Clausing She is a top breeder and all of her offspring show the potential in racing and breeding. She is the mother of the best middel distance pigeon in 2017 and the 3rd best pigeon in 2018. Her sons also breed winners of which I put to stock.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 80 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 10826 15 HEN – A beautiful hen was bred for stock out of Clausing 36 “Never Say Die’s” brother. SIRE: GABY L & HETTI Colour: BB Vandenabeele-Vladimir Las This cock was bred out of “GABY L & HETTI”. They were both great racers and top performers in the SCMDPR in different years in the Hot Spot races. They were both leading the averages, but was late on the final race and it cost them the averages at the end DAM: Colour: BB Houben-Clausing Bred for stock. A beautiful hen and a good breeder.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 81 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 15002 18 COCK – Line bred from Houben-Clausing and Combine Pair. This cock is out of my best racing family pigeons. The Dam is bred magnificently and is out of Houben-Clausing birds. Out of the Flying Machine and Bumpkin. See pedigrees. A beautiful cock. SIRE: Colour: BB Combine Wenners The Sire & Dam is Gauteng Provincial Combine Winners and this pair is breeding winners DAM: NO. 1 STOCK HEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing She is the mother of great pigeons.
Winning Bid: R3,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 82 – Corrie Naude – ZA TRPF 9950 19 HEN – This is a very good pigeon. She is well bred and was put to stock after she got injured. The sire is a winner from Hanover and the mother is a 4 x winner out of my Kannibaal pigeons SIRE: DERBY WENNER Colour: BB Seabiscuit-Klaus Stieneker This cock won Hanover and 3rd from Bloemfontein in Alberton club and is also the grandson of the two SANPO Gold medal winners. DAM: 4 X WINNER KANNIBAAL Colour: BB Kannibaal Her 1st offspring was bred in my race loft. (CH Cock 5205, he became the Best Long Distance in the Gauteng Pigeon Union). A top breeding hen in my loft. Excellent racer, best Short Distance bird in GPU. Flew 2nd in the Gauteng Prov. Combine with 7200 pigeons. She flew four 1st, three 2nd, two 3rd.
Winning Bid: R3,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 84 – Corrie Naude – ZA 178797 19 COCK – Bred from the best SAMDPR pigeons. The grandfather of this cock flew a 7th position at the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons. He was the 6th best pigeon in the Average at SAMDPR(P. Veenstra “Jozek”). His Dam flew 14th position in the final at the SAMDPR and also Grand average winner with 2 hours and 16 min(P.Veenstra “ Return flojo”). Veenstra/Vandenhede/Ganis/Ornat/Hebberecht (same bred as lot 26 sold for R11,000 in Auction 2) SIRE: VEENSTRA Colour: CH P. Veenstra Sire of this cock flew a 7th position at the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons. He was the 6th best pigeon in the Average at SAMDPR. The Dam flew 14th position in the final at the SAMDPR and also Grand average winner with 2 hours and 16 min. DAM: VEENSTRA Colour: CH P. Veenstra The Sire got 65th position in the final of SAMDPR and was also 20th in the Average against 2627 pigeons. The Dam was 6th in the final of the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons and won 20000 USD. She is a half-sister of 1. Nat. Libourne 13 against 6134 pigeons.
Winning Bid: R7,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 86 – Corrie Naude – ZA 178614 19 HEN – André Mills brought me the Sire of this hen that is a Ras de Rauw Sablon Bak 17 to mate with my Kannibaal hen. The Kannibaal hen’s sister was a 4 x winner. We shared the babies from this pair. SIRE: BAK 17 R SABLON Colour: CH Rauw Sablon Marcel Aebrecht This cock is owned by André Mills and brought to me to mate with my Kannibaal birds. DAM: SISTER TO 4 X WINNER Colour: BB Kannibaal This BB hen was never raced. I left her in the stock loft to breed with. I was affraid to loose her. She bred me winners and very good pigeons. She is the sister of my “4 x WINNER”.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 87 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 12942 16 HEN – This hen is out of my Click Pair Kannibaal pigeons. She flew the following positions in Alberton: 3rd, 4th, 9th, 2 x 14th, 16th. A very good breeder. She bred me very good birds in the race loft. The Sire is the Stallion cock and was a 2 x winner and bred winners as well. He is from my Click Pair. “Gerry & Pearl”. SIRE: STALLION Colour: BB Houben-Clausing-Kannibaal This cock was a 2 x winner and bred winners as well. He is from my Click Pair. “Gerry & Pearl”. DAM: KANNIBAAL Colour: CH Houben-Clausing-Kleine Dirk This hen was bred for stock. It is a Father daughter mating
Winning Bid: R4,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 89 – Corrie Naude – ZA 178800 19 COCK – Bred from the best SAMDPR pigeons. The grandfather of this cock flew a 7th position at the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons. He was the 6th best pigeon in the Average at SAMDPR(P. Veenstra “Jozek”). His Dam flew 14th position in the final at the SAMDPR and also Grand average winner with 2 hours and 16 min(P.Veenstra “ Return flojo”). Veenstra/Vandenhede/Ganis/Ornat/Hebberecht (same bred as lot 26 sold for R11,000 in Auction 2) SIRE: VEENSTRA Colour: CH P. Veenstra The sire of this Cock was 65th Final SAMDPR in 2018 against 2627 pigeons and 20th best pigeon in the averages DAM: VEENSTRA Colour: CH P. Veenstra Sire of this hen flew 7th position the final in the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons and 6th in Average in 2018. Dam flew 14th position in the SAMDPR against 2627 pigeons. She was also the Average winner of 2 hours and 16 min in front. She was 2nd in the knock-out.
Auction Ended Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 90 – Corrie Naude – ZA 178613 19 HEN – This hen was bred for stock. Out of Ben Steyns’ Cock that he bought from me. The deal was, if the Cock do not produce winners he can bring the cock back and then select any cock from my stock loft. To confirm phone 082 771 7020. The Cock that he bought from me bred 20 winners for him. Out of the best Houben-Clausing birds. SIRE: BEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This is a brother of Ben Steyns’ Cock that he bought from me. The deal was, if the Cock do not produce winners he can bring the cock back and can selecd any cock from my stock loft. To comfirm phone 082 771 7020. This Cock bred 20 winners for him. DAM: NO. 1 STOCK HEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing She is the mother of great pigeons.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 91 – Corrie Naude – ZA 105673 18 COCK – This cock was bred back to both Combine winners – Grand Aunt and Grandmother. They were Spritzie-Houben-Kannibaal. My very best pigeons. Very well balanced bird. See pedigree. SIRE: KOPPIE COCK Colour: WPD Gauteng Province Combine Pair Father and mother of this bird is Gauteng Province Combine Pair winners. The father was 1st against 7306 pigeons. Velocity of 1149.217 m/m. The mother was 1st against 8019 pigeons. Velocity 1937.390 m/m. Both pigeons related on the father’s side of Spritzie and on the mother’s side Houben-Kannibaal. DAM: MOTHER OF INCREDIBLE Colour: BB Houben-Clausing-Kannibaal She is the sister to Derby 24824 TRPF 2010 that bred my Combine winner from Winburg. She also bred me my SANPO short distance Silver Medal winner in 2013.
Winning Bid: R1,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 92 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 01638 17 COCK – This cock is a winner in Alberton club in 2018. He also flew positions 5th, 13th, 24th, 25th. He never disappointed me and is a beautiful cock to handle. He is bred out of the Grizzle cock from Charles Carlson’s Bert de Ceuninck blood which were Federation winners for Wally Dinwoody & Arnold Morey. The mother is out of the Van Koppen bloodline that also bred me very good birds, Federation winners. This is a top pigeon. SIRE: CHARLS JNR GRIZZLE Colour: GRIZ Bert De Ceuninck-Vanhoucke This cock was inbred by Charles Carlson to the imported Grizzle cock and the daughter of a Federation winner of him. DAM: VAN KOPPEN Colour: CWFL Real King & Blue Queen-Van Koppen This hen bred me excelent pigeons. One of her daughters was a 2 x Federation winner (300km and 700km). This is from Timo Wagner’s pigeons, given to me by Reinhold Brichta.
Winning Bid: R2,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 93 – Corrie Naude – ZA 178626 19 HEN – The very best Houben-Clausing. The son of Ben Steyns’ Cock that he bought from me. The deal was, if the Cock do not produce winners he can bring the cock back and can select any cock from my stock loft. To confirm phone 082 771 7020. This Cock bred 20 winners for him. SIRE: BEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing This is a brother of Ben Steyns’ Cock that he bought from me. The deal was, if the Cock do not produce winners he can bring the cock back and can select any cock from my stock loft. To confirm phone 082 771 7020. This Cock bred 20 winners for him. DAM: NO. 1 STOCK HEN Colour: BB Houben-Clausing She is the mother of great pigeons.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 94 – Corrie Naude – ZA 105670 18 HEN – This hen was bred back to both Combine winners – Grand Aunt and Grandmother. They were Spritzie-Houben-Kannibaal. I bred this hen for stock. My very best pigeons. See pedigree. SIRE: KOPPIE COCK Colour: WPD Gauteng Province Combine Pair Father and mother of this bird is Gauteng Province Combine Pair winners. The father was 1st against 7306 pigeons. Velocity of 1149.217 m/m. The mother was 1st against 8019 pigeons. Velocity 1937.390 m/m. Both pigeons related on the father’s side of Spritzie and on the mother’s side Houben-Kannibaal. DAM: MOTHER OF INCREDIBLE Colour: BB Houben-Clausing-Kannibaal She is the sister to Derby 24824 TRPF 2010 that bred my Combine winner from Winburg. She also bred me my SANPO short distance Silver Medal winner in 2013.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 96 – Corrie Naude – ZA GPU 3005 18 COCK – This Mealy Cock is the Brother of BB hen 12976 and she was the best middle distance and the 3rd best pigeon in the Long Distance in the Gauteng Pigeon Union in 2017. His other sister BB Hen 12630 was 3rd best pigeon in the Middle Distance in 2018. All the cocks I put to the stock loft.
Winning Bid: R10,000 Auction finishedAuction finished -
LOT 97 – Corrie Naude – ZA 29993 15 COCK – This is a grandson to a half brother and sister mating to “Never Say Die”. This is still the best Houben-Clausing bloodline. “Evert” was the father of “Never Say Die”. Outstanding stock cock. See the pedigree. SIRE: HOUBEN CLAUSING Colour: BB Inbred Houben-Clausing This is from the last babies bred out of “Never Say Die” brother. DAM: HOUBEN CLAUSING Colour: BB Inbred Houben-Clausing This is from the last babies bred out of “Never Say Die” brother.
Winning Bid: R2,500 Auction finishedAuction finished