07 September 2021
Gender of the pigeons added to the top 25 currently on Toppigeon, this is not 100% guaranteed however.
Rank Fancier Pigeon Possible sex?
1 RP Holtzhausen W0249 VNRF 20 8755 C
2 Midlands Loft W0337 MSHS 20 565 H
3 Chris Stemmet W0533 WPU 20 4074 H
4 Pasella W0401 ZA 20 273330 H
5 Lions & Springboks W0231 EDEN 20 4229 H
6 Pasella W0059 SNWF 20 2271 C
7 Quentin-Brett de Beer W0040 CYRL 20 5124 C
8 Pasella W0625 WPU 21 7169 H
9 Prada’s Pride W0360 ZA 20 311734 C
10 PH W0391 ZA 20 273322 C
11 Pasella W0396 ZA 20 273256 C
12 Ben van Schalkwyk ZULU 20 2066 C
13 Johnston Hokke W0016 KUR 20 10069 C
14 Bela Vista W0682 CYRL 21 940 C
15 Willie Munnik W0456 JJJ 21 999 H
16 Eygies W0621 OERF 21 3179 H
17 Bela Vista W0506 WPU 21 7154 C
18 GVR Hokke W0645 GPU 20 2414 H
19 Kinderhuis Rensburg W0156 KUYS 20 118 C
20 Prada’s Pride W0357 ZA 20 311728 H
21 Quentin-Brett de Beer W0055 CYRL 20 5134 H
22 Mountain Lofts W0588 MOUN 20 990 C
23 Emerald Stud W0078 NJ 20 5500 C
24 Antonio Sampiao W0516 WPU 21 7155 H
25 Mountain Lofts W0591 MOUN 21 218 C